// This file Copyright © 2009-2023 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __HAIKU__ #include /* PATH_MAX */ #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include /* _beginthreadex(), _endthreadex() */ #include #include /* SHGetKnownFolderPath(), FOLDERID_... */ #else #include #include /* getuid() */ #endif #ifdef BUILD_MAC_CLIENT #include #endif #ifdef __HAIKU__ #include #endif #include #include "libtransmission/transmission.h" #include "libtransmission/file.h" #include "libtransmission/log.h" #include "libtransmission/platform.h" #include "libtransmission/session.h" #include "libtransmission/tr-assert.h" #include "libtransmission/utils.h" using namespace std::literals; // FIXME(ckerr) do not merge these three lines. // This comment is to make CI think libtransmission has // changed so that it will run the libtransmission CI tests namespace { #ifdef _WIN32 std::string win32_get_known_folder_ex(REFKNOWNFOLDERID folder_id, DWORD flags) { if (PWSTR path; SHGetKnownFolderPath(folder_id, flags | KF_FLAG_DONT_UNEXPAND, nullptr, &path) == S_OK) { auto ret = tr_win32_native_to_utf8(path); CoTaskMemFree(path); return ret; } return {}; } auto win32_get_known_folder(REFKNOWNFOLDERID folder_id) { return win32_get_known_folder_ex(folder_id, KF_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY); } #endif std::string getHomeDir() { if (auto dir = tr_env_get_string("HOME"sv); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (auto dir = win32_get_known_folder(FOLDERID_Profile); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } #else struct passwd pwent = {}; struct passwd* pw = nullptr; auto buf = std::array{}; getpwuid_r(getuid(), &pwent, std::data(buf), std::size(buf), &pw); if (pw != nullptr) { return pw->pw_dir; } #endif return {}; } std::string xdgConfigHome() { if (auto dir = tr_env_get_string("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"sv); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } return fmt::format("{:s}/.config"sv, getHomeDir()); } std::string getXdgEntryFromUserDirs(std::string_view key) { auto content = std::vector{}; if (auto const filename = fmt::format("{:s}/{:s}"sv, xdgConfigHome(), "user-dirs.dirs"sv); !tr_sys_path_exists(filename) || !tr_loadFile(filename, content) || std::empty(content)) { return {}; } // search for key="val" and extract val auto const search = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:s}=\""), key); auto begin = std::search(std::begin(content), std::end(content), std::begin(search), std::end(search)); if (begin == std::end(content)) { return {}; } std::advance(begin, std::size(search)); auto const end = std::find(begin, std::end(content), '"'); if (end == std::end(content)) { return {}; } auto val = std::string{ begin, end }; // if val contains "$HOME", replace that with getHomeDir() auto constexpr Home = "$HOME"sv; if (auto const it = std::search(std::begin(val), std::end(val), std::begin(Home), std::end(Home)); it != std::end(val)) { val.replace(it, it + std::size(Home), getHomeDir()); } return val; } [[nodiscard]] bool isWebClientDir(std::string_view path) { auto const filename = tr_pathbuf{ path, '/', "index.html"sv }; bool const found = tr_sys_path_exists(filename); tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("Searching for web interface file '{:s}'"), filename)); return found; } } // namespace // --- std::string tr_getDefaultConfigDir(std::string_view appname) { if (std::empty(appname)) { appname = "Transmission"sv; } if (auto dir = tr_env_get_string("TRANSMISSION_HOME"sv); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } #ifdef __APPLE__ return fmt::format("{:s}/Library/Application Support/{:s}"sv, getHomeDir(), appname); #elif defined(_WIN32) auto const appdata = win32_get_known_folder(FOLDERID_LocalAppData); return fmt::format("{:s}/{:s}"sv, appdata, appname); #elif defined(__HAIKU__) char buf[PATH_MAX]; find_directory(B_USER_SETTINGS_DIRECTORY, -1, true, buf, sizeof(buf)); return fmt::format("{:s}/{:s}"sv, buf, appname); #else return fmt::format("{:s}/{:s}"sv, xdgConfigHome(), appname); #endif } size_t tr_getDefaultConfigDirToBuf(char const* appname, char* buf, size_t buflen) { return tr_strvToBuf(tr_getDefaultConfigDir(appname != nullptr ? appname : ""), buf, buflen); } std::string tr_getDefaultDownloadDir() { if (auto dir = getXdgEntryFromUserDirs("XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR"sv); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (auto dir = win32_get_known_folder(FOLDERID_Downloads); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } #endif #ifdef __HAIKU__ return fmt::format("{:s}/Desktop"sv, getHomeDir()); #endif return fmt::format("{:s}/Downloads"sv, getHomeDir()); } size_t tr_getDefaultDownloadDirToBuf(char* buf, size_t buflen) { return tr_strvToBuf(tr_getDefaultDownloadDir(), buf, buflen); } // --- std::string tr_getWebClientDir([[maybe_unused]] tr_session const* session) { if (auto dir = tr_env_get_string("CLUTCH_HOME"sv); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } if (auto dir = tr_env_get_string("TRANSMISSION_WEB_HOME"sv); !std::empty(dir)) { return dir; } #ifdef BUILD_MAC_CLIENT // look in the Application Support folder if (auto path = tr_pathbuf{ session->configDir(), "/public_html"sv }; isWebClientDir(path)) { return std::string{ path }; } // look in the resource bundle auto app_url = CFBundleCopyBundleURL(CFBundleGetMainBundle()); auto app_ref = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(app_url, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); auto const buflen = CFStringGetMaximumSizeOfFileSystemRepresentation(app_ref); auto buf = std::vector(buflen, '\0'); bool const success = CFStringGetFileSystemRepresentation(app_ref, std::data(buf), std::size(buf)); TR_ASSERT(success); CFRelease(app_url); CFRelease(app_ref); if (auto const path = tr_pathbuf{ std::string_view{ std::data(buf) }, "/Contents/Resources/public_html"sv }; isWebClientDir(path)) { return std::string{ path }; } #elif defined(_WIN32) /* Generally, Web interface should be stored in a Web subdir of * calling executable dir. */ static auto constexpr KnownFolderIds = std::array{ &FOLDERID_LocalAppData, &FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, &FOLDERID_ProgramData, }; for (auto const* const folder_id : KnownFolderIds) { auto const dir = win32_get_known_folder(*folder_id); if (auto const path = tr_pathbuf{ dir, "/Transmission/public_html"sv }; isWebClientDir(path)) { return std::string{ path }; } } /* check calling module place */ auto wide_module_path = std::array{}; GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, std::data(wide_module_path), std::size(wide_module_path)); auto const module_path = tr_win32_native_to_utf8({ std::data(wide_module_path) }); if (auto const dir = tr_sys_path_dirname(module_path); !std::empty(dir)) { if (auto const path = tr_pathbuf{ dir, "/public_html"sv }; isWebClientDir(path)) { return std::string{ path }; } } #else // everyone else, follow the XDG spec auto candidates = std::list{}; /* XDG_DATA_HOME should be the first in the list of candidates */ if (auto tmp = tr_env_get_string("XDG_DATA_HOME"sv); !std::empty(tmp)) { candidates.emplace_back(std::move(tmp)); } else { candidates.emplace_back(fmt::format("{:s}/.local/share"sv, getHomeDir())); } /* XDG_DATA_DIRS are the backup directories */ { char const* const pkg = PACKAGE_DATA_DIR; auto const xdg = tr_env_get_string("XDG_DATA_DIRS"sv); auto const buf = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{:s}:{:s}:/usr/local/share:/usr/share"), pkg, xdg); auto sv = std::string_view{ buf }; auto token = std::string_view{}; while (tr_strvSep(&sv, &token, ':')) { token = tr_strvStrip(token); if (!std::empty(token)) { candidates.emplace_back(token); } } } /* walk through the candidates & look for a match */ for (auto const& dir : candidates) { if (auto const path = tr_pathbuf{ dir, "/transmission/public_html"sv }; isWebClientDir(path)) { return std::string{ path }; } } #endif return {}; } std::string tr_getSessionIdDir() { #ifndef _WIN32 return std::string{ "/tmp"sv }; #else auto const program_data_dir = win32_get_known_folder_ex(FOLDERID_ProgramData, KF_FLAG_CREATE); auto result = fmt::format("{:s}/Transmission"sv, program_data_dir); tr_sys_dir_create(result, 0, 0); return result; #endif }