This is a somewhat incomplete description of the Azureus messaging protocol which is further described here: Like normal bittorrent messages, all azureus messages begin with the length of the rest of the message in bytes as a 4-byte integer in network byte order. This length does not include the 4 bytes for the length itself. After that is another 4-byte network byte order integer containing the length of the following message id string in bytes, then the message id string, then a 1 byte integer containing the protocol version. The current version is 1. The message payload format for various message IDs is below. AZ_HANDSHAKE payload is a bencoded dictionary: identity: string, 20 bytes client identity. The identity should be calculated once on startup similarly to the peer_id, except than each byte should be completely random and not limited to alphanumeric characters. client: string, client name. eg: Transmission version: string, client version. eg: 0.7 tcp_port: (optional) int, tcp port for incoming peer connections. udp_port: (optional) int, udp listening port (what is this used for exactly?) udp2_port: (optional) int, udp non-data listening port (I don't know what this is for either) handshake_type: (optional) int, 0 for plain or 1 for crypto messages: list, each item is a dict for the supported messages and versions: id: string, message id ver: string, 1 byte version, currently 1 AZ_PEER_EXCHANGE these messages should be sent approximately once a minute (is this true?) payload is a bencoded dictionary: infohash: string, 20 byte info_hash for the torrent added: list, each item is a 6 byte string for an IP address and port added since the last peer exchange message. added_HST: string, one byte for each item in the added list. Each byte is the handshake type (0 plain, 1 crypto) for the matching item in the added list. added_UDP: string, two bytes for each item in the added list. Each pair of bytes is the UDP port (network byte order) for the matching item in the added list. dropped: same format as added, contains peers dropped since last peer exchange dropped_HST: same format as added_HST dropped_UDP: same format as added_UDP BT_KEEP_ALIVE zero-length payload The following messages all have the same payload as the corresponding bittorrent message, not including the bittorrent 4-byte length and 1-byte id. BT_CHOKE - 0 BT_UNCHOKE - 1 BT_INTERESTED - 2 BT_UNINTERESTED - 3 BT_HAVE - 4 BT_BITFIELD - 5 BT_REQUEST - 6 BT_PIECE - 7 BT_CANCEL - 8