AboutDialogAbout Transmission<b style='font-size:x-large'>Transmission %1</b>A fast and easy BitTorrent clientCopyright (c) The Transmission ProjectC&redits&LicenseCreditsApplication<b>Transmission is a file sharing program.</b>When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility.I &AgreeTorrent(s) AddedTorrent CompletedDetailsDialogNoneMixedUnknownFinishedPausedActive now%1 ago%1 (%Ln pieces @ %2)%1 (%Ln piece @ %2)%1 (%Ln pieces @ %2)%1 (%Ln pieces)%1 (%Ln piece)%1 (%Ln pieces)Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabledPublic torrentCreated by %1Created on %1Created by %1 on %2Encrypted connectionOptimistic unchokeDownloading from this peerWe would download from this peer if they would let usUploading to peerWe would upload to this peer if they askedPeer has unchoked us, but we're not interestedWe unchoked this peer, but they're not interestedPeer was discovered through DHTPeer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)Peer is an incoming connection minute(s)Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minute minutesErrorTracker already exists.%1 (100%)Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data%1 of %2 (%3%)Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data, %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100)%1 of %2 (%3%), %4 UnverifiedText following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded data (both verified and unverified), %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100), %4 is amount of downloaded but not yet verified data%1 (%2 corrupt)%1 (Ratio: %2)N/APeer is connected over uTPAdd URL Add tracker announce URL:Invalid URL "%1"Edit URL Edit tracker announce URL:HighNormalLowUse Global SettingsSeed regardless of ratioStop seeding at ratio:Seed regardless of activityStop seeding if idle for:UpDown%StatusAddressClientTorrent PropertiesInformationActivityHave:Availability:Uploaded:Downloaded:State:Running time:Remaining time:Last activity:Error:DetailsSize:Location:Hash:Privacy:Origin:Comment:PeersTrackerAdd TrackerEdit TrackerRemove TrackersShow &more detailsShow &backup trackersFilesOptionsSpeedHonor global &limitsLimit &download speed:Limit &upload speed:Torrent &priority:Seeding Limits&Ratio:&Idle:Peer Connections&Maximum peers:FileTreeItemLowHighNormalMixedFileTreeModelFileSizeProgressDownloadPriorityFileTreeViewCheck SelectedUncheck SelectedOnly Check SelectedPriorityOpenRename...FilterBarAllActiveDownloadingSeedingPausedFinishedVerifyingErrorShow:Search...FormatterB/skB/sMB/sGB/sTB/sBkBMBGBTBKiBMiBGiBTiBUnknownNone%1 %2%Ln day(s)%Ln day%Ln days%Ln hour(s)%Ln hour%Ln hours%Ln minute(s)%Ln minute%Ln minutes%Ln second(s)%Ln second%Ln seconds%1, %2FreeSpaceLabel<i>Calculating Free Space...</i>%1 freeLicenseDialogLicenseMainWindowTransmission&Torrent&Edit&Help&View&File&New...Create a new torrent&PropertiesShow torrent propertiesOpen the torrent's folderQueue&Open...OpenOpen a torrentOpen Fold&er&StartStart torrentAsk Tracker for &More PeersAsk tracker for more peers&PausePause torrent&Verify Local DataVerify local data&RemoveRemove torrent&Delete Files and RemoveRemove torrent and delete its files&Start All&Pause All&Quit&Select All&Deselect All&Preferences&Compact ViewCompact View&Toolbar&Filterbar&StatusbarSort by &ActivitySort by A&geSort by Time &LeftSort by &NameSort by &ProgressSort by Rati&oSort by Si&zeSort by Stat&eSort by T&rackerMessage &Log&Statistics&Contents&AboutRe&verse Sort Order&Name&Files&TrackerTotal RatioSession RatioTotal TransferSession Transfer&Main WindowTray &Icon&Change Session...Choose SessionStart a local session or connect to a running sessionSet &Location...&Copy Magnet Link to ClipboardOpen &URL...&DonateStart &NowBypass the queue and start nowMove to &TopMove &UpMove &DownMove to &BottomSort by &QueueLimit Download SpeedUnlimitedLimited at %1Limit Upload SpeedStop Seeding at RatioSeed ForeverStop at Ratio (%1) - %1:%2Second (optional) part of main window title "Transmission - host:port" (added when connected to remote session); notice that leading space (before the dash) is included hereIdleRatio: %1Down: %1, Up: %2Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)Show &options dialogOpen TorrentSpeed LimitsNetwork ErrorClick to disable Temporary Speed Limits
(%1 down, %2 up)Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits
(%1 down, %2 up)Remove torrent?Delete this torrent's downloaded files?Remove %Ln torrent(s)?Remove %Ln torrent?Remove %Ln torrents?Showing %L1 of %Ln torrent(s)Showing %L1 of %Ln torrentShowing %L1 of %Ln torrentsDelete these %Ln torrent(s)' downloaded files?Delete this %Ln torrent's downloaded files?Delete these %Ln torrents' downloaded files?Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link.Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links.This torrent has not finished downloading.These torrents have not finished downloading.This torrent is connected to peers.These torrents are connected to peers.One of these torrents is connected to peers.Some of these torrents are connected to peers.One of these torrents has not finished downloading.Some of these torrents have not finished downloading.%1 has not responded yet%1 is responding%1 last responded %2 ago%1 is not respondingMakeDialogNew Torrent<i>No source selected</i>%Ln File(s)%Ln File%Ln Files%Ln Piece(s)%Ln Piece%Ln Pieces%1 in %2; %3 @ %4FilesSa&ve to:Source f&older:Source &file:Properties&Trackers:To add a backup URL, add it on the line after the primary URL.
To add another primary URL, add it after a blank line.Co&mment:&Private torrentMakeProgressDialogNew TorrentCreating "%1"Created "%1"!Error: invalid announce URL "%1"CancelledError reading "%1": %2Error writing "%1": %2OptionsDialogOpen TorrentOpen Torrent from FileOpen Torrent from URL or Magnet Link&Source:&Destination folder:HighNormalLow&Priority:S&tart when added&Verify Local DataMo&ve .torrent file to the trashTorrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)Select DestinationPathButton(None)Select FolderSelect FilePrefsDialogUse &authentication&Username:Pass&word:&Open web clientAddresses:Speed Limits<small>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</small>&Scheduled times:&On days:Every DayWeekdaysWeekendsSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayPort is <b>open</b>Port is <b>closed</b>Incoming PeersStatus unknown&Port for incoming connections:Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my routerOptionsEnable &uTP for peer connectionsuTP is a tool for reducing network congestion. minute(s)Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minute minutes minute(s) agoSpin box suffix, "Download is inactive if data sharing stopped: [ 5 minutes ago ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minute ago minutes agoAutomatically add .torrent files &from:Show the Torrent Options &dialog&Start added torrentsMo&ve the .torrent file to the trashDownload QueueMa&ximum active downloads:IncompleteSeedingRemote<i>Blocklist contains %Ln rule(s)</i><i>Blocklist contains %Ln rule</i><i>Blocklist contains %Ln rules</i>Pick a &random port every time Transmission is startedLimitsMaximum peers per &torrent:Maximum peers &overall:<b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rule(s).<b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rule.<b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rules.<b>Update Blocklist</b><p>Getting new blocklist...BlocklistEnable &automatic updatesAllow encryptionPrefer encryptionRequire encryptionPrivacy&toDesktopShow Transmission icon in the ¬ification areaTe&st PortEnable &blocklist:&Update&Encryption mode:Remote ControlAllow &remote accessHTTP &port:Only allow these IP a&ddresses:&Upload:&Download:Alternative Speed LimitsU&pload:Do&wnload:Start &minimized in notification areaNotificationShow a notification when torrents are a&ddedShow a notification when torrents &finishPlay a &sound when torrents finishTesting TCP Port...Peer LimitsUse PE&X to find more peersPEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to.Use &DHT to find more peersDHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker.Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peersLPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network.EncryptionSelect "Torrent Done" ScriptSelect Incomplete DirectorySelect Watch DirectorySelect DestinationAddingDownload is i&nactive if data sharing stopped:Please keep this phrase as short as possible, it's curently the longest and influences dialog widthDownloadingAppend ".&part" to incomplete files' namesKeep &incomplete files in:Save to &Location:Call scrip&t when torrent is completed:Stop seeding at &ratio:Stop seedi&ng if idle for:Transmission PreferencesSpeedNetworkNot supported by remote sessionsQObjectInvalid optionRelocateDialogSelect LocationSet Torrent LocationSet LocationNew &location:&Move from the current folderLocal data is &already thereSessionError Renaming Path<p><b>Unable to rename "%1" as "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Please correct the errors and try again.</p>Error Adding Torrent%1 (copy of %2)Duplicate Torrent(s)Unable to add %n duplicate torrent(s)SessionDialogChange SessionSourceStart &Local SessionConnect to &Remote Session&Host:&Port:&Authentication required&Username:Pass&word:StatsDialogStatisticsCurrent SessionUploaded:Downloaded:Ratio:Duration:TotalStarted %Ln time(s)Started %Ln timeStarted %Ln timesTorrentVerifying local dataDownloadingSeedingFinishedPausedQueued for verificationQueued for downloadQueued for seedingTracker gave a warning: %1Tracker gave an error: %1Error: %1TorrentDelegateMagnetized transfer - retrieving metadata (%1%)First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the percentage of torrent metadata downloaded%1 of %2 (%3%)First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is how much we'll have when done, %3 is a percentage of the two%1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5 Goal: %6)First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio, %6 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading%1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5)First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio%1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3 Goal: %4)First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio, %4 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading%1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3)First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio - %1 leftSecond (optional) part of torrent progress string; %1 is duration; notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - Remaining time unknownSecond (optional) part of torrent progress string; notice that leading space (before the dash) is included hereRatio: %1Downloading from %Ln peer(s)First part of phrase "Downloading from ... peer(s) and ... web seed(s)"Downloading from %Ln peerDownloading from %Ln peersSeeding to %Ln peer(s)Seeding to %Ln peerSeeding to %Ln peers - Downloading metadata from %Ln peer(s) (%1% done)Downloading metadata from %Ln peer (%1% done)Downloading metadata from %Ln peers (%1% done)Downloading from %1 of %Ln connected peer(s)First part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)"Downloading from %1 of %Ln connected peerDownloading from %1 of %Ln connected peers and %Ln web seed(s)Second (optional) part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)"; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here and %Ln web seed and %Ln web seedsSeeding to %1 of %Ln connected peer(s)Seeding to %1 of %Ln connected peerSeeding to %1 of %Ln connected peersVerifying local data (%1% tested)TrackerDelegateGot a list of%1 %Ln peer(s)%2 %3 ago%1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is durationGot a list of%1 %Ln peer%2 %3 agoGot a list of%1 %Ln peers%2 %3 agoPeer list request %1timed out%2 %3 ago; will retry%1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is durationGot an error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago%1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is durationNo updates scheduledAsking for more peers in %1%1 is durationQueued to ask for more peersAsking for more peers now... <small>%1</small>%1 is durationTracker had%1 %Ln seeder(s)%2First part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago"; %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markupTracker had%1 %Ln seeder%2Tracker had%1 %Ln seeders%2 and%1 %Ln leecher(s)%2 %3 agoSecond part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago"; %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here and%1 %Ln leecher%2 %3 ago and%1 %Ln leechers%2 %3 agoTracker had %1no information%2 on peer counts %3 ago%1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is durationGot a scrape error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago%1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is durationAsking for peer counts in %1%1 is durationQueued to ask for peer countsAsking for peer counts now... <small>%1</small>%1 is duration