AboutDialog About Transmission O Transmissionu <b style='font-size:x-large'>Transmission %1</b> <b style='font-size:x-large'>Transmission %1</b> A fast and easy BitTorrent client Hiter in preprost BitTorrent odjemalec Copyright (c) The Transmission Project Copyright (c) The Transmission Project C&redits Zasluge &License in Licence Credits Zasluge Application <b>Transmission is a file sharing program.</b> <b>Transmission je program za deljenje datotek</b> When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. Ko zaženete torrent, bodo njegovi podatki na voljo drugim preko nalaganja. Vsaka vsebina, ki jo delite, je vaša odgovornost. I &Agree Strinjam se Torrent(s) Added Torrent Completed Torrent dokončan DetailsDialog None Brez Mixed Mešano Unknown Neznano Finished Dokončano Paused Začasno ustavljeno Active now Trenutno aktivno %1 ago pred %1 %1 (%Ln pieces @ %2) %1 (%Ln kos @ %2) %1 (%Ln kosa @ %2) %1 (%Ln kosi @ %2) %1 (%Ln kosov @ %2) %1 (%Ln pieces) %1 (%Ln kos) %1 (%Ln kosa) %1 (%Ln kosi) %1 (%Ln kosov) Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled Vidno le temu sledilniku - DHT in PEX onemogočena Public torrent Javni torrent Created by %1 Ustvaril %1 Created on %1 Ustvarjeno %1 Created by %1 on %2 Ustvaril %1 %2 Encrypted connection Šifrirana povezava Optimistic unchoke Optimistično zadrževanje Downloading from this peer Prejemam od tega soležnika We would download from this peer if they would let us Bi prejemal od tega soležnika, če bi nam dovolil Uploading to peer Pošiljanje soležniku We would upload to this peer if they asked Bi pošiljal temu soležniku, če bi rekel Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested Soležnik nas je nehal zadrževati, ampak nas ne zanima We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested Soležnika smo nehali zadrževati, ampak jih to ne zanima Peer was discovered through DHT Soležnik, najden preko DHT Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX) Soležnik, najden preko PEX Peer is an incoming connection Soležnik je dohodna povezava minute(s) Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minuta minuti minute minut Error Napaka Tracker already exists. Sledilnik že obstaja. %1 (100%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data %1 (100%) %1 of %2 (%3%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data, %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100) %1 od %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), %4 Unverified Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded data (both verified and unverified), %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100), %4 is amount of downloaded but not yet verified data %1 od %2 (%3%), %4 Nepreverjeno %1 (%2 corrupt) %1 (%2 okvarjeno) %1 (Ratio: %2) %1 (Razmerje: %2) N/A Ni na voljo Peer is connected over uTP Soležnik, povezan preko uTP Add URL Dodaj URL Add tracker announce URL: Dodaj URL oznanjanja sledilniku: Invalid URL "%1" Neveljaven URL "%1" Edit URL Uredi URL Edit tracker announce URL: Uredi URL oznanjanja sledilniku: High Visoko Normal Normalno Low Nizko Use Global Settings Uporabi glavne nastavitve Seed regardless of ratio Sejaj ne glede na razmerje Stop seeding at ratio: Prenehaj sejati pri razmerju: Seed regardless of activity Sejaj ne glede na aktivnost Stop seeding if idle for: Prenehaj sejati pri neaktivnosti za: Up Gor Down Dol % % Status Stanje Address Naslov Client Odjemalec Torrent Properties Lastnosti torrent Information Informacije Activity Aktivnost Have: Ima: Availability: Na voljo: Uploaded: Poslano: Downloaded: Prejeto: State: Stanje: Running time: Čas delovanja: Remaining time: Preostali čas: Last activity: Zadnja aktivnost: Error: Napaka: Details Podrobnosti Size: Velikost: Location: Mesto: Hash: Zgoščena vrednost: Privacy: Zasebnost: Origin: Izvor: Comment: Komentar: Peers Soležniki Tracker Sledilnik Add Tracker Dodaj sledilnik Edit Tracker Uredi sledilnik Remove Trackers Odstrani sledilnike Show &more details Pokaži več podrobnosti Show &backup trackers Pokaži pomožne sledilnike Files Datoteke Options Možnosti Speed Hitrost Honor global &limits Upoštevaj splošne omejitve Limit &download speed: Omejitev hitrosti prenašanja: Limit &upload speed: Omejitev hitrosti pošiljanja: Torrent &priority: Prioriteta torrenta: Seeding Limits Omejitve sejanja: &Ratio: Razmerje &Idle: Neaktivno: Peer Connections Povezave do soležnikov &Maximum peers: Največ soležnikov: FileTreeItem Low Nizko High Visoko Normal Normalno Mixed Mešano FileTreeModel File Datoteka Size Velikost Progress Napredek Download Prenos Priority Prioriteta FileTreeView Check Selected Označi izbrane Uncheck Selected Odznači izbrane Only Check Selected Označi le izbrane Priority Prioriteta Open Odpri Rename... Preimenuj... FilterBar All Vse Active Aktivno Downloading Prenašanje Seeding Pošiljanje Paused Pavza Finished Dokončano Verifying V potrjevanju Error Napaka Show: Pokaži: Search... Išči: Formatter B/s B/s kB/s kB/s MB/s MB/s GB/s GB/s TB/s TB/s B B kB kB MB MB GB GB TB TB KiB KiB MiB MiB GiB GiB TiB TiB Unknown Neznano None Brez %1 %2 %1 %2 %Ln day(s) %Ln dan %Ln dneva %Ln dnevi %Ln dni %Ln hour(s) %Ln ura %Ln uri %Ln ure %Ln ur %Ln minute(s) %Ln minuta %Ln minuti %Ln minute %Ln minut %Ln second(s) %Ln sekunda %Ln sekundi %Ln sekunde %Ln sekund %1, %2 %1, %2 FreeSpaceLabel <i>Calculating Free Space...</i> <i>Izračunavam prostor. ki je na voljo...</i> %1 free %1 prosto LicenseDialog License Licenca MainWindow Transmission Transmission &Torrent Torrent &Edit Uredi &Help Pomoč &View Pogled &File Datoteka &New... Novo Create a new torrent Ustvari nov torrent &Properties Lastnosti Show torrent properties Pokaži lastnosti torrenta Open the torrent's folder Odpri mapo torrenta Queue Vrsta &Open... Odpri... Open Odpri Open a torrent Odpri torrent Open Fold&er Odpri mapo &Start Začni Start torrent Začni torrent Ask Tracker for &More Peers Reči sledilniku za več soležnikov Ask tracker for more peers Reči sledilniku za več soležnikov &Pause Premor Pause torrent Pavziran torrent &Verify Local Data Preveri krajevne podatke Verify local data Preveri krajevne podatke &Remove Odstrani Remove torrent Odstrani torrent &Delete Files and Remove Odstrani datoteke in torrent Remove torrent and delete its files Odstrani torrent in vse povezane datoteke &Start All Začni vse &Pause All Pavziraj vse &Quit Izhod &Select All Izberi vse &Deselect All Izprazni izbor &Preferences Nastavitve &Compact View Kompaktni pogled Compact View Kompaktni pogled &Toolbar Orodna vrstica &Filterbar Vrstica filtra &Statusbar Vrstica stanja Sort by &Activity Uredi po a&ktivnosti Sort by A&ge Uredi po s&tarosti Sort by Time &Left Uredi po preostalem času Sort by &Name Uredi po imenu Sort by &Progress Uredi po napredku Sort by Rati&o Uredi po razmerju Sort by Si&ze Uredi po velikosti Sort by Stat&e Uredi po stanju Sort by T&racker Uredi po sledilniku Message &Log Dnevnik poročil &Statistics Statistika &Contents Vsebina &About Več o Re&verse Sort Order Obrni vrstni red urejanja &Name Ime &Files Datoteke &Tracker Sledilnik Total Ratio Skupno razmerje Session Ratio Sejno razmerje Total Transfer Skupni prenos Session Transfer Sejni prenos &Main Window Glavno okno Tray &Icon Ikona v opravilni vrstici &Change Session... Zamenjaj sejo... Choose Session Start a local session or connect to a running session Izberi sejo Set &Location... Izberi meso... &Copy Magnet Link to Clipboard Kopiraj povezavo Magnet na odložišče Open &URL... Odpri URL &Donate Prispevaj Start &Now Začni zdaj Bypass the queue and start now Preskoči vrsto in začni zdaj Move to &Top Premakni na vrh Move &Up Premakni navzgor Move &Down Premakno navzdol Move to &Bottom Premakni na dno Sort by &Queue Uredi po vrsti Limit Download Speed Omeji hitrost prenašanja Unlimited Neomejeno Limited at %1 Omejena na %1 Limit Upload Speed Omeji hitrost pošiljanja Stop Seeding at Ratio Prenehaj sejati pri razmerju Seed Forever Sejaj neomejeno Stop at Ratio (%1) Prenehaj pri razmerju (%1) - %1:%2 Second (optional) part of main window title "Transmission - host:port" (added when connected to remote session); notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1:%2 Idle Neaktivno Ratio: %1 Razmerje: %1 Down: %1, Up: %2 Dol: %1, Gor: %2 Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Datoteke torrent (*.torrent);;Vse datoteke (*.*) Show &options dialog Pokaži okno za nastavitve Open Torrent Odpri torrent Speed Limits Omejitve hitrosti Network Error Napaka omrežja Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) Kliknite, da onemogočite začasne omejitve hitrosti (%1 dol, %2 gor) Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) Kliknite, da omogočite začasne omejitve hitrosti (%1 dol, %2 gor) Remove torrent? Odstranim torrent? Delete this torrent's downloaded files? Izbrišem prejete datoteke za ta torrent? Remove %Ln torrent(s)? Odstranim %Ln torrent? Odstranim %Ln torrenta? Odstranim %Ln torrente? Odstranim %Ln torrentov? Showing %L1 of %Ln torrent(s) Prikazujem %L1 od %Ln torrent Prikazujem %L1 od %Ln torrenta Prikazujem %L1 od %Ln torrente Prikazujem %L1 od %Ln torrentov Delete these %Ln torrent(s)' downloaded files? Izbrišem datoteke od %Ln torrenta? Izbrišem datoteke od %Ln torrentov? Izbrišem datoteke od %Ln torrentov? Izbrišem datoteke od %Ln torrentov? Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link. Po odstrajevanju bo za nadaljevanje prenosa potrebno podati datoteko torrent ali povezavo magnet. Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links. Po odstrajevanju bo za nadaljevanje prenosa potrebno podati datoteko torrent ali povezavo magnet. This torrent has not finished downloading. Ta torrent še ni zaključil s prenosom. These torrents have not finished downloading. Ti torrenti še niso zaključili s prenosom. This torrent is connected to peers. Ta torrent je povezan s soležniki. These torrents are connected to peers. Ti torrenti so povezani s soležniki. One of these torrents is connected to peers. Eden od teh torrentov je povezan s soležniki. Some of these torrents are connected to peers. Nekateri od teh torrentov so povezani s soležniki. One of these torrents has not finished downloading. Eden od teh torrentov še ni zaključil s prenosom. Some of these torrents have not finished downloading. Nekateri od teh torrentov še niso zaključili s prenosom. %1 has not responded yet %1 se še ni odzval %1 is responding %1 se odziva %1 last responded %2 ago %1 se je nazadnje odzval pred %2 %1 is not responding %1 se ne odziva MakeDialog New Torrent Novi torrent <i>No source selected</i> <i>Ni izbranega vira</i> %Ln File(s) %Ln datoteka %Ln datoteki %Ln datoteke %Ln datotek %Ln Piece(s) %Ln kos %Ln kosa %Ln kosi %Ln kosov %1 in %2; %3 @ %4 %1 v %2; %3 @ %4 Files Datoteke Sa&ve to: Shrani v: Source f&older: Izvorna mapa: Source &file: Izvorna datoteka: Properties Lastnosti &Trackers: Sledilniki: To add a backup URL, add it on the line after the primary URL. To add another primary URL, add it after a blank line. Za dodajanje pomožnega URL, ga dodajte na vrstico za glavnim URL. Za dodajanje nadaljnjega glavnega URL, ga dodajte za prazno vrstico. Co&mment: Komentar: &Private torrent Zasebni torrent MakeProgressDialog New Torrent Novi torrent Creating "%1" Ustvarjam "%1" Created "%1"! Ustvaril "%1"! Error: invalid announce URL "%1" Napaka: neveljavni URL oznanjanja sledilniku "%1" Cancelled Preklicano Error reading "%1": %2 Napaka pri branju "%1": %2 Error writing "%1": %2 Napaka pri pisanju "%1": %2 OptionsDialog Open Torrent Odpri torrent Open Torrent from File Odpri torrent iz datoteke Open Torrent from URL or Magnet Link Odpri torrent iz URL ali povezave Magnet &Source: Vir: &Destination folder: Ciljna mapa: High Visoka Normal Normalna Low Nizka &Priority: Prioriteta S&tart when added Začni po dodajanju &Verify Local Data Preveri krajevne podatke Mo&ve .torrent file to the trash Premakni datoteko .torrent v smeti Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Datoteke torrent (*.torrent);;Vse datoteke (*.*) Select Destination Izberi cilj PathButton (None) (Brez) Select Folder Izberite mapo Select File Izberite datoteko PrefsDialog Use &authentication Uporabi overjanje &Username: Uporabniško ime: Pass&word: Geslo: &Open web client Odpri spletni vmesnik Addresses: Naslovi: Speed Limits Omejitve hitrosti <small>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</small> <small>Zanemari navadne omejitve hitrosti ročno ali ob predpisanem času</small> &Scheduled times: Predpisani časi: &On days: Ob dnevih: Every Day Vsak dan Weekdays Med tednom Weekends Med vikendom Sunday Nedelja Monday Ponedeljek Tuesday Torek Wednesday Sreda Thursday Četrtek Friday Petek Saturday Sobota Port is <b>open</b> Vrata so <b>odprta</b> Port is <b>closed</b> Vrata so <b>zaprta</b> Incoming Peers Prihajajoči soležniki Status unknown Neznan status &Port for incoming connections: Vrata za dohodne povezave: Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my router Uporabi UPnP ali NAT-PMP posredovanje vrat na mojem usmerjevalniku Options Možnosti Enable &uTP for peer connections Omogoči uTP za povezave s soležniki uTP is a tool for reducing network congestion. uTP je orodje za zmanjševanje zasičenosti omrežja. minute(s) Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minuta minuti minute minut minute(s) ago Spin box suffix, "Download is inactive if data sharing stopped: [ 5 minutes ago ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minuto nazaj minutama nazaj minutami nazaj minutami nazaj Automatically add .torrent files &from: Samodejno dodaj .torrent datoteke iz: Show the Torrent Options &dialog Pokaži okno možnosti torrenta &Start added torrents Začni dodane torrente Mo&ve the .torrent file to the trash Premakni .torrent datoteko v smeti Download Queue Vrsta prenosa Ma&ximum active downloads: Največ aktivnih prenosov: Incomplete Nedokončano Seeding Sejanje Remote Oddaljno <i>Blocklist contains %Ln rule(s)</i> <i>Seznam blokad vsebuje %Ln pravilo</i> <i>Seznam blokad vsebuje %Ln pravili</i> <i>Seznam blokad vsebuje %Ln pravila</i> <i>Seznam blokad vsebuje %Ln pravil</i> Pick a &random port every time Transmission is started Izberi naključna vrata ob vsakem zagonu Limits Omejitve Maximum peers per &torrent: Največ soležnikov na torrent: Maximum peers &overall: Največ soležnikov v celoti: <b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rule(s). <b>Posodobitev uspešna!</b><p>Seznam blokad ima %Ln pravilo. <b>Posodobitev uspešna!</b><p>Seznam blokad ima %Ln pravili. <b>Posodobitev uspešna!</b><p>Seznam blokad ima %Ln pravila. <b>Posodobitev uspešna!</b><p>Seznam blokad ima %Ln pravil. <b>Update Blocklist</b><p>Getting new blocklist... <b>Posodobi seznam blokad</b><p>Pridobivanje novega seznama blokad... Blocklist Seznam blokad Enable &automatic updates Omogoči samodejne posodobitve Allow encryption Dovoli šifriranje Prefer encryption Želi šifriranje Require encryption Zahtevaj šifriranje Privacy Zasebnost &to do Desktop Namizje Show Transmission icon in the &notification area Pokaži ikono Transmission v območju za obvestila Te&st Port Preveri vrata Enable &blocklist: Omogoči seznam blokad &Update Posodobi &Encryption mode: Način šifriranja: Remote Control Oddaljeni nadzor Allow &remote access Dovoli oddaljeni dostop HTTP &port: Vrata HTTP: Only allow these IP a&ddresses: Dovoli le te IP naslove: &Upload: Poslano: &Download: Prejeto; Alternative Speed Limits Alternativne omejitve hitrosti U&pload: Poslano: Do&wnload: Prejeto: Start &minimized in notification area Začni minimirano v območju za obvestila Notification Obvestila Show a notification when torrents are a&dded Pokaži obvestilo ob dodajanju torrentov Show a notification when torrents &finish Pokaži obvestilo ob zaključku torrentov Play a &sound when torrents finish Predvajaj zvok ob zaključku torrentov Testing TCP Port... Preverjam vrata TCP... Peer Limits Omejitve soležnikov Use PE&X to find more peers Uporabi PEX za iskanje več soležnikov PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to. PEX je orodje za izmenjavo seznamov soležnikov z že povezanimi soležniki. Use &DHT to find more peers Uporabi DHT za iskanje več soležnikov DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker. DHT je orodje za iskanje soležnikov brez sledilnika. Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peers Uporabi LPD za iskanje več soležnikov LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network. LPD je orodje za iskanje več virov na krajevnem omrežju. Encryption Šifriranje Select "Torrent Done" Script Izberi "Torrent zaključen" skripto Select Incomplete Directory Izberi mapo za nedokončano Select Watch Directory Izberi mapo za opazovanje Select Destination Izberi cilj Adding Dodajanje Download is i&nactive if data sharing stopped: Please keep this phrase as short as possible, it's curently the longest and influences dialog width Prejem je neaktiven, če se je deljenje podatkov nehalo: Downloading Prejemanje Append ".&part" to incomplete files' names Dodaj ".part" k imenom nedokončanih datotek Keep &incomplete files in: Hrani nedokončane datoteke: Save to &Location: Shrani na mesto: Call scrip&t when torrent is completed: Izvedi skripto ob dokončanju torrenta: Stop seeding at &ratio: Prenehaj sejati pri razmerju: Stop seedi&ng if idle for: Prenehaj sejati pri neaktivnosti: Transmission Preferences Nastavitve Transmission Speed Hitrost Network Omrežje Not supported by remote sessions Ni podprto preko oddaljenih sej QObject Invalid option Neveljavna možnost RelocateDialog Select Location Izberi mesto Set Torrent Location Nastavi mesto torrenta Set Location Nastavi mesto New &location: Novo mesto: &Move from the current folder Premakni iz trenutne mape Local data is &already there Krajevni podatki so že na mestu Session Error Renaming Path Napaka pri preimenovanju poti <p><b>Unable to rename "%1" as "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Please correct the errors and try again.</p> <p><b>Ni možno preimenovati "%1" v "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Prosimo, popravite napake in poskusite znova.</p> Error Adding Torrent Napaka pri dodajanju torrenta Add Torrent Dodaj torrent <p><b>Unable to add "%1".</b></p><p>It is a duplicate of "%2" which is already added.</p> <p><b>Ni možno dodati "%1".</b></p><p>Je duplikat torrenta "%2", ki je že bil dodan.</p> SessionDialog Change Session Spremeni sejo Source Vir Start &Local Session Začni krajevno sejo Connect to &Remote Session Poveži se v oddaljeno sejo &Host: Gostitelj: &Port: Vrata: &Authentication required Zahtevano overjanje &Username: Uporabniško ime: Pass&word: Geslo: StatsDialog Statistics Statistika Current Session Trenutna seja Uploaded: Poslano: Downloaded: Prejeto: Ratio: Razmerje: Duration: Trajanje: Total Skupno Started %Ln time(s) Začeto %Ln-krat Začeto %Ln-krat Začeto %Ln-krat Začeto %Ln-krat Torrent Verifying local data Preverjam krajevne podatke Downloading Prejemanje Seeding Sejanje Finished Končano Paused Na premoru Queued for verification V vrsti za preverjanje Queued for download V vrsti za prejemanje Queued for seeding V vrsti za pošiljanje Tracker gave a warning: %1 Sledilnik je vrnil opozorilo: %1 Tracker gave an error: %1 Sledilnik je vrnil napako: %1 Error: %1 Napaka: %1 TorrentDelegate Magnetized transfer - retrieving metadata (%1%) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the percentage of torrent metadata downloaded Magnetiziran prenos - pridobivam metapodatke (%1) %1 of %2 (%3%) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is how much we'll have when done, %3 is a percentage of the two %1 od %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5 Goal: %6) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio, %6 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading %1 od %2 (%3%), poslano %4 (Razmerje: %5 Konec: %6) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio %1 od %2 (%3%), poslano %4 (Razmerje: %5) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3 Goal: %4) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio, %4 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading %1, poslano %2 (Razmerje: %3 Konec: %4) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio %1, poslano %2 (Razmerje: %3) - %1 left Second (optional) part of torrent progress string; %1 is duration; notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1 preostalo - Remaining time unknown Second (optional) part of torrent progress string; notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - Remaining time unknown Ratio: %1 Razmerje: %1 Downloading from %Ln peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" Prenašam od %Ln soležnika Prenašam od %Ln soležnikov Prenašam od %Ln soležnikov Prenašam od %Ln soležnikov Seeding to %Ln peer(s) Pošiljam %Ln soležniku Pošiljam %Ln soležnikoma Pošiljam %Ln soležnikom Pošiljam %Ln soležnikom - - Downloading metadata from %Ln peer(s) (%1% done) Prenašam metapodatke od %Ln soležnika (%1% dokončano) Prenašam metapodatke od %Ln soležnikov (%1% dokončano) Prenašam metapodatke od %Ln soležnikov (%1% dokončano) Prenašam metapodatke od %Ln soležnikov (%1% dokončano) Downloading from %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" Prenašam od %1 od %Ln povezanega soležnika Prenašam od %1 od %Ln povezanih soležnikov Prenašam od %1 od %Ln povezanih soležnikov Prenašam od %1 od %Ln povezanih soležnikov and %Ln web seed(s) Second (optional) part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)"; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here in %Ln spletnega semena in %Ln spletnih semen in %Ln spletnih semen in %Ln spletnih semen Seeding to %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) Sejem %1 od %Ln povezanega soležnika Sejem %1 od %Ln povezanih soležnikov Sejem %1 od %Ln povezanih soležnikov Sejem %1 od %Ln povezanih soležnikov Error Napaka Verifying local data (%1% tested) Preverjam krajevne podatke (%1% preverjeno) TrackerDelegate Got a list of%1 %Ln peer(s)%2 %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Dobil seznam%1 %Ln vira pred%2 %3 Dobil seznam%1 %Ln virov pred%2 %3 Dobil seznam%1 %Ln virov pred%2 %3 Dobil seznam%1 %Ln virov pred%2 %3 Peer list request %1timed out%2 %3 ago; will retry %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Zahtevek za seznam soležnikov %1se je iztekel pred2 %3; bom kasneje poskusil znova Got an error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration Zanana napaka %1"%2"%3 pred %4 No updates scheduled Ni načrtovanih posodobitev Asking for more peers in %1 %1 is duration Prosim za več soležnikov čez %1 Queued to ask for more peers Načrtovana prošnja za več soležnikov Asking for more peers now... <small>%1</small> %1 is duration Prosim za več soležnikov zdaj... <small>%1</small> Tracker had%1 %Ln seeder(s)%2 First part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago"; %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup Sledilnik je imel%1 %Ln sejalca%2 Sledilnik je imel%1 %Ln sejalcev%2 Sledilnik je imel%1 %Ln sejalcev%2 Sledilnik je imel%1 %Ln sejalcev%2 and%1 %Ln leecher(s)%2 %3 ago Second part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago"; %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here in%1 %Ln odjemalca pred%2 %3 in%1 %Ln odjemalcev pred%2 %3 in%1 %Ln odjemalce pred%2 %3 in%1 %Ln odjemalcev pred%2 %3 Tracker had %1no information%2 on peer counts %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Sledilnik %1ni imel informacij%2 o številu soležnikov pred %3 Got a scrape error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration Napaka pri pridobivanju %1"%2"%3 pred %4 Asking for peer counts in %1 %1 is duration Prosim za število soležnikov čez %1 Queued to ask for peer counts Načrtovana prošnja za število soležnikov Asking for peer counts now... <small>%1</small> %1 is duration Prosim za število soležnikov zdaj.. <small>%1</small>