/* Torrent -> progress string */ " - %@ remaining" = " - Quedan %@"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ " - remaining time unknown" = "- tiempo restante desconocido"; /* File size (beware of leading space) */ " GB" = "Gb"; /* File size (beware of leading space) */ " KB" = "Kb"; /* File size (beware of leading space) */ " MB" = "Mb"; /* Removal confirm panel -> message part 2 */ " Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Do you really want to remove them?" = "Una vez eliminado lo necesitará si quiere continuar la descarga. ¿Está seguro de querer eliminarlo?"; /* Inspector -> Files tab -> file status string */ "%.2f%% of %@" = "%1$.2f%% de %2$@"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ "%@ of %@ (%.2f%%)" = "%1$@ de %2$@ (%3$.2f%%)"; /* Inspector -> above tabs -> total size (several torrents selected) */ "%@ Total" = "%@ Total"; /* Torrent -> progress string */ "%@, uploaded %@ (Ratio: %@)" = "%1$@, subido %2$@ (Ratio: %3$@)"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d cache" = "%d caché"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d Connected" = "%d conectados"; /* Torrent -> remaining time */ "%d days %d hr" = "%1$d días y %2$d horas"; /* Dock item - Downloading */ "%d Downloading" = "%d bajando"; /* Inspector -> Files tab -> bottom text (number of files) */ "%d files total" = "%d archivos en total"; /* Torrent -> remaining time */ "%d hr %02d min" = "%1$d horas y %2$d minutos"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d incoming" = "%d conexiones entrantes"; /* Torrent -> remaining time */ "%d min %02d sec" = "%1$d minutos y %2$d segundos"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d PEX" = "%d PEX"; /* Torrent -> remaining time */ "%d sec" = "%d segundos"; /* Dock item - Seeding */ "%d Seeding" = "%d compartiendo"; /* Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */ "%d Torrents Selected" = "%d Torrents Seleccionados"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers */ "%d tracker" = "%d tracker"; /* Status bar transfer count */ "%d Transfers" = "%d Tareas"; /* File size */ "%lld bytes" = "%lld bytes"; /* Torrent -> remaining time */ "1 day %d hr" = "1 día y %d horas"; /* Inspector -> Files tab -> bottom text (number of files) */ "1 file total" = "1 archivo en total"; /* Status bar transfer count */ "1 Transfer" = "1 Tarea"; /* Move folder cannot be found alert -> message */ "\"%@\" cannot be found. The file will remain in its current location." = "\"%@\" no ha podido ser encontrado. El archivo permanecerá en el lugar actual."; /* Folder cannot be found alert -> message */ "\"%@\" cannot be found. The transfer will be paused." = "\"%@\" no ha podido ser encontrado. La tarea va a ser detenida."; /* Torrent file disk space alert -> button */ "Always Download" = "Descargar Siempre"; /* Transfer speed (Bytes per second) */ "B/s" = "B/s"; /* Preferences -> Bandwidth toolbar item title */ "Bandwidth" = "Ancho de banda"; /* Growl notification description */ "Bandwidth settings changed" = "Configuración del ancho de banda modificada"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "cache" = "caché"; /* Removal confirm panel -> button Confirm Quit panel -> button */ "Cancel" = "No"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Checking existing files" = "Comprobar archivos existentes"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Checking port status" = "Comprobar estado de los puertos"; /* Folder cannot be found alert -> location button */ "Choose New Location" = "Elegir un nuevo lugar"; /* Confirm Quit panel -> title */ "Confirm Quit" = "Confirmar salida"; /* Removal confirm panel -> title */ "Confirm Removal of %d Transfers" = "Confirmar la eliminación de %d tareas"; /* Removal confirm panel -> title */ "Confirm Removal of \"%@\"" = "Confirmar la eliminación de \"%@\""; /* Torrent file copy alert -> title */ "Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created" = "No se puede hacer una copia de \"%@\""; /* Torrent -> status string */ "DL: %@, " = "Bajando a %@, "; /* Torrent file disk space alert -> button */ "Download Anyway" = "Descargar de todos modos"; /* Growl notification title */ "Download Complete" = "Descarga completa"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Downloading" = "Descargando"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Downloading from %d of %d peers" = "Descargando de %1$d de %2$d clientes"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Downloading from %d of 1 peer" = "Descargando de %d de 1 cliente"; /* Transfer speed invalid Ratio invalid */ "error" = "error"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port map status */ "Error mapping port" = "Error error al mapear el puerto"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Error: " = "Error: "; /* Filter toolbar item -> label */ "Filter" = "Búsqueda"; /* Preferences -> General toolbar item title */ "General" = "General"; /* View menu -> Filter Bar */ "Hide Filter Bar" = "Ocultar la barra de búsqueda"; /* View menu -> Inspector */ "Hide Inspector" = "Ocultar el Inspector"; /* View menu -> Status Bar */ "Hide Status Bar" = "Ocultar barra de estado"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "incoming connection" = "Conexión entrante"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> peers Inspector -> Files tab -> bottom text (number of files) */ "info not available" = "Información no disponible"; /* Inspector toolbar item -> label */ "Inspector" = "Inspector"; /* Download not a torrent -> message */ "It appears that the file \"%@\" from %@ is not a torrent file." = "Parece que el archivo \"%1$@\" de %2$@ no es un torrent."; /* Action context menu -> upload/download limit */ "Limit (%d KB/s)" = "Limitado (%d KB/s)"; /* Save log alert panel -> title */ "Log Could Not Be Saved" = "No se ha podido guardar el registro"; /* No Ratio Torrent -> status string */ "N/A" = "No disponible"; /* Preferences -> Network toolbar item title */ "Network" = "Red"; /* Inspector -> above tabs -> selected torrents */ "No Torrents Selected" = "Ningún torrent seleccionado"; /* Torrent file disk space alert -> title */ "Not enough remaining disk space to download \"%@\" completely." = "No hay suficiente espacio libre para descargar \"%@\" completamente."; /* Download not a torrent -> button Save log alert panel -> button Move folder cannot be found alert -> button Torrent download failed -> button Folder cannot be found alert -> button Torrent file copy alert -> button Torrent file disk space alert -> button */ "OK" = "OK"; /* Open toolbar item -> label */ "Open" = "Abrir"; /* Open toolbar item -> palette label */ "Open Torrent Files" = "Abrir Torrents"; /* Open toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Open torrent files" = "Abrir torrents"; /* Pause toolbar item -> label */ "Pause" = "Pausar"; /* Pause All toolbar item -> label */ "Pause All" = "Pausar Todos"; /* Pause All toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Pause all transfers" = "Pausar todas las tareas"; /* Pause toolbar item -> palette label */ "Pause Selected" = "Pausar Seleccionados"; /* Pause toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Pause selected transfers" = "Pausar las tareas seleccionadas"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Paused" = "Parado"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "peer exchange" = "intercambio de clientes"; /* Inspector -> Activity -> detailed pieces view tooltip */ "Piece Availability" = "Disponibilidad de Partes"; /* Inspector -> Activity -> detailed pieces view tooltip */ "Piece Progress" = "Progreso de Partes"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Port is closed" = "El puerto está cerrado"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Port is open" = "El puerto está abierto"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Port is stealth" = "El puerto está capado"; /* Preferences -> Network -> port map status */ "Port successfully mapped" = "Puerto mapeado satisfactoriamente"; /* Inspector -> is private torrent */ "Private Torrent, PEX disabled" = "Torrent Privado, PEX desactivado"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "Progress: %.1f%%\nPort: %@\nFrom: %@" = "Progreso: %1$.1f%%\nPuerto: %2$@\nDe: %3$@"; /* Inspector -> is not private torrent */ "Public Torrent" = "Torrent Público"; /* Transmission already running alert -> button OS update needed -> button Confirm Quit panel -> button */ "Quit" = "Sí"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Ratio: " = "Ratio: "; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Ratio: %@, " = "Ratio: %@, "; /* Removal confirm panel -> button Remove toolbar item -> label */ "Remove" = "Eliminar"; /* Remove toolbar item -> palette label */ "Remove Selected" = "Eliminar Seleccionados"; /* Remove toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Remove selected transfers" = "Eliminar las tareas seleccionadas"; /* Resume toolbar item -> label */ "Resume" = "Resumir"; /* Resume All toolbar item -> label */ "Resume All" = "Resumir Todos"; /* Resume All toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Resume all transfers" = "Resumir todas las transferencias"; /* Resume toolbar item -> palette label */ "Resume Selected" = "Resumir Seleccionados"; /* Resume toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Resume selected transfers" = "Resumir las tareas activas"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding" = "Compartiendo"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding complete" = "Compartir finalizado"; /* Growl notification title */ "Seeding Complete" = "Compartir finalizado"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding to %d of %d peers" = "Compartiendo con %1$d de %2$d clientes"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Seeding to %d of 1 peer" = "Compartiendo con %d de 1 cliente"; /* Folder cannot be found alert -> prompt Default incomplete folder cannot be found alert -> prompt Default folder cannot be found alert -> prompt Open torrent -> prompt */ "Select" = "Seleccionar"; /* Folder cannot be found alert -> select destination folder Open torrent -> select destination folder */ "Select the download folder for \"%@\"" = "Seleccionar la carpeta de descarga para \"%@\""; /* Main window -> 1st bottom left button (action) tooltip */ "Shortcuts for changing global settings." = "Preferencias"; /* View menu -> Filter Bar */ "Show Filter Bar" = "Mostrar la barra de búsqueda"; /* View menu -> Inspector */ "Show Inspector" = "Mostrar el Inspector"; /* View menu -> Status Bar */ "Show Status Bar" = "Mostrar la barra de estado"; /* Growl notification title */ "Speed Limit Auto Disabled" = "Límite de velocidad automático desactivado"; /* Growl notification title */ "Speed Limit Auto Enabled" = "Límite de velocidad automático activado"; /* Main window -> 2nd bottom left button (turtle) tooltip */ "Speed Limit overrides the total bandwidth limits with its own limits." = "El límite de velocidad sustituye los límites establecidos por defecto"; /* Action context menu -> ratio stop */ "Stop at Ratio (%.2f)" = "Con ratio (%.2f)"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Stopping" = "Parando"; /* Default folder cannot be found alert -> message */ "The download folder cannot be found. Choose a new location." = "La carpeta de descarga no ha podido ser encontrada. Elija una nueva."; /* Folder cannot be found alert -> title */ "The folder for downloading \"%@\" cannot be found." = "La carpeta para descargar \"%@\" no ha podido ser encontrada."; /* Move folder cannot be found alert -> title */ "The folder for moving the completed \"%@\" cannot be found." = "La carpeta para mover los completados \"%@\" no ha podido ser encontrada."; /* Default incomplete folder cannot be found alert -> message */ "The incomplete folder cannot be found. Choose a new location or cancel for none." = "La carpeta para archivos incompletos no ha podido ser encontrada. Elija una nueva o cancele para ninguna."; /* Torrent download failed -> message */ "The torrent could not be downloaded from %@ because an error occurred (%@)." = "El torrent no ha podido ser descargado %1$@ porque ha ocurrido un error (%2$@)."; /* Torrent file copy alert -> message */ "The torrent file (%@) cannot be found." = "El torrent (%@) no ha podido ser encontrado."; /* Torrent file disk space alert -> message */ "The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on \"%@\" to continue." = "La tarea va a detenerse. Libere espacio en \"%@\" para continuar."; /* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */ "There are %d active transfers." = "Hay %d tareas activas."; /* Confirm Quit panel -> message */ "There are %d active transfers. Do you really want to quit?" = "Hay %d tareas activas. ¿Está seguro de querer salir?"; /* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */ "There are %d transfers (%d active)." = "Hay %1$d tareas (%2$d activas)."; /* Transmission already running alert -> message */ "There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit." = "Hay una copia de Transmission ejecutándose. Ciérrela para continuar."; /* Confirm Quit panel -> message */ "There is an active transfer. Do you really want to quit?" = "Hay una tarea activa. ¿Está seguro de querer salir?"; /* Save log alert panel -> message */ "There was a problem creating the file \"%@\"." = "Ha habido un problema creando el archivo \"%@\"."; /* Removal confirm panel -> message */ "This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Do you really want to remove it?" = "Esta tarea está activa. Una vez eliminada, si quiere continuarla necesitará el torrent. ¿Está seguro de querer eliminarla?"; /* Filter toolbar item -> palette label */ "Toggle Filter" = "Mostrar/Ocultrar Búsqueda"; /* Inspector toolbar item -> palette label */ "Toggle Inspector" = "Mostrar/Ocultar Inspector"; /* Filter toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Toggle the filter bar" = "Mostrar/Ocultar la barra de búsqueda"; /* Inspector toolbar item -> tooltip */ "Toggle the torrent inspector" = "Mostrar/Ocultar el Inspector"; /* Torrent download error -> title Download not a torrent -> title */ "Torrent download failed" = "Fallo en la descarga del torrent"; /* Growl notification title */ "Torrent File Auto Added" = "Torrent añadido automáticamente"; /* Status bar -> total download */ "Total DL: " = "Total ↓:"; /* Status bar -> total upload */ "Total UL: " = "Total ↑:"; /* Inspector -> Peers tab -> table row tooltip */ "tracker" = "tracker"; /* Preferences -> Transfers toolbar item title */ "Transfers" = "Tareas"; /* OS update needed -> message */ "Transmission has features that require a more up-to-date operating system. The operating system must be updated before this version can run." = "Transmission tiene características que requieren un sistema operativo más actualizado. El sistema operativo debe ser actualizado antes de poder ejecutar esta versión del programa."; /* Transmission already running alert -> title */ "Transmission is already running." = "Transmission ya se está ejecutando."; /* OS update needed -> title */ "Transmission requires Mac OS X 10.4 or greater." = "Transmission requiere Mac OS X 10.4 o superior."; /* Torrent -> location when deleting original */ "Transmission Support Folder" = "Carpeta de Apoyo de Transmission"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "UL: " = "subiendo a "; /* Preferences -> Network -> port status */ "Unable to check port status" = "Ha sido imposible comprobar el estado de los puertos."; /* Torrent -> remaining time */ "Unknown" = "Desconocido"; /* Save log panel -> default file name */ "untitled" = "sin título"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Waiting to download" = "Esperando a descargar"; /* Torrent -> status string */ "Waiting to seed" = "Esperando a compartir";