/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "http.h" #include "net.h" #include "trcompat.h" #include "utils.h" #define HTTP_PORT 80 /* default http port 80 */ #define HTTP_TIMEOUT 60000 /* one minute http timeout */ #define HTTP_BUFSIZE 1500 /* 1.5K buffer size increment */ #define LF "\012" #define CR "\015" #define SP( cc ) ( ' ' == (cc) || '\t' == (cc) ) #define NL( cc ) ( '\015' == (cc) || '\012' == (cc) ) #define NUM( cc ) ( '0' <= (cc) && '9' >= (cc) ) #define ALEN( aa ) ( (int)(sizeof( (aa) ) / sizeof( (aa)[0] ) ) ) #define SKIP( off, len, done ) \ while( (off) < (len) && (done) ) { (off)++; }; static const char * slice( const char * data, int * len, const char * delim ); static tr_tristate_t sendrequest( tr_http_t * http ); static tr_tristate_t receiveresponse( tr_http_t * http ); static int checklength( tr_http_t * http ); static int learnlength( tr_http_t * http ); #define EXPANDBUF( bs ) &(bs).buf, &(bs).used, &(bs).size struct buf { char * buf; int size; int used; }; struct tr_http_s { #define HTTP_STATE_CONSTRUCT 1 #define HTTP_STATE_RESOLVE 2 #define HTTP_STATE_CONNECT 3 #define HTTP_STATE_RECEIVE 4 #define HTTP_STATE_DONE 5 #define HTTP_STATE_ERROR 6 char state; #define HTTP_LENGTH_UNKNOWN 1 #define HTTP_LENGTH_EOF 2 #define HTTP_LENGTH_FIXED 3 #define HTTP_LENGTH_CHUNKED 4 char lengthtype; tr_resolve_t * resolve; char * host; int port; int sock; struct buf header; struct buf body; uint64_t date; /* eof: unused fixed: lenptr is the start of the body, lenint is the body length chunked: lenptr is start of chunk (after length), lenint is chunk size */ int chunkoff; int chunklen; }; int tr_httpRequestType( const char * data, int len, char ** method, char ** uri ) { const char * words[6]; int ii, ret; const char * end; /* find the end of the line */ for( end = data; data + len > end; end++ ) { if( NL( *data) ) { break; } } /* find the first three "words" in the line */ for( ii = 0; ALEN( words ) > ii && data < end; ii++ ) { /* find the next space or non-space */ while( data < end && ( ii % 2 ? !SP( *data ) : SP( *data ) ) ) { data++; } /* save the beginning of the word */ words[ii] = data; } /* check for missing words */ if( ALEN( words) > ii ) { return -1; } /* parse HTTP version */ ret = -1; if( 8 <= words[5] - words[4] ) { if( 0 == tr_strncasecmp( words[4], "HTTP/1.1", 8 ) ) { ret = 11; } else if( 0 == tr_strncasecmp( words[4], "HTTP/1.0", 8 ) ) { ret = 10; } } /* copy the method */ if( 0 <= ret && NULL != method ) { *method = tr_strndup( words[0], words[1] - words[0] ); if( NULL == *method ) { ret = -1; } } /* copy uri */ if( 0 <= ret && NULL != uri ) { *uri = tr_strndup( words[2], words[3] - words[2] ); if( NULL == *uri ) { free( *method ); ret = -1; } } return ret; } int tr_httpResponseCode( const char * data, int len ) { char code[4]; int ret; /* check for the minimum legal length */ if( 12 > len || /* check for valid http version */ 0 != tr_strncasecmp( data, "HTTP/1.", 7 ) || ( '1' != data[7] && '0' != data[7] ) || /* there should be at least one space after the version */ !SP( data[8] ) ) { return -1; } /* skip any extra spaces */ data += 9; len -= 9; while( 0 < len && SP( *data ) ) { data++; len--; } /* check for a valid three-digit code */ if( 3 > len || !NUM( data[0] ) || !NUM( data[1] ) || !NUM( data[2] ) || ( 3 < len && NUM( data[3] ) ) ) { return -1; } /* parse and return the code */ memcpy( code, data, 3 ); code[3] = '\0'; ret = strtol( code, NULL, 10 ); if( 100 > ret ) { ret = -1; } return ret; } char * tr_httpParse( const char * data, int len, tr_http_header_t *headers ) { const char * body, * begin; int ii, jj, full; /* find the end of the http headers */ body = slice( data, &len, CR LF CR LF ); if( NULL == body ) { body = slice( data, &len, LF LF ); if( NULL == body ) { body = slice( data, &len, CR CR ); if( NULL == body ) { return NULL; } } } /* return if no headers were requested */ if( NULL == headers || NULL == headers[0].name ) { return (char*) body; } /* NULL out all the header's data pointers */ for( ii = 0; NULL != headers[ii].name; ii++ ) { headers[ii].data = NULL; headers[ii].len = 0; } /* skip the http request or response line */ ii = 0; SKIP( ii, len, !NL( data[ii] ) ); SKIP( ii, len, NL( data[ii] ) ); /* find the requested headers */ while(ii < len ) { /* skip leading spaces and find the header name */ SKIP( ii, len, SP( data[ii] ) ); begin = data + ii; SKIP( ii, len, ':' != data[ii] && !NL( data[ii] ) ); if( ':' == data[ii] ) { full = 1; /* try to match the found header with one of the requested */ for( jj = 0; NULL != headers[jj].name; jj++ ) { if( NULL == headers[jj].data ) { full = 0; if( 0 == tr_strncasecmp( headers[jj].name, begin, ( data + ii ) - begin ) ) { ii++; /* skip leading whitespace and save the header value */ SKIP( ii, len, SP( data[ii] ) ); headers[jj].data = data + ii; SKIP( ii, len, !NL( data[ii] ) ); headers[jj].len = ( data + ii ) - headers[jj].data; break; } } } if( full ) { break; } /* skip to the end of the header */ SKIP( ii, len, !NL( data[ii] ) ); } /* skip past the newline */ SKIP( ii, len, NL( data[ii] ) ); } return (char*)body; } static const char * slice( const char * data, int * len, const char * delim ) { const char *body; int dlen; dlen = strlen( delim ); body = tr_memmem( data, *len, delim, dlen ); if( NULL != body ) { *len = body - data; body += dlen; } return body; } int tr_httpIsUrl( const char * url, int len ) { if( 0 > len ) { len = strlen( url ); } /* check for protocol */ if( 7 > len || 0 != tr_strncasecmp( url, "http://", 7 ) ) { return 0; } return 7; } int tr_httpParseUrl( const char * url, int len, char ** host, int * port, char ** path ) { const char * pathstart, * hostend; int ii, colon, portnum; char str[6]; if( 0 > len ) { len = strlen( url ); } ii = tr_httpIsUrl( url, len ); if( 0 >= ii ) { return 1; } url += ii; len -= ii; /* find the hostname and port */ colon = -1; for( ii = 0; len > ii && '/' != url[ii]; ii++ ) { if( ':' == url[ii] ) { colon = ii; } } hostend = url + ( 0 > colon ? ii : colon ); pathstart = url + ii; /* parse the port number */ portnum = HTTP_PORT; if( 0 <= colon ) { colon++; memset( str, 0, sizeof( str ) ); memcpy( str, url + colon, MIN( (int) sizeof( str) - 1, ii - colon ) ); portnum = strtol( str, NULL, 10 ); if( 0 >= portnum || 0xffff <= portnum ) { tr_err( "Invalid port (%i)", portnum ); return 1; } } if( NULL != host ) { *host = tr_strndup( url, hostend - url ); } if( NULL != port ) { *port = portnum; } if( NULL != path ) { if( 0 < len - ( pathstart - url ) ) { *path = tr_strndup( pathstart, len - ( pathstart - url ) ); } else { *path = strdup( "/" ); } } return 0; } tr_http_t * tr_httpClient( int method, const char * host, int port, const char * fmt, ... ) { tr_http_t * http; va_list ap1, ap2; char * methodstr; http = malloc( sizeof( *http ) ); if( NULL == http ) { return NULL; } memset( http, 0, sizeof( *http ) ); http->state = HTTP_STATE_CONSTRUCT; http->lengthtype = HTTP_LENGTH_UNKNOWN; http->host = strdup( host ); http->port = port; http->sock = -1; if( NULL == http->host || NULL == fmt ) { goto err; } switch( method ) { case TR_HTTP_GET: methodstr = "GET"; break; case TR_HTTP_POST: methodstr = "POST"; break; case TR_HTTP_M_POST: methodstr = "M-POST"; break; default: goto err; } if( tr_sprintf( EXPANDBUF( http->header ), "%s ", methodstr ) ) { goto err; } va_start( ap1, fmt ); va_start( ap2, fmt ); if( tr_vsprintf( EXPANDBUF( http->header ), fmt, ap1, ap2 ) ) { va_end( ap2 ); va_end( ap1 ); goto err; } va_end( ap2 ); va_end( ap1 ); if( tr_sprintf( EXPANDBUF( http->header ), " HTTP/1.1" CR LF "Host: %s:%d" CR LF "User-Agent: " TR_NAME "/" LONG_VERSION_STRING CR LF "Connection: close" CR LF, http->host, http->port ) ) { goto err; } return http; err: tr_httpClose( http ); return NULL; } tr_http_t * tr_httpClientUrl( int method, const char * fmt, ... ) { char * url, * host, * path; int port; va_list ap; tr_http_t * ret; va_start( ap, fmt ); url = NULL; vasprintf( &url, fmt, ap ); va_end( ap ); if( tr_httpParseUrl( url, -1, &host, &port, &path ) ) { tr_err( "Invalid HTTP URL: %s", url ); free( url ); return NULL; } free( url ); ret = tr_httpClient( method, host, port, "%s", path ); free( host ); free( path ); return ret; } void tr_httpAddHeader( tr_http_t * http, const char * name, const char * value ) { if( HTTP_STATE_CONSTRUCT == http->state ) { if( tr_sprintf( EXPANDBUF( http->header ), "%s: %s" CR LF, name, value ) ) { http->state = HTTP_STATE_ERROR; } } else { assert( HTTP_STATE_ERROR == http->state ); } } void tr_httpAddBody( tr_http_t * http , const char * fmt , ... ) { va_list ap1, ap2; if( HTTP_STATE_CONSTRUCT == http->state ) { va_start( ap1, fmt ); va_start( ap2, fmt ); if( tr_vsprintf( EXPANDBUF( http->body ), fmt, ap1, ap2 ) ) { http->state = HTTP_STATE_ERROR; } va_end( ap2 ); va_end( ap1 ); } else { assert( HTTP_STATE_ERROR == http->state ); } } void tr_httpGetHeaders( tr_http_t * http, const char ** buf, int * len ) { *buf = http->header.buf; *len = http->header.used; } void tr_httpGetBody( tr_http_t * http, const char ** buf, int * len ) { *buf = http->body.buf; *len = http->body.used; } tr_tristate_t tr_httpPulse( tr_http_t * http, const char ** data, int * len ) { struct in_addr addr; switch( http->state ) { case HTTP_STATE_CONSTRUCT: if( tr_sprintf( EXPANDBUF( http->header ), "Content-length: %i" CR LF CR LF, http->body.used ) ) { goto err; } if( !tr_netResolve( http->host, &addr ) ) { http->sock = tr_netOpenTCP( &addr, htons( http->port ), 1 ); http->state = HTTP_STATE_CONNECT; break; } http->resolve = tr_netResolveInit( http->host ); if( NULL == http->resolve ) { goto err; } http->state = HTTP_STATE_RESOLVE; /* fallthrough */ case HTTP_STATE_RESOLVE: switch( tr_netResolvePulse( http->resolve, &addr ) ) { case TR_NET_WAIT: return TR_NET_WAIT; case TR_NET_ERROR: goto err; case TR_NET_OK: tr_netResolveClose( http->resolve ); http->resolve = NULL; http->sock = tr_netOpenTCP( &addr, htons( http->port ), 1 ); http->state = HTTP_STATE_CONNECT; } /* fallthrough */ case HTTP_STATE_CONNECT: switch( sendrequest( http ) ) { case TR_NET_WAIT: return TR_NET_WAIT; case TR_NET_ERROR: goto err; case TR_NET_OK: http->state = HTTP_STATE_RECEIVE; } /* fallthrough */ case HTTP_STATE_RECEIVE: switch( receiveresponse( http ) ) { case TR_NET_WAIT: return TR_NET_WAIT; case TR_NET_ERROR: goto err; case TR_NET_OK: goto ok; } break; case HTTP_STATE_DONE: goto ok; case HTTP_STATE_ERROR: goto err; } return TR_NET_WAIT; err: http->state = HTTP_STATE_ERROR; return TR_NET_ERROR; ok: http->state = HTTP_STATE_DONE; if( NULL != data ) { *data = http->header.buf; } if( NULL != len ) { *len = http->header.used; } return TR_NET_OK; } static tr_tristate_t sendrequest( tr_http_t * http ) { struct buf * buf; if( !http->date ) http->date = tr_date(); if( 0 > http->sock || tr_date() > http->date + HTTP_TIMEOUT ) { return TR_NET_ERROR; } buf = ( 0 < http->header.used ? &http->header : &http->body ); while( 0 < buf->used ) { const int ret = tr_netSend( http->sock, buf->buf, buf->used ); if( ret & TR_NET_CLOSE ) return TR_NET_ERROR; if( ret & TR_NET_BLOCK ) return TR_NET_WAIT; buf->used = 0; buf = &http->body; } free( http->body.buf ); http->body.buf = NULL; http->body.size = 0; http->date = 0; return TR_NET_OK; } static tr_tristate_t receiveresponse( tr_http_t * http ) { int ret, before; void * newbuf; if( 0 == http->date ) { http->date = tr_date(); } before = http->header.used; for(;;) { if( http->header.size - http->header.used < HTTP_BUFSIZE ) { newbuf = realloc( http->header.buf, http->header.size + HTTP_BUFSIZE ); if( NULL == newbuf ) { return TR_NET_ERROR; } http->header.buf = newbuf; http->header.size += HTTP_BUFSIZE; } ret = tr_netRecv( http->sock, (uint8_t *) ( http->header.buf + http->header.used ), http->header.size - http->header.used ); if( ret & TR_NET_CLOSE ) { checklength( http ); return TR_NET_OK; } else if( ret & TR_NET_BLOCK ) { break; } else { http->header.used += ret; } } if( before < http->header.used && checklength( http ) ) { return TR_NET_OK; } if( tr_date() > HTTP_TIMEOUT + http->date ) { return TR_NET_ERROR; } return TR_NET_WAIT; } static int checklength( tr_http_t * http ) { char * buf; int num, ii, len, lastnum; switch( http->lengthtype ) { case HTTP_LENGTH_UNKNOWN: if( learnlength( http ) ) { return checklength( http ); } break; case HTTP_LENGTH_EOF: break; case HTTP_LENGTH_FIXED: if( http->header.used >= http->chunkoff + http->chunklen ) { http->header.used = http->chunkoff + http->chunklen; return 1; } break; case HTTP_LENGTH_CHUNKED: buf = http->header.buf; lastnum = -1; while( http->header.used > http->chunkoff + http->chunklen ) { num = http->chunkoff + http->chunklen; if( lastnum == num ) { /* ugh, some trackers send Transfer-encoding: chunked and then don't encode the body */ http->lengthtype = HTTP_LENGTH_EOF; return checklength( http ); } lastnum = num; while( http->header.used > num && NL( buf[num] ) ) { num++; } ii = num; while( http->header.used > ii && !NL( buf[ii] ) ) { ii++; } if( http->header.used > ii ) { /* strtol should stop at the newline */ len = strtol( buf + num, NULL, 16 ); if( 0 == len ) { /* XXX should handle invalid length differently than 0 length chunk */ http->header.used = http->chunkoff + http->chunklen; return 1; } if( http->header.used > ii + 1 ) { ii += ( 0 == memcmp( buf + ii, CR LF, 2 ) ? 2 : 1 ); if( http->header.used > ii ) { memmove( buf + http->chunkoff + http->chunklen, buf + ii, http->header.used - ii ); } http->header.used -= ii - ( http->chunkoff + http->chunklen ); http->chunkoff += http->chunklen; http->chunklen = len; } } } break; } return 0; } static int learnlength( tr_http_t * http ) { tr_http_header_t hdr[] = { { "Content-Length", NULL, 0 }, /* XXX this probably doesn't handle multiple encodings correctly http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.41 */ { "Transfer-Encoding", NULL, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0 } }; const char * body; char * duped; body = tr_httpParse( http->header.buf, http->header.used, hdr ); if( NULL != body ) { if( 0 < hdr[1].len && 0 == tr_strncasecmp( "chunked", hdr[1].data, hdr[1].len ) ) { http->lengthtype = HTTP_LENGTH_CHUNKED; http->chunkoff = body - http->header.buf; http->chunklen = 0; } else if( 0 < hdr[0].len ) { http->lengthtype = HTTP_LENGTH_FIXED; http->chunkoff = body - http->header.buf; duped = tr_strndup( hdr[0].data, hdr[0].len ); http->chunklen = strtol( duped, NULL, 10 ); free( duped ); } else { http->lengthtype = HTTP_LENGTH_EOF; } return 1; } return 0; } char * tr_httpWhatsMyAddress( tr_http_t * http ) { struct sockaddr_in sin; socklen_t size; char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; if( 0 > http->sock ) { return NULL; } size = sizeof( sin ); if( 0 > getsockname( http->sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, &size ) ) { return NULL; } tr_netNtop( &sin.sin_addr, buf, sizeof( buf ) ); return strdup( buf ); } void tr_httpClose( tr_http_t * http ) { if( NULL != http->resolve ) { tr_netResolveClose( http->resolve ); } free( http->host ); if( 0 <= http->sock ) { tr_netClose( http->sock ); } free( http->header.buf ); free( http->body.buf ); free( http ); }