README for Transmission

Transmission is a free, lightweight BitTorrent client. It features a
simple, intuitive interface on top of an efficient, cross-platform

Transmission runs on Mac OS X (Cocoa interface),
Linux/NetBSD/FreeBSD/OpenBSD (GTK+ interface)
and BeOS (native interface).

For more information (including build instructions), please consult the

Building Transmission

Transmission has an Xcode project file (Transmission.xcodeproj) that allows it to be built in Xcode.

Building a Transmission release from the command line:

    $ tar xvfz Transmission-80.tar.gz
    $ cd Transmission-0.80
    $ ./configure -q && make -s
    $ su (if necessary for the next line)
    $ make install

Building Transmission from SVN (First Time):

    $ svn co svn:// Transmission
    $ cd Transmission
    $ ./
    $ ./configure -q && make -s

Building Transmission from SVN (Updating):

    $ cd Transmission
    $ svn up
    $ make -s