// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include // std::byte #include // uint64_t, uint32_t #include #include #include #include #include "libtransmission/transmission.h" #include "libtransmission/crypto-utils.h" #include "libtransmission/file.h" #include "libtransmission/verify.h" using namespace std::chrono_literals; namespace { auto constexpr SleepPerSecondDuringVerify = 100ms; [[nodiscard]] auto current_time_secs() { return std::chrono::time_point_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now()); } } // namespace void tr_verify_worker::verify_torrent(Mediator& verify_mediator, std::atomic const& abort_flag) { verify_mediator.on_verify_started(); tr_sys_file_t fd = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; uint64_t file_pos = 0U; uint32_t piece_pos = 0U; tr_file_index_t file_index = 0U; tr_file_index_t prev_file_index = ~file_index; tr_piece_index_t piece = 0U; auto buffer = std::vector(1024U * 256U); auto sha = tr_sha1::create(); auto last_slept_at = current_time_secs(); auto const& metainfo = verify_mediator.metainfo(); while (!abort_flag && piece < metainfo.piece_count()) { auto const file_length = metainfo.file_size(file_index); /* if we're starting a new file... */ if (file_pos == 0 && fd == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE && file_index != prev_file_index) { auto const found = verify_mediator.find_file(file_index); fd = !found ? TR_BAD_SYS_FILE : tr_sys_file_open(found->c_str(), TR_SYS_FILE_READ | TR_SYS_FILE_SEQUENTIAL, 0); prev_file_index = file_index; } /* figure out how much we can read this pass */ uint64_t left_in_piece = metainfo.piece_size(piece) - piece_pos; uint64_t left_in_file = file_length - file_pos; uint64_t bytes_this_pass = std::min(left_in_file, left_in_piece); bytes_this_pass = std::min(bytes_this_pass, uint64_t(std::size(buffer))); /* read a bit */ if (fd != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { auto num_read = uint64_t{}; if (tr_sys_file_read_at(fd, std::data(buffer), bytes_this_pass, file_pos, &num_read) && num_read > 0) { bytes_this_pass = num_read; sha->add(std::data(buffer), bytes_this_pass); tr_sys_file_advise(fd, file_pos, bytes_this_pass, TR_SYS_FILE_ADVICE_DONT_NEED); } } /* move our offsets */ left_in_piece -= bytes_this_pass; left_in_file -= bytes_this_pass; piece_pos += bytes_this_pass; file_pos += bytes_this_pass; /* if we're finishing a piece... */ if (left_in_piece == 0) { auto const has_piece = sha->finish() == metainfo.piece_hash(piece); verify_mediator.on_piece_checked(piece, has_piece); /* sleeping even just a few msec per second goes a long * way towards reducing IO load... */ if (auto const now = current_time_secs(); last_slept_at != now) { last_slept_at = now; std::this_thread::sleep_for(SleepPerSecondDuringVerify); } sha->clear(); ++piece; piece_pos = 0; } /* if we're finishing a file... */ if (left_in_file == 0) { if (fd != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { tr_sys_file_close(fd); fd = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; } ++file_index; file_pos = 0; } } /* cleanup */ if (fd != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { tr_sys_file_close(fd); } verify_mediator.on_verify_done(abort_flag); } void tr_verify_worker::verify_thread_func() { for (;;) { { auto const lock = std::lock_guard{ verify_mutex_ }; if (stop_current_) { stop_current_ = false; stop_current_cv_.notify_one(); } if (std::empty(todo_)) { current_node_.reset(); verify_thread_id_.reset(); return; } current_node_ = std::move(todo_.extract(std::begin(todo_)).value()); } verify_torrent(*current_node_->mediator_, stop_current_); } } void tr_verify_worker::add(std::unique_ptr mediator, tr_priority_t priority) { auto const lock = std::lock_guard{ verify_mutex_ }; mediator->on_verify_queued(); todo_.emplace(std::move(mediator), priority); if (!verify_thread_id_) { auto thread = std::thread(&tr_verify_worker::verify_thread_func, this); verify_thread_id_ = thread.get_id(); thread.detach(); } } void tr_verify_worker::remove(tr_sha1_digest_t const& info_hash) { auto lock = std::unique_lock(verify_mutex_); if (current_node_ && current_node_->matches(info_hash)) { stop_current_ = true; stop_current_cv_.wait(lock, [this]() { return !stop_current_; }); } else if (auto const iter = std::find_if( std::begin(todo_), std::end(todo_), [&info_hash](auto const& node) { return node.matches(info_hash); }); iter != std::end(todo_)) { iter->mediator_->on_verify_done(true /*aborted*/); todo_.erase(iter); } } tr_verify_worker::~tr_verify_worker() { { auto const lock = std::lock_guard{ verify_mutex_ }; stop_current_ = true; todo_.clear(); } while (verify_thread_id_.has_value()) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(20ms); } } int tr_verify_worker::Node::compare(Node const& that) const noexcept { // prefer higher-priority torrents if (priority_ != that.priority_) { return priority_ > that.priority_ ? -1 : 1; } // prefer smaller torrents, since they will verify faster auto const& metainfo = mediator_->metainfo(); auto const& that_metainfo = that.mediator_->metainfo(); if (metainfo.total_size() != that_metainfo.total_size()) { return metainfo.total_size() < that_metainfo.total_size() ? -1 : 1; } // uniqueness check auto const& this_hash = metainfo.info_hash(); auto const& that_hash = that_metainfo.info_hash(); if (this_hash != that_hash) { return this_hash < that_hash ? -1 : 1; } return 0; }