AboutDialog About Transmission Transmissioni buruz Copyright © The Transmission Project Copyright © Transmission Proiektua A fast and easy BitTorrent client BitTorrent bezero azkar eta erraz bat Client Bezeroa Server Zerbitzaria C&redits &Kredituak &License &Lizentzia Credits Kredituak Application <b>Transmission is a file sharing program.</b> <b>Transmission fitxategien elkarbanatze programa bat da.</b> When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. Torrent bati ekiten diozunean, bere datuak besteentzat igoera bidez eskuragarri jarriko dira. Elkarbanatzen duzun edozein eduki soilik zure erantzukizuna da. I &Agree &Onartzen dut Torrent Added Torrenta Gehituta Torrent Completed Torrenta Osatuta Torrenta Osatuta DetailsDialog None Ezer ez Mixed Nahastua Unknown Ezezaguna Finished Amaituta Paused Pausatuta %1 (+%2 discarded after failed checksum) %1 (+%2 baztertuta checksum egiaztatzeak huts egin ondoren) Active now Martxan orain %1 ago Duela %1 %1 (%Ln pieces @ %2) %1 (%Ln atal @ %2) %1 (%Ln zati @ %2) %1 (%Ln pieces) %1 (%Ln atal) %1 (%Ln zati) Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled Aztarnari honen pribatua -- DHT eta PEX desgaituta Public torrent Torrent publikoa Created by %1 Sortzailea: %1 Created on %1 Sortze-data: %1 Created by %1 on %2 %1 erabiltzaileak sortuta data honetan: %2 Encrypted connection Zifratutako konexioa Optimistic unchoke Buxadura kentze baikorra Downloading from this peer Kide honengandik deskargatzen We would download from this peer if they would let us Kide honetatik deskargatuko genuke beraiek utziz gero Uploading to peer Kide batera igotzen We would upload to this peer if they asked Kide honetara igoko genuke beraiek galdetuz gero Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested Kideak buxadura kendu digu, baina ez gaude interesatuta We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested Kide honi buxadura kendu diogu, baina ez daude interesatuta Peer was discovered through DHT Kidea DHT bidez aurkitu zen Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX) Kidea Kide-Trukaketa bidez (PEX) aurkitu zen Peer is an incoming connection Kidea barrurako konexio bat da minute(s) Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minutu minutu Add URL(s) Gehitu URLa(k) Add tracker announce URLs, one per line: Gehitu aztarnari iragarle URLak, bat errenkada bakoitzean: Error Errorea No new URLs found. Ez da URL berririk aurkitu. %1 (100%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data %1 (100%) %1 of %2 (%3%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data, %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100) %1 --> %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), %4 Unverified Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded data (both verified and unverified), %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100), %4 is amount of downloaded but not yet verified data %1 --> %2 (%3%), %4 Egiaztatu gabea %1 (Ratio: %2) %1 (Maila: %2) N/A E/G Peer is connected over uTP Kidea µTP bidez konektatuta dago High Altua Normal Normala Low Baxua Use Global Settings Erabili Ezarpen Orokorrak Seed regardless of ratio Igorri maila kontuan izan gabe Stop seeding at ratio: Gelditu igortzen maila honetan: Seed regardless of activity Igorri jarduera kontuan izan gabe Stop seeding if idle for: Gelditu igortzen geratuta badago: Up Igortzen Down Deskargatzen % % Status Egoera Address Helbidea Client Bezeroa Torrent Properties Torrent-aren Ezaugarriak Information Informazioa Activity Jarduera Have: Dauka: Availability: Eskuragarritasuna: Uploaded: Igorritakoa: Downloaded: Deskargatuta: State: Egoera: Running time: Exekuzio denbora: Remaining time: Gelditzen den denbora: Last activity: Azken jarduera: Error: Errorea: Details Xehetasunak Size: Tamaina: Location: Kokalekua: Edit Trackers Editatu Aztarnariak Hash: Hash-a: Privacy: Pribatutasuna: Origin: Jatorria: Added: Gehitze-data: Comment: Iruzkina: Peers Kideak Tracker Aztarnaria Add Tracker Gehitu Aztarnaria Remove Trackers Kendu Aztarnariak Show &more details Erakutsi &xehetasun gehiago Show &backup trackers Erakutsi &segurtasun-kopiako aztarnariak Files Fitxategiak Options Aukerak Speed Abiadura Honor global &limits &Bete muga orokorrak Limit &download speed: &Mugatu deskargaren abiadura: Limit &upload speed: M&ugatu igoeraren abiadura: Torrent &priority: &Torrent lehentasuna: Seeding Limits Igortze-Mugak &Ratio: M&aila: &Idle: &Geratuta: Peer Connections Kideen Konexioak &Maximum peers: &Gehienezko kide kopurua: FileTreeItem Low Baxua High Altua Normal Normala Mixed Nahastua FileTreeModel File Fitxategia Size Tamaina Progress Aurrerapena Download Deskargatu Priority Lehentasuna FileTreeView Check Selected Aukeratu Hautatua Uncheck Selected Desaukeratu Hautatua Only Check Selected Aukeratu Hautatua Bakarrik Priority Lehentasuna Open Ireki Rename... Berrizendatu... FilterBar All Denak Active Martxan Downloading Deskargatzen Seeding Igortzen Paused Pausatuta Finished Amaituta Verifying Egiaztatzen Error Errorea Show: Erakutsi: Search... Bilatu... Formatter B/s B/s kB/s kB/s MB/s MB/s GB/s GB/s TB/s TB/s B B kB kB MB MB GB GB TB TB KiB KiB MiB MiB GiB GiB TiB TiB Unknown Ezezaguna None Ezer ez %1 %2 %1 %2 %Ln day(s) %Ln egun %Ln egun %Ln hour(s) %Ln ordu %Ln ordu %Ln minute(s) %Ln minutu %Ln minutu %Ln second(s) %Ln segundu %Ln segundu %1, %2 %1, %2 FreeSpaceLabel <i>Calculating Free Space...</i> <i>Libre dagoen lekua Kalkulatzen...</i> %1 free %1 libre LicenseDialog License Lizentzia MainWindow Transmission Transmission &Torrent &Torrenta &Edit &Editatu &Help &Laguntza &View &Ikusi &File &Fitxategia &New... &Berria... Create a new torrent Sortu torrent berri bat &Properties &Ezaugarriak Show torrent properties Erakutsi torrentaren ezaugarriak Open the torrent's folder Ireki torrentaren agiritegia Queue Ilara Options Aukerak Statistics Estatistikak &Open... &Ireki... Open Ireki Open a torrent Ireki torrent bat Open Fold&er &Ireki Karpeta &Start &Hasi Start torrent Hasi torrenta Ask Tracker for &More Peers &Eskatu Aztarnariari Kide Gehiago Ask tracker for more peers Eskatu aztarnariari kide gehiago &Pause &Pausatu Pause torrent Pausatu torrenta &Verify Local Data Egiaztatu Datuak &Lokalak Verify local data Egiaztatu datu lokalak &Remove &Kendu Remove torrent Kendu torrenta &Delete Files and Remove E&zabatu Fitxategiak eta Kendu Remove torrent and delete its files Kendu torrenta eta ezabatu dagozkion fitxategiak &Start All &Hasi Denak &Pause All &Pausatu Denak &Quit It&xi &Select All Hautatu &Denak &Deselect All &Deshautatu Denak &Preferences &Hobespenak &Compact View &Ikuspegi Trinkoa Compact View Ikuspegi Trinkoa &Toolbar &Tresnabarra &Filterbar I&ragazkibarra &Statusbar &Egoerabarra Sort by &Activity Ordenatu &Jardueraren arabera Sort by A&ge Ordenatu &Adinaren arabera Sort by Time &Left Ordenatu Gelditzen den &Denboraz Sort by &Name Ordenatu I&zenaren arabera Sort by &Progress Ordenatu &Aurrerapenaren arabera Sort by Rati&o Ordenatu &Ratioaren arabera Sort by Si&ze Ordenatu &Tamainaren arabera Sort by Stat&e Ordenatu &Egoeraren arabera Sort by T&racker Ordenatu Az&tarnarien arabera Message &Log Mezuen &Erregistroa &Statistics &Estatistikak &Contents Ed&ukiak &About Honi &Buruz Re&verse Sort Order Alderantzikatu Ordenatze &Irizpidea &Name &Izena &Files &Fitxategiak &Tracker A&ztarnaria Total Ratio Maila guztira Session Ratio Saioaren maila Total Transfer Transferentziak Guztira Session Transfer Saioaren Transferentziak &Main Window Leiho &Nagusia Tray &Icon Erretilu &Ikonoa &Change Session... &Aldatu Saioa... Choose Session Start a local session or connect to a running session Hautatu Saioa Set &Location... Ez&arri Kokalekua... &Copy Magnet Link to Clipboard Kopiatu &Magnet Esteka Arbelera Open &URL... Ireki &URLa... &Donate &Dirulaguntza Start &Now Hasi &Orain Bypass the queue and start now Ezikusi ilara eta hasi orain Move to &Top Mugitu &Goraino Move &Up Mugitu G&ora Move &Down Mugitu B&ehera Move to &Bottom Mugitu &Beheraino Sort by &Queue Ordenatu &Ilararen arabera Limit Download Speed Mugatu Deskargatze-Abiadura Unlimited Mugagabea Limited at %1 Muga: %1 Limit Upload Speed Mugatu Igotze-Abiadura Stop Seeding at Ratio Gelditu Igortzen Maila honetan Seed Forever Igorri Etengabe Stop at Ratio (%1) Gelditu Maila honetan (%1) - %1:%2 Second (optional) part of main window title "Transmission - host:port" (added when connected to remote session) notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1:%2 Idle Geratuta Ratio: %1 Maila: %1 Down: %1, Up: %2 Deskarga: %1, Igoera: %2 Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Torrent Fitxategiak (*.torrent);;Fitxategi Guztiak (*.*) Show &options dialog Erakutsi a&ukeren leihoa Open Torrent Ireki Torrenta Speed Limits Abiadura Mugak Network Error Errorea sarean Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) Egin klik Aldi baterako Abiadura Mugak desgaitzeko (%1 deskarga, %2 igoera) Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) Egin klik Aldi baterako Abiadura Mugak gaitzeko (%1 deskarga, %2 igoera) Remove torrent? Kendu torrenta? Delete this torrent's downloaded files? Ezabatu deskargatutako torrent honen fitxategiak? Remove %Ln torrent(s)? Kendu %Ln torrent? Kendu %Ln torrent? Showing %L1 of %Ln torrent(s) Erakusten %L1 -> %Ln torrent Erakusten %L1 -> %Ln torrent Delete these %Ln torrent(s)' downloaded files? Ezabatu jeitsitako %Ln torrent hauen agiriak? Ezabatu deskargatutako %Ln torrent hauen fitxategiak? Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link. Behin kenduta, transferentziarekin jarraitzeko torrent fitxategia edo magnet lotura beharko duzu. Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links. Behin kenduta, transferentziekin jarraitzeko torrent fitxategiak edo magnet loturak beharko dituzu. This torrent has not finished downloading. Torrent honek ez du deskarga amaitu. These torrents have not finished downloading. Torrent hauek ez dute deskarga amaitu. This torrent is connected to peers. Torrent hau kideetara konektatuta dago. These torrents are connected to peers. Torrent hauek kideetara konektatuta daude. One of these torrents is connected to peers. Torrent hauetako bat kideetara konektatuta dago. Some of these torrents are connected to peers. Torrent hauetako batzuk kideetara konektatuta daude. One of these torrents has not finished downloading. Torrent hauetako batek ez du deskarga amaitu. Some of these torrents have not finished downloading. Torrent hauetako batzuk ez dute deskarga amaitu. %1 has not responded yet %1 ez du oraindik erantzun %1 is responding %1 erantzuten ari da %1 last responded %2 ago %1 azken erantzuna duela %2 egin zuen %1 is not responding %1 ez du erantzuten MakeDialog New Torrent Torrent Berria <i>No source selected</i> <i>Ez dago jatorririk hautatuta</i> %Ln File(s) %Ln Agiri %Ln Fitxategi %Ln Piece(s) %Ln Atal %LnZati %1 in %2; %3 @ %4 %1 -> %2; %3 @ %4 Files Fitxategiak Sa&ve to: &Gorde hemen: Source f&older: Jatorrizko &karpeta: Source &file: Jatorrizko &Fitxategia: Properties Ezaugarriak &Trackers: A&ztarnariak: To add a backup URL, add it on the line after the primary URL. To add another primary URL, add it after a blank line. Segurtasun-kopiarako URL bat gehitzeko, URL nagusiaren ondorengo errenkadan gehitu ezazu. Beste URL nagusi bat gehitzeko, errenkada huts baten ondoren gehitu ezazu. Co&mment: &Iruzkina: &Source: &Jatorria: &Private torrent &Torrent pribatua MakeProgressDialog New Torrent Torrent Berria Creating "%1" "%1" sortzen Created "%1"! "%1" sortuta! Couldn't create "%1": %2 (%3) OptionsDialog Open Torrent Ireki Torrenta Open Torrent from File Ireki Torrenta Fitxategitik Open Torrent from URL or Magnet Link Ireki Torrenta URLtik edo Magnet Loturatik &Source: &Jatorria: &Destination folder: &Helmugako karpeta: High Altua Normal Normala Low Baxua &Priority: &Lehentasuna: S&tart when added H&asi gehitutakoan Mo&ve .torrent file to the trash &Mugitu .torrent fitxategia zakarrontzira Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Torrent Fitxategiak (*.torrent);;Fitxategi Guztiak (*.*) Select Destination Hautatu Helmuga PathButton (None) (Ezer ez) Select Folder Hautatu Karpeta Select File Hautatu Fitxategia PrefsDialog Use &authentication E&rabili autentifikazioa &Username: &Erabiltzaile-izena: Pass&word: &Pasahitza: &Open web client &Ireki web bezeroa Addresses: Helbideak: Speed Limits Abiadura Mugak <small>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</small> <small>Baliogabetu abiadura muga arruntak eskuz edo programatutako orduetan</small> &Scheduled times: &Programatutako orduak: &On days: Eg&unak: Every Day Egunero Weekdays Lanegunak Weekends Asteburuak Sunday Igandea Monday Astelehena Tuesday Asteartea Wednesday Asteazkena Thursday Osteguna Friday Ostirala Saturday Larunbata Port is <b>open</b> Ataka <b>irekita</b> dago Port is <b>closed</b> Ataka <b>itxita</b> dago Select "Torrent Done Downloading" Script Aukeratu "Torrentaren Deskarga Amaituta" Script-a Incoming Peers Barrurako Kideak Status unknown Egoera ezezaguna &Port for incoming connections: &Barrurako konexioentzako ataka: Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my router &Erabili UPnP edo NAT-PMP ataka berbidalketa nire router-etik Options Aukerak Enable &uTP for peer connections Gaitu &µTP kideen konexioentzat uTP is a tool for reducing network congestion. µTP sarearen betekada murrizteko tresna bat da. minute(s) Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minutu minutu Select "Torrent Done Seeding" Script Aukeratu "Torrentaren Igortzea Amaituta" Script-a minute(s) ago Spin box suffix, "Download is inactive if data sharing stopped: [ 5 minutes ago ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) minutu duela minutu duela Automatically add .torrent files &from: Gehitu &automatikoki .torrent fitxategiak hemendik: Show the Torrent Options &dialog Erakutsi &Torrent Aukeren leihoa &Start added torrents &Hasi gehitutako torrentak Mo&ve the .torrent file to the trash &Mugitu .torrent fitxategiak zakarrontzira Download Queue Deskargen Ilara Ma&ximum active downloads: Gehienezko &deskarga aktibo kopurua: Incomplete Osatugabe Seeding Igortzen Remote Urrunekoa <i>Blocklist contains %Ln rule(s)</i> <i>Blokeo-zerrendak ditu %Ln arau</i> <i>Blokeo-zerrendak %Ln arau ditu</i> Pick a &random port every time Transmission is started &Hautatu zorizko ataka bat Transmission abiarazten den bakoitzean Limits Mugak Maximum peers per &torrent: Gehienezko kide &torrent bakoitzeko: Maximum peers &overall: Gehienezko kide &guztira: <b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rule(s). <b>Eguneraketa eginda!</b><p>Blokeo-zerrendak orain %Ln arau ditu. <b>Eguneraketa eginda!</b><p>Blokeo-zerrendak orain %Ln arau ditu. <b>Update Blocklist</b><p>Getting new blocklist... <b>Eguneratu Blokeo-zerrenda</b><p>Blokeo-zerrenda berria lortzen... Blocklist Blokeo-zerrenda Enable &automatic updates Gaitu &eguneraketa automatikoak Allow encryption Baimendu zifratzea Prefer encryption Hobetsi zifratzea Require encryption Behartu zifratzea Privacy Pribatutasuna &to &hona Desktop Mahaigaina Show Transmission icon in the &notification area Erakutsi &Transmission ikonoa jakinarazpen eremuan Te&st Port Probatu &Ataka Enable &blocklist: Gaitu blokeo-&zerrenda: &Update &Eguneraketa &Encryption mode: &Zifratze modua: Remote Control Urruneko Kontrola Allow &remote access Ahalbidetu &urruneko sarbidea HTTP &port: HTTP &ataka: Only allow these IP a&ddresses: A&halbidetu IP helbide hauek bakarrik: &Upload: &Igoera: &Download: &Deskarga: Alternative Speed Limits Aukerazko Abiadura Mugak U&pload: I&goera: Do&wnload: J&aitsiera: Reads user clipboard content for torrents Erabiltzailearen arbelaren edukia irakurtzen du torrent-en bila Detect new torrents from clipboard Antzeman torrent berriak arbeletik Call scrip&t when downloading is completed: Deitu scrip&t-a deskarga osatu denean: Call scrip&t when seeding is completed: Deitu scrip&t-a igortzea osatu denean: Default Public Trackers Aztarnari publiko lehenetsiak <html><head/><body><p>Trackers to use on all public torrents.</p><p><br/></p><p>To add a backup URL, add it on the next line after a primary URL.</p><p>To add a new primary URL, add it after a blank line.</p><p><br/></p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Torrent publiko guztietan erabili beharreko aztarnariak.</p><p><br/></p><p>Segurtasun-kopiarako URL bat gehitzeko, URL nagusiaren ondorengo errenkadan gehitu ezazu.</p><p>URL nagusi berri bat gehitzeko, errenkada huts baten ondoren gehitu ezazu.</p><p><br/></p></body></html> Start &minimized in notification area &Hasi jakinarazpen eremuan minimizatuta Notification Jakinarazpena Show a notification when torrents are a&dded &Erakutsi jakinarazpen bat torreta gehitzen denean Show a notification when torrents &finish E&rakutsi jakinarazpen bat torrentak amaitzean Play a &sound when torrents finish &Jo soinu bat torrentek amaitzean Testing TCP Port... TCP Ataka aztertzen... Peer Limits Kideen Mugak Use PE&X to find more peers Erabili PE&X kide gehiago bilatzeko PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to. PEX konektatuta zauden hartzaileekin kideen zerrendak trukatzeko tresna bat da. Use &DHT to find more peers Erabili &DHT kide gehiago bilatzeko DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker. DHT aztarnari gabeko kideak bilatzeko tresna bat da. Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peers Erabili Hartzaile Aurkikuntza Lo&kala kide gehiago bilatzeko LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network. LPD zure sare lokalean kide gehiago bilatzeko tresna bat da. Encryption Zifratzea Select Incomplete Directory Hautatu Osatugabeko Direktorioa Select Watch Directory Hautatu Ikusi Direktorioa Select Destination Hautatu Helmuga Adding Gehitzen Download is i&nactive if data sharing stopped: Please keep this phrase as short as possible, it's currently the longest and influences dialog width Deskargatu &geratuta dago datu-partekatzea geratuta badago: Downloading Deskargatzen Append ".&part" to incomplete files' names &Erantsi ".part" osatugabeko fitxategi izenei Keep &incomplete files in: &Gorde osatugabeko fitxategiak hemen: Save to &Location: Gorde &Kokaleku honetan: Stop seeding at &ratio: &Gelditu igortzen maila honetan: Stop seedi&ng if idle for: Gelditu igortzen &geratuta badago: Transmission Preferences Transmission Hobespenak Speed Abiadura Network Sarea Not supported by remote sessions Ez dago sostengaturik urruneko saioentzat QObject Invalid option Aukera baliogabea Start Now Abiarazi Orain RelocateDialog Select Location Hautatu Kokalekua Set Torrent Location Ezarri Torrentaren Kokalekua Set Location Ezarri Kokalekua New &location: &Kokaleku berria: &Move from the current folder &Mugitu oraingo karpetatik Local data is &already there &Datu lokalak jadanik hor daude Session Error Renaming Path Akatsa Bidea Berrizendatzerakoan <p><b>Unable to rename "%1" as "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Please correct the errors and try again.</p> <p><b>Ezinezkoa berreizendatzea "%1" -> "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Mesedez zuzendu akatsak eta saiatu berriro.</p> Error Adding Torrent Akatsa Torrenta Gehitzerakoan %1 (copy of %2) %1 ( %2(r)en kopia) Duplicate Torrent(s) Bikoiztu Torrenta(k) Bikoiztu Torrenta(k) Unable to add %n duplicate torrent(s) Ezin izan da %n bikoiztutako Torrent-a gehitu Ezin izan da %n bikoiztutako Torrent gehitu SessionDialog Change Session Aldatu Saioa Source Jatorria Start &Local Session Hasi &Saio Lokala Connect to &Remote Session Konektatu &Urruneko Saiora &Host: &Hostalaria: &Port: &Ataka: &Authentication required &Autentifikazioa behar da &Username: Erabiltzaile-&izena: Pass&word: &Pasahitza: StatsDialog Statistics Estatistikak Current Session Oraingo Saioa Uploaded: Igota: Downloaded: Deskargatuta: Ratio: Maila: Duration: Iraupena: Total Guztira Started %Ln time(s) Hasita %Ln aldiz Hasita %Ln aldiz Torrent Verifying local data Datu lokalak egiaztatzen Downloading Deskargatzen Seeding Igortzen Finished Amaituta Paused Pausatuta Queued for verification Egiaztapenerako ilaratuta Queued for download Deskargatzeko ilaratuta Queued for seeding Igortzeko ilaratuta Tracker gave a warning: %1 Aztarnariak ohar bat eman du: %1 Tracker gave an error: %1 Aztarnariak errore bat eman du: %1 Error: %1 Errorea: %1 TorrentDelegate Magnetized transfer - retrieving metadata (%1%) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is the percentage of torrent metadata downloaded Magnetizatutako transferentzia - metadatuak berreskuratzen (%1%) %1 of %2 (%3%) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is how much we've got, %2 is how much we'll have when done, %3 is a percentage of the two %1 --> %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5 Goal: %6) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio, %6 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading %1 --> %2 (%3%), igota %4 (Maila: %5 Helburua: %6) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio %1 --> %2 (%3%), igota %4 (Maila: %5) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3 Goal: %4) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio, %4 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading %1, igota %2 (Maila: %3 Helburua: %4) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3) First part of torrent progress string, %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio %1, igota %2 (Maila: %3) - %1 left Second (optional) part of torrent progress string, %1 is duration, notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1 gelditzen d(ir)a - Remaining time unknown Second (optional) part of torrent progress string, notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - Gelditzen den denbora ezezaguna Ratio: %1 Maila: %1 Downloading from %Ln peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" Jeisten %1 --> %Ln elkarketaturiko hartzailetik Deskargatzen %1 --> %Ln konektatutako kidetatik Seeding to %Ln peer(s) %Ln hartzailera emaritzen %Ln kidetara igortzen - - Downloading metadata from %Ln peer(s) (%1% done) Metadatuak jeisten %Ln hartzailetik (%1% eginda) Metadatuak deskargatzen %Ln kidetatik (%1% eginda) Downloading from %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" Jeisten %1 --> %Ln elkarketaturiko hartzailetik Deskargatzen %1 --> %Ln konektatutako kidetatik and %Ln web seed(s) Second (optional) part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)", notice that leading space (before "and") is included here eta %Ln web emaritza eta %Ln web-igortze Seeding to %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) %1 / %Ln elkarturiko hartzailera emaritzen %1 / %Ln konektatutako kidetara igortzen Verifying local data (%1% tested) Datu lokalak egiaztatzen (%1% aztertuta) TrackerDelegate Got a list of%1 %Ln peer(s)%2 %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Zerrenda:%1 %Ln hartzaile%2 %3 Zerrendak%1 %Ln kide%2 zituen orain dela %3 Peer list request %1timed out%2 %3 ago; will retry %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Kideen zerrenda eskaera %1denboraz kanpo%2 %3 ; berriz saiatuko da Got an error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration Errorea gertatu da: %1"%2"%3 %4 No updates scheduled Ez dago eguneraketarik programatuta Asking for more peers in %1 %1 is duration Kide gehiagorengatik galdetzen: %1 Queued to ask for more peers Kide gehiagoengatik galdetzeko ilaratuta Asking for more peers now... <small>%1</small> %1 is duration Kide gehiagoengatik galdetzen orain... <small>%1</small> Tracker had%1 %Ln seeder(s)%2 First part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago", %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup Aztarnariak du%1 %Ln emale%2 Aztarnariak %1 %Ln igorle %2 ditu and%1 %Ln leecher(s)%2 %3 ago Second part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago", %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here eta%1 %Ln izain%2 %3 eta%1 %Ln izain%2 %3 Tracker had %1no information%2 on peer counts %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Aztarnariak %1ez zuen kideei buruzko argibiderik %2 duela %3 Got a scrape error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration Zuriketa errorea gertatu da: %1"%2"%3 %4 Asking for peer counts in %1 %1 is duration Kide kopuruaz galdetuko da denbora hau barru: %1 Queued to ask for peer counts Kide kopuruaz galdetzeko ilaratuta Asking for peer counts now... <small>%1</small> %1 is duration Kide kopuruaz galdetzen orain... <small>%1</small> TrackersDialog Edit Trackers Editatu Aztarnariak Tracker Announce URLs Aztarnariak iragartzeko URLak To add a new primary URL, add it after a blank line. URL nagusi berri bat gehitzeko, errenkada huts baten ondoren gehitu ezazu. <html><head/><body><p>To add a backup URL, add it on the next line after a primary URL.</p></body></html> <html><head/><body><p>Segurtasun-kopiarako URL bat gehitzeko, URL nagusiaren ondorengo errenkadan gehitu ezazu.</p></body></html> Also see Default Public Trackers in Edit > Preferences > Network Aztarnari publiko lehenetsiak Editatu > Hobespenak > Sarea atalean ere ikusi ditzakezu