/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /* memcpy */ #include #include /* stat */ #include /* stat */ #include /* stat */ #include /* opendir */ #include "transmission.h" #include "blocklist.h" #include "fdlimit.h" #include "list.h" #include "metainfo.h" /* tr_metainfoFree */ #include "net.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "platform.h" /* tr_lock */ #include "port-forwarding.h" #include "ratecontrol.h" #include "stats.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "tracker.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "utils.h" #include "web.h" /* Generate a peer id : "-TRxyzb-" + 12 random alphanumeric characters, where x is the major version number, y is the minor version number, z is the maintenance number, and b designates beta (Azureus-style) */ uint8_t* tr_peerIdNew( void ) { int i; int val; int total = 0; uint8_t * buf = tr_new( uint8_t, 21 ); const char * pool = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; const int base = 36; memcpy( buf, PEERID_PREFIX, 8 ); for( i=8; i<19; ++i ) { val = tr_rand( base ); total += val; buf[i] = pool[val]; } val = total % base ? base - (total % base) : 0; total += val; buf[19] = pool[val]; buf[20] = '\0'; return buf; } const uint8_t* tr_getPeerId( void ) { static uint8_t * id = NULL; if( id == NULL ) id = tr_peerIdNew( ); return id; } /*** **** ***/ tr_encryption_mode tr_sessionGetEncryption( tr_session * session ) { assert( session != NULL ); return session->encryptionMode; } void tr_sessionSetEncryption( tr_session * session, tr_encryption_mode mode ) { assert( session != NULL ); assert( mode==TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED || mode==TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED || mode==TR_PLAINTEXT_PREFERRED ); session->encryptionMode = mode; } /*** **** ***/ static void metainfoLookupRescan( tr_handle * h ); tr_handle * tr_initFull( const char * configDir, const char * tag, int isPexEnabled, int isPortForwardingEnabled, int publicPort, int encryptionMode, int isUploadLimitEnabled, int uploadLimit, int isDownloadLimitEnabled, int downloadLimit, int globalPeerLimit, int messageLevel, int isMessageQueueingEnabled, int isBlocklistEnabled, int peerSocketTOS ) { tr_handle * h; char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; #ifndef WIN32 /* Don't exit when writing on a broken socket */ signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); #endif if( configDir == NULL ) configDir = tr_getDefaultConfigDir( ); tr_msgInit( ); tr_setMessageLevel( messageLevel ); tr_setMessageQueuing( isMessageQueueingEnabled ); h = tr_new0( tr_handle, 1 ); h->lock = tr_lockNew( ); h->isPexEnabled = isPexEnabled ? 1 : 0; h->encryptionMode = encryptionMode; h->peerSocketTOS = peerSocketTOS; tr_setConfigDir( h, configDir ); tr_netInit(); /* must go before tr_eventInit */ tr_eventInit( h ); while( !h->events ) tr_wait( 50 ); h->tag = tr_strdup( tag ); h->peerMgr = tr_peerMgrNew( h ); /* Initialize rate and file descripts controls */ h->upload = tr_rcInit(); tr_rcSetLimit( h->upload, uploadLimit ); h->useUploadLimit = isUploadLimitEnabled; h->download = tr_rcInit(); tr_rcSetLimit( h->download, downloadLimit ); h->useDownloadLimit = isDownloadLimitEnabled; tr_fdInit( globalPeerLimit ); h->shared = tr_sharedInit( h, isPortForwardingEnabled, publicPort ); h->isPortSet = publicPort >= 0; /* first %s is the application name second %s is the version number */ tr_inf( _( "%s %s started" ), TR_NAME, LONG_VERSION_STRING ); /* initialize the blocklist */ tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), h->configDir, "blocklists", NULL ); tr_mkdirp( filename, 0777 ); tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), h->configDir, "blocklists", "level1.bin", NULL ); h->blocklist = _tr_blocklistNew( filename, isBlocklistEnabled ); tr_statsInit( h ); h->web = tr_webInit( h ); metainfoLookupRescan( h ); return h; } tr_handle * tr_init( const char * configDir, const char * tag ) { return tr_initFull( configDir, tag, TR_DEFAULT_PEX_ENABLED, TR_DEFAULT_PORT_FORWARDING_ENABLED, -1, /* public port */ TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED, /* encryption mode */ FALSE, /* use upload speed limit? */ -1, /* upload speed limit */ FALSE, /* use download speed limit? */ -1, /* download speed limit */ TR_DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PEER_LIMIT, TR_MSG_INF, /* message level */ FALSE, /* is message queueing enabled? */ FALSE, /* is the blocklist enabled? */ TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_globalLock( struct tr_handle * handle ) { tr_lockLock( handle->lock ); } void tr_globalUnlock( struct tr_handle * handle ) { tr_lockUnlock( handle->lock ); } int tr_globalIsLocked( const struct tr_handle * handle ) { return handle && tr_lockHave( handle->lock ); } /*********************************************************************** * tr_setBindPort *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ struct bind_port_data { tr_handle * handle; int port; }; static void tr_setBindPortImpl( void * vdata ) { struct bind_port_data * data = vdata; tr_handle * handle = data->handle; const int port = data->port; handle->isPortSet = 1; tr_sharedSetPort( handle->shared, port ); tr_free( data ); } void tr_sessionSetPublicPort( tr_handle * handle, int port ) { struct bind_port_data * data = tr_new( struct bind_port_data, 1 ); data->handle = handle; data->port = port; tr_runInEventThread( handle, tr_setBindPortImpl, data ); } int tr_sessionGetPublicPort( const tr_handle * h ) { assert( h != NULL ); return tr_sharedGetPublicPort( h->shared ); } const tr_handle_status * tr_handleStatus( tr_handle * h ) { tr_handle_status * s; h->statCur = ( h->statCur + 1 ) % 2; s = &h->stats[h->statCur]; tr_globalLock( h ); s->natTraversalStatus = tr_sharedTraversalStatus( h->shared ); s->publicPort = tr_sharedGetPublicPort( h->shared ); tr_globalUnlock( h ); return s; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetSpeedLimitEnabled( tr_handle * h, int up_or_down, int use_flag ) { if( up_or_down == TR_UP ) h->useUploadLimit = use_flag ? 1 : 0; else h->useDownloadLimit = use_flag ? 1 : 0; } int tr_sessionIsSpeedLimitEnabled( const tr_handle * h, int up_or_down ) { return up_or_down==TR_UP ? h->useUploadLimit : h->useDownloadLimit; } void tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit( tr_handle * h, int up_or_down, int KiB_sec ) { if( up_or_down == TR_DOWN ) tr_rcSetLimit( h->download, KiB_sec ); else tr_rcSetLimit( h->upload, KiB_sec ); } int tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit( const tr_handle * h, int up_or_down ) { return tr_rcGetLimit( up_or_down==TR_UP ? h->upload : h->download ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPeerLimit( tr_handle * handle UNUSED, uint16_t maxGlobalPeers ) { tr_fdSetPeerLimit( maxGlobalPeers ); } uint16_t tr_sessionGetPeerLimit( const tr_handle * handle UNUSED ) { return tr_fdGetPeerLimit( ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentRates( tr_handle * h, float * toClient, float * toPeer ) { if( h ) { tr_globalLock( h ); if( toClient ) *toClient = tr_rcRate( h->download ); if( toPeer ) *toPeer = tr_rcRate( h->upload ); tr_globalUnlock( h ); } } int tr_torrentCount( const tr_handle * h ) { return h->torrentCount; } static void tr_closeAllConnections( void * vh ) { tr_handle * h = vh; tr_torrent * tor; tr_sharedShuttingDown( h->shared ); tr_trackerShuttingDown( h ); while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( h, NULL ))) tr_torrentClose( tor ); tr_peerMgrFree( h->peerMgr ); tr_rcClose( h->upload ); tr_rcClose( h->download ); h->isClosed = TRUE; } static int deadlineReached( const uint64_t deadline ) { return tr_date( ) >= deadline; } #define SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS 30 void tr_close( tr_handle * h ) { int i; const int maxwait_msec = SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS * 1000; const uint64_t deadline = tr_date( ) + maxwait_msec; tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "shutting down transmission session %p", h ); tr_statsClose( h ); tr_runInEventThread( h, tr_closeAllConnections, h ); while( !h->isClosed && !deadlineReached( deadline ) ) tr_wait( 100 ); _tr_blocklistFree( h->blocklist ); h->blocklist = NULL; tr_webClose( &h->web ); tr_eventClose( h ); while( h->events && !deadlineReached( deadline ) ) tr_wait( 100 ); tr_fdClose( ); tr_lockFree( h->lock ); for( i=0; imetainfoLookupCount; ++i ) tr_free( h->metainfoLookup[i].filename ); tr_free( h->metainfoLookup ); tr_free( h->tag ); tr_free( h->configDir ); tr_free( h->resumeDir ); tr_free( h->torrentDir ); free( h ); } tr_torrent ** tr_loadTorrents ( tr_handle * h, tr_ctor * ctor, int * setmeCount ) { int i, n = 0; struct stat sb; DIR * odir = NULL; const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentDir( h ); tr_torrent ** torrents; tr_list *l=NULL, *list=NULL; tr_ctorSetSave( ctor, FALSE ); /* since we already have them */ if( !stat( dirname, &sb ) && S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && (( odir = opendir ( dirname ) )) ) { struct dirent *d; for (d = readdir( odir ); d!=NULL; d=readdir( odir ) ) { if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0]!='.' ) /* skip dotfiles, ., and .. */ { tr_torrent * tor; char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), dirname, d->d_name, NULL ); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename ); tor = tr_torrentNew( h, ctor, NULL ); if( tor ) { tr_list_append( &list, tor ); n++; } } } closedir( odir ); } torrents = tr_new( tr_torrent*, n ); for( i=0, l=list; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) torrents[i++] = (tr_torrent*) l->data; assert( i==n ); tr_list_free( &list, NULL ); if( n ) tr_inf( _( "Loaded %d torrents" ), n ); *setmeCount = n; return torrents; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPexEnabled( tr_handle * handle, int isPexEnabled ) { handle->isPexEnabled = isPexEnabled ? 1 : 0; } int tr_sessionIsPexEnabled( const tr_handle * handle ) { return handle->isPexEnabled; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPortForwardingEnabled( tr_handle * h, int enable ) { tr_globalLock( h ); tr_sharedTraversalEnable( h->shared, enable ); tr_globalUnlock( h ); } int tr_sessionIsPortForwardingEnabled( const tr_handle * h ) { return tr_sharedTraversalIsEnabled( h->shared ); } /*** **** ***/ int tr_blocklistGetRuleCount( tr_handle * handle ) { return _tr_blocklistGetRuleCount( handle->blocklist ); } int tr_blocklistIsEnabled( const tr_handle * handle ) { return _tr_blocklistIsEnabled( handle->blocklist ); } void tr_blocklistSetEnabled( tr_handle * handle, int isEnabled ) { _tr_blocklistSetEnabled( handle->blocklist, isEnabled ); } int tr_blocklistExists( const tr_handle * handle ) { return _tr_blocklistExists( handle->blocklist ); } int tr_blocklistSetContent( tr_handle * handle, const char * filename ) { return _tr_blocklistSetContent( handle->blocklist, filename ); } int tr_blocklistHasAddress( tr_handle * handle, const struct in_addr * addr ) { return _tr_blocklistHasAddress( handle->blocklist, addr ); } /*** **** ***/ static int compareLookupEntries( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct tr_metainfo_lookup * a = va; const struct tr_metainfo_lookup * b = vb; return strcmp( a->hashString, b->hashString ); } static void metainfoLookupResort( tr_handle * h ) { qsort( h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount, sizeof( struct tr_metainfo_lookup ), compareLookupEntries ); } static int compareHashStringToLookupEntry( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const char * a = va; const struct tr_metainfo_lookup * b = vb; return strcmp( a, b->hashString ); } const char* tr_sessionFindTorrentFile( const tr_handle * h, const char * hashStr ) { struct tr_metainfo_lookup * l = bsearch( hashStr, h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount, sizeof( struct tr_metainfo_lookup ), compareHashStringToLookupEntry ); return l ? l->filename : NULL; } static void metainfoLookupRescan( tr_handle * h ) { int i; int n; struct stat sb; const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentDir( h ); DIR * odir = NULL; tr_ctor * ctor = NULL; tr_list * list = NULL; /* walk through the directory and find the mappings */ ctor = tr_ctorNew( h ); tr_ctorSetSave( ctor, FALSE ); /* since we already have them */ if( !stat( dirname, &sb ) && S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && (( odir = opendir( dirname )))) { struct dirent *d; for (d = readdir( odir ); d!=NULL; d=readdir( odir ) ) { if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0]!='.' ) /* skip dotfiles, ., and .. */ { tr_info inf; char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), dirname, d->d_name, NULL ); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename ); if( !tr_torrentParse( h, ctor, &inf ) ) { tr_list_append( &list, tr_strdup( inf.hashString ) ); tr_list_append( &list, tr_strdup( filename ) ); tr_metainfoFree( &inf ); } } } closedir( odir ); } tr_ctorFree( ctor ); n = tr_list_size( list ) / 2; h->metainfoLookup = tr_new0( struct tr_metainfo_lookup, n ); h->metainfoLookupCount = n; for( i=0; imetainfoLookup[i].hashString, hashString, 2*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH+1 ); tr_free( hashString ); h->metainfoLookup[i].filename = filename; } metainfoLookupResort( h ); tr_dbg( "Found %d torrents in \"%s\"", n, dirname ); } void tr_sessionSetTorrentFile( tr_handle * h, const char * hashString, const char * filename ) { struct tr_metainfo_lookup * l = bsearch( hashString, h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount, sizeof( struct tr_metainfo_lookup ), compareHashStringToLookupEntry ); if( l != NULL ) { if( l->filename != filename ) { tr_free( l->filename ); l->filename = tr_strdup( filename ); } } else { const int n = h->metainfoLookupCount++; struct tr_metainfo_lookup * node; h->metainfoLookup = tr_renew( struct tr_metainfo_lookup, h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount ); node = h->metainfoLookup + n; memcpy( node->hashString, hashString, 2*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH+1 ); node->filename = tr_strdup( filename ); metainfoLookupResort( h ); } } tr_torrent* tr_torrentNext( tr_handle * session, tr_torrent * tor ) { return tor ? tor->next : session->torrentList; }