/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include /* isspace */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* unlink, stat */ #include /* struct evbuffer */ #include "transmission.h" #include "bencode.h" #include "crypto.h" /* tr_sha1 */ #include "metainfo.h" #include "platform.h" #include "utils.h" /*********************************************************************** * Local prototypes **********************************************************************/ static int parseFiles( tr_info * inf, tr_benc * name, tr_benc * files, tr_benc * length ); /*** **** ***/ #define WANTBYTES( want, got ) \ if( (want) > (got) ) { return; } else { (got) -= (want); } static void strlcat_utf8( void * dest, const void * src, size_t len, char skip ) { char * s = dest; const char * append = src; const char * p; /* don't overwrite the nul at the end */ len--; /* Go to the end of the destination string */ while( s[0] ) { s++; len--; } /* Now start appending, converting on the fly if necessary */ for( p = append; p[0]; ) { /* skip over the requested character */ if( skip == p[0] ) { p++; continue; } if( !( p[0] & 0x80 ) ) { /* ASCII character */ WANTBYTES( 1, len ); *(s++) = *(p++); continue; } if( ( p[0] & 0xE0 ) == 0xC0 && ( p[1] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 ) { /* 2-bytes UTF-8 character */ WANTBYTES( 2, len ); *(s++) = *(p++); *(s++) = *(p++); continue; } if( ( p[0] & 0xF0 ) == 0xE0 && ( p[1] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 && ( p[2] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 ) { /* 3-bytes UTF-8 character */ WANTBYTES( 3, len ); *(s++) = *(p++); *(s++) = *(p++); *(s++) = *(p++); continue; } if( ( p[0] & 0xF8 ) == 0xF0 && ( p[1] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 && ( p[2] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 && ( p[3] & 0xC0 ) == 0x80 ) { /* 4-bytes UTF-8 character */ WANTBYTES( 4, len ); *(s++) = *(p++); *(s++) = *(p++); *(s++) = *(p++); *(s++) = *(p++); continue; } /* ISO 8859-1 -> UTF-8 conversion */ WANTBYTES( 2, len ); *(s++) = 0xC0 | ( ( *p & 0xFF ) >> 6 ); *(s++) = 0x80 | ( *(p++) & 0x3F ); } } static void getTorrentFilename( const tr_handle * handle, const tr_info * inf, char * buf, size_t buflen ) { const char * dir = tr_getTorrentDir( handle ); char base[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_snprintf( base, sizeof( base ), "%s.%16.16s.torrent", inf->name, inf->hashString ); tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, dir, base, NULL ); } static void getTorrentOldFilename( const tr_handle * handle, const tr_info * info, char * name, size_t len ) { const char * torDir = tr_getTorrentDir( handle ); if( !handle->tag ) { tr_buildPath( name, len, torDir, info->hashString, NULL ); } else { char base[1024]; tr_snprintf( base, sizeof(base), "%s-%s", info->hashString, handle->tag ); tr_buildPath( name, len, torDir, base, NULL ); } } void tr_metainfoMigrate( tr_handle * handle, tr_info * inf ) { struct stat new_sb; char new_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; getTorrentFilename( handle, inf, new_name, sizeof( new_name ) ); if( stat( new_name, &new_sb ) || ( ( new_sb.st_mode & S_IFMT ) != S_IFREG ) ) { char old_name[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; size_t contentLen; uint8_t * content; tr_mkdirp( tr_getTorrentDir( handle ), 0777 ); getTorrentOldFilename( handle, inf, old_name, sizeof( old_name ) ); if(( content = tr_loadFile( old_name, &contentLen ))) { FILE * out; errno = 0; out = fopen( new_name, "wb+" ); if( !out ) { tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Couldn't create \"%1$s\": %2$s" ), new_name, tr_strerror( errno ) ); } else { if( fwrite( content, sizeof( uint8_t ), contentLen, out ) == contentLen ) { tr_free( inf->torrent ); inf->torrent = tr_strdup( new_name ); tr_sessionSetTorrentFile( handle, inf->hashString, new_name ); unlink( old_name ); } fclose( out ); } } tr_free( content ); } } static char * announceToScrape( const char * announce ) { char * scrape = NULL; const char * s; /* To derive the scrape URL use the following steps: * Begin with the announce URL. Find the last '/' in it. * If the text immediately following that '/' isn't 'announce' * it will be taken as a sign that that tracker doesn't support * the scrape convention. If it does, substitute 'scrape' for * 'announce' to find the scrape page. */ if((( s = strrchr( announce, '/' ))) && !strncmp( ++s, "announce", 8 )) { struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( ); evbuffer_add( buf, announce, s-announce ); evbuffer_add( buf, "scrape", 6 ); evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s", s+8 ); scrape = tr_strdup( ( char * ) EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ) ); evbuffer_free( buf ); } return scrape; } static void geturllist( tr_info * inf, tr_benc * meta ) { benc_val_t * urls; if( tr_bencDictFindList( meta, "url-list", &urls ) ) { int i; const char * url; const int n = tr_bencListSize( urls ); inf->webseedCount = 0; inf->webseeds = tr_new0( char*, n ); for( i=0; iwebseeds[inf->webseedCount++] = tr_strdup( url ); } } static int getannounce( tr_info * inf, tr_benc * meta ) { const char * str; tr_tracker_info * trackers = NULL; int trackerCount = 0; tr_benc * tiers; /* Announce-list */ if( tr_bencDictFindList( meta, "announce-list", &tiers ) ) { int n; int i, j; n = 0; for( i=0; ival.l.count; ++i ) n += tiers->val.l.vals[i].val.l.count; trackers = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, n ); trackerCount = 0; for( i=0; ival.l.count; ++i ) { const tr_benc * tier = &tiers->val.l.vals[i]; for( j=0; tr_bencIsList(tier) && jval.l.count; ++j ) { const tr_benc * a = &tier->val.l.vals[j]; if( tr_bencIsString( a ) && tr_httpIsValidURL( a->val.s.s ) ) { tr_tracker_info * t = trackers + trackerCount++; t->tier = i; t->announce = tr_strndup( a->val.s.s, a->val.s.i ); t->scrape = announceToScrape( a->val.s.s ); /*fprintf( stderr, "tier %d: %s\n", i, a->val.s.s );*/ } } } /* did we use any of the tiers? */ if( !trackerCount ) { tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "announce-list" ); tr_free( trackers ); trackers = NULL; } } /* Regular announce value */ if( !trackerCount && tr_bencDictFindStr( meta, "announce", &str ) && tr_httpIsValidURL( str ) ) { trackers = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info, 1 ); trackers[trackerCount].tier = 0; trackers[trackerCount].announce = tr_strdup( str ); trackers[trackerCount++].scrape = announceToScrape( str ); /*fprintf( stderr, "single announce: [%s]\n", str );*/ } inf->trackers = trackers; inf->trackerCount = trackerCount; if( !inf->trackerCount ) tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "announce" ); return inf->trackerCount ? TR_OK : TR_ERROR; } int tr_metainfoParse( const tr_handle * handle, tr_info * inf, const tr_benc * meta_in ) { tr_piece_index_t i; tr_benc * beInfo, * val, * val2; tr_benc * meta = (tr_benc *) meta_in; char buf[4096]; /* info_hash: urlencoded 20-byte SHA1 hash of the value of the info key * from the Metainfo file. Note that the value will be a bencoded * dictionary, given the definition of the info key above. */ if(( beInfo = tr_bencDictFindType( meta, "info", TYPE_DICT ))) { int len; char * str = tr_bencSave( beInfo, &len ); tr_sha1( inf->hash, str, len, NULL ); tr_free( str ); } else { tr_err( _( "Missing metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "info" ); return TR_EINVALID; } tr_sha1_to_hex( inf->hashString, inf->hash ); /* comment */ memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf ) ); val = tr_bencDictFindFirst( meta, "comment.utf-8", "comment", NULL ); if( tr_bencIsString( val ) ) strlcat_utf8( buf, val->val.s.s, sizeof( buf ), 0 ); tr_free( inf->comment ); inf->comment = tr_strdup( buf ); /* creator */ memset( buf, '\0', sizeof( buf ) ); val = tr_bencDictFindFirst( meta, "created by.utf-8", "created by", NULL ); if( tr_bencIsString( val ) ) strlcat_utf8( buf, val->val.s.s, sizeof( buf ), 0 ); tr_free( inf->creator ); inf->creator = tr_strdup( buf ); /* Date created */ inf->dateCreated = 0; val = tr_bencDictFind( meta, "creation date" ); if( tr_bencIsInt( val ) ) inf->dateCreated = val->val.i; /* Private torrent */ val = tr_bencDictFind( beInfo, "private" ); val2 = tr_bencDictFind( meta, "private" ); if( ( tr_bencIsInt(val) && val->val.i ) || ( tr_bencIsInt(val2) && val2->val.i ) ) { inf->isPrivate = 1; } /* Piece length */ val = tr_bencDictFind( beInfo, "piece length" ); if( !tr_bencIsInt( val ) ) { if( val ) tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "piece length" ); else tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Missing metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "piece length" ); goto fail; } inf->pieceSize = val->val.i; /* Hashes */ val = tr_bencDictFind( beInfo, "pieces" ); if( !tr_bencIsString( val ) ) { if( val ) tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "pieces" ); else tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Missing metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "pieces" ); goto fail; } if( val->val.s.i % SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) { tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "pieces" ); goto fail; } inf->pieceCount = val->val.s.i / SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; inf->pieces = calloc ( inf->pieceCount, sizeof(tr_piece) ); for ( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) { memcpy (inf->pieces[i].hash, &val->val.s.s[i*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH], SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); } /* get file or top directory name */ val = tr_bencDictFindFirst( beInfo, "name.utf-8", "name", NULL ); if( parseFiles( inf, val, tr_bencDictFind( beInfo, "files" ), tr_bencDictFind( beInfo, "length" ) ) ) { goto fail; } if( !inf->fileCount || !inf->totalSize ) { tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Torrent is corrupt" ) ); /* the content is missing! */ goto fail; } /* TODO add more tests so we don't crash on weird files */ if( (uint64_t) inf->pieceCount != ( inf->totalSize + inf->pieceSize - 1 ) / inf->pieceSize ) { tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Torrent is corrupt" ) ); /* size of hashes and files don't match */ goto fail; } /* get announce or announce-list */ if( getannounce( inf, meta ) ) goto fail; /* get the url-list */ geturllist( inf, meta ); /* filename of Transmission's copy */ getTorrentFilename( handle, inf, buf, sizeof( buf ) ); tr_free( inf->torrent ); inf->torrent = tr_strdup( buf ); return TR_OK; fail: tr_metainfoFree( inf ); return TR_EINVALID; } void tr_metainfoFree( tr_info * inf ) { tr_file_index_t ff; int i; for( i=0; iwebseedCount; ++i ) tr_free( inf->webseeds[i] ); for( ff=0; fffileCount; ++ff ) tr_free( inf->files[ff].name ); tr_free( inf->webseeds ); tr_free( inf->pieces ); tr_free( inf->files ); tr_free( inf->comment ); tr_free( inf->creator ); tr_free( inf->torrent ); tr_free( inf->name ); for( i=0; itrackerCount; ++i ) { tr_free( inf->trackers[i].announce ); tr_free( inf->trackers[i].scrape ); } tr_free( inf->trackers ); memset( inf, '\0', sizeof(tr_info) ); } static int getfile( char ** setme, const char * prefix, tr_benc * name ) { const char ** list; int ii, jj; char buf[4096]; if( !tr_bencIsList( name ) ) return TR_EINVALID; list = calloc( name->val.l.count, sizeof( list[0] ) ); if( !list ) return TR_EINVALID; for( ii = jj = 0; name->val.l.count > ii; ii++ ) { tr_benc * dir = &name->val.l.vals[ii]; if( !tr_bencIsString( dir ) ) continue; if( 0 == strcmp( "..", dir->val.s.s ) ) { if( 0 < jj ) { jj--; } } else if( 0 != strcmp( ".", dir->val.s.s ) ) { list[jj] = dir->val.s.s; jj++; } } if( 0 == jj ) { free( list ); return TR_EINVALID; } memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) ); strlcat_utf8( buf, prefix, sizeof(buf), 0 ); for( ii = 0; jj > ii; ii++ ) { strlcat_utf8( buf, TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR, sizeof(buf), 0 ); strlcat_utf8( buf, list[ii], sizeof(buf), TR_PATH_DELIMITER ); } free( list ); tr_free( *setme ); *setme = tr_strdup( buf ); return TR_OK; } void tr_metainfoRemoveSaved( const tr_handle * handle, const tr_info * inf ) { char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; getTorrentFilename( handle, inf, filename, sizeof( filename ) ); unlink( filename ); getTorrentOldFilename( handle, inf, filename, sizeof( filename ) ); unlink( filename ); } static int parseFiles( tr_info * inf, tr_benc * name, tr_benc * files, tr_benc * length ) { tr_benc * item, * path; int ii; char buf[4096]; if( !tr_bencIsString( name ) ) { if( name ) tr_err( _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "name" ); else tr_err( _( "Missing metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "name" ); return TR_EINVALID; } memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) ); strlcat_utf8( buf, name->val.s.s, sizeof( buf ), 0 ); tr_free( inf->name ); inf->name = tr_strdup( buf ); if( !inf->name || !*inf->name ) { tr_err( _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "name" ); return TR_EINVALID; } inf->totalSize = 0; if( tr_bencIsList( files ) ) { /* Multi-file mode */ inf->isMultifile = 1; inf->fileCount = files->val.l.count; inf->files = calloc( inf->fileCount, sizeof( inf->files[0] ) ); if( !inf->files ) return TR_EINVALID; for( ii = 0; files->val.l.count > ii; ii++ ) { item = &files->val.l.vals[ii]; path = tr_bencDictFindFirst( item, "path.utf-8", "path", NULL ); if( getfile( &inf->files[ii].name, inf->name, path ) ) { if( path ) tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "path" ); else tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Missing metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "path" ); return TR_EINVALID; } length = tr_bencDictFind( item, "length" ); if( !tr_bencIsInt( length ) ) { if( length ) tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "length" ); else tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Missing metadata entry \"%s\"" ), "length" ); return TR_EINVALID; } inf->files[ii].length = length->val.i; inf->totalSize += length->val.i; } } else if( tr_bencIsInt( length ) ) { char buf[4096]; /* Single-file mode */ inf->isMultifile = 0; inf->fileCount = 1; inf->files = calloc( 1, sizeof( inf->files[0] ) ); if( !inf->files ) return TR_EINVALID; memset( buf, 0, sizeof( buf ) ); strlcat_utf8( buf, name->val.s.s, sizeof(buf), TR_PATH_DELIMITER ); tr_free( inf->files[0].name ); inf->files[0].name = tr_strdup( buf ); inf->files[0].length = length->val.i; inf->totalSize += length->val.i; } else { tr_nerr( inf->name, _( "Invalid or missing metadata entries \"length\" and \"files\"" ) ); } return TR_OK; }