/* @license This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. */ import { Formatter } from './formatter.js'; import { addCheckedClass, makeUUID, setEnabled, setTextContent, } from './utils.js'; export class FileRow extends EventTarget { isDone() { return this.fields.have >= this.fields.size; } isEditable() { return this.fields.torrent.getFileCount() > 1 && !this.isDone(); } refreshWantedHTML() { const e = this.elements.root; e.classList.toggle('skip', !this.fields.isWanted); e.classList.toggle('complete', this.isDone()); setEnabled(e.checkbox, this.isEditable()); e.checkbox.checked = this.fields.isWanted; } refreshProgressHTML() { const { size, have } = this.fields; const pct = 100 * (size ? have / size : 1); const fmt = Formatter; const c = `${fmt.size(have)} of ${fmt.size(size)} (${fmt.percentString( pct, )}%)`; setTextContent(this.elements.progress, c); } refresh() { let have = 0; let high = false; let low = false; let normal = false; let size = 0; let wanted = false; // loop through the file_indices that affect this row const files = this.fields.torrent.getFiles(); for (const index of this.fields.indices) { const file = files[index]; have += file.bytesCompleted; size += file.length; wanted |= file.wanted; switch (file.priority.toString()) { case '-1': low = true; break; case '1': high = true; break; default: normal = true; break; } } addCheckedClass(this.elements.priority_low_button, low); addCheckedClass(this.elements.priority_normal_button, normal); addCheckedClass(this.elements.priority_high_button, high); if (this.fields.have !== have || this.fields.size !== size) { this.fields.have = have; this.fields.size = size; this.refreshProgressHTML(); } if (this.fields.isWanted !== wanted) { this.fields.isWanted = wanted; this.refreshWantedHTML(); } } fireWantedChanged(wanted) { const e = new Event('wantedToggled'); e.indices = [...this.fields.indices]; e.wanted = wanted; this.dispatchEvent(e); } firePriorityChanged(priority) { const e = new Event('priorityToggled'); e.indices = [...this.fields.indices]; e.priority = priority; this.dispatchEvent(e); } createRow(torrent, depth, name) { const root = document.createElement('li'); root.classList.add('inspector-torrent-file-list-entry'); this.elements.root = root; let e = document.createElement('input'); const check_id = makeUUID(); e.type = 'checkbox'; e.className = 'file-wanted-control'; e.title = 'Download file'; e.id = check_id; e.addEventListener('change', (event_) => this.fireWantedChanged(event_.target.checked), ); root.checkbox = e; root.append(e); e = document.createElement('label'); e.className = 'inspector-torrent-file-list-entry-name'; e.setAttribute('for', check_id); setTextContent(e, name); root.append(e); e = document.createElement('div'); e.className = 'inspector-torrent-file-list-entry-progress'; root.append(e); this.elements.progress = e; e = document.createElement('div'); e.className = 'file-priority-radiobox'; const box = e; const priority_click_listener = (event_) => this.firePriorityChanged(event_.target.value); e = document.createElement('input'); e.type = 'radio'; e.value = '-1'; e.className = 'low'; e.title = 'Low Priority'; e.addEventListener('click', priority_click_listener); this.elements.priority_low_button = e; box.append(e); e = document.createElement('input'); e.type = 'radio'; e.value = '0'; e.className = 'normal'; e.title = 'Normal Priority'; e.addEventListener('click', priority_click_listener); this.elements.priority_normal_button = e; box.append(e); e = document.createElement('input'); e.type = 'radio'; e.value = '1'; e.title = 'High Priority'; e.className = 'high'; e.addEventListener('click', priority_click_listener); this.elements.priority_high_button = e; box.append(e); root.append(box); root.style.paddingLeft = `${depth * 20}px`; this.refresh(); } /// PUBLIC getElement() { return this.elements.root; } constructor(torrent, depth, name, indices) { super(); this.fields = { have: 0, indices, isWanted: true, // priorityHigh: false, // priorityLow: false, // priorityNormal: false, size: 0, torrent, }; this.elements = { priority_high_button: null, priority_low_button: null, priority_normal_button: null, progress: null, root: null, }; this.createRow(torrent, depth, name); } }