/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2005 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __BEOS__ #include #include #include #include #define BEOS_MAX_THREADS 256 #elif defined(WIN32) #include #include /* for CSIDL_APPDATA, CSIDL_PROFILE */ #else #include #endif #include #include #include #include /* getuid getpid close */ #include "transmission.h" #include "list.h" #include "net.h" #include "platform.h" #include "utils.h" /*** **** THREADS ***/ struct tr_thread { void (* func ) ( void * ); void * arg; const char * name; #ifdef __BEOS__ thread_id thread; #elif defined(WIN32) HANDLE thread; unsigned int thread_id; #else pthread_t thread; #endif }; #ifdef WIN32 #define ThreadFuncReturnType unsigned WINAPI #else #define ThreadFuncReturnType void #endif static ThreadFuncReturnType ThreadFunc( void * _t ) { tr_thread * t = _t; const char * name = t->name; #ifdef __BEOS__ /* This is required because on BeOS, SIGINT is sent to each thread, which kills them not nicely */ signal( SIGINT, SIG_IGN ); #endif tr_dbg( "Thread '%s' started", name ); t->func( t->arg ); tr_dbg( "Thread '%s' exited", name ); #ifdef WIN32 _endthreadex( 0 ); return 0; #endif } tr_thread * tr_threadNew( void (*func)(void *), void * arg, const char * name ) { tr_thread * t = tr_new0( tr_thread, 1 ); t->func = func; t->arg = arg; t->name = name; #ifdef __BEOS__ t->thread = spawn_thread( (void*)ThreadFunc, name, B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, t ); resume_thread( t->thread ); #elif defined(WIN32) t->thread = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex( NULL, 0, &ThreadFunc, t, 0, &t->thread_id ); #else pthread_create( &t->thread, NULL, (void * (*) (void *)) ThreadFunc, t ); #endif return t; } int tr_amInThread ( const tr_thread * t ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ return find_thread(NULL) == t->thread; #elif defined(WIN32) return GetCurrentThreadId() == t->thread_id; #else return pthread_equal( t->thread, pthread_self( ) ); #endif } void tr_threadJoin( tr_thread * t ) { if( t != NULL ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ long exit; wait_for_thread( t->thread, &exit ); #elif defined(WIN32) WaitForSingleObject( t->thread, INFINITE ); CloseHandle( t->thread ); #else pthread_join( t->thread, NULL ); #endif tr_dbg( "Thread '%s' joined", t->name ); t->name = NULL; t->func = NULL; tr_free( t ); } } /*** **** LOCKS ***/ struct tr_lock { #ifdef __BEOS__ sem_id lock; #elif defined(WIN32) CRITICAL_SECTION lock; #else pthread_mutex_t lock; #endif }; tr_lock* tr_lockNew( void ) { tr_lock * l = tr_new0( tr_lock, 1 ); #ifdef __BEOS__ l->lock = create_sem( 1, "" ); #elif defined(WIN32) InitializeCriticalSection( &l->lock ); #else pthread_mutex_init( &l->lock, NULL ); #endif return l; } void tr_lockFree( tr_lock * l ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ delete_sem( l->lock ); #elif defined(WIN32) DeleteCriticalSection( &l->lock ); #else pthread_mutex_destroy( &l->lock ); #endif tr_free( l ); } int tr_lockTryLock( tr_lock * l ) /* success on zero! */ { #ifdef __BEOS__ return acquire_sem_etc( l->lock, 1, B_RELATIVE_TIMEOUT, 0 ); #elif defined(WIN32) return !TryEnterCriticalSection( &l->lock ); #else return pthread_mutex_trylock( &l->lock ); #endif } void tr_lockLock( tr_lock * l ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ acquire_sem( l->lock ); #elif defined(WIN32) EnterCriticalSection( &l->lock ); #else pthread_mutex_lock( &l->lock ); #endif } void tr_lockUnlock( tr_lock * l ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ release_sem( l->lock ); #elif defined(WIN32) LeaveCriticalSection( &l->lock ); #else pthread_mutex_unlock( &l->lock ); #endif } /*** **** COND ***/ struct tr_cond { #ifdef __BEOS__ sem_id sem; thread_id threads[BEOS_MAX_THREADS]; int start, end; #elif defined(WIN32) tr_list * events; tr_lock * lock; #else pthread_cond_t cond; #endif }; #ifdef WIN32 static DWORD getContEventTLS( void ) { static int inited = FALSE; static DWORD event_tls; if( !inited ) { inited = TRUE; event_tls = TlsAlloc(); } return event_tls; } #endif tr_cond* tr_condNew( void ) { tr_cond * c = tr_new0( tr_cond, 1 ); #ifdef __BEOS__ c->sem = create_sem( 1, "" ); c->start = 0; c->end = 0; #elif defined(WIN32) c->events = NULL; c->lock = tr_lockNew( ); #else pthread_cond_init( &c->cond, NULL ); #endif return c; } void tr_condWait( tr_cond * c, tr_lock * l ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ /* Keep track of that thread */ acquire_sem( c->sem ); c->threads[c->end] = find_thread( NULL ); c->end = ( c->end + 1 ) % BEOS_MAX_THREADS; assert( c->end != c->start ); /* We hit BEOS_MAX_THREADS, arggh */ release_sem( c->sem ); release_sem( l->lock ); suspend_thread( find_thread( NULL ) ); /* Wait for signal */ acquire_sem( l->lock ); #elif defined(WIN32) /* get this thread's cond event */ DWORD key = getContEventTLS ( ); HANDLE hEvent = TlsGetValue( key ); if( !hEvent ) { hEvent = CreateEvent( 0, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); TlsSetValue( key, hEvent ); } /* add it to the list of events waiting to be signaled */ tr_lockLock( c->lock ); tr_list_append( &c->events, hEvent ); tr_lockUnlock( c->lock ); /* now wait for it to be signaled */ tr_lockUnlock( l ); WaitForSingleObject( hEvent, INFINITE ); tr_lockLock( l ); /* remove it from the list of events waiting to be signaled */ tr_lockLock( c->lock ); tr_list_remove_data( &c->events, hEvent ); tr_lockUnlock( c->lock ); #else pthread_cond_wait( &c->cond, &l->lock ); #endif } #ifdef __BEOS__ static int condTrySignal( tr_cond * c ) { if( c->start == c->end ) return 1; for( ;; ) { thread_info info; get_thread_info( c->threads[c->start], &info ); if( info.state == B_THREAD_SUSPENDED ) { resume_thread( c->threads[c->start] ); c->start = ( c->start + 1 ) % BEOS_MAX_THREADS; break; } /* The thread is not suspended yet, which can happen since * tr_condWait does not atomically suspends after releasing * the semaphore. Wait a bit and try again. */ snooze( 5000 ); } return 0; } #endif void tr_condSignal( tr_cond * c ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ acquire_sem( c->sem ); condTrySignal( c ); release_sem( c->sem ); #elif defined(WIN32) tr_lockLock( c->lock ); if( c->events != NULL ) SetEvent( (HANDLE)c->events->data ); tr_lockUnlock( c->lock ); #else pthread_cond_signal( &c->cond ); #endif } void tr_condBroadcast( tr_cond * c ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ acquire_sem( c->sem ); while( !condTrySignal( c ) ); release_sem( c->sem ); #elif defined(WIN32) tr_list * l; tr_lockLock( c->lock ); for( l=c->events; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) SetEvent( (HANDLE)l->data ); tr_lockUnlock( c->lock ); #else pthread_cond_broadcast( &c->cond ); #endif } void tr_condFree( tr_cond * c ) { #ifdef __BEOS__ delete_sem( c->sem ); #elif defined(WIN32) tr_list_free( &c->events ); tr_lockFree( c->lock ); #else pthread_cond_destroy( &c->cond ); #endif tr_free( c ); } /*** **** PATHS ***/ #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__BEOS__) && !defined(__AMIGAOS4__) #include #endif const char * tr_getHomeDirectory( void ) { static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; static int init = 0; const char * envHome; if( init ) return buf; envHome = getenv( "HOME" ); if( envHome ) snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", envHome ); else { #ifdef WIN32 SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_PROFILE, NULL, 0, buf ); #elif defined(__BEOS__) || defined(__AMIGAOS4__) *buf = '\0'; #else struct passwd * pw = getpwuid( getuid() ); endpwent(); if( pw != NULL ) snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", pw->pw_dir ); #endif } init = 1; return buf; } static void tr_migrateResume( const char *oldDirectory, const char *newDirectory ) { DIR * dirh = opendir( oldDirectory ); if( dirh != NULL ) { struct dirent * dirp; while( ( dirp = readdir( dirh ) ) ) { if( !strncmp( "resume.", dirp->d_name, 7 ) ) { char o[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; char n[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_buildPath( o, sizeof(o), oldDirectory, dirp->d_name, NULL ); tr_buildPath( n, sizeof(n), newDirectory, dirp->d_name, NULL ); rename( o, n ); } } closedir( dirh ); } } const char * tr_getPrefsDirectory( void ) { static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; static int init = 0; static size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); const char* h; if( init ) return buf; h = tr_getHomeDirectory(); #ifdef __BEOS__ find_directory( B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, dev_for_path("/boot"), true, buf, buflen ); strcat( buf, "/Transmission" ); #elif defined( SYS_DARWIN ) tr_buildPath ( buf, buflen, h, "Library", "Application Support", "Transmission", NULL ); #elif defined(__AMIGAOS4__) snprintf( buf, buflen, "PROGDIR:.transmission" ); #elif defined(WIN32) { char tmp[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; SHGetFolderPath( NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, 0, tmp ); tr_buildPath( buf, sizeof(buf), tmp, "Transmission", NULL ); buflen = strlen( buf ); } #else tr_buildPath ( buf, buflen, h, ".transmission", NULL ); #endif tr_mkdirp( buf, 0700 ); init = 1; #ifdef SYS_DARWIN char old[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_buildPath ( old, sizeof(old), h, ".transmission", NULL ); tr_migrateResume( old, buf ); rmdir( old ); #endif return buf; } const char * tr_getCacheDirectory( void ) { static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; static int init = 0; static const size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); const char * p; if( init ) return buf; p = tr_getPrefsDirectory(); #if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32) tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "Cache", NULL ); #elif defined( SYS_DARWIN ) tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, tr_getHomeDirectory(), "Library", "Caches", "Transmission", NULL ); #else tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "cache", NULL ); #endif tr_mkdirp( buf, 0700 ); init = 1; if( strcmp( p, buf ) ) tr_migrateResume( p, buf ); return buf; } const char * tr_getTorrentsDirectory( void ) { static char buf[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; static int init = 0; static const size_t buflen = sizeof(buf); const char * p; if( init ) return buf; p = tr_getPrefsDirectory (); #if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32) tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "Torrents", NULL ); #elif defined( SYS_DARWIN ) tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "Torrents", NULL ); #else tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, p, "torrents", NULL ); #endif tr_mkdirp( buf, 0700 ); init = 1; return buf; } /*** **** SOCKETS ***/ #ifdef BSD #include #include #include #include #include #include static uint8_t * getroute( int * buflen ); static int parseroutes( uint8_t * buf, int len, struct in_addr * addr ); int tr_getDefaultRoute( struct in_addr * addr ) { uint8_t * buf; int len; buf = getroute( &len ); if( NULL == buf ) { tr_err( "failed to get default route (BSD)" ); return 1; } len = parseroutes( buf, len, addr ); free( buf ); return len; } #ifndef SA_SIZE #define ROUNDUP( a, size ) \ ( ( (a) & ( (size) - 1 ) ) ? ( 1 + ( (a) | ( (size) - 1 ) ) ) : (a) ) #define SA_SIZE( sap ) \ ( sap->sa_len ? ROUNDUP( (sap)->sa_len, sizeof( u_long ) ) : \ sizeof( u_long ) ) #endif /* !SA_SIZE */ #define NEXT_SA( sap ) \ (struct sockaddr *) ( (caddr_t) (sap) + ( SA_SIZE( (sap) ) ) ) static uint8_t * getroute( int * buflen ) { int mib[6]; size_t len; uint8_t * buf; mib[0] = CTL_NET; mib[1] = PF_ROUTE; mib[2] = 0; mib[3] = AF_INET; mib[4] = NET_RT_FLAGS; mib[5] = RTF_GATEWAY; if( sysctl( mib, 6, NULL, &len, NULL, 0 ) ) { if( ENOENT != errno ) { tr_err( "sysctl net.route.0.inet.flags.gateway failed (%s)", strerror( sockerrno ) ); } *buflen = 0; return NULL; } buf = malloc( len ); if( NULL == buf ) { *buflen = 0; return NULL; } if( sysctl( mib, 6, buf, &len, NULL, 0 ) ) { tr_err( "sysctl net.route.0.inet.flags.gateway failed (%s)", strerror( sockerrno ) ); free( buf ); *buflen = 0; return NULL; } *buflen = len; return buf; } static int parseroutes( uint8_t * buf, int len, struct in_addr * addr ) { uint8_t * end; struct rt_msghdr * rtm; struct sockaddr * sa; struct sockaddr_in * sin; int ii; struct in_addr dest, gw; end = buf + len; while( end > buf + sizeof( *rtm ) ) { rtm = (struct rt_msghdr *) buf; buf += rtm->rtm_msglen; if( end >= buf ) { dest.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; gw.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; sa = (struct sockaddr *) ( rtm + 1 ); for( ii = 0; ii < RTAX_MAX && (uint8_t *) sa < buf; ii++ ) { if( buf < (uint8_t *) NEXT_SA( sa ) ) { break; } if( rtm->rtm_addrs & ( 1 << ii ) ) { if( AF_INET == sa->sa_family ) { sin = (struct sockaddr_in *) sa; switch( ii ) { case RTAX_DST: dest = sin->sin_addr; break; case RTAX_GATEWAY: gw = sin->sin_addr; break; } } sa = NEXT_SA( sa ); } } if( INADDR_ANY == dest.s_addr && INADDR_NONE != gw.s_addr ) { *addr = gw; return 0; } } } return 1; } #elif defined( linux ) || defined( __linux ) || defined( __linux__ ) #include #include #include #define SEQNUM 195909 static int getsock( void ); static uint8_t * getroute( int fd, unsigned int * buflen ); static int parseroutes( uint8_t * buf, unsigned int len, struct in_addr * addr ); int tr_getDefaultRoute( struct in_addr * addr ) { int fd, ret; unsigned int len; uint8_t * buf; ret = 1; fd = getsock(); if( 0 <= fd ) { while( ret ) { buf = getroute( fd, &len ); if( NULL == buf ) { break; } ret = parseroutes( buf, len, addr ); free( buf ); } close( fd ); } if( ret ) { tr_err( "failed to get default route (Linux)" ); } return ret; } static int getsock( void ) { int fd, flags; struct { struct nlmsghdr nlh; struct rtgenmsg rtg; } req; struct sockaddr_nl snl; fd = socket( PF_NETLINK, SOCK_DGRAM, NETLINK_ROUTE ); if( 0 > fd ) { tr_err( "failed to create routing socket (%s)", strerror( sockerrno ) ); return -1; } flags = fcntl( fd, F_GETFL ); if( 0 > flags || 0 > fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | flags ) ) { tr_err( "failed to set socket nonblocking (%s)", strerror( sockerrno ) ); close( fd ); return -1; } bzero( &snl, sizeof( snl ) ); snl.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; bzero( &req, sizeof( req ) ); req.nlh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_LENGTH( sizeof( req.rtg ) ); req.nlh.nlmsg_type = RTM_GETROUTE; req.nlh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST | NLM_F_DUMP; req.nlh.nlmsg_seq = SEQNUM; req.nlh.nlmsg_pid = 0; req.rtg.rtgen_family = AF_INET; if( 0 > sendto( fd, &req, sizeof( req ), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &snl, sizeof( snl ) ) ) { tr_err( "failed to write to routing socket (%s)", strerror( sockerrno ) ); close( fd ); return -1; } return fd; } static uint8_t * getroute( int fd, unsigned int * buflen ) { void * buf; unsigned int len; ssize_t res; struct sockaddr_nl snl; socklen_t slen; len = 8192; buf = calloc( 1, len ); if( NULL == buf ) { *buflen = 0; return NULL; } for( ;; ) { bzero( &snl, sizeof( snl ) ); slen = sizeof( snl ); res = recvfrom( fd, buf, len, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &snl, &slen ); if( 0 > res ) { if( EAGAIN != sockerrno ) { tr_err( "failed to read from routing socket (%s)", strerror( sockerrno ) ); } free( buf ); *buflen = 0; return NULL; } if( slen < sizeof( snl ) || AF_NETLINK != snl.nl_family ) { tr_err( "bad address" ); free( buf ); *buflen = 0; return NULL; } if( 0 == snl.nl_pid ) { break; } } *buflen = res; return buf; } static int parseroutes( uint8_t * buf, unsigned int len, struct in_addr * addr ) { struct nlmsghdr * nlm; struct nlmsgerr * nle; struct rtmsg * rtm; struct rtattr * rta; int rtalen; struct in_addr gw, dst; nlm = ( struct nlmsghdr * ) buf; while( NLMSG_OK( nlm, len ) ) { gw.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; dst.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if( NLMSG_ERROR == nlm->nlmsg_type ) { nle = (struct nlmsgerr *) NLMSG_DATA( nlm ); if( NLMSG_LENGTH( NLMSG_ALIGN( sizeof( struct nlmsgerr ) ) ) > nlm->nlmsg_len ) { tr_err( "truncated netlink error" ); } else { tr_err( "netlink error (%s)", strerror( nle->error ) ); } return 1; } else if( RTM_NEWROUTE == nlm->nlmsg_type && SEQNUM == nlm->nlmsg_seq && getpid() == (pid_t) nlm->nlmsg_pid && NLMSG_LENGTH( sizeof( struct rtmsg ) ) <= nlm->nlmsg_len ) { rtm = NLMSG_DATA( nlm ); rta = RTM_RTA( rtm ); rtalen = RTM_PAYLOAD( nlm ); while( RTA_OK( rta, rtalen ) ) { if( sizeof( struct in_addr ) <= RTA_PAYLOAD( rta ) ) { switch( rta->rta_type ) { case RTA_GATEWAY: memcpy( &gw, RTA_DATA( rta ), sizeof( gw ) ); break; case RTA_DST: memcpy( &dst, RTA_DATA( rta ), sizeof( dst ) ); break; } } rta = RTA_NEXT( rta, rtalen ); } } if( INADDR_NONE != gw.s_addr && INADDR_ANY != gw.s_addr && INADDR_ANY == dst.s_addr ) { *addr = gw; return 0; } nlm = NLMSG_NEXT( nlm, len ); } return 1; } #else /* not BSD or Linux */ int tr_getDefaultRoute( struct in_addr * addr UNUSED ) { tr_inf( "don't know how to get default route on this platform" ); return 1; } #endif