/* * This file Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* tr_sys_path_is_same() */ #include "FileList.h" #include "FreeSpaceLabel.h" #include "HigWorkarea.h" #include "OptionsDialog.h" #include "Prefs.h" #include "PrefsDialog.h" #include "Session.h" #include "Utils.h" /* gtr_priority_combo_get_value() */ /**** ***** ****/ namespace { #define N_RECENT 4 std::list get_recent_destinations() { std::list list; for (int i = 0; i < N_RECENT; ++i) { auto const key = gtr_sprintf("recent-download-dir-%d", i + 1); if (auto const val = gtr_pref_string_get(tr_quark_new({ key.c_str(), key.size() })); !val.empty()) { list.push_back(val); } } return list; } void save_recent_destination(Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::string const& dir) { if (dir.empty()) { return; } auto list = get_recent_destinations(); /* if it was already in the list, remove it */ list.remove(dir); /* add it to the front of the list */ list.push_front(dir); /* save the first N_RECENT directories */ list.resize(N_RECENT); int i = 0; for (auto const& d : list) { auto const key = gtr_sprintf("recent-download-dir-%d", ++i); gtr_pref_string_set(tr_quark_new({ key.c_str(), key.size() }), d); } gtr_pref_save(core->get_session()); } } // namespace /**** ***** ****/ class OptionsDialog::Impl { public: Impl(OptionsDialog& dialog, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::unique_ptr ctor); private: void sourceChanged(Gtk::FileChooserButton* b); void downloadDirChanged(Gtk::FileChooserButton* b); void removeOldTorrent(); void updateTorrent(); void addResponseCB(int response); private: OptionsDialog& dialog_; Glib::RefPtr const core_; FileList* file_list_ = nullptr; Gtk::CheckButton* run_check_ = nullptr; Gtk::CheckButton* trash_check_ = nullptr; Gtk::ComboBox* priority_combo_ = nullptr; FreeSpaceLabel* freespace_label_ = nullptr; std::string filename_; std::string downloadDir_; tr_torrent* tor_ = nullptr; std::unique_ptr ctor_; }; void OptionsDialog::Impl::removeOldTorrent() { if (tor_ != nullptr) { file_list_->clear(); tr_torrentRemove(tor_, false, nullptr); tor_ = nullptr; } } void OptionsDialog::Impl::addResponseCB(int response) { if (tor_ != nullptr) { if (response != Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { removeOldTorrent(); } else { tr_torrentSetPriority(tor_, gtr_priority_combo_get_value(*priority_combo_)); if (run_check_->get_active()) { tr_torrentStart(tor_); } core_->add_torrent(tor_, false); if (trash_check_->get_active()) { gtr_file_trash_or_remove(filename_, nullptr); } save_recent_destination(core_, downloadDir_); } } dialog_.hide(); } void OptionsDialog::Impl::updateTorrent() { bool const isLocalFile = tr_ctorGetSourceFile(ctor_.get()) != nullptr; trash_check_->set_sensitive(isLocalFile); if (tor_ == nullptr) { file_list_->clear(); file_list_->set_sensitive(false); } else { tr_torrentSetDownloadDir(tor_, downloadDir_.c_str()); file_list_->set_sensitive(tr_torrentHasMetadata(tor_)); file_list_->set_torrent(tr_torrentId(tor_)); tr_torrentVerify(tor_, nullptr, nullptr); } } /** * When the source .torrent file is deleted * (such as, if it was a temp file that a web browser passed to us), * gtk invokes this callback and `filename' will be nullptr. * The `filename' tests here are to prevent us from losing the current * metadata when that happens. */ void OptionsDialog::Impl::sourceChanged(Gtk::FileChooserButton* b) { auto const filename = b->get_filename(); /* maybe instantiate a torrent */ if (!filename.empty() || tor_ == nullptr) { int err = 0; bool new_file = false; int duplicate_id = 0; tr_torrent* torrent; if (!filename.empty() && (filename_.empty() || !tr_sys_path_is_same(filename.c_str(), filename_.c_str(), nullptr))) { filename_ = filename; tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile(ctor_.get(), filename_.c_str()); new_file = true; } tr_ctorSetDownloadDir(ctor_.get(), TR_FORCE, downloadDir_.c_str()); tr_ctorSetPaused(ctor_.get(), TR_FORCE, true); tr_ctorSetDeleteSource(ctor_.get(), false); if (torrent = tr_torrentNew(ctor_.get(), &err, &duplicate_id); torrent != nullptr) { removeOldTorrent(); tor_ = torrent; } else if (new_file) { tr_torrent* tor = duplicate_id != 0 ? core_->find_torrent(duplicate_id) : nullptr; gtr_add_torrent_error_dialog(*b, err, tor, filename_); } updateTorrent(); } } void OptionsDialog::Impl::downloadDirChanged(Gtk::FileChooserButton* b) { auto const fname = b->get_filename(); if (!fname.empty() && (downloadDir_.empty() || !tr_sys_path_is_same(fname.c_str(), downloadDir_.c_str(), nullptr))) { downloadDir_ = fname; updateTorrent(); freespace_label_->set_dir(downloadDir_); } } namespace { void addTorrentFilters(Gtk::FileChooser* chooser) { auto filter = Gtk::FileFilter::create(); filter->set_name(_("Torrent files")); filter->add_pattern("*.torrent"); chooser->add_filter(filter); filter = Gtk::FileFilter::create(); filter->set_name(_("All files")); filter->add_pattern("*"); chooser->add_filter(filter); } } // namespace /**** ***** ****/ std::unique_ptr OptionsDialog::create( Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::unique_ptr ctor) { return std::unique_ptr(new OptionsDialog(parent, core, std::move(ctor))); } OptionsDialog::OptionsDialog( Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::unique_ptr ctor) : Gtk::Dialog(_("Torrent Options"), parent) , impl_(std::make_unique(*this, core, std::move(ctor))) { } OptionsDialog::~OptionsDialog() = default; OptionsDialog::Impl::Impl( OptionsDialog& dialog, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::unique_ptr ctor) : dialog_(dialog) , core_(core) , ctor_(std::move(ctor)) { int row = 0; /* make the dialog */ dialog_.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog_.add_button(_("_Open"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); dialog_.set_default_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); char const* str = nullptr; if (!tr_ctorGetDownloadDir(ctor_.get(), TR_FORCE, &str)) { g_assert_not_reached(); } g_assert(str != nullptr); filename_ = tr_ctorGetSourceFile(ctor_.get()) != nullptr ? tr_ctorGetSourceFile(ctor_.get()) : ""; downloadDir_ = str; file_list_ = Gtk::make_managed(core_, 0); trash_check_ = Gtk::make_managed(_("Mo_ve .torrent file to the trash"), true); run_check_ = Gtk::make_managed(_("_Start when added"), true); priority_combo_ = gtr_priority_combo_new(); gtr_priority_combo_set_value(*priority_combo_, TR_PRI_NORMAL); dialog.signal_response().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Impl::addResponseCB)); auto* grid = Gtk::make_managed(); grid->set_border_width(GUI_PAD_BIG); grid->set_row_spacing(GUI_PAD); grid->set_column_spacing(GUI_PAD_BIG); /* "torrent file" row */ auto* source_label = Gtk::make_managed(_("_Torrent file:"), true); source_label->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); source_label->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); grid->attach(*source_label, 0, row, 1, 1); auto* source_chooser = Gtk::make_managed(_("Select Source File"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN); source_chooser->set_hexpand(true); grid->attach_next_to(*source_chooser, *source_label, Gtk::POS_RIGHT); source_label->set_mnemonic_widget(*source_chooser); addTorrentFilters(source_chooser); source_chooser->signal_selection_changed().connect([this, source_chooser]() { sourceChanged(source_chooser); }); /* "destination folder" row */ row++; auto* destination_label = Gtk::make_managed(_("_Destination folder:"), true); destination_label->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); destination_label->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); grid->attach(*destination_label, 0, row, 1, 1); auto* destination_chooser = Gtk::make_managed( _("Select Destination Folder"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER); if (!destination_chooser->set_current_folder(downloadDir_)) { g_warning("couldn't select '%s'", downloadDir_.c_str()); } for (auto const& folder : get_recent_destinations()) { destination_chooser->add_shortcut_folder(folder); } grid->attach_next_to(*destination_chooser, *destination_label, Gtk::POS_RIGHT); destination_label->set_mnemonic_widget(*destination_chooser); destination_chooser->signal_selection_changed().connect([this, destination_chooser]() { downloadDirChanged(destination_chooser); }); row++; freespace_label_ = Gtk::make_managed(core_, downloadDir_); freespace_label_->set_margin_bottom(GUI_PAD_BIG); freespace_label_->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_END); freespace_label_->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); grid->attach(*freespace_label_, 0, row, 2, 1); /* file list row */ row++; file_list_->set_vexpand(true); file_list_->set_size_request(466U, 300U); grid->attach(*file_list_, 0, row, 2, 1); /* torrent priority row */ row++; auto* priority_label = Gtk::make_managed(_("Torrent _priority:"), true); priority_label->set_halign(Gtk::ALIGN_START); priority_label->set_valign(Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); grid->attach(*priority_label, 0, row, 1, 1); priority_label->set_mnemonic_widget(*priority_combo_); grid->attach_next_to(*priority_combo_, *priority_label, Gtk::POS_RIGHT); /* torrent priority row */ row++; bool flag; if (!tr_ctorGetPaused(ctor_.get(), TR_FORCE, &flag)) { g_assert_not_reached(); } run_check_->set_active(!flag); grid->attach(*run_check_, 0, row, 2, 1); /* "trash .torrent file" row */ row++; if (!tr_ctorGetDeleteSource(ctor_.get(), &flag)) { g_assert_not_reached(); } trash_check_->set_active(flag); grid->attach(*trash_check_, 0, row, 2, 1); /* trigger sourceChanged, either directly or indirectly, * so that it creates the tor/gtor objects */ if (!filename_.empty()) { source_chooser->set_filename(filename_); } else { sourceChanged(source_chooser); } gtr_dialog_set_content(dialog_, *grid); dialog_.get_widget_for_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT)->grab_focus(); } /**** ***** ****/ void TorrentFileChooserDialog::onOpenDialogResponse(int response, Glib::RefPtr const& core) { /* remember this folder the next time we use this dialog */ gtr_pref_string_set(TR_KEY_open_dialog_dir, get_current_folder()); if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { auto* tb = static_cast(get_extra_widget()); bool const do_start = gtr_pref_flag_get(TR_KEY_start_added_torrents); bool const do_prompt = tb->get_active(); bool const do_notify = false; auto const files = get_files(); core->add_files(files, do_start, do_prompt, do_notify); } hide(); } std::unique_ptr TorrentFileChooserDialog::create( Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core) { return std::unique_ptr(new TorrentFileChooserDialog(parent, core)); } TorrentFileChooserDialog::TorrentFileChooserDialog(Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core) : Gtk::FileChooserDialog(parent, _("Open a Torrent"), Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN) { add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); add_button(_("_Open"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); set_select_multiple(true); addTorrentFilters(this); signal_response().connect([this, core](int response) { onOpenDialogResponse(response, core); }); if (auto const folder = gtr_pref_string_get(TR_KEY_open_dialog_dir); !folder.empty()) { set_current_folder(folder); } auto* c = Gtk::make_managed(_("Show _options dialog"), true); c->set_active(gtr_pref_flag_get(TR_KEY_show_options_window)); set_extra_widget(*c); c->show(); } /*** **** ***/ void TorrentUrlChooserDialog::onOpenURLResponse(int response, Glib::RefPtr const& core) { bool handled = false; if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { auto* e = static_cast(get_data("url-entry")); auto const url = gtr_str_strip(e->get_text()); if (!url.empty()) { handled = core->add_from_url(url); if (!handled) { gtr_unrecognized_url_dialog(*this, url); } } } else if (response == Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL) { handled = true; } if (handled) { hide(); } } std::unique_ptr TorrentUrlChooserDialog::create(Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core) { return std::unique_ptr(new TorrentUrlChooserDialog(parent, core)); } TorrentUrlChooserDialog::TorrentUrlChooserDialog(Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core) : Gtk::Dialog(_("Open URL"), parent) { guint row; add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); add_button(_("_Open"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); signal_response().connect([this, core](int response) { onOpenURLResponse(response, core); }); row = 0; auto* t = Gtk::make_managed(); t->add_section_title(row, _("Open torrent from URL")); auto* e = Gtk::make_managed(); e->set_size_request(400, -1); gtr_paste_clipboard_url_into_entry(*e); set_data("url-entry", e); t->add_row(row, _("_URL"), *e); gtr_dialog_set_content(*this, *t); if (e->get_text_length() == 0) { e->grab_focus(); } else { get_widget_for_response(Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT)->grab_focus(); } }