/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2 (b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef WIN32 #include /* types needed by quota.h */ #ifdef __FreeBSD__ #include /* quotactl() */ #else #include /* quotactl() */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETMNTENT #include #include /* _PATH_MOUNTED */ #else /* BSD derived systems */ #include #include #include #endif #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #define WINVER WindowsXP #include #include /* for CSIDL_APPDATA, CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS */ #else #ifdef SYS_DARWIN #include #endif #ifdef __HAIKU__ #include #endif #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 /* needed for recursive locks. */ #ifndef __USE_UNIX98 #define __USE_UNIX98 /* some older Linuxes need it spelt out for them */ #endif #include #endif #include #include #include #include #ifdef SYS_DARWIN #define HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H #define HAVE_STATVFS #endif #include #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STATVFS_H #include #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include /* getuid getpid close */ #ifdef HAVE_XFS_XFS_H #define HAVE_XQM #include #endif #include "transmission.h" #include "session.h" #include "list.h" #include "platform.h" #include "utils.h" /*** **** THREADS ***/ #ifdef WIN32 typedef DWORD tr_thread_id; #else typedef pthread_t tr_thread_id; #endif static tr_thread_id tr_getCurrentThread (void) { #ifdef WIN32 return GetCurrentThreadId (); #else return pthread_self (); #endif } static bool tr_areThreadsEqual (tr_thread_id a, tr_thread_id b) { #ifdef WIN32 return a == b; #else return pthread_equal (a, b) != 0; #endif } /** @brief portability wrapper around OS-dependent threads */ struct tr_thread { void (* func)(void *); void * arg; tr_thread_id thread; #ifdef WIN32 HANDLE thread_handle; #endif }; bool tr_amInThread (const tr_thread * t) { return tr_areThreadsEqual (tr_getCurrentThread (), t->thread); } #ifdef WIN32 #define ThreadFuncReturnType unsigned WINAPI #else #define ThreadFuncReturnType void #endif static ThreadFuncReturnType ThreadFunc (void * _t) { tr_thread * t = _t; t->func (t->arg); tr_free (t); #ifdef WIN32 _endthreadex (0); return 0; #endif } tr_thread * tr_threadNew (void (*func)(void *), void * arg) { tr_thread * t = tr_new0 (tr_thread, 1); t->func = func; t->arg = arg; #ifdef WIN32 { unsigned int id; t->thread_handle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (NULL, 0, &ThreadFunc, t, 0, &id); t->thread = (DWORD) id; } #else pthread_create (&t->thread, NULL, (void* (*)(void*))ThreadFunc, t); pthread_detach (t->thread); #endif return t; } /*** **** LOCKS ***/ /** @brief portability wrapper around OS-dependent thread mutexes */ struct tr_lock { int depth; #ifdef WIN32 CRITICAL_SECTION lock; DWORD lockThread; #else pthread_mutex_t lock; pthread_t lockThread; #endif }; tr_lock* tr_lockNew (void) { tr_lock * l = tr_new0 (tr_lock, 1); #ifdef WIN32 InitializeCriticalSection (&l->lock); /* supports recursion */ #else pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init (&attr); pthread_mutexattr_settype (&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); pthread_mutex_init (&l->lock, &attr); #endif return l; } void tr_lockFree (tr_lock * l) { #ifdef WIN32 DeleteCriticalSection (&l->lock); #else pthread_mutex_destroy (&l->lock); #endif tr_free (l); } void tr_lockLock (tr_lock * l) { #ifdef WIN32 EnterCriticalSection (&l->lock); #else pthread_mutex_lock (&l->lock); #endif assert (l->depth >= 0); assert (!l->depth || tr_areThreadsEqual (l->lockThread, tr_getCurrentThread ())); l->lockThread = tr_getCurrentThread (); ++l->depth; } int tr_lockHave (const tr_lock * l) { return (l->depth > 0) && (tr_areThreadsEqual (l->lockThread, tr_getCurrentThread ())); } void tr_lockUnlock (tr_lock * l) { assert (l->depth > 0); assert (tr_areThreadsEqual (l->lockThread, tr_getCurrentThread ())); --l->depth; assert (l->depth >= 0); #ifdef WIN32 LeaveCriticalSection (&l->lock); #else pthread_mutex_unlock (&l->lock); #endif } /*** **** PATHS ***/ #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif static const char * getHomeDir (void) { static char * home = NULL; if (!home) { home = tr_strdup (getenv ("HOME")); if (!home) { #ifdef WIN32 char appdata[MAX_PATH]; /* SHGetFolderPath () requires MAX_PATH */ *appdata = '\0'; SHGetFolderPath (NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, 0, appdata); home = tr_strdup (appdata); #else struct passwd * pw = getpwuid (getuid ()); if (pw) home = tr_strdup (pw->pw_dir); endpwent (); #endif } if (!home) home = tr_strdup (""); } return home; } static const char * getOldConfigDir (void) { static char * path = NULL; if (!path) { #ifdef SYS_DARWIN path = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), "Library", "Application Support", "Transmission", NULL); #elif defined (WIN32) char appdata[MAX_PATH]; /* SHGetFolderPath () requires MAX_PATH */ SHGetFolderPath (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, appdata); path = tr_buildPath (appdata, "Transmission", NULL); #elif defined (__HAIKU__) char buf[TR_PATH_MAX]; find_directory (B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, -1, true, buf, sizeof (buf)); path = tr_buildPath (buf, "Transmission", NULL); #else path = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), ".transmission", NULL); #endif } return path; } #if defined (SYS_DARWIN) || defined (WIN32) #define RESUME_SUBDIR "Resume" #define TORRENT_SUBDIR "Torrents" #else #define RESUME_SUBDIR "resume" #define TORRENT_SUBDIR "torrents" #endif static const char * getOldTorrentsDir (void) { static char * path = NULL; if (!path) path = tr_buildPath (getOldConfigDir (), TORRENT_SUBDIR, NULL); return path; } static const char * getOldCacheDir (void) { static char * path = NULL; if (!path) { #if defined (WIN32) path = tr_buildPath (getOldConfigDir (), "Cache", NULL); #elif defined (SYS_DARWIN) path = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), "Library", "Caches", "Transmission", NULL); #else path = tr_buildPath (getOldConfigDir (), "cache", NULL); #endif } return path; } static void moveFiles (const char * oldDir, const char * newDir) { if (oldDir && newDir && strcmp (oldDir, newDir)) { DIR * dirh = opendir (oldDir); if (dirh) { int count = 0; struct dirent * dirp; while ((dirp = readdir (dirh))) { const char * name = dirp->d_name; if (name && strcmp (name, ".") && strcmp (name, "..")) { char * o = tr_buildPath (oldDir, name, NULL); char * n = tr_buildPath (newDir, name, NULL); rename (o, n); ++count; tr_free (n); tr_free (o); } } if (count) tr_inf (_("Migrated %1$d files from \"%2$s\" to \"%3$s\""), count, oldDir, newDir); closedir (dirh); } } } /** * This function is for transmission-gtk users to migrate the config files * from $HOME/.transmission/ (where they were kept before Transmission 1.30) * to $HOME/.config/$appname as per the XDG directory spec. */ static void migrateFiles (const tr_session * session) { static int migrated = false; const bool should_migrate = strstr (getOldConfigDir (), ".transmission") != NULL; if (!migrated && should_migrate) { const char * oldDir; const char * newDir; migrated = true; oldDir = getOldTorrentsDir (); newDir = tr_getTorrentDir (session); moveFiles (oldDir, newDir); oldDir = getOldCacheDir (); newDir = tr_getResumeDir (session); moveFiles (oldDir, newDir); } } void tr_setConfigDir (tr_session * session, const char * configDir) { char * path; session->configDir = tr_strdup (configDir); path = tr_buildPath (configDir, RESUME_SUBDIR, NULL); tr_mkdirp (path, 0777); session->resumeDir = path; path = tr_buildPath (configDir, TORRENT_SUBDIR, NULL); tr_mkdirp (path, 0777); session->torrentDir = path; migrateFiles (session); } const char * tr_sessionGetConfigDir (const tr_session * session) { return session->configDir; } const char * tr_getTorrentDir (const tr_session * session) { return session->torrentDir; } const char * tr_getResumeDir (const tr_session * session) { return session->resumeDir; } const char* tr_getDefaultConfigDir (const char * appname) { static char * s = NULL; if (!appname || !*appname) appname = "Transmission"; if (!s) { if ((s = getenv ("TRANSMISSION_HOME"))) { s = tr_strdup (s); } else { #ifdef SYS_DARWIN s = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), "Library", "Application Support", appname, NULL); #elif defined (WIN32) char appdata[TR_PATH_MAX]; /* SHGetFolderPath () requires MAX_PATH */ SHGetFolderPath (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, appdata); s = tr_buildPath (appdata, appname, NULL); #elif defined (__HAIKU__) char buf[TR_PATH_MAX]; find_directory (B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, -1, true, buf, sizeof (buf)); s = tr_buildPath (buf, appname, NULL); #else if ((s = getenv ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))) s = tr_buildPath (s, appname, NULL); else s = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), ".config", appname, NULL); #endif } } return s; } const char* tr_getDefaultDownloadDir (void) { static char * user_dir = NULL; if (user_dir == NULL) { const char * config_home; char * config_file; char * content; size_t content_len; /* figure out where to look for user-dirs.dirs */ config_home = getenv ("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (config_home && *config_home) config_file = tr_buildPath (config_home, "user-dirs.dirs", NULL); else config_file = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), ".config", "user-dirs.dirs", NULL); /* read in user-dirs.dirs and look for the download dir entry */ content = (char *) tr_loadFile (config_file, &content_len); if (content && content_len>0) { const char * key = "XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR=\""; char * line = strstr (content, key); if (line != NULL) { char * value = line + strlen (key); char * end = strchr (value, '"'); if (end) { *end = '\0'; if (!memcmp (value, "$HOME/", 6)) user_dir = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), value+6, NULL); else if (!strcmp (value, "$HOME")) user_dir = tr_strdup (getHomeDir ()); else user_dir = tr_strdup (value); } } } if (user_dir == NULL) #ifdef __HAIKU__ user_dir = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), "Desktop", NULL); #else user_dir = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), "Downloads", NULL); #endif tr_free (content); tr_free (config_file); } return user_dir; } /*** **** ***/ static int isWebClientDir (const char * path) { struct stat sb; char * tmp = tr_buildPath (path, "index.html", NULL); const int ret = !stat (tmp, &sb); tr_inf (_("Searching for web interface file \"%s\""), tmp); tr_free (tmp); return ret; } const char * tr_getWebClientDir (const tr_session * session UNUSED) { static char * s = NULL; if (!s) { if ((s = getenv ("CLUTCH_HOME"))) { s = tr_strdup (s); } else if ((s = getenv ("TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME"))) { s = tr_strdup (s); } else { #ifdef SYS_DARWIN /* on Mac, look in the Application Support folder first, then in the app bundle. */ /* Look in the Application Support folder */ s = tr_buildPath (tr_sessionGetConfigDir (session), "web", NULL); if (!isWebClientDir (s)) { tr_free (s); CFURLRef appURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL (CFBundleGetMainBundle ()); CFStringRef appRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath (appURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); const CFIndex appStringLength = CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation (appRef); char * appString = tr_malloc (appStringLength); const bool success = CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation (appRef, appString, appStringLength); assert (success); CFRelease (appURL); CFRelease (appRef); /* Fallback to the app bundle */ s = tr_buildPath (appString, "Contents", "Resources", "web", NULL); if (!isWebClientDir (s)) { tr_free (s); s = NULL; } tr_free (appString); } #elif defined (WIN32) /* SHGetFolderPath explicitly requires MAX_PATH length */ char dir[MAX_PATH]; /* Generally, Web interface should be stored in a Web subdir of * calling executable dir. */ if (s == NULL) /* check personal AppData/Transmission/Web */ { SHGetFolderPath (NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, dir); s = tr_buildPath (dir, "Transmission", "Web", NULL); if (!isWebClientDir (s)) { tr_free (s); s = NULL; } } if (s == NULL) /* check personal AppData */ { SHGetFolderPath (NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, dir); s = tr_buildPath (dir, "Transmission", "Web", NULL); if (!isWebClientDir (s)) { tr_free (s); s = NULL; } } if (s == NULL) /* check calling module place */ { GetModuleFileName (GetModuleHandle (NULL), dir, sizeof (dir)); s = tr_buildPath (dirname (dir), "Web", NULL); if (!isWebClientDir (s)) { tr_free (s); s = NULL; } } #else /* everyone else, follow the XDG spec */ tr_list *candidates = NULL, *l; const char * tmp; /* XDG_DATA_HOME should be the first in the list of candidates */ tmp = getenv ("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (tmp && *tmp) { tr_list_append (&candidates, tr_strdup (tmp)); } else { char * dhome = tr_buildPath (getHomeDir (), ".local", "share", NULL); tr_list_append (&candidates, dhome); } /* XDG_DATA_DIRS are the backup directories */ { const char * pkg = PACKAGE_DATA_DIR; const char * xdg = getenv ("XDG_DATA_DIRS"); const char * fallback = "/usr/local/share:/usr/share"; char * buf = tr_strdup_printf ("%s:%s:%s", (pkg?pkg:""), (xdg?xdg:""), fallback); tmp = buf; while (tmp && *tmp) { const char * end = strchr (tmp, ':'); if (end) { if ((end - tmp) > 1) tr_list_append (&candidates, tr_strndup (tmp, end - tmp)); tmp = end + 1; } else if (tmp && *tmp) { tr_list_append (&candidates, tr_strdup (tmp)); break; } } tr_free (buf); } /* walk through the candidates & look for a match */ for (l=candidates; l; l=l->next) { char * path = tr_buildPath (l->data, "transmission", "web", NULL); const int found = isWebClientDir (path); if (found) { s = path; break; } tr_free (path); } tr_list_free (&candidates, tr_free); #endif } } return s; } /*** **** ***/ #ifndef WIN32 static char * getdev (const char * path) { #ifdef HAVE_GETMNTENT FILE * fp; struct mntent * mnt; fp = setmntent(_PATH_MOUNTED, "r"); if (fp == NULL) return NULL; while ((mnt = getmntent(fp)) != NULL) if (!tr_strcmp0 (path, mnt->mnt_dir)) break; endmntent(fp); return mnt ? mnt->mnt_fsname : NULL; #else /* BSD derived systems */ int i; int n; struct statfs * mnt; n = getmntinfo(&mnt, MNT_WAIT); if (!n) return NULL; for (i=0; imnt_fsname)) break; endmntent(fp); return mnt ? mnt->mnt_type : NULL; #else /* BSD derived systems */ int i; int n; struct statfs *mnt; n = getmntinfo(&mnt, MNT_WAIT); if (!n) return NULL; for (i=0; i 0) { /* Use soft limit first */ limit = dq.dqb_bsoftlimit; } else if (dq.dqb_bhardlimit > 0) { limit = dq.dqb_bhardlimit; } else { /* No quota enabled for this user */ return -1; } #if defined(__FreeBSD__) spaceused = (int64_t) dq.dqb_curblocks >> 1; #elif defined(SYS_DARWIN) spaceused = (int64_t) dq.dqb_curbytes >> 1; #elif defined(__UCLIBC__) spaceused = (int64_t) btodb(dq.dqb_curblocks); #else spaceused = btodb(dq.dqb_curspace); #endif freespace = limit - spaceused; return (freespace < 0) ? 0 : freespace * 1024; } /* something went wrong */ return -1; } #ifdef HAVE_XQM static int64_t getxfsquota (char * device) { int64_t limit; int64_t freespace; struct fs_disk_quota dq; if (quotactl(QCMD(Q_XGETQUOTA, USRQUOTA), device, getuid(), (caddr_t) &dq) == 0) { if (dq.d_blk_softlimit > 0) { /* Use soft limit first */ limit = dq.d_blk_softlimit >> 1; } else if (dq.d_blk_hardlimit > 0) { limit = dq.d_blk_hardlimit >> 1; } else { /* No quota enabled for this user */ return -1; } freespace = limit - (dq.d_bcount >> 1); return (freespace < 0) ? 0 : freespace * 1024; } /* something went wrong */ return -1; } #endif /* HAVE_XQM */ #endif /* WIN32 */ static int64_t tr_getQuotaFreeSpace (const char * path, char * device, char * fstype) { int64_t ret=-1; #ifndef WIN32 /* save device for future use */ if (!*device) { char * d = getblkdev (path); if (d == NULL) return ret; tr_strlcpy (device, d, PATH_MAX + 1); } /* save FS type for future use */ if (!*fstype) { char * fs = getfstype (device); if (fs != NULL) tr_strlcpy (fstype, fs, PATH_MAX + 1); } if (strcasecmp(fstype, "xfs") == 0) { #ifdef HAVE_XQM ret = getxfsquota(device); #endif } else { ret = getquota(device); } #endif /* WIN32 */ return ret; } static int64_t tr_getDiskFreeSpace (const char * path) { #ifdef WIN32 uint64_t freeBytesAvailable = 0; return GetDiskFreeSpaceEx (path, &freeBytesAvailable, NULL, NULL) ? (int64_t)freeBytesAvailable : -1; #elif defined(HAVE_STATVFS) struct statvfs buf; return statvfs(path, &buf) ? -1 : (int64_t)buf.f_bavail * (int64_t)buf.f_frsize; #else #warning FIXME: not implemented return -1; #endif } int64_t tr_getFreeSpace (const char * path, char * device, char * fstype) { int64_t i = tr_getQuotaFreeSpace (path, device, fstype); if (i < 0) i = tr_getDiskFreeSpace (path); return i; } /*** **** ***/ #ifdef WIN32 /* The following mmap functions are by Joerg Walter, and were taken from * his paper at: http://www.genesys-e.de/jwalter/mix4win.htm */ #if defined (_MSC_VER) __declspec (align (4)) static LONG volatile g_sl; #else static LONG volatile g_sl __attribute__((aligned (4))); #endif /* Wait for spin lock */ static int slwait (LONG volatile *sl) { while (InterlockedCompareExchange (sl, 1, 0) != 0) Sleep (0); return 0; } /* Release spin lock */ static int slrelease (LONG volatile *sl) { InterlockedExchange (sl, 0); return 0; } /* getpagesize for windows */ static long getpagesize (void) { static long g_pagesize = 0; if (!g_pagesize) { SYSTEM_INFO system_info; GetSystemInfo (&system_info); g_pagesize = system_info.dwPageSize; } return g_pagesize; } static long getregionsize (void) { static long g_regionsize = 0; if (!g_regionsize) { SYSTEM_INFO system_info; GetSystemInfo (&system_info); g_regionsize = system_info.dwAllocationGranularity; } return g_regionsize; } void * mmap (void *ptr, long size, long prot, long type, long handle, long arg) { static long g_pagesize; static long g_regionsize; /* Wait for spin lock */ slwait (&g_sl); /* First time initialization */ if (!g_pagesize) g_pagesize = getpagesize (); if (!g_regionsize) g_regionsize = getregionsize (); /* Allocate this */ ptr = VirtualAlloc (ptr, size, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT | MEM_TOP_DOWN, PAGE_READWRITE); if (!ptr) { ptr = (void *) -1; goto mmap_exit; } mmap_exit: /* Release spin lock */ slrelease (&g_sl); return ptr; } long munmap (void *ptr, long size) { static long g_pagesize; static long g_regionsize; int rc = -1; /* Wait for spin lock */ slwait (&g_sl); /* First time initialization */ if (!g_pagesize) g_pagesize = getpagesize (); if (!g_regionsize) g_regionsize = getregionsize (); /* Free this */ if (!VirtualFree (ptr, 0, MEM_RELEASE)) goto munmap_exit; rc = 0; munmap_exit: /* Release spin lock */ slrelease (&g_sl); return rc; } #endif