/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #import "AddWindowController.h" #import "Controller.h" #import "ExpandedPathToIconTransformer.h" #import "FileOutlineController.h" #import "GroupsController.h" #import "NSStringAdditions.h" #import "Torrent.h" #define UPDATE_SECONDS 1.0 #define POPUP_PRIORITY_HIGH 0 #define POPUP_PRIORITY_NORMAL 1 #define POPUP_PRIORITY_LOW 2 @interface AddWindowController (Private) - (void) updateFiles; - (void) confirmAdd; - (void) setDestinationPath: (NSString *) destination determinationType: (TorrentDeterminationType) determinationType; - (void) setGroupsMenu; - (void) changeGroupValue: (id) sender; @end @implementation AddWindowController - (instancetype) initWithTorrent: (Torrent *) torrent destination: (NSString *) path lockDestination: (BOOL) lockDestination controller: (Controller *) controller torrentFile: (NSString *) torrentFile deleteTorrentCheckEnableInitially: (BOOL) deleteTorrent canToggleDelete: (BOOL) canToggleDelete { if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName: @"AddWindow"])) { fTorrent = torrent; fDestination = path.stringByExpandingTildeInPath; fLockDestination = lockDestination; fController = controller; fTorrentFile = torrentFile.stringByExpandingTildeInPath; fDeleteTorrentEnableInitially = deleteTorrent; fCanToggleDelete = canToggleDelete; fGroupValue = torrent.groupValue; fGroupValueDetermination = TorrentDeterminationAutomatic; fVerifyIndicator.usesThreadedAnimation = YES; } return self; } - (void) awakeFromNib { [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateCheckButtons:) name: @"TorrentFileCheckChange" object: fTorrent]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateGroupMenu:) name: @"UpdateGroups" object: nil]; [fFileController setTorrent: fTorrent]; NSString * name = fTorrent.name; self.window.title = name; fNameField.stringValue = name; fNameField.toolTip = name; fIconView.image = fTorrent.icon; if (!fTorrent.folder) { fFileFilterField.hidden = YES; fCheckAllButton.hidden = YES; fUncheckAllButton.hidden = YES; NSRect scrollFrame = fFileScrollView.frame; const CGFloat diff = NSMinY(fFileScrollView.frame) - NSMinY(fFileFilterField.frame); scrollFrame.origin.y -= diff; scrollFrame.size.height += diff; fFileScrollView.frame = scrollFrame; } else [self updateCheckButtons: nil]; [self setGroupsMenu]; [fGroupPopUp selectItemWithTag: fGroupValue]; NSInteger priorityIndex; switch (fTorrent.priority) { case TR_PRI_HIGH: priorityIndex = POPUP_PRIORITY_HIGH; break; case TR_PRI_NORMAL: priorityIndex = POPUP_PRIORITY_NORMAL; break; case TR_PRI_LOW: priorityIndex = POPUP_PRIORITY_LOW; break; default: NSAssert1(NO, @"Unknown priority for adding torrent: %d", fTorrent.priority); priorityIndex = POPUP_PRIORITY_NORMAL; } [fPriorityPopUp selectItemAtIndex: priorityIndex]; fStartCheck.state = [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey: @"AutoStartDownload"] ? NSOnState : NSOffState; fDeleteCheck.state = fDeleteTorrentEnableInitially ? NSOnState : NSOffState; fDeleteCheck.enabled = fCanToggleDelete; if (fDestination) [self setDestinationPath: fDestination determinationType: (fLockDestination ? TorrentDeterminationUserSpecified : TorrentDeterminationAutomatic)]; else { fLocationField.stringValue = @""; fLocationImageView.image = nil; } fTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: UPDATE_SECONDS target: self selector: @selector(updateFiles) userInfo: nil repeats: YES]; [self updateFiles]; } - (void) windowDidLoad { //if there is no destination, prompt for one right away if (!fDestination) [self setDestination: nil]; } - (void) dealloc { [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter removeObserver: self]; [fTimer invalidate]; } - (Torrent *) torrent { return fTorrent; } - (void) setDestination: (id) sender { NSOpenPanel * panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; panel.prompt = NSLocalizedString(@"Select", "Open torrent -> prompt"); panel.allowsMultipleSelection = NO; panel.canChooseFiles = NO; panel.canChooseDirectories = YES; panel.canCreateDirectories = YES; panel.message = [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Select the download folder for \"%@\"", "Add -> select destination folder"), fTorrent.name]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow: self.window completionHandler: ^(NSInteger result) { if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) { fLockDestination = YES; [self setDestinationPath: panel.URLs[0].path determinationType: TorrentDeterminationUserSpecified]; } else { if (!fDestination) [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(cancelAdd:) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO]; } }]; } - (void) add: (id) sender { if ([fDestination.lastPathComponent isEqualToString: fTorrent.name] && [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults boolForKey: @"WarningFolderDataSameName"]) { NSAlert * alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init]; alert.messageText = NSLocalizedString(@"The destination directory and root data directory have the same name.", "Add torrent -> same name -> title"); alert.informativeText = NSLocalizedString(@"If you are attempting to use already existing data," " the root data directory should be inside the destination directory.", "Add torrent -> same name -> message"); alert.alertStyle = NSWarningAlertStyle; [alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", "Add torrent -> same name -> button")]; [alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"Add", "Add torrent -> same name -> button")]; alert.showsSuppressionButton = YES; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSModalResponse returnCode) { if (alert.suppressionButton.state == NSOnState) [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults setBool: NO forKey: @"WarningFolderDataSameName"]; if (returnCode == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn) [self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(confirmAdd) withObject: nil waitUntilDone: NO]; }]; } else [self confirmAdd]; } - (void) cancelAdd: (id) sender { [self.window performClose: sender]; } //only called on cancel - (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id) window { [fTimer invalidate]; fTimer = nil; [fFileController setTorrent: nil]; //avoid a crash when window tries to update [fController askOpenConfirmed: self add: NO]; return YES; } - (void) setFileFilterText: (id) sender { [fFileController setFilterText: [sender stringValue]]; } - (IBAction) checkAll: (id) sender { [fFileController checkAll]; } - (IBAction) uncheckAll: (id) sender { [fFileController uncheckAll]; } - (void) verifyLocalData: (id) sender { [fTorrent resetCache]; [self updateFiles]; } - (void) changePriority: (id) sender { tr_priority_t priority; switch ([sender indexOfSelectedItem]) { case POPUP_PRIORITY_HIGH: priority = TR_PRI_HIGH; break; case POPUP_PRIORITY_NORMAL: priority = TR_PRI_NORMAL; break; case POPUP_PRIORITY_LOW: priority = TR_PRI_LOW; break; default: NSAssert1(NO, @"Unknown priority tag for adding torrent: %ld", [sender tag]); priority = TR_PRI_NORMAL; } fTorrent.priority = priority; } - (void) updateCheckButtons: (NSNotification *) notification { NSString * statusString = [NSString stringForFileSize: fTorrent.size]; if (fTorrent.folder) { //check buttons //keep synced with identical code in InfoFileViewController.m const NSInteger filesCheckState = [fTorrent checkForFiles: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, fTorrent.fileCount)]]; fCheckAllButton.enabled = filesCheckState != NSOnState; //if anything is unchecked fUncheckAllButton.enabled = !fTorrent.allDownloaded; //if there are any checked files that aren't finished //status field NSString * fileString; NSInteger count = fTorrent.fileCount; if (count != 1) fileString = [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"%@ files", "Add torrent -> info"), [NSString formattedUInteger: count]]; else fileString = NSLocalizedString(@"1 file", "Add torrent -> info"); NSString * selectedString = [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"%@ selected", "Add torrent -> info"), [NSString stringForFileSize: fTorrent.totalSizeSelected]]; statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@, %@ (%@)", fileString, statusString, selectedString]; } fStatusField.stringValue = statusString; } - (void) updateGroupMenu: (NSNotification *) notification { [self setGroupsMenu]; if (![fGroupPopUp selectItemWithTag: fGroupValue]) { fGroupValue = -1; fGroupValueDetermination = TorrentDeterminationAutomatic; [fGroupPopUp selectItemWithTag: fGroupValue]; } } @end @implementation AddWindowController (Private) - (void) updateFiles { [fTorrent update]; [fFileController refresh]; [self updateCheckButtons: nil]; //call in case button state changed by checking if (fTorrent.checking) { const BOOL waiting = fTorrent.checkingWaiting; fVerifyIndicator.indeterminate = waiting; if (waiting) [fVerifyIndicator startAnimation: self]; else fVerifyIndicator.doubleValue = fTorrent.checkingProgress; } else { fVerifyIndicator.indeterminate = YES; //we want to hide when stopped, which only applies when indeterminate [fVerifyIndicator stopAnimation: self]; } } - (void) confirmAdd { [fTimer invalidate]; fTimer = nil; [fTorrent setGroupValue: fGroupValue determinationType: fGroupValueDetermination]; if (fTorrentFile && fCanToggleDelete && fDeleteCheck.state == NSOnState) [Torrent trashFile: fTorrentFile error: nil]; if (fStartCheck.state == NSOnState) [fTorrent startTransfer]; [fFileController setTorrent: nil]; //avoid a crash when window tries to update [self close]; [fController askOpenConfirmed: self add: YES]; } - (void) setDestinationPath: (NSString *) destination determinationType: (TorrentDeterminationType) determinationType { destination = destination.stringByExpandingTildeInPath; if (!fDestination || ![fDestination isEqualToString: destination]) { fDestination = destination; [fTorrent changeDownloadFolderBeforeUsing: fDestination determinationType: determinationType]; } fLocationField.stringValue = fDestination.stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath; fLocationField.toolTip = fDestination; ExpandedPathToIconTransformer * iconTransformer = [[ExpandedPathToIconTransformer alloc] init]; fLocationImageView.image = [iconTransformer transformedValue: fDestination]; } - (void) setGroupsMenu { NSMenu * groupMenu = [GroupsController.groups groupMenuWithTarget: self action: @selector(changeGroupValue:) isSmall: NO]; fGroupPopUp.menu = groupMenu; } - (void) changeGroupValue: (id) sender { NSInteger previousGroup = fGroupValue; fGroupValue = [sender tag]; fGroupValueDetermination = TorrentDeterminationUserSpecified; if (!fLockDestination) { if ([GroupsController.groups usesCustomDownloadLocationForIndex: fGroupValue]) [self setDestinationPath: [GroupsController.groups customDownloadLocationForIndex: fGroupValue] determinationType: TorrentDeterminationAutomatic]; else if ([fDestination isEqualToString: [GroupsController.groups customDownloadLocationForIndex: previousGroup]]) [self setDestinationPath: [NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults stringForKey: @"DownloadFolder"] determinationType: TorrentDeterminationAutomatic]; else; } } @end