/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2007 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bencode.h" #include "ipcparse.h" #include "transmission.h" #import "IPCController.h" #import "Torrent.h" #import "PrefsController.h" static void getaddr( struct sockaddr_un * ); static NSArray * bencarray( benc_val_t * val, int type ); static void msg_lookup ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); static void msg_info ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_infoall ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_action ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_actionall( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_addold ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_addnew ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_getbool ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_getint ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_getstr ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_setbool ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_setint ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_setstr ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_empty ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); void msg_sup ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); static void msg_default ( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ); @interface IPCClient : NSObject { NSFileHandle * _handle; struct ipc_info * _ipc; IPCController * _controller; NSMutableData * _buf; } - (id) initClient: (IPCController *) controller funcs: (struct ipc_funcs *) funcs handle: (NSFileHandle *) handle; - (IPCController *) controller; - (struct ipc_info *) ipc; - (void) gotdata: (NSNotification *) notification; - (BOOL) sendresp: (uint8_t *) buf size: (size_t) size; - (BOOL) sendrespEmpty: (enum ipc_msg) msgid tag: (int64_t) tag; - (BOOL) sendrespInt: (enum ipc_msg) msgid tag: (int64_t) tag val: (int64_t) val; - (BOOL) sendrespStr: (enum ipc_msg) msgid tag: (int64_t) tag val: (NSString *) val; - (void) sendrespInfo: (enum ipc_msg) respid tag: (int64_t) tag torrents: (NSArray *) tors types: (int) types; @end @interface IPCController (Private) - (void) newclient: (NSNotification *) notification; - (void) killclient: (IPCClient *) client; NSUserDefaults * fDefaults; PrefsController * fPrefsController; @end @implementation IPCController - (id) initWithHandle : (PrefsController *) thePrefsController { fPrefsController = thePrefsController; struct sockaddr_un sun; self = [super init]; if( nil == self ) return nil; getaddr( &sun ); unlink( sun.sun_path ); _sock = [[NSSocketPort alloc] initWithProtocolFamily: PF_UNIX socketType: SOCK_STREAM protocol: 0 address: [NSData dataWithBytes: &sun length: sizeof(sun)]]; _listen = [[NSFileHandle alloc] initWithFileDescriptor: [_sock socket] closeOnDealloc: YES]; _funcs = ipc_initmsgs(); _clients = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; /* XXX is this error checking bogus? */ if( nil == _sock || nil == _listen || NULL == _funcs || nil == _clients || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_ADDMANYFILES, msg_addold ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_ADDONEFILE, msg_addnew ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_AUTOMAP, msg_setbool ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_AUTOSTART, msg_setbool ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_DIR, msg_setstr ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_DOWNLIMIT, msg_setint ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETAUTOMAP, msg_getbool ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETAUTOSTART, msg_getbool ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETDIR, msg_getstr ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETDOWNLIMIT, msg_getint ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETINFO, msg_info ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETINFOALL, msg_infoall ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETPEX, msg_getbool ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETPORT, msg_getint ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETSTAT, msg_info ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETSTATALL, msg_infoall ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_GETUPLIMIT, msg_getint ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_LOOKUP, msg_lookup ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_NOOP, msg_empty ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_PEX, msg_setbool ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_PORT, msg_setint ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_QUIT, msg_empty ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_REMOVE, msg_action ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_REMOVEALL, msg_actionall ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_START, msg_action ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_STARTALL, msg_actionall ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_STOP, msg_action ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_STOPALL, msg_actionall ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_SUP, msg_sup ) || 0 > ipc_addmsg( _funcs, IPC_MSG_UPLIMIT, msg_setint ) ) { [self release]; return nil; } ipc_setdefmsg( _funcs, msg_default ); [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(newclient:) name: NSFileHandleConnectionAcceptedNotification object: _listen]; [_listen acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify]; return self; } - (void) dealloc { struct sockaddr_un sun; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self]; [_listen release]; [_sock release]; [_clients release]; ipc_freemsgs( _funcs ); getaddr( &sun ); unlink( sun.sun_path ); [super dealloc]; } - (id) delegate { return _delegate; } - (void) setDelegate: (id) newdelegate { _delegate = newdelegate; } @end @implementation IPCController (Private) - (void) newclient: (NSNotification *) notification { NSDictionary * info; NSFileHandle * handle; NSNumber * error; IPCClient * client; info = [notification userInfo]; handle = [info objectForKey: NSFileHandleNotificationFileHandleItem]; error = [info objectForKey: @"NSFileHandleError"]; if( nil != error ) { NSLog( @"Failed to accept IPC socket connection: %@", error ); return; } [_listen acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify]; if( nil == handle ) return; client = [[IPCClient alloc] initClient: self funcs: _funcs handle: handle]; if( nil == client ) return; [_clients addObject:client]; [client release]; } - (void) killclient: (IPCClient *) client { [_clients removeObject: client]; } @end @implementation IPCClient - (id) initClient: (IPCController *) controller funcs: (struct ipc_funcs *) funcs handle: (NSFileHandle *) handle { uint8_t * buf; size_t size; self = [super init]; if( nil == self ) return nil; _handle = [handle retain]; _ipc = ipc_newcon( funcs ); _controller = controller; _buf = [[NSMutableData alloc] init]; buf = ipc_mkvers( &size, "Transmission Mac OS X " LONG_VERSION_STRING ); if( NULL == _ipc || nil == _buf || NULL == buf || ![self sendresp: buf size: size] ) { [self release]; return nil; } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: self selector: @selector(gotdata:) name: NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification object: _handle]; [_handle readInBackgroundAndNotify]; return self; } - (void) dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self]; [_handle release]; [_buf release]; ipc_freecon( _ipc ); [super dealloc]; } - (IPCController *) controller { return _controller; } - (struct ipc_info *) ipc { return _ipc; } - (void) gotdata: (NSNotification *) notification { NSDictionary * info; NSData * data; NSNumber * error; ssize_t res; info = [notification userInfo]; data = [info objectForKey: NSFileHandleNotificationDataItem]; error = [info objectForKey: @"NSFileHandleError"]; if( nil != error ) { NSLog( @"Failed to read from IPC socket connection: %@", error ); [_controller killclient: self]; return; } if( nil == data || 0 == [data length] ) { [_controller killclient: self]; return; } [_handle readInBackgroundAndNotify]; [_buf appendData: data]; if( IPC_MIN_MSG_LEN > [_buf length] ) return; res = ipc_parse( _ipc, [_buf mutableBytes], [_buf length], self ); if( 0 > res ) { switch( errno ) { case EPERM: NSLog( @"IPC client has unsupported protocol version" ); break; case EINVAL: NSLog( @"IPC protocol parse error" ); break; default: NSLog( @"IPC parsing failed" ); break; } [_controller killclient: self]; return; } else if( 0 < res ) { assert( res <= [_buf length]); if( res < [_buf length]) { memmove( [_buf mutableBytes], [_buf bytes] + res, [_buf length] - res ); } [_buf setLength: ([_buf length] - res)]; } } - (BOOL) sendresp: (uint8_t *) buf size: (size_t) size { @try { [_handle writeData: [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: buf length: size freeWhenDone: YES]]; return YES; } @catch( NSException * ex ) { NSLog( @"Failed to write to IPC socket connection" ); return NO; } } - (BOOL) sendrespEmpty: (enum ipc_msg) msgid tag: (int64_t) tag { uint8_t * buf; size_t size; buf = ipc_mkempty( _ipc, &size, msgid, tag ); if( NULL == buf ) return FALSE; return [self sendresp: buf size: size]; } - (BOOL) sendrespInt: (enum ipc_msg) msgid tag: (int64_t) tag val: (int64_t) val { uint8_t * buf; size_t size; buf = ipc_mkint( _ipc, &size, msgid, tag, val ); if( NULL == buf ) return FALSE; return [self sendresp: buf size: size]; } - (BOOL) sendrespStr: (enum ipc_msg) msgid tag: (int64_t) tag val: (NSString *) val { uint8_t * buf; size_t size; NSData * data; NSMutableData * sucky; if( [val canBeConvertedToEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] ) buf = ipc_mkstr( _ipc, &size, msgid, tag, [val cStringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] ); else { data = [val dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding allowLossyConversion: YES]; /* XXX this sucks, I should add a length argument to ipc_mkstr() */ sucky = [NSMutableData dataWithData: data]; [sucky appendBytes: "" length: 1]; buf = ipc_mkstr( _ipc, &size, msgid, tag, [sucky bytes] ); } if( NULL == buf ) return FALSE; return [self sendresp: buf size: size]; } - (void) sendrespInfo: (enum ipc_msg) respid tag: (int64_t) tag torrents: (NSArray *) tors types: (int) types { benc_val_t packet, * pkinf; NSEnumerator * enumerator; Torrent * tor; uint8_t * buf; size_t size; int res; pkinf = ipc_initval( _ipc, respid, tag, &packet, TYPE_LIST ); if( NULL == pkinf ) goto fail; if( tr_bencListReserve( pkinf, [tors count] ) ) { tr_bencFree( &packet ); goto fail; } enumerator = [tors objectEnumerator]; while( nil != ( tor = [enumerator nextObject] ) ) { if( IPC_MSG_INFO == respid ) res = ipc_addinfo( pkinf, [tor torrentID], [tor torrentInfo], types ); else res = ipc_addstat( pkinf, [tor torrentID], [tor torrentStat], types ); if( 0 > res ) { tr_bencFree( &packet ); goto fail; } } buf = ipc_mkval( &packet, &size ); tr_bencFree( &packet ); if( NULL == buf ) goto fail; [self sendresp: buf size: size ]; return; fail: NSLog( @"Failed to create IPC reply packet" ); [_controller killclient: self]; } @end void getaddr( struct sockaddr_un * sun ) { bzero( sun, sizeof *sun ); sun->sun_family = AF_LOCAL; strlcpy( sun->sun_path, tr_getPrefsDirectory(), sizeof sun->sun_path ); strlcat( sun->sun_path, "/socket", sizeof sun->sun_path ); } NSArray * bencarray( benc_val_t * val, int type ) { int ii; NSMutableArray * ret; benc_val_t * item; assert( TYPE_STR == type || TYPE_INT == type ); if( NULL == val || TYPE_LIST != val->type ) return nil; ret = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: val->val.l.count]; for( ii = 0; ii < val->val.l.count; ii++ ) { item = &val->val.l.vals[ii]; if( type != item->type ) return nil; if( TYPE_STR == type ) { [ret addObject: [NSString stringWithCString: item->val.s.s encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; } else { [ret addObject: [NSNumber numberWithLongLong: (long long) item->val.i]]; } } return ret; } void msg_lookup( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; NSArray * hashes, * tors; benc_val_t packet, * pkinf; NSEnumerator * enumerator; Torrent * tor; uint8_t * buf; size_t size; hashes = bencarray( val, TYPE_STR ); if( NULL == hashes ) { [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } tors = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcGetTorrentsByHash: hashes]; [client sendrespInfo: IPC_MSG_INFO tag: tag torrents: tors types: IPC_INF_HASH]; } void msg_info( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; enum ipc_msg respid; benc_val_t * typesval; int types; NSArray * ids, * tors; if( NULL == val || TYPE_DICT != val->type ) goto bad; typesval = tr_bencDictFind( val, "type" ); if( NULL == typesval || TYPE_LIST != typesval->type || nil == ( ids = bencarray( tr_bencDictFind( val, "id" ), TYPE_INT ) ) ) goto bad; respid = ( IPC_MSG_GETINFO == msgid ? IPC_MSG_INFO : IPC_MSG_STAT ); tors = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcGetTorrentsByID: ids]; types = ipc_infotypes( respid, typesval ); [client sendrespInfo: respid tag: tag torrents: tors types: types]; return; bad: NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; } void msg_infoall( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; enum ipc_msg respid; int types; NSArray * tors; if( NULL == val || TYPE_LIST != val->type ) { NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } respid = ( IPC_MSG_GETINFOALL == msgid ? IPC_MSG_INFO : IPC_MSG_STAT ); tors = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcGetTorrentsByID: nil]; types = ipc_infotypes( respid, val ); [client sendrespInfo: respid tag: tag torrents: tors types: types]; } void msg_action( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; BOOL res; NSArray * ids, * tors; id delegate; ids = bencarray( val, TYPE_INT ); if( nil == ids ) { NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } delegate = [[client controller] delegate]; tors = [delegate ipcGetTorrentsByID: ids]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_REMOVE: res = [delegate ipcRemoveTorrents: tors]; break; case IPC_MSG_START: res = [delegate ipcStartTorrents: tors]; break; case IPC_MSG_STOP: res = [delegate ipcStopTorrents: tors]; break; default: assert( 0 ); return; } if( res ) [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; else [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_FAIL tag: tag]; } void msg_actionall( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; BOOL res; NSArray * tors; id delegate; delegate = [[client controller] delegate]; tors = [delegate ipcGetTorrentsByID: nil]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_REMOVEALL: res = [delegate ipcRemoveTorrents: tors]; break; case IPC_MSG_STARTALL: res = [delegate ipcStartTorrents: tors]; break; case IPC_MSG_STOPALL: res = [delegate ipcStopTorrents: tors]; break; default: assert( 0 ); return; } if( res ) [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; else [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_FAIL tag: tag]; } void msg_addold( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; NSArray * paths; BOOL res; paths = bencarray( val, TYPE_STR ); if( nil == paths ) { NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } /* XXX should send back info message with torrent IDs */ if( [[[client controller] delegate] ipcAddTorrents: paths] ) [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; else [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_FAIL tag: tag]; } void msg_addnew( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; benc_val_t * fileval, * dataval, * dirval, * autoval; NSString * file, * dir; NSData * data; BOOL autobool, res; if( NULL == val || TYPE_DICT != val->type ) goto bad; fileval = tr_bencDictFind( val, "file" ); dataval = tr_bencDictFind( val, "data" ); dirval = tr_bencDictFind( val, "directory" ); autoval = tr_bencDictFind( val, "autostart" ); if( ( ( NULL == fileval || TYPE_STR != fileval->type ) && ( NULL == dataval || TYPE_STR != dataval->type ) ) || ( ( NULL != fileval && TYPE_STR == fileval->type ) && ( NULL != dataval && TYPE_STR == dataval->type ) ) || ( NULL != dirval && TYPE_STR != dirval->type ) || ( NULL != autoval && TYPE_INT != autoval->type ) ) goto bad; dir = ( NULL == dirval ? nil : [NSString stringWithCString: dirval->val.s.s encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] ); autobool = ( NULL == autoval || 0 == autoval->val.i ? NO : YES ); if( NULL != fileval ) { file = [NSString stringWithCString: fileval->val.s.s encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if( NULL == autoval ) res = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcAddTorrentFile: file directory: dir]; else res = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcAddTorrentFileAutostart: file directory: dir autostart: autobool]; } else { data = [NSData dataWithBytes: dataval->val.s.s length: dataval->val.s.i]; if( NULL == autoval ) res = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcAddTorrentData: data directory: dir]; else res = [[[client controller] delegate] ipcAddTorrentDataAutostart: data directory: dir autostart: autobool]; } /* XXX should send back info message with torrent ID */ if( res ) [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; else [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_FAIL tag: tag]; return; bad: NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; } void msg_getbool( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_GETAUTOMAP: [client sendrespInt:IPC_MSG_AUTOMAP tag:tag val:[fDefaults boolForKey:@"NatTraversal"]]; break; case IPC_MSG_GETAUTOSTART: [client sendrespInt:IPC_MSG_AUTOSTART tag:tag val:[fDefaults boolForKey:@"AutoStartDownload"]]; break; case IPC_MSG_GETPEX: // we dont support this :( [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_FAIL tag: tag]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } void msg_getint( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_GETDOWNLIMIT: [client sendrespInt:IPC_MSG_DOWNLIMIT tag:tag val:[fDefaults integerForKey:@"DownloadLimit"]]; break; case IPC_MSG_GETPORT: [client sendrespInt:IPC_MSG_PORT tag:tag val:[fDefaults integerForKey:@"BindPort"]]; break; case IPC_MSG_GETUPLIMIT: [client sendrespInt:IPC_MSG_UPLIMIT tag:tag val:[fDefaults integerForKey:@"UploadLimit"]]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } void msg_getstr( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_GETDIR: [client sendrespStr:IPC_MSG_DIR tag:tag val:[fDefaults stringForKey:@"DownloadFolder"]]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } void msg_setbool( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; if( NULL == val || TYPE_INT != val->type ) { NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_AUTOMAP: [fDefaults setBool:(bool)val->val.i forKey:@"NatTraversal"]; [client sendrespEmpty:IPC_MSG_OK tag:tag]; break; case IPC_MSG_AUTOSTART: [fDefaults setBool:(bool)val->val.i forKey:@"AutoStartDownload"]; [client sendrespEmpty:IPC_MSG_OK tag:tag]; break; case IPC_MSG_PEX: //we dont support this :( [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_FAIL tag: tag]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } void msg_setint( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; if( NULL == val || TYPE_INT != val->type ) { NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_DOWNLIMIT: [fDefaults setInteger:val->val.i forKey:@"DownloadLimit"]; [fPrefsController updateLimitFields]; [fPrefsController applySpeedSettings: nil]; break; case IPC_MSG_PORT: #warning show in preference window [fPrefsController setPort:[NSNumber numberWithInt:val->val.i]]; break; case IPC_MSG_UPLIMIT: [fDefaults setInteger:val->val.i forKey:@"UploadLimit"]; [fPrefsController updateLimitFields]; [fPrefsController applySpeedSettings: nil]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } [client sendrespEmpty:IPC_MSG_OK tag:tag]; } void msg_setstr( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; if( NULL == val || TYPE_STR != val->type ) { NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; } fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_DIR: [fDefaults setObject:[NSString stringWithCString: val->val.s.s] forKey:@"DownloadFolder"]; [fDefaults setObject: @"Constant" forKey: @"DownloadChoice"]; //not sure about this line [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } void msg_empty( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; switch( msgid ) { case IPC_MSG_NOOP: [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; break; case IPC_MSG_QUIT: [[[client controller] delegate] ipcQuit]; [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_OK tag: tag]; break; default: assert( 0 ); break; } } void msg_sup( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; benc_val_t packet, * pkval, * name; struct ipc_info * ipc; int ii; enum ipc_msg found; uint8_t * buf; size_t size; if( NULL == val || TYPE_LIST != val->type ) goto bad; ipc = [client ipc]; pkval = ipc_initval( ipc, IPC_MSG_SUP, tag, &packet, TYPE_LIST ); if( NULL == pkval ) goto fail; if( tr_bencListReserve( pkval, val->val.l.count ) ) { tr_bencFree( &packet ); goto fail; } for( ii = 0; val->val.l.count > ii; ii++ ) { name = &val->val.l.vals[ii]; if( NULL == name || TYPE_STR != name->type ) goto bad; found = ipc_msgid( ipc, name->val.s.s ); if( IPC__MSG_COUNT == found || !ipc_ishandled( ipc, found ) ) { continue; } tr_bencInitStr( tr_bencListAdd( pkval ), name->val.s.s, name->val.s.i, 1 ); } buf = ipc_mkval( &packet, &size ); tr_bencFree( &packet ); if( NULL == buf ) goto fail; [client sendresp: buf size: size ]; return; bad: NSLog( @"Got bad IPC packet" ); [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_BAD tag: tag]; return; fail: NSLog( @"Failed to create IPC reply packet" ); [[client controller] killclient: client]; } void msg_default( enum ipc_msg msgid, benc_val_t * val, int64_t tag, void * arg ) { IPCClient * client = arg; [client sendrespEmpty: IPC_MSG_NOTSUP tag: tag]; }