name: Sanity on: push: branches: - 'main' pull_request: branches: - 'main' env: GTEST_OUTPUT: xml:./ jobs: what-to-make: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 outputs: make-cli: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.cli-changed == '1' }} make-daemon: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.daemon-changed == '1' }} make-docs: ${{ == '1' || == '1' }} make-gtk: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.gtk-changed == '1' }} make-mac: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.mac-changed == '1' }} make-qt: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.qt-changed == '1' }} make-source-tarball: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.any-code-changed == '1' }} make-tests: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.tests-changed == '1' }} make-utils: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.utils-changed == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.tests-changed == '1' }} make-web: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.web-changed == '1' }} test-style: ${{ == '1' || steps.check-diffs.outputs.our-code-changed == '1' }} steps: - name: Check State id: check-state run: | if [ "$GITHUB_EVENT_NAME" = 'push' ] && [ "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" = 'main' ]; then \ echo "::set-output name=is-main-push::1"; \ else \ echo "::set-output name=is-main-push::0"; \ fi - name: Get Source id: get-source uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 path: src submodules: recursive - name: Check for diffs id: check-diffs run: | set +e git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt Transmission.xcodeproj third-party libtransmission cli echo "::set-output name=cli-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt Transmission.xcodeproj libtransmission cli daemon gtk macosx qt utils tests web third-party echo "::set-output name=any-code-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt Transmission.xcodeproj libtransmission cli daemon gtk macosx qt utils tests web echo "::set-output name=our-code-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt Transmission.xcodeproj third-party libtransmission daemon echo "::set-output name=daemon-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- docs echo "::set-output name=docs-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt third-party libtransmission gtk echo "::set-output name=gtk-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt Transmission.xcodeproj third-party libtransmission macosx Transmission.xcodeproj echo "::set-output name=mac-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt third-party libtransmission qt echo "::set-output name=qt-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt third-party libtransmission utils tests echo "::set-output name=tests-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt third-party libtransmission utils echo "::set-output name=utils-changed::$?" git -C "${GITHUB_WORKSPACE}/src" diff --exit-code origin/main -- CMakeLists.txt third-party libtransmission web echo "::set-output name=web-changed::$?" set -e code-style: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: [ what-to-make ] if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.test-style == 'true' }} steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' cat /etc/os-release - name: Get Source uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: recursive - name: Get Dependencies run: | sudo apt-get install clang-format-12 npm yarn - name: Check for style diffs id: check-for-diffs working-directory: . run: | ./ set +e git diff --exit-code > style.diff echo "::set-output name=differs::$?" cat style.diff set -e - name: Upload Diffs uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 if: ${{ steps.check-for-diffs.outputs.differs == '1' }} with: name: code-style.diff path: 'style.diff' - name: Fail if diffs exist if: ${{ steps.check-for-diffs.outputs.differs == '1' }} run: | echo "code style does not match expected." cat style.diff echo "When CI is done, the above patch will be uploaded as 'code-style.diff' to${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${GITHUB_RUN_ID}/ ." exit 1 sanitizer-tests: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: [ what-to-make ] if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' }} steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' cat /etc/os-release - name: Get Dependencies run: | set -ex sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ ca-certificates \ clang \ cmake \ gettext \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libdeflate-dev \ libevent-dev \ libfmt-dev \ libminiupnpc-dev \ libnatpmp-dev \ libpsl-dev \ libssl-dev \ ninja-build - name: Get Source uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: submodules: recursive path: src - name: Configure run: | cmake \ -S src \ -B obj \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER='clang++' \ -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-gdwarf-4 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address,leak,undefined' \ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER='clang' \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-gdwarf-4 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address,leak,undefined' \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=pfx \ -DENABLE_CLI=OFF \ -DENABLE_DAEMON=OFF \ -DENABLE_GTK=OFF \ -DENABLE_MAC=OFF \ -DENABLE_QT=OFF \ -DENABLE_TESTS=ON \ -DENABLE_UTILS=ON \ -DENABLE_WEB=OFF \ -DRUN_CLANG_TIDY=OFF - name: Make run: cmake --build obj --config Debug --target libtransmission-test transmission-show - name: Test with sanitizers run: cmake -E chdir obj ctest --build-config Debug --output-on-failure macos-11: runs-on: macos-11 needs: [ what-to-make ] if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-mac == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true' }} steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' sw_vers - name: Get Dependencies run: brew install cmake gettext libdeflate libevent libnatpmp libpsl miniupnpc ninja - name: Get Dependencies (GTK) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' }} run: brew install gtkmm3 libjpeg - name: Get Dependencies (Qt) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' }} run: brew install qt@5 - name: Get Source uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: src submodules: recursive - name: Configure run: | cmake \ -S src \ -B obj \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=pfx \ -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES='x86_64' \ -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.10' \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`brew --prefix`/opt/qt@5 \ -DENABLE_CLI=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_DAEMON=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_GTK=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_MAC=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-mac == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_QT=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF \ -DENABLE_UTILS=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_WEB=OFF \ -DRUN_CLANG_TIDY=OFF - name: Make run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo - name: Test if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' }} env: TMPDIR: /private/tmp run: cmake -E chdir obj ctest --build-config RelWithDebInfo --output-on-failure - name: Install run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo --target install/strip - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: binaries-${{ github.job }} path: pfx/**/* alpine-musl: needs: [ what-to-make ] runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 container: image: radupopescu/musl-builder if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true' }} steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' cat /etc/os-release - name: Get Dependencies run: | set -ex apk update apk add \ ca-certificates \ cmake \ curl-dev \ fmt-dev \ g++ \ gettext-dev \ git \ libevent-dev \ libpsl \ linux-headers \ miniupnpc-dev \ ninja \ pkgconfig \ xz - name: Get Dependencies (GTK) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' }} run: apk add --upgrade glibmm-dev gtkmm3-dev - name: Get Dependencies (Qt) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' }} run: apk add --upgrade qt5-qtbase-dev qt5-qttools-dev - name: Get Source uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: src submodules: recursive - name: Configure run: | cmake \ -S src \ -B obj \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=pfx \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`brew --prefix`/opt/qt@5 \ -DENABLE_CLI=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_DAEMON=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_GTK=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_MAC=OFF \ -DENABLE_QT=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_TESTS=OFF \ -DENABLE_UTILS=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_WEB=OFF \ -DRUN_CLANG_TIDY=OFF - name: Make run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo - name: Test if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' }} env: TMPDIR: /private/tmp run: cmake -E chdir obj ctest --build-config RelWithDebInfo --output-on-failure - name: Install run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo --target install/strip - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: binaries-${{ github.job }} path: pfx/**/* make-source-tarball: runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 needs: [ what-to-make ] if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-source-tarball == 'true' }} steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' cat /etc/os-release - name: Get Dependencies run: | set -ex sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ ca-certificates \ cmake \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libssl-dev \ ninja-build - name: Get Source uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: path: src submodules: recursive - name: Configure run: | cmake \ -S src \ -B obj \ -G Ninja - name: Create source tarball run: cmake --build obj --target package_source - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: source-tarball path: obj/transmission*.tar.* macos-11-from-tarball: needs: [ make-source-tarball, what-to-make ] if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-mac == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true' }} runs-on: macos-11 steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' sw_vers - name: Get Dependencies run: brew install cmake gettext libdeflate libevent libnatpmp libpsl miniupnpc ninja - name: Get Dependencies (GTK) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' }} run: brew install gtkmm3 libjpeg - name: Get Dependencies (Qt) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' }} run: brew install qt@5 - name: Get Source uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: source-tarball - name: Extract Source run: mkdir src && tar xf transmission*.tar.* -C src --strip-components 1 - name: Configure run: | cmake \ -S src \ -B obj \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=pfx \ -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES='x86_64' \ -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET='10.10' \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=`brew --prefix`/opt/qt@5 \ -DENABLE_CLI=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_DAEMON=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_GTK=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_MAC=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-mac == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_QT=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_TESTS=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_UTILS=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_WEB=OFF \ -DRUN_CLANG_TIDY=OFF - name: Make run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo - name: Test if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' }} env: TMPDIR: /private/tmp run: cmake -E chdir obj ctest --build-config RelWithDebInfo --output-on-failure - name: Install run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo --target install/strip - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: binaries-${{ github.job }} path: pfx/**/* debian-11-from-tarball: needs: [ make-source-tarball, what-to-make ] if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' || needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true' }} runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 container: image: debian:11-slim steps: - name: Show Configuration run: | echo '${{ toJSON(needs) }}' echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}' cat /etc/os-release - name: Get Dependencies run: | set -ex apt-get update apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ ca-certificates \ cmake \ g++ \ gettext \ libcurl4-openssl-dev \ libdeflate-dev \ libevent-dev \ libfmt-dev \ libminiupnpc-dev \ libnatpmp-dev \ libpsl-dev \ libssl-dev \ ninja-build \ pkg-config \ xz-utils - name: Get Dependencies (GTK) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true' }} run: apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libglibmm-2.4-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev - name: Get Dependencies (Qt) if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true' }} run: apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev - name: Get Source uses: actions/download-artifact@v3 with: name: source-tarball - name: Extract Source run: mkdir src && tar xf transmission*.tar.* -C src --strip-components 1 - name: Configure run: | cmake \ -S src \ -B obj \ -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=pfx \ -DENABLE_CLI=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-cli == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_DAEMON=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-daemon == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_GTK=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-gtk == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_MAC=OFF \ -DENABLE_QT=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-qt == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_TESTS=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_UTILS=${{ (needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-utils == 'true') && 'ON' || 'OFF' }} \ -DENABLE_WEB=OFF \ -DRUN_CLANG_TIDY=OFF - name: Build run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo - name: Test if: ${{ needs.what-to-make.outputs.make-tests == 'true' }} run: cmake -E chdir obj ctest --build-config RelWithDebInfo --output-on-failure - name: Install run: cmake --build obj --config RelWithDebInfo --target install/strip - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: binaries-${{ github.job }} path: pfx/**/*