/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Charles Kerr * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id:$ */ #include "assert.h" #include #include #include #include #include "hig.h" #include "torrent-cell-renderer.h" #include "tr_torrent.h" #include "util.h" enum { P_TORRENT = 1, P_BAR_HEIGHT, P_MINIMAL, P_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE, P_GRADIENT, P_COLOR_VERIFIED, P_COLOR_VERIFIED_2, P_COLOR_MISSING, P_COLOR_MISSING_2, P_COLOR_UNWANTED, P_COLOR_UNWANTED_2, P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE, P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2, P_COLOR_PAUSED, P_COLOR_PAUSED_2, P_COLOR_VERIFYING, P_COLOR_VERIFYING_2, P_COLOR_SEEDING, P_COLOR_SEEDING_2 }; #define DEFAULT_BAR_HEIGHT 12 #define DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFIED "#77aaff" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFIED_2 "#002277" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_SEEDING "#77ff88" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_SEEDING_2 "#007700" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_MISSING "#fcfcfc" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_MISSING_2 "#acacac" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_UNWANTED "#e0e0e0" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_UNWANTED_2 "#808080" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE "#ff7788" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2 "#770000" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_PAUSED "#959595" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_PAUSED_2 "#555555" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFYING "#ffff77" #define DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFYING_2 "#777700" /*** **** ***/ static char* getProgressString( const tr_info * info, const tr_stat * torStat ) { const int isDone = torStat->leftUntilDone == 0; const uint64_t haveTotal = torStat->haveUnchecked + torStat->haveValid; const int isSeed = torStat->haveValid >= info->totalSize; char buf1[32], buf2[32], buf3[32], buf4[32]; char * str; if( !isDone ) str = g_strdup_printf( _("%s of %s (%.2f%%)"), tr_strlsize( buf1, haveTotal, sizeof(buf1) ), tr_strlsize( buf2, torStat->desiredSize, sizeof(buf2) ), torStat->percentDone * 100.0 ); else if( !isSeed ) str = g_strdup_printf( _("%s of %s (%.2f%%), uploaded %s (Ratio: %s)"), tr_strlsize( buf1, haveTotal, sizeof(buf1) ), tr_strlsize( buf2, info->totalSize, sizeof(buf2) ), torStat->percentComplete * 100.0, tr_strlsize( buf3, torStat->uploadedEver, sizeof(buf3) ), tr_strlratio( buf4, torStat->ratio, sizeof( buf4 ) ) ); else str = g_strdup_printf( _("%s, uploaded %s (Ratio: %s)"), tr_strlsize( buf1, info->totalSize, sizeof(buf1) ), tr_strlsize( buf2, torStat->uploadedEver, sizeof(buf2) ), tr_strlratio( buf3, torStat->ratio, sizeof( buf3 ) ) ); return str; } static char* getShortTransferString( const tr_stat * torStat, char * buf, size_t buflen ) { char downStr[32], upStr[32]; const int haveDown = ( torStat->rateDownload * 1024 ) > 1.0; const int haveUp = ( torStat->rateUpload * 1024 ) > 1.0; if( haveDown ) tr_strlspeed( downStr, torStat->rateDownload, sizeof(downStr) ); if( haveUp ) tr_strlspeed( upStr, torStat->rateUpload, sizeof(upStr) ); if( haveDown && haveUp ) g_snprintf( buf, buflen, _( "Down: %s, Up: %s"), downStr, upStr ); else if( haveDown ) g_snprintf( buf, buflen, _( "Down: %s" ), downStr ); else if( haveUp ) g_snprintf( buf, buflen, _( "Up: %s" ), upStr ); else g_strlcpy( buf, _( "Idle" ), buflen ); return buf; } static char* getShortStatusString( const tr_stat * torStat ) { GString * gstr = g_string_new( NULL ); switch( torStat->status ) { case TR_STATUS_STOPPED: g_string_assign( gstr, _("Paused") ); break; case TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT: g_string_assign( gstr, _( "Waiting to Verify local data" ) ); break; case TR_STATUS_CHECK: g_string_append_printf( gstr, _("Verifying local data (%.1f%% tested)"), torStat->recheckProgress * 100.0 ); case TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD: case TR_STATUS_SEED: case TR_STATUS_DONE: { char buf[128]; if( torStat->status != TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD ) { tr_strlratio( buf, torStat->ratio, sizeof( buf ) ); g_string_append_printf( gstr, _("Ratio: %s, " ), buf ); } getShortTransferString( torStat, buf, sizeof( buf ) ); g_string_append( gstr, buf ); break; } default: break; } return g_string_free( gstr, FALSE ); } static char* getStatusString( const tr_stat * torStat ) { const int isActive = torStat->status != TR_STATUS_STOPPED; const int isChecking = torStat->status == TR_STATUS_CHECK || torStat->status == TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT; GString * gstr = g_string_new( NULL ); if( torStat->error ) { g_string_assign( gstr, torStat->errorString ); } else switch( torStat->status ) { case TR_STATUS_STOPPED: case TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT: case TR_STATUS_CHECK: { char * pch = getShortStatusString( torStat ); g_string_assign( gstr, pch ); g_free( pch ); break; } case TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD: g_string_append_printf( gstr, ngettext( "Downloading from %d of %d connected peer", "Downloading from %d of %d connected peers", torStat->peersConnected ), torStat->peersSendingToUs, torStat->peersConnected ); break; case TR_STATUS_DONE: case TR_STATUS_SEED: g_string_append_printf( gstr, ngettext( "Seeding to %d of %d connected peer", "Seeding to %d of %d connected peers", torStat->peersConnected ), torStat->peersGettingFromUs, torStat->peersConnected ); break; } if( isActive && !isChecking ) { char buf[256]; getShortTransferString( torStat, buf, sizeof(buf) ); g_string_append_printf( gstr, " - %s", buf ); } return g_string_free( gstr, FALSE ); } /*** **** ***/ static GtkCellRendererClass * parent_class = NULL; struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate { tr_torrent * tor; GtkCellRenderer * text_renderer; int bar_height; gboolean minimal; gboolean show_unavailable; gboolean gradient; GdkColor color_paused[2]; GdkColor color_verified[2]; GdkColor color_verifying[2]; GdkColor color_missing[2]; GdkColor color_unwanted[2]; GdkColor color_unavailable[2]; GdkColor color_seeding[2]; }; static void torrent_cell_renderer_get_size( GtkCellRenderer * cell, GtkWidget * widget, GdkRectangle * cell_area, gint * x_offset, gint * y_offset, gint * width, gint * height) { TorrentCellRenderer * self = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( cell ); int xpad, ypad; g_object_get( self, "xpad", &xpad, "ypad", &ypad, NULL ); if( self && self->priv->tor ) { const tr_torrent * tor = self->priv->tor; const tr_info * info = tr_torrentInfo( tor ); const char * name = info->name; const tr_stat * torStat = tr_torrentStatCached( (tr_torrent*)tor ); char * str; int w=0, h=0; struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = self->priv; g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, NULL ); /* above the progressbar */ if( p->minimal ) { int w1, w2, h1, h2; char * shortStatus = getShortStatusString( torStat ); g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "text", name, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 ); str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "%s", shortStatus ); g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w2, &h2 ); h += MAX( h1, h2 ); w = MAX( w, w1+GUI_PAD_BIG+w2 ); g_free( str ); g_free( shortStatus ); } else { int w1, h1; char * progressString = getProgressString( info, torStat ); str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "%s\n%s", name, progressString ); g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 ); h += h1; w = MAX( w, w1 ); g_free( str ); g_free( progressString ); } /* below the progressbar */ if( !p->minimal ) { int w1, h1; char * statusString = getStatusString( torStat ); str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "%s", statusString ); g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 ); h += h1; w = MAX( w, w1 ); g_free( str ); g_free( statusString ); } h += p->bar_height; if( cell_area ) { if( x_offset ) *x_offset = 0; if( y_offset ) { *y_offset = 0.5 * (cell_area->height - (h + (2 * ypad))); *y_offset = MAX( *y_offset, 0 ); } } *width = w + xpad*2; *height = h + ypad*2; } } static void fillRect( TorrentCellRenderer * self, GdkGC * gc, GdkDrawable * drawable, const GdkRectangle * area_in, const GdkColor * colors, size_t n_colors ) { const int drawGradient = self->priv->gradient && ( n_colors > 1 ); assert( n_colors==1 || n_colors==2 ); if( !drawGradient ) { gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color( gc, colors ); gdk_draw_rectangle( drawable, gc, TRUE, area_in->x, area_in->y, area_in->width, area_in->height ); } else { int i; const int steps = area_in->height; const int step_height = area_in->height / steps; const int r_inc = ((int)colors[1].red - (int)colors[0].red) / steps; const int g_inc = ((int)colors[1].green - (int)colors[0].green) / steps; const int b_inc = ((int)colors[1].blue - (int)colors[0].blue) / steps; GdkRectangle area = *area_in; GdkColor color = colors[0]; area.height = step_height; for( i=0; ihaveValid / (double)info->totalSize; const double unverified = torStat->haveUnchecked / (double)info->totalSize; const double unavailable = ( torStat->desiredSize - torStat->desiredAvailable ) / (double)info->totalSize; const double unwanted = ( info->totalSize - torStat->desiredSize ) / (double)info->totalSize; #else /* for testing */ const double verified = 0.5; const double unverified = 0.1; const double unavailable = 0.1; const double unwanted = 0.1; #endif const double missing = 1.0 - verified - unverified - unavailable - unwanted; const int verifiedWidth = (int)( verified * area->width ); const int unverifiedWidth = (int)( unverified * area->width ); const int unavailableWidth = (int)( unavailable * area->width ); const int unwantedWidth = (int)( unwanted * area->width ); const int missingWidth = (int)( missing * area->width ); const gboolean isActive = torStat->status == TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD || torStat->status == TR_STATUS_DONE || torStat->status == TR_STATUS_SEED; const gboolean isChecking = torStat->status == TR_STATUS_CHECK || torStat->status == TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT; int x = area->x; int w = 0; GdkGC * gc = gdk_gc_new( drawable ); GdkRectangle rect = *area; if(( w = verifiedWidth )) { const GdkColor * colors; if( !isActive ) colors = self->priv->color_paused; else if( torStat->status == TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD ) colors = self->priv->color_verified; else colors = self->priv->color_seeding; rect.x = x; rect.width = w; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, colors, 2 ); x += w; } if(( w = unverifiedWidth )) { const GdkColor * colors = isActive ? self->priv->color_verifying : self->priv->color_paused; rect.x = x; rect.width = w; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, colors, 2 ); x += w; } if(( w = missingWidth )) { rect.x = x; rect.width = w; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, self->priv->color_missing, 2 ); x += w; } if(( w = unwantedWidth )) { rect.x = x; rect.width = w; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, self->priv->color_unwanted, 2 ); x += w; } if(( w = unavailableWidth )) { const GdkColor * colors = isActive && self->priv->show_unavailable ? self->priv->color_unavailable : self->priv->color_missing; rect.x = x; rect.width = w; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, colors, 2 ); x += w; } if( isChecking ) { const int checkedWidth = torStat->recheckProgress * area->width; const int h2 = area->height / 2; rect = *area; rect.y += h2; rect.height -= h2; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, self->priv->color_missing, 2 ); rect.width = checkedWidth; fillRect( self, gc, drawable, &rect, self->priv->color_verifying, 2 ); } gtk_paint_shadow( gtk_widget_get_style( widget ), drawable, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, GTK_SHADOW_IN, NULL, widget, NULL, area->x, area->y, area->width, area->height ); gdk_gc_unref( gc ); } static void torrent_cell_renderer_render( GtkCellRenderer * cell, GdkDrawable * window, GtkWidget * widget, GdkRectangle * background_area, GdkRectangle * cell_area UNUSED, GdkRectangle * expose_area UNUSED, GtkCellRendererState flags) { TorrentCellRenderer * self = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( cell ); if( self && self->priv->tor ) { const tr_torrent * tor = self->priv->tor; const tr_info * info = tr_torrentInfo( tor ); const char * name = info->name; const tr_stat * torStat = tr_torrentStatCached( (tr_torrent*)tor ); GdkRectangle my_bg; GdkRectangle my_cell; GdkRectangle my_expose; int xpad, ypad; int w, h; struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = self->priv; g_object_get( self, "xpad", &xpad, "ypad", &ypad, NULL ); my_bg = *background_area; my_bg.x += xpad; my_bg.y += ypad; my_bg.width -= xpad*2; my_cell = my_expose = my_bg; /* above the progressbar */ if( !p->minimal ) { char * progressString = getProgressString( info, torStat ); char * str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "%s\n%s", name, progressString ); g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h ); my_bg.height = my_cell.height = my_expose.height = h; g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_render( p->text_renderer, window, widget, &my_bg, &my_cell, &my_expose, flags ); my_bg.y += h; my_cell.y += h; my_expose.y += h; g_free( str ); g_free( progressString ); } else { char * statusStr = getShortStatusString( torStat ); char * str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "%s", statusStr ); int w1, w2, h1, h2, tmp_h; GdkRectangle tmp_bg, tmp_cell, tmp_expose; /* get the dimensions for the name */ g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "text", name, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w1, &h1 ); /* get the dimensions for the short status string */ g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w2, &h2 ); tmp_h = MAX( h1, h2 ); /* short status */ tmp_bg.x = my_bg.width - w2; tmp_bg.y = my_bg.y + (h2-h1)/2; tmp_bg.width = w2; tmp_bg.height = tmp_h; tmp_expose = tmp_cell = tmp_bg; g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_render( p->text_renderer, window, widget, &tmp_bg, &tmp_cell, &tmp_expose, flags ); /* name */ tmp_bg.x = my_bg.x; tmp_bg.width = my_bg.width - w2 - GUI_PAD_BIG; tmp_expose = tmp_cell = tmp_bg; g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "text", name, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_render( p->text_renderer, window, widget, &tmp_bg, &tmp_cell, &tmp_expose, flags ); my_bg.y = tmp_bg.y + tmp_bg.height; my_cell.y = tmp_cell.y + tmp_cell.height; my_expose.y += tmp_expose.y + tmp_cell.height; g_free( str ); g_free( statusStr ); } /* the progressbar */ my_cell.height = p->bar_height; drawRegularBar( self, info, torStat, window, widget, &my_cell ); my_bg.y += my_cell.height; my_cell.y += my_cell.height; my_expose.y += my_cell.height; /* below progressbar */ if( !p->minimal ) { char * statusString = getStatusString( torStat ); char * str = g_markup_printf_escaped( "%s", statusString ); g_object_set( p->text_renderer, "markup", str, "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL ); gtk_cell_renderer_get_size( p->text_renderer, widget, NULL, NULL, NULL, &w, &h ); my_bg.height = my_cell.height = my_expose.height = h; gtk_cell_renderer_render( p->text_renderer, window, widget, &my_bg, &my_cell, &my_expose, flags ); g_free( str ); g_free( statusString ); } } } static void v2c( GdkColor * color, const GValue * value ) { gdk_color_parse( g_value_get_string( value ), color ); } static void torrent_cell_renderer_set_property( GObject * object, guint property_id, const GValue * v, GParamSpec * pspec) { TorrentCellRenderer * self = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( object ); struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = self->priv; switch( property_id ) { case P_COLOR_MISSING: v2c( &p->color_missing[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_MISSING_2: v2c( &p->color_missing[1], v ); break; case P_COLOR_UNWANTED: v2c( &p->color_unwanted[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_UNWANTED_2: v2c( &p->color_unwanted[1], v ); break; case P_COLOR_PAUSED: v2c( &p->color_paused[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_PAUSED_2: v2c( &p->color_paused[1], v ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFIED: v2c( &p->color_verified[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFIED_2: v2c( &p->color_verified[1], v ); break; case P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE: v2c( &p->color_unavailable[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2: v2c( &p->color_unavailable[1], v ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFYING: v2c( &p->color_verifying[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFYING_2: v2c( &p->color_verifying[1], v ); break; case P_COLOR_SEEDING: v2c( &p->color_seeding[0], v ); break; case P_COLOR_SEEDING_2: v2c( &p->color_seeding[1], v ); break; case P_TORRENT: p->tor = g_value_get_pointer( v ); break; case P_BAR_HEIGHT: p->bar_height = g_value_get_int( v ); break; case P_MINIMAL: p->minimal = g_value_get_boolean( v ); break; case P_GRADIENT: p->gradient = g_value_get_boolean( v ); break; case P_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE: p->show_unavailable = g_value_get_boolean( v ); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID( object, property_id, pspec ); break; } } static void c2v( GValue * value, const GdkColor * color ) { char buf[16]; g_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x", (color->red >> 8) & 0xff, (color->green >> 8) & 0xff, (color->blue >> 8) & 0xff ); g_value_set_string( value, buf ); } static void torrent_cell_renderer_get_property( GObject * object, guint property_id, GValue * v, GParamSpec * pspec) { const TorrentCellRenderer * self = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( object ); struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p = self->priv; switch( property_id ) { case P_COLOR_MISSING: c2v( v, &p->color_missing[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_MISSING_2: c2v( v, &p->color_missing[1] ); break; case P_COLOR_UNWANTED: c2v( v, &p->color_unwanted[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_UNWANTED_2: c2v( v, &p->color_unwanted[1] ); break; case P_COLOR_PAUSED: c2v( v, &p->color_paused[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_PAUSED_2: c2v( v, &p->color_paused[1] ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFIED: c2v( v, &p->color_verified[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFIED_2: c2v( v, &p->color_verified[1] ); break; case P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE: c2v( v, &p->color_unavailable[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2: c2v( v, &p->color_unavailable[1] ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFYING: c2v( v, &p->color_verifying[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_VERIFYING_2: c2v( v, &p->color_verifying[1] ); break; case P_COLOR_SEEDING: c2v( v, &p->color_seeding[0] ); break; case P_COLOR_SEEDING_2: c2v( v, &p->color_seeding[1] ); break; case P_TORRENT: g_value_set_pointer( v, p->tor ); break; case P_BAR_HEIGHT: g_value_set_int( v, p->bar_height ); break; case P_MINIMAL: g_value_set_boolean( v, p->minimal ); break; case P_GRADIENT: g_value_set_boolean( v, p->gradient ); break; case P_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE: g_value_set_boolean( v, p->show_unavailable ); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID( object, property_id, pspec ); break; } } static void torrent_cell_renderer_dispose( GObject * o ) { TorrentCellRenderer * r = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( o ); if( r && r->priv ) { g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( r->priv->text_renderer ) ); r->priv = NULL; } } static void torrent_cell_renderer_class_init( TorrentCellRendererClass * klass ) { GObjectClass * gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( klass ); GtkCellRendererClass * cell_class = GTK_CELL_RENDERER_CLASS( klass ); g_type_class_add_private( klass, sizeof(struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate) ); parent_class = (GtkCellRendererClass*) g_type_class_peek_parent( klass ); cell_class->render = torrent_cell_renderer_render; cell_class->get_size = torrent_cell_renderer_get_size; gobject_class->set_property = torrent_cell_renderer_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = torrent_cell_renderer_get_property; gobject_class->dispose = torrent_cell_renderer_dispose; g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_TORRENT, g_param_spec_pointer( "torrent", NULL, "tr_torrent*", G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_BAR_HEIGHT, g_param_spec_int( "bar-height", NULL, "Bar Height", 1, INT_MAX, DEFAULT_BAR_HEIGHT, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_MINIMAL, g_param_spec_boolean( "minimal", NULL, "Minimal Mode", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_GRADIENT, g_param_spec_boolean( "gradient", NULL, "Render Progress as a Gradient", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_SHOW_UNAVAILABLE, g_param_spec_boolean( "unavailable", NULL, "Show Unavailable", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_MISSING, g_param_spec_string( "missing-color", NULL, "Color for Missing Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_MISSING, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_MISSING, g_param_spec_string( "missing-color-2", NULL, "Gradient Color for Missing Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_MISSING_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_UNWANTED, g_param_spec_string( "unwanted-color", NULL, "Color for Unwanted Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_UNWANTED, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_UNWANTED_2, g_param_spec_string( "unwanted-color-2", NULL, "Gradient Color for Unwanted Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_UNWANTED_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_PAUSED, g_param_spec_string( "paused-color", NULL, "Color for Paused Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_PAUSED, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_PAUSED_2, g_param_spec_string( "paused-color-2", NULL, "Gradient Color for Paused Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_PAUSED_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_VERIFIED, g_param_spec_string( "verified-color", NULL, "Color for Verified Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFIED, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_VERIFIED_2, g_param_spec_string( "verified-color-2", NULL, "Gradient Color for Verified Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFIED_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE, g_param_spec_string( "unavailable-color", NULL, "Color for Unavailable Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2, g_param_spec_string( "unavailable-color-2", NULL, "Gradient Color for Unavailable Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_VERIFYING, g_param_spec_string( "verifying-color", NULL, "Color for Verifying Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFYING, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_VERIFYING_2, g_param_spec_string( "verifying-color-2", NULL, "Gradient Color for Verifying Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFYING_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_SEEDING, g_param_spec_string( "seeding-color", NULL, "Color for Seeding Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_SEEDING, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); g_object_class_install_property( gobject_class, P_COLOR_SEEDING_2, g_param_spec_string( "seeding-color-2", NULL, "Second Color for Seeding Data", DEFAULT_COLOR_SEEDING_2, G_PARAM_READWRITE ) ); } static void torrent_cell_renderer_init( GTypeInstance * instance, gpointer g_class UNUSED ) { TorrentCellRenderer * self = TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER( instance ); struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate * p; p = self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE( self, TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER_TYPE, struct TorrentCellRendererPrivate ); p->tor = NULL; p->text_renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new( ); tr_object_ref_sink( p->text_renderer ); p->gradient = TRUE; p->show_unavailable = TRUE; p->bar_height = DEFAULT_BAR_HEIGHT; gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFIED, &p->color_verified[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFIED_2, &p->color_verified[1] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_MISSING, &p->color_missing[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_MISSING_2, &p->color_missing[1] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_UNWANTED, &p->color_unwanted[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_UNWANTED_2, &p->color_unwanted[1] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE, &p->color_unavailable[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_UNAVAILABLE_2, &p->color_unavailable[1] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFYING, &p->color_verifying[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_VERIFYING_2, &p->color_verifying[1] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_SEEDING, &p->color_seeding[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_SEEDING_2, &p->color_seeding[1] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_PAUSED, &p->color_paused[0] ); gdk_color_parse( DEFAULT_COLOR_PAUSED_2, &p->color_paused[1] ); } GType torrent_cell_renderer_get_type( void ) { static GType type = 0; if( !type ) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof( TorrentCellRendererClass ), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ (GClassInitFunc)torrent_cell_renderer_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof( TorrentCellRenderer ), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc)torrent_cell_renderer_init, NULL }; type = g_type_register_static( GTK_TYPE_CELL_RENDERER, "TorrentCellRenderer", &info, (GTypeFlags)0 ); } return type; } GtkCellRenderer * torrent_cell_renderer_new( void ) { return (GtkCellRenderer *) g_object_new( TORRENT_CELL_RENDERER_TYPE, NULL ); }