/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include // priorities #include "FileTreeItem.h" #include "FileTreeModel.h" namespace { class PathIteratorBase { protected: PathIteratorBase(QString const& path, int slashIndex) : myPath(path), mySlashIndex(slashIndex), myToken() { myToken.reserve(path.size() / 2); } protected: QString const& myPath; int mySlashIndex; QString myToken; static QChar const SlashChar; }; QChar const PathIteratorBase::SlashChar = QLatin1Char('/'); class ForwardPathIterator : public PathIteratorBase { public: ForwardPathIterator(QString const& path) : PathIteratorBase(path, path.size() - 1) { } bool hasNext() const { return mySlashIndex > 0; } QString const& next() { int newSlashIndex = myPath.lastIndexOf(SlashChar, mySlashIndex); myToken.truncate(0); myToken += myPath.midRef(newSlashIndex + 1, mySlashIndex - newSlashIndex); mySlashIndex = newSlashIndex - 1; return myToken; } }; class BackwardPathIterator : public PathIteratorBase { public: BackwardPathIterator(QString const& path) : PathIteratorBase(path, 0) { } bool hasNext() const { return mySlashIndex < myPath.size(); } QString const& next() { int newSlashIndex = myPath.indexOf(SlashChar, mySlashIndex); if (newSlashIndex == -1) { newSlashIndex = myPath.size(); } myToken.truncate(0); myToken += myPath.midRef(mySlashIndex, newSlashIndex - mySlashIndex); mySlashIndex = newSlashIndex + 1; return myToken; } }; } // namespace FileTreeModel::FileTreeModel(QObject* parent, bool isEditable) : QAbstractItemModel(parent), myIsEditable(isEditable), myRootItem(new FileTreeItem), myIndexCache() { } FileTreeModel::~FileTreeModel() { clear(); delete myRootItem; } void FileTreeModel::setEditable(bool editable) { myIsEditable = editable; } FileTreeItem* FileTreeModel::itemFromIndex(QModelIndex const& index) const { if (!index.isValid()) { return nullptr; } assert(index.model() == this); return static_cast(index.internalPointer()); } QModelIndexList FileTreeModel::getOrphanIndices(QModelIndexList const& indices) const { QModelIndexList orphanIndices = indices; qSort(orphanIndices); for (QMutableListIterator it(orphanIndices); it.hasNext();) { QModelIndex walk = it.next(); for (;;) { walk = parent(walk, walk.column()); if (!walk.isValid()) { break; } if (qBinaryFind(orphanIndices, walk) != orphanIndices.end()) { it.remove(); break; } } } return orphanIndices; } QVariant FileTreeModel::data(QModelIndex const& index, int role) const { QVariant value; if (index.isValid()) { value = itemFromIndex(index)->data(index.column(), role); } return value; } Qt::ItemFlags FileTreeModel::flags(QModelIndex const& index) const { int i(Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); if (myIsEditable && index.column() == COL_NAME) { i |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; } if (index.column() == COL_WANTED) { i |= Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsTristate; } return Qt::ItemFlags(i); } bool FileTreeModel::setData(QModelIndex const& index, QVariant const& newname, int role) { if (role == Qt::EditRole) { FileTreeItem* item = itemFromIndex(index); emit pathEdited(item->path(), newname.toString()); } return false; // don't update the view until the session confirms the change } QVariant FileTreeModel::headerData(int column, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { QVariant data; if (orientation == Qt::Horizontal && role == Qt::DisplayRole) { switch (column) { case COL_NAME: data.setValue(tr("File")); break; case COL_SIZE: data.setValue(tr("Size")); break; case COL_PROGRESS: data.setValue(tr("Progress")); break; case COL_WANTED: data.setValue(tr("Download")); break; case COL_PRIORITY: data.setValue(tr("Priority")); break; default: break; } } return data; } QModelIndex FileTreeModel::index(int row, int column, QModelIndex const& parent) const { QModelIndex i; if (hasIndex(row, column, parent)) { FileTreeItem* parentItem; if (!parent.isValid()) { parentItem = myRootItem; } else { parentItem = itemFromIndex(parent); } FileTreeItem* childItem = parentItem->child(row); if (childItem != nullptr) { i = createIndex(row, column, childItem); } } return i; } QModelIndex FileTreeModel::parent(QModelIndex const& child) const { return parent(child, 0); // QAbstractItemModel::parent() wants col 0 } QModelIndex FileTreeModel::parent(QModelIndex const& child, int column) const { QModelIndex parent; if (child.isValid()) { parent = indexOf(itemFromIndex(child)->parent(), column); } return parent; } int FileTreeModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const& parent) const { FileTreeItem* parentItem; if (parent.isValid()) { parentItem = itemFromIndex(parent); } else { parentItem = myRootItem; } return parentItem->childCount(); } int FileTreeModel::columnCount(QModelIndex const& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return NUM_COLUMNS; } QModelIndex FileTreeModel::indexOf(FileTreeItem* item, int column) const { if (item == nullptr || item == myRootItem) { return QModelIndex(); } return createIndex(item->row(), column, item); } void FileTreeModel::clearSubtree(QModelIndex const& top) { size_t i = rowCount(top); while (i > 0) { clearSubtree(index(--i, 0, top)); } FileTreeItem* const item = itemFromIndex(top); if (item == nullptr) { return; } if (item->fileIndex() != -1) { myIndexCache.remove(item->fileIndex()); } delete item; } void FileTreeModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); clearSubtree(QModelIndex()); endResetModel(); assert(myIndexCache.isEmpty()); } FileTreeItem* FileTreeModel::findItemForFileIndex(int fileIndex) const { return myIndexCache.value(fileIndex, nullptr); } void FileTreeModel::addFile(int fileIndex, QString const& filename, bool wanted, int priority, uint64_t totalSize, uint64_t have, bool updateFields) { FileTreeItem* item; item = findItemForFileIndex(fileIndex); if (item != nullptr) // this file is already in the tree, we've added this { QModelIndex indexWithChangedParents; ForwardPathIterator filenameIt(filename); while (filenameIt.hasNext()) { QString const& token = filenameIt.next(); std::pair const changed = item->update(token, wanted, priority, have, updateFields); if (changed.first >= 0) { emit dataChanged(indexOf(item, changed.first), indexOf(item, changed.second)); if (!indexWithChangedParents.isValid() && changed.first <= COL_PRIORITY && changed.second >= COL_SIZE) { indexWithChangedParents = indexOf(item, 0); } } item = item->parent(); } assert(item == myRootItem); if (indexWithChangedParents.isValid()) { emitParentsChanged(indexWithChangedParents, COL_SIZE, COL_PRIORITY); } } else // we haven't build the FileTreeItems for these tokens yet { bool added = false; item = myRootItem; BackwardPathIterator filenameIt(filename); while (filenameIt.hasNext()) { QString const& token = filenameIt.next(); FileTreeItem* child(item->child(token)); if (child == nullptr) { added = true; QModelIndex parentIndex(indexOf(item, 0)); int const n(item->childCount()); beginInsertRows(parentIndex, n, n); if (!filenameIt.hasNext()) { child = new FileTreeItem(token, fileIndex, totalSize); } else { child = new FileTreeItem(token); } item->appendChild(child); endInsertRows(); } item = child; } if (item != myRootItem) { assert(item->fileIndex() == fileIndex); assert(item->totalSize() == totalSize); myIndexCache[fileIndex] = item; std::pair const changed = item->update(item->name(), wanted, priority, have, added || updateFields); if (changed.first >= 0) { emit dataChanged(indexOf(item, changed.first), indexOf(item, changed.second)); } } } } void FileTreeModel::emitParentsChanged(QModelIndex const& index, int firstColumn, int lastColumn, QSet* visitedParentIndices) { assert(firstColumn <= lastColumn); QModelIndex walk = index; for (;;) { walk = parent(walk, firstColumn); if (!walk.isValid()) { break; } if (visitedParentIndices != nullptr) { if (visitedParentIndices->contains(walk)) { break; } visitedParentIndices->insert(walk); } emit dataChanged(walk, walk.sibling(walk.row(), lastColumn)); } } void FileTreeModel::emitSubtreeChanged(QModelIndex const& index, int firstColumn, int lastColumn) { assert(firstColumn <= lastColumn); int const childCount = rowCount(index); if (childCount == 0) { return; } // tell everyone that this item changed emit dataChanged(index.child(0, firstColumn), index.child(childCount - 1, lastColumn)); // walk the subitems for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { emitSubtreeChanged(index.child(i, 0), firstColumn, lastColumn); } } void FileTreeModel::twiddleWanted(QModelIndexList const& indices) { QMap wantedIndices; for (QModelIndex const& i : getOrphanIndices(indices)) { FileTreeItem const* const item = itemFromIndex(i); wantedIndices[item->isSubtreeWanted() != Qt::Checked] << i; } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i) { if (wantedIndices.contains(i)) { setWanted(wantedIndices[i], i != 0); } } } void FileTreeModel::twiddlePriority(QModelIndexList const& indices) { QMap priorityIndices; for (QModelIndex const& i : getOrphanIndices(indices)) { FileTreeItem const* const item = itemFromIndex(i); int priority = item->priority(); // ... -> normal -> high -> low -> normal -> ...; mixed -> normal if (priority == FileTreeItem::NORMAL) { priority = TR_PRI_HIGH; } else if (priority == FileTreeItem::HIGH) { priority = TR_PRI_LOW; } else { priority = TR_PRI_NORMAL; } priorityIndices[priority] << i; } for (int i = TR_PRI_LOW; i <= TR_PRI_HIGH; ++i) { if (priorityIndices.contains(i)) { setPriority(priorityIndices[i], i); } } } void FileTreeModel::setWanted(QModelIndexList const& indices, bool wanted) { if (indices.isEmpty()) { return; } QModelIndexList const orphanIndices = getOrphanIndices(indices); QSet fileIds; for (QModelIndex const& i : orphanIndices) { FileTreeItem* const item = itemFromIndex(i); item->setSubtreeWanted(wanted, fileIds); emit dataChanged(i, i); emitSubtreeChanged(i, COL_WANTED, COL_WANTED); } // emit parent changes separately to avoid multiple updates for same items QSet parentIndices; for (QModelIndex const& i : orphanIndices) { emitParentsChanged(i, COL_SIZE, COL_WANTED, &parentIndices); } if (!fileIds.isEmpty()) { emit wantedChanged(fileIds, wanted); } } void FileTreeModel::setPriority(QModelIndexList const& indices, int priority) { if (indices.isEmpty()) { return; } QModelIndexList const orphanIndices = getOrphanIndices(indices); QSet fileIds; for (QModelIndex const& i : orphanIndices) { FileTreeItem* const item = itemFromIndex(i); item->setSubtreePriority(priority, fileIds); emit dataChanged(i, i); emitSubtreeChanged(i, COL_PRIORITY, COL_PRIORITY); } // emit parent changes separately to avoid multiple updates for same items QSet parentIndices; for (QModelIndex const& i : orphanIndices) { emitParentsChanged(i, COL_PRIORITY, COL_PRIORITY, &parentIndices); } if (!fileIds.isEmpty()) { emit priorityChanged(fileIds, priority); } } bool FileTreeModel::openFile(QModelIndex const& index) { if (!index.isValid()) { return false; } FileTreeItem* const item = itemFromIndex(index); if (item->fileIndex() < 0 || !item->isComplete()) { return false; } emit openRequested(item->path()); return true; }