// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include // for std::back_inserter #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include #include "libtransmission/crypto-utils.h" // for tr_rand_obj() #include "libtransmission/error-types.h" #include "libtransmission/error.h" #include "libtransmission/file.h" #include "libtransmission/log.h" #include "libtransmission/platform.h" #include "libtransmission/session-id.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-strbuf.h" // for tr_pathbuf #include "libtransmission/utils.h" // for _() using namespace std::literals; namespace { void get_lockfile_path(std::string_view session_id, tr_pathbuf& path) { fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(path), FMT_STRING("{:s}/tr_session_id_{:s}"), tr_getSessionIdDir(), session_id); } tr_sys_file_t create_lockfile(std::string_view session_id) { if (std::empty(session_id)) { return TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; } auto lockfile_path = tr_pathbuf{}; get_lockfile_path(session_id, lockfile_path); auto error = tr_error{}; auto lockfile_fd = tr_sys_file_open(lockfile_path, TR_SYS_FILE_READ | TR_SYS_FILE_WRITE | TR_SYS_FILE_CREATE, 0600, &error); if (lockfile_fd != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { if (tr_sys_file_lock(lockfile_fd, TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_EX | TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_NB, &error)) { #ifndef _WIN32 /* Allow any user to lock the file regardless of current umask */ fchmod(lockfile_fd, 0644); #endif } else { tr_sys_file_close(lockfile_fd); lockfile_fd = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; } } if (error) { tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format( _("Couldn't create '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("path", lockfile_path), fmt::arg("error", error.message()), fmt::arg("error_code", error.code()))); } return lockfile_fd; } void destroy_lockfile(tr_sys_file_t lockfile_fd, std::string_view session_id) { if (lockfile_fd != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { tr_sys_file_close(lockfile_fd); } if (!std::empty(session_id)) { auto lockfile_path = tr_pathbuf{}; get_lockfile_path(session_id, lockfile_path); tr_sys_path_remove(lockfile_path); } } #ifndef _WIN32 auto constexpr WouldBlock = EWOULDBLOCK; #else auto constexpr WouldBlock = ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION; #endif } // namespace tr_session_id::session_id_t tr_session_id::make_session_id() { auto session_id = tr_rand_obj(); static auto constexpr Pool = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"sv; for (auto& chr : session_id) { chr = Pool[static_cast(chr) % std::size(Pool)]; } session_id.back() = '\0'; return session_id; } tr_session_id::~tr_session_id() { destroy_lockfile(current_lock_file_, std::data(current_value_)); destroy_lockfile(previous_lock_file_, std::data(previous_value_)); } bool tr_session_id::is_local(std::string_view session_id) noexcept { if (std::empty(session_id)) { return false; } auto is_local = bool{ false }; auto lockfile_path = tr_pathbuf{}; get_lockfile_path(session_id, lockfile_path); auto error = tr_error{}; if (auto lockfile_fd = tr_sys_file_open(lockfile_path, TR_SYS_FILE_READ, 0, &error); lockfile_fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { if (TR_ERROR_IS_ENOENT(error.code())) { error = {}; } } else { if (!tr_sys_file_lock(lockfile_fd, TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_SH | TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_NB, &error) && (error.code() == WouldBlock)) { is_local = true; error = {}; } tr_sys_file_close(lockfile_fd); } if (error) { tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format( _("Couldn't open session lock file '{path}': {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("path", lockfile_path), fmt::arg("error", error.message()), fmt::arg("error_code", error.code()))); } return is_local; } std::string_view tr_session_id::sv() const noexcept { if (auto const now = get_current_time_(); now >= expires_at_) { destroy_lockfile(previous_lock_file_, std::data(previous_value_)); previous_value_ = current_value_; previous_lock_file_ = current_lock_file_; current_value_ = make_session_id(); current_lock_file_ = create_lockfile(std::data(current_value_)); expires_at_ = now + SessionIdDurationSec; } // -1 to strip the '\0' return std::string_view{ std::data(current_value_), std::size(current_value_) - 1 }; } char const* tr_session_id::c_str() const noexcept { return std::data(sv()); // current_value_ is zero-terminated }