/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include /* qsort() */ #include #include #include #include #include "favicon.h" /* gtr_get_favicon() */ #include "filter.h" #include "hig.h" /* GUI_PAD */ #include "tr-core.h" /* MC_TORRENT */ #include "util.h" /* gtr_get_host_from_url() */ static GQuark DIRTY_KEY = 0; static GQuark SESSION_KEY = 0; static GQuark TEXT_KEY = 0; static GQuark TORRENT_MODEL_KEY = 0; /*** **** **** CATEGORIES **** ***/ enum { CAT_FILTER_TYPE_ALL, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRIVATE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PUBLIC, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_HOST, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PARENT, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_HIGH, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_NORMAL, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_LOW, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_TAG, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_SEPARATOR, }; enum { CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, /* human-readable name; ie, Legaltorrents */ CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, /* how many matches there are */ CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_COL_HOST, /* pattern-matching text; ie, legaltorrents.com */ CAT_FILTER_COL_PIXBUF, CAT_FILTER_N_COLS }; static int pstrcmp( const void * a, const void * b ) { return strcmp( *(const char**)a, *(const char**)b ); } /* human-readable name; ie, Legaltorrents */ static char* get_name_from_host( const char * host ) { char * name; const char * dot = strrchr( host, '.' ); if( tr_addressIsIP( host ) ) name = g_strdup( host ); else if( dot ) name = g_strndup( host, dot - host ); else name = g_strdup( host ); *name = g_ascii_toupper( *name ); return name; } static void category_model_update_count( GtkTreeStore * store, GtkTreeIter * iter, int n ) { int count; GtkTreeModel * model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ); gtk_tree_model_get( model, iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, &count, -1 ); if( n != count ) gtk_tree_store_set( store, iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, n, -1 ); } static void favicon_ready_cb( gpointer pixbuf, gpointer vreference ) { GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeRowReference * reference = vreference; if( pixbuf != NULL ) { GtkTreePath * path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path( reference ); GtkTreeModel * model = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model( reference ); if( gtk_tree_model_get_iter( model, &iter, path ) ) gtk_tree_store_set( GTK_TREE_STORE( model ), &iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_PIXBUF, pixbuf, -1 ); gtk_tree_path_free( path ); g_object_unref( pixbuf ); } gtk_tree_row_reference_free( reference ); } static gboolean category_filter_model_update( GtkTreeStore * store ) { int i, n; int low = 0; int all = 0; int high = 0; int public = 0; int normal = 0; int private = 0; int store_pos; GtkTreeIter top; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel * model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ); GPtrArray * hosts = g_ptr_array_new( ); GStringChunk * strings = g_string_chunk_new( 4096 ); GHashTable * hosts_hash = g_hash_table_new_full( g_str_hash, g_str_equal, NULL, g_free ); GObject * o = G_OBJECT( store ); GtkTreeModel * tmodel = GTK_TREE_MODEL( g_object_get_qdata( o, TORRENT_MODEL_KEY ) ); g_object_steal_qdata( o, DIRTY_KEY ); /* Walk through all the torrents, tallying how many matches there are * for the various categories. Also make a sorted list of all tracker * hosts s.t. we can merge it with the existing list */ if( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( tmodel, &iter, NULL, 0 ) ) do { tr_torrent * tor; const tr_info * inf; int keyCount; char ** keys; gtk_tree_model_get( tmodel, &iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, -1 ); inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor ); keyCount = 0; keys = g_new( char*, inf->trackerCount ); for( i=0, n=inf->trackerCount; itrackers[i].announce ); key = g_string_chunk_insert_const( strings, buf ); count = g_hash_table_lookup( hosts_hash, key ); if( count == NULL ) { count = tr_new0( int, 1 ); g_hash_table_insert( hosts_hash, key, count ); g_ptr_array_add( hosts, key ); } for( k=0; kisPrivate ) ++private; else ++public; switch( tr_torrentGetPriority( tor ) ) { case TR_PRI_HIGH: ++high; break; case TR_PRI_LOW: ++low; break; default: ++normal; break; } } while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( tmodel, &iter ) ); qsort( hosts->pdata, hosts->len, sizeof(char*), pstrcmp ); /* update the "all" count */ gtk_tree_model_iter_children( model, &top, NULL ); category_model_update_count( store, &top, all ); /* skip separator */ gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &top ); /* update the "hosts" subtree */ gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &top ); for( i=store_pos=0, n=hosts->len ; ; ) { const gboolean new_hosts_done = i >= n; const gboolean old_hosts_done = !gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( model, &iter, &top, store_pos ); gboolean remove_row = FALSE; gboolean insert_row = FALSE; /* are we done yet? */ if( new_hosts_done && old_hosts_done ) break; /* decide what to do */ if( new_hosts_done ) remove_row = TRUE; else if( old_hosts_done ) insert_row = TRUE; else { int cmp; char * host; gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_HOST, &host, -1 ); cmp = strcmp( host, hosts->pdata[i] ); if( cmp < 0 ) remove_row = TRUE; else if( cmp > 0 ) insert_row = TRUE; g_free( host ); } /* do something */ if( remove_row ) { /* g_message( "removing row and incrementing i" ); */ gtk_tree_store_remove( store, &iter ); } else if( insert_row ) { GtkTreeIter add; GtkTreePath * path; GtkTreeRowReference * reference; tr_session * session = g_object_get_qdata( G_OBJECT( store ), SESSION_KEY ); const char * host = hosts->pdata[i]; char * name = get_name_from_host( host ); const int count = *(int*)g_hash_table_lookup( hosts_hash, host ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, &add, &top, store_pos, CAT_FILTER_COL_HOST, host, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, name, CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, count, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_HOST, -1 ); path = gtk_tree_model_get_path( model, &add ); reference = gtk_tree_row_reference_new( model, path ); gtr_get_favicon( session, host, favicon_ready_cb, reference ); gtk_tree_path_free( path ); g_free( name ); ++store_pos; ++i; } else { /* update row */ const char * host = hosts->pdata[i]; const int count = *(int*)g_hash_table_lookup( hosts_hash, host ); category_model_update_count( store, &iter, count ); ++store_pos; ++i; } } /* update the "public" subtree */ gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &top ); gtk_tree_model_iter_children( model, &iter, &top ); category_model_update_count( store, &iter, public ); gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ); category_model_update_count( store, &iter, private ); /* update the "priority" subtree */ gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &top ); gtk_tree_model_iter_children( model, &iter, &top ); category_model_update_count( store, &iter, high ); gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ); category_model_update_count( store, &iter, normal ); gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ); category_model_update_count( store, &iter, low ); /* cleanup */ g_ptr_array_free( hosts, TRUE ); g_hash_table_unref( hosts_hash ); g_string_chunk_free( strings ); return FALSE; } static GtkTreeModel * category_filter_model_new( GtkTreeModel * tmodel ) { GtkTreeIter iter; const int invisible_number = -1; /* doesn't get rendered */ GtkTreeStore * store = gtk_tree_store_new( CAT_FILTER_N_COLS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, NULL, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "All" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_ALL, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, NULL, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_SEPARATOR, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, &iter, NULL, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Trackers" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, invisible_number, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PARENT, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, &iter, NULL, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Privacy" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, invisible_number, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PARENT, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, &iter, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Public" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PUBLIC, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, &iter, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Private" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRIVATE, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, &iter, NULL, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Priority" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, invisible_number, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PARENT, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, &iter, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "High" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_HIGH, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, &iter, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Normal" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_NORMAL, -1 ); gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values( store, NULL, &iter, -1, CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, _( "Low" ), CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_LOW, -1 ); g_object_set_qdata( G_OBJECT( store ), TORRENT_MODEL_KEY, tmodel ); category_filter_model_update( store ); return GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ); } static gboolean is_it_a_separator( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * iter, gpointer data UNUSED ) { int type; gtk_tree_model_get( m, iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, &type, -1 ); return type == CAT_FILTER_TYPE_SEPARATOR; } static void category_model_update_idle( gpointer category_model ) { GObject * o = G_OBJECT( category_model ); const gboolean pending = g_object_get_qdata( o, DIRTY_KEY ) != NULL; if( !pending ) { GSourceFunc func = (GSourceFunc) category_filter_model_update; g_object_set_qdata( o, DIRTY_KEY, GINT_TO_POINTER(1) ); gdk_threads_add_idle( func, category_model ); } } static void torrent_model_row_changed( GtkTreeModel * tmodel UNUSED, GtkTreePath * path UNUSED, GtkTreeIter * iter UNUSED, gpointer category_model ) { category_model_update_idle( category_model ); } static void torrent_model_row_deleted_cb( GtkTreeModel * tmodel UNUSED, GtkTreePath * path UNUSED, gpointer category_model ) { category_model_update_idle( category_model ); } static void render_pixbuf_func( GtkCellLayout * cell_layout UNUSED, GtkCellRenderer * cell_renderer, GtkTreeModel * tree_model, GtkTreeIter * iter, gpointer data UNUSED ) { int type; int width = 0; const gboolean leaf = !gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child( tree_model, iter ); gtk_tree_model_get( tree_model, iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, &type, -1 ); if( type == CAT_FILTER_TYPE_HOST ) width = 20; g_object_set( cell_renderer, "width", width, "sensitive", leaf, NULL ); } static void is_capital_sensitive( GtkCellLayout * cell_layout UNUSED, GtkCellRenderer * cell_renderer, GtkTreeModel * tree_model, GtkTreeIter * iter, gpointer data UNUSED ) { const gboolean leaf = !gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child( tree_model, iter ); g_object_set( cell_renderer, "sensitive", leaf, NULL ); } static void render_number_func( GtkCellLayout * cell_layout UNUSED, GtkCellRenderer * cell_renderer, GtkTreeModel * tree_model, GtkTreeIter * iter, gpointer data UNUSED ) { int count; char buf[32]; const gboolean leaf = !gtk_tree_model_iter_has_child( tree_model, iter ); gtk_tree_model_get( tree_model, iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_COUNT, &count, -1 ); if( count >= 0 ) g_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%'d", count ); else *buf = '\0'; g_object_set( cell_renderer, "text", buf, "sensitive", leaf, NULL ); } static GtkCellRenderer * number_renderer_new( void ) { GtkCellRenderer * r = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new( ); g_object_set( G_OBJECT( r ), "alignment", PANGO_ALIGN_RIGHT, "weight", PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT, "xalign", 1.0, "xpad", GUI_PAD, NULL ); return r; } static void disconnect_cat_model_callbacks( gpointer tmodel, GObject * cat_model ) { g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( tmodel, torrent_model_row_changed, cat_model ); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( tmodel, torrent_model_row_deleted_cb, cat_model ); } static GtkWidget * category_combo_box_new( GtkTreeModel * tmodel ) { GtkWidget * c; GtkCellRenderer * r; GtkTreeModel * cat_model; /* create the category combobox */ cat_model = category_filter_model_new( tmodel ); c = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model( cat_model ); g_object_unref( cat_model ); gtk_combo_box_set_row_separator_func( GTK_COMBO_BOX( c ), is_it_a_separator, NULL, NULL ); gtk_combo_box_set_active( GTK_COMBO_BOX( c ), 0 ); r = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new( ); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, FALSE ); gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, render_pixbuf_func, NULL, NULL ); gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, "pixbuf", CAT_FILTER_COL_PIXBUF, NULL ); r = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new( ); gtk_cell_layout_pack_start( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, FALSE ); gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, "text", CAT_FILTER_COL_NAME, NULL ); gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, is_capital_sensitive, NULL, NULL); r = number_renderer_new( ); gtk_cell_layout_pack_end( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, TRUE ); gtk_cell_layout_set_cell_data_func( GTK_CELL_LAYOUT( c ), r, render_number_func, NULL, NULL ); g_object_weak_ref( G_OBJECT( cat_model ), disconnect_cat_model_callbacks, tmodel ); g_signal_connect( tmodel, "row-changed", G_CALLBACK( torrent_model_row_changed ), cat_model ); g_signal_connect( tmodel, "row-inserted", G_CALLBACK( torrent_model_row_changed ), cat_model ); g_signal_connect( tmodel, "row-deleted", G_CALLBACK( torrent_model_row_deleted_cb ), cat_model ); return c; } static gboolean test_category( tr_torrent * tor, int active_category_type, const char * host ) { const tr_info * const inf = tr_torrentInfo( tor ); switch( active_category_type ) { case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_ALL: return TRUE; case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRIVATE: return inf->isPrivate; case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PUBLIC: return !inf->isPrivate; case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_HIGH: return tr_torrentGetPriority( tor ) == TR_PRI_HIGH; case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_NORMAL: return tr_torrentGetPriority( tor ) == TR_PRI_NORMAL; case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_PRI_LOW: return tr_torrentGetPriority( tor ) == TR_PRI_LOW; case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_HOST: { int i; char tmp[1024]; for( i=0; itrackerCount; ++i ) { gtr_get_host_from_url( tmp, sizeof( tmp ), inf->trackers[i].announce ); if( !strcmp( tmp, host ) ) break; } return i < inf->trackerCount; } case CAT_FILTER_TYPE_TAG: /* FIXME */ return TRUE; default: return TRUE; } } /*** **** **** ACTIVITY **** ***/ enum { ACTIVITY_FILTER_ALL, ACTIVITY_FILTER_DOWNLOADING, ACTIVITY_FILTER_SEEDING, ACTIVITY_FILTER_ACTIVE, ACTIVITY_FILTER_PAUSED, ACTIVITY_FILTER_FINISHED, ACTIVITY_FILTER_VERIFYING, ACTIVITY_FILTER_ERROR, ACTIVITY_FILTER_SEPARATOR }; enum { ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_NAME, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_COUNT, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_TYPE, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_STOCK_ID, ACTIVITY_FILTER_N_COLS }; static gboolean activity_is_it_a_separator( GtkTreeModel * m, GtkTreeIter * i, gpointer d UNUSED ) { int type; gtk_tree_model_get( m, i, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_TYPE, &type, -1 ); return type == ACTIVITY_FILTER_SEPARATOR; } static gboolean test_torrent_activity( tr_torrent * tor, int type ) { const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStatCached( tor ); switch( type ) { case ACTIVITY_FILTER_DOWNLOADING: return ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD ) || ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD_WAIT ); case ACTIVITY_FILTER_SEEDING: return ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_SEED ) || ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_SEED_WAIT ); case ACTIVITY_FILTER_ACTIVE: return ( st->peersSendingToUs > 0 ) || ( st->peersGettingFromUs > 0 ) || ( st->webseedsSendingToUs > 0 ) || ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_CHECK ); case ACTIVITY_FILTER_PAUSED: return st->activity == TR_STATUS_STOPPED; case ACTIVITY_FILTER_FINISHED: return st->finished == TRUE; case ACTIVITY_FILTER_VERIFYING: return ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_CHECK ) || ( st->activity == TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT ); case ACTIVITY_FILTER_ERROR: return st->error != 0; default: /* ACTIVITY_FILTER_ALL */ return TRUE; } } static void status_model_update_count( GtkListStore * store, GtkTreeIter * iter, int n ) { int count; GtkTreeModel * model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ); gtk_tree_model_get( model, iter, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_COUNT, &count, -1 ); if( n != count ) gtk_list_store_set( store, iter, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_COUNT, n, -1 ); } static void activity_filter_model_update( GtkListStore * store ) { GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel * model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store ); GObject * o = G_OBJECT( store ); GtkTreeModel * tmodel = GTK_TREE_MODEL( g_object_get_qdata( o, TORRENT_MODEL_KEY ) ); g_object_steal_qdata( o, DIRTY_KEY ); if( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( model, &iter, NULL, 0 ) ) do { int hits; int type; GtkTreeIter torrent_iter; gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_TYPE, &type, -1 ); hits = 0; if( gtk_tree_model_iter_nth_child( tmodel, &torrent_iter, NULL, 0 ) ) do { tr_torrent * tor; gtk_tree_model_get( tmodel, &torrent_iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, -1 ); if( test_torrent_activity( tor, type ) ) ++hits; } while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( tmodel, &torrent_iter ) ); status_model_update_count( store, &iter, hits ); } while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ) ); } static GtkTreeModel * activity_filter_model_new( GtkTreeModel * tmodel ) { int i, n; struct { int type; const char * name; const char * stock_id; } types[] = { { ACTIVITY_FILTER_ALL, N_( "All" ), NULL }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_ACTIVE, N_( "Active" ), GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_DOWNLOADING, NC_( "Verb", "Downloading" ), GTK_STOCK_GO_DOWN }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_SEEDING, NC_( "Verb", "Seeding" ), GTK_STOCK_GO_UP }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_PAUSED, N_( "Paused" ), GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_FINISHED, N_( "Finished" ), NULL }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_VERIFYING, NC_( "Verb", "Verifying" ), GTK_STOCK_REFRESH }, { ACTIVITY_FILTER_ERROR, N_( "Error" ), GTK_STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR } }; GtkListStore * store = gtk_list_store_new( ACTIVITY_FILTER_N_COLS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING ); for( i=0, n=G_N_ELEMENTS(types); ifileCount && !ret; ++i ) { char * pch = g_utf8_casefold( inf->files[i].name, -1 ); ret = !key || strstr( pch, key ) != NULL; g_free( pch ); } } return ret; } static void entry_clear( GtkEntry * e ) { gtk_entry_set_text( e, "" ); } static void filter_entry_changed( GtkEditable * e, gpointer filter_model ) { char * pch; char * folded; pch = gtk_editable_get_chars( e, 0, -1 ); folded = g_utf8_casefold( pch, -1 ); g_strstrip( folded ); g_object_set_qdata_full( filter_model, TEXT_KEY, folded, g_free ); g_free( pch ); gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter( GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER( filter_model ) ); } /***** ****** ****** ****** *****/ struct filter_data { GtkWidget * activity; GtkWidget * category; GtkWidget * entry; GtkTreeModel * filter_model; int active_activity_type; int active_category_type; char * active_category_host; }; static gboolean is_row_visible( GtkTreeModel * model, GtkTreeIter * iter, gpointer vdata ) { const char * text; tr_torrent * tor; struct filter_data * data = vdata; GObject * o = G_OBJECT( data->filter_model ); gtk_tree_model_get( model, iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, -1 ); text = (const char*) g_object_get_qdata( o, TEXT_KEY ); return ( tor != NULL ) && test_category( tor, data->active_category_type, data->active_category_host ) && test_torrent_activity( tor, data->active_activity_type ) && testText( tor, text ); } static void selection_changed_cb( GtkComboBox * combo, gpointer vdata ) { int type; char * host; GtkTreeIter iter; GtkTreeModel * model; struct filter_data * data = vdata; /* set data->active_activity_type from the activity combobox */ combo = GTK_COMBO_BOX( data->activity ); model = gtk_combo_box_get_model( combo ); if( gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter( combo, &iter ) ) gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, ACTIVITY_FILTER_COL_TYPE, &type, -1 ); else type = ACTIVITY_FILTER_ALL; data->active_activity_type = type; /* set the active category type & host from the category combobox */ combo = GTK_COMBO_BOX( data->category ); model = gtk_combo_box_get_model( combo ); if( gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter( combo, &iter ) ) { gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, CAT_FILTER_COL_TYPE, &type, CAT_FILTER_COL_HOST, &host, -1 ); } else { type = CAT_FILTER_TYPE_ALL; host = NULL; } g_free( data->active_category_host ); data->active_category_host = host; data->active_category_type = type; /* refilter */ gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter( GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER( data->filter_model ) ); } GtkWidget * gtr_filter_bar_new( tr_session * session, GtkTreeModel * tmodel, GtkTreeModel ** filter_model ) { GtkWidget * l; GtkWidget * w; GtkWidget * h; GtkWidget * s; GtkWidget * activity; GtkWidget * category; const char * str; struct filter_data * data; g_assert( DIRTY_KEY == 0 ); TEXT_KEY = g_quark_from_static_string( "tr-filter-text-key" ); DIRTY_KEY = g_quark_from_static_string( "tr-filter-dirty-key" ); SESSION_KEY = g_quark_from_static_string( "tr-session-key" ); TORRENT_MODEL_KEY = g_quark_from_static_string( "tr-filter-torrent-model-key" ); data = g_new0( struct filter_data, 1 ); data->activity = activity = activity_combo_box_new( tmodel ); data->category = category = category_combo_box_new( tmodel ); data->filter_model = gtk_tree_model_filter_new( tmodel, NULL ); g_object_set( G_OBJECT( data->category ), "width-request", 170, NULL ); g_object_set_qdata( G_OBJECT( gtk_combo_box_get_model( GTK_COMBO_BOX( data->category ) ) ), SESSION_KEY, session ); gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func( GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER( data->filter_model ), is_row_visible, data, g_free ); g_signal_connect( data->category, "changed", G_CALLBACK( selection_changed_cb ), data ); g_signal_connect( data->activity, "changed", G_CALLBACK( selection_changed_cb ), data ); h = gtr_hbox_new( FALSE, GUI_PAD_SMALL ); /* add the activity combobox */ str = _( "_Show:" ); w = activity; l = gtk_label_new( NULL ); gtk_label_set_markup_with_mnemonic( GTK_LABEL( l ), str ); gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget( GTK_LABEL( l ), w ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( h ), l, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( h ), w, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); /* add a spacer */ w = gtk_alignment_new( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); gtk_widget_set_size_request( w, 0u, GUI_PAD_BIG ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( h ), w, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); /* add the category combobox */ w = category; gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( h ), w, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); /* add a spacer */ w = gtk_alignment_new( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); gtk_widget_set_size_request( w, 0u, GUI_PAD_BIG ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( h ), w, FALSE, FALSE, 0 ); /* add the entry field */ s = gtk_entry_new( ); gtk_entry_set_icon_from_stock( GTK_ENTRY( s ), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, GTK_STOCK_CLEAR ); g_signal_connect( s, "icon-release", G_CALLBACK( entry_clear ), NULL ); gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( h ), s, TRUE, TRUE, 0 ); g_signal_connect( s, "changed", G_CALLBACK( filter_entry_changed ), data->filter_model ); selection_changed_cb( NULL, data ); *filter_model = data->filter_model; return h; }