// This file Copyright © 2010-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "file.h" #include "log.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "utils.h" #ifdef __ANDROID__ #include #endif using namespace std::literals; namespace { class tr_log_state { public: [[nodiscard]] auto unique_lock() { return std::unique_lock(message_mutex_); } tr_log_level level = TR_LOG_ERROR; bool queue_enabled_ = false; tr_log_message* queue_ = nullptr; tr_log_message** queue_tail_ = &queue_; int queue_length_ = 0; private: std::recursive_mutex message_mutex_; }; auto log_state = tr_log_state{}; /// tr_sys_file_t tr_logGetFile() { static bool initialized = false; static tr_sys_file_t file = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; if (!initialized) { switch (tr_env_get_int("TR_DEBUG_FD", 0)) { case 1: file = tr_sys_file_get_std(TR_STD_SYS_FILE_OUT); break; case 2: file = tr_sys_file_get_std(TR_STD_SYS_FILE_ERR); break; default: file = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; break; } initialized = true; } return file; } void logAddImpl( [[maybe_unused]] char const* file, [[maybe_unused]] int line, tr_log_level level, std::string_view msg, [[maybe_unused]] std::string_view name) { if (std::empty(msg)) { return; } auto const lock = log_state.unique_lock(); #ifdef _WIN32 OutputDebugStringA(tr_strvJoin(msg, "\r\n").c_str()); #elif defined(__ANDROID__) int prio; switch (level) { case TR_LOG_CRITICAL: prio = ANDROID_LOG_FATAL; break; case TR_LOG_ERROR: prio = ANDROID_LOG_ERROR; break; case TR_LOG_WARN: prio = ANDROID_LOG_WARN; break; case TR_LOG_INFO: prio = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; case TR_LOG_DEBUG: prio = ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG; break; case TR_LOG_TRACE: prio = ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE; } #ifdef NDEBUG __android_log_print(prio, "transmission", "%" TR_PRIsv, TR_PRIsv_ARG(msg)); #else __android_log_print(prio, "transmission", "[%s:%d] %" TR_PRIsv, file, line, TR_PRIsv_ARG(msg)); #endif #else if (tr_logGetQueueEnabled()) { auto* const newmsg = tr_new0(tr_log_message, 1); newmsg->level = level; newmsg->when = tr_time(); newmsg->message = tr_strvDup(msg); newmsg->file = file; newmsg->line = line; newmsg->name = tr_strvDup(name); *log_state.queue_tail_ = newmsg; log_state.queue_tail_ = &newmsg->next; ++log_state.queue_length_; if (log_state.queue_length_ > TR_LOG_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH) { tr_log_message* old = log_state.queue_; log_state.queue_ = old->next; old->next = nullptr; tr_logFreeQueue(old); --log_state.queue_length_; TR_ASSERT(log_state.queue_length_ == TR_LOG_MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH); } } else { char timestr[64]; tr_sys_file_t fp = tr_logGetFile(); if (fp == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { fp = tr_sys_file_get_std(TR_STD_SYS_FILE_ERR); } tr_logGetTimeStr(timestr, sizeof(timestr)); auto const out = !std::empty(name) ? tr_strvJoin("["sv, timestr, "] "sv, name, ": "sv, msg) : tr_strvJoin("["sv, timestr, "] "sv, msg); tr_sys_file_write_line(fp, out); tr_sys_file_flush(fp); } #endif } } // unnamed namespace tr_log_level tr_logGetLevel() { return log_state.level; } bool tr_logLevelIsActive(tr_log_level level) { return tr_logGetLevel() >= level; } void tr_logSetLevel(tr_log_level level) { log_state.level = level; } void tr_logSetQueueEnabled(bool isEnabled) { log_state.queue_enabled_ = isEnabled; } bool tr_logGetQueueEnabled() { return log_state.queue_enabled_; } tr_log_message* tr_logGetQueue() { auto const lock = log_state.unique_lock(); auto* const ret = log_state.queue_; log_state.queue_ = nullptr; log_state.queue_tail_ = &log_state.queue_; log_state.queue_length_ = 0; return ret; } void tr_logFreeQueue(tr_log_message* list) { while (list != nullptr) { tr_log_message* next = list->next; tr_free(list->message); tr_free(list->name); tr_free(list); list = next; } } /** *** **/ char* tr_logGetTimeStr(char* buf, size_t buflen) { auto const tv = tr_gettimeofday(); time_t const seconds = tv.tv_sec; auto const milliseconds = int(tv.tv_usec / 1000); char msec_str[8]; tr_snprintf(msec_str, sizeof msec_str, "%03d", milliseconds); struct tm now_tm; tr_localtime_r(&seconds, &now_tm); char date_str[32]; strftime(date_str, sizeof(date_str), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &now_tm); tr_snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s.%s", date_str, msec_str); return buf; } void tr_logAddMessage(char const* file, int line, tr_log_level level, std::string_view msg, std::string_view name) { TR_ASSERT(!std::empty(msg)); auto name_fallback = std::string{}; if (std::empty(name)) { auto const base = tr_sys_path_basename(file); name_fallback = fmt::format(FMT_COMPILE("{}:{}"), !std::empty(base) ? base : "?", line); name = name_fallback; } // message logging shouldn't affect errno int const err = errno; // skip unwanted messages if (!tr_logLevelIsActive(level)) { errno = err; return; } auto const lock = log_state.unique_lock(); // don't log the same warning ad infinitum. // it's not useful after some point. bool last_one = false; if (level == TR_LOG_CRITICAL || level == TR_LOG_ERROR || level == TR_LOG_WARN) { static auto constexpr MaxRepeat = size_t{ 30 }; static auto counts = new std::map, size_t>{}; auto& count = (*counts)[std::make_pair(file, line)]; ++count; last_one = count == MaxRepeat; if (count > MaxRepeat) { errno = err; return; } } // log the messages logAddImpl(file, line, level, msg, name); if (last_one) { logAddImpl(file, line, level, _("Too many messages like this! I won't log this message anymore this session."), name); } errno = err; } /// namespace { auto constexpr LogKeys = std::array, 7>{ { { "off", TR_LOG_OFF }, { "critical", TR_LOG_CRITICAL }, { "error", TR_LOG_ERROR }, { "warn", TR_LOG_WARN }, { "info", TR_LOG_INFO }, { "debug", TR_LOG_DEBUG }, { "trace", TR_LOG_TRACE } } }; bool constexpr keysAreOrdered() { for (size_t i = 0, n = std::size(LogKeys); i < n; ++i) { if (LogKeys[i].second != i) { return false; } } return true; } static_assert(keysAreOrdered()); } // unnamed namespace std::optional tr_logGetLevelFromKey(std::string_view key_in) { auto const key = tr_strlower(tr_strvStrip(key_in)); for (auto const& [name, level] : LogKeys) { if (key == name) { return level; } } return std::nullopt; } std::string_view tr_logLevelToKey(tr_log_level key) { return LogKeys[key].first; }