.Dd May 20, 2008 .Dt TRANSMISSION-REMOTE 1 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm transmission-remote .Nd a remote control utility for .Xr transmission-daemon 1 and .Xr transmission 1 .Sh SYNOPSIS .Bk -words .Nm transmission-remote .Fl h .Nm .Op Ar host:port | host | port .Op Fl a Ar torrent-file .Op Fl d Ar download-rate .Op Fl D .Op Fl e Ar encryption-mode .Oo .Fl f Ar id | Ar hash .Oc .Oo .Fl i Ar id | Ar hash .Oc .Op Fl l .Op Fl m .Op Fl M .Op Fl p Ar port .Op Fl t Ar user:pass .Oo .Fl r Ar all | Ar id | Ar hash .Oc .Oo .Fl s Ar all | Ar id | Ar hash .Oc .Oo .Fl S Ar all | Ar id | Ar hash .Oc .Op Fl u Ar upload-rate .Op Fl U .Oo .Fl v Ar all | Ar id | Ar hash .Oc .Op Fl w Ar directory .Op Fl x .Op Fl X .Ek .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm is a remote control utility for .Xr transmission 1 and .Xr transmission-daemon 1 . .Pp By default, .Nm connects to the transmission session at localhost:9091. Other sessions can be controlled by specifying a different host and/or port. .Pp The options are as follows: .Bl -tag -width Ds .It Fl a Fl -add Ar torrent-file Add the torrent metainfo file .Ar torrent-file . .It Fl d Fl -download-limit Ar download-rate Set maximum download rate to .Ar download-rate in kilobytes per second. .It Fl D Fl -download-unlimited Remove the download limit. .It Fl e Fl -encryption Ar required Require all peer connections to be encrypted. .It Fl e Fl -encryption Ar preferred Prefer encrypted peer connections. .It Fl e Fl -encryption Ar tolerated Prefer unencrypted peer connections. .It Fl f Fl -files Ar id | torrent-hash Get file information for the torrent matching the specified .Ar id or .Ar hash . .It Fl h Fl -help Print command-line option descriptions. .It Fl i Fl -info Ar id | torrent-hash Print detailed information for the torrent matching the specified .Ar id or .Ar hash . .It Fl l Fl -list List all torrents, their Id numbers, and current status. .It Fl m Fl -port-mapping Enable automatic port mapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP IGD. .It Fl M Fl -no-port-mapping Disable automatic port mapping. .It Fl p Fl -port Ar port Attempt to bind to .Ar port for use as a listening port to accept incoming peer connections. .It Fl r Fl -remove Ar all | id | torrent-hash Remove all torrents, or the torrent matching the specified .Ar id or .Ar hash . This does not delete the downloaded data. .It Fl s Fl -start Ar all | id | torrent-hash Start all torrents downloading or seeding, or the torrent matching the specified .Ar id or .Ar hash . .It Fl S Fl -stop Ar all | id | torrent-hash Stop all torrents from downloading or seeding, or the torrent matching the specified .Ar id or .Ar hash . .It Fl t Fl -auth Ar user:pass .Ar Username and .Ar password for authentication .It Fl u Fl -upload-limit Ar upload-rate Set maximum upload rate to .Ar upload-rate in kilobytes per second. .It Fl U Fl -upload-unlimited Remove the upload limit. .It Fl v Fl -verify Ar all | id | torrent-hash Queue all the torrents for verification, or the torrent matching the specified .Ar id or .Ar hash . .It Fl w Fl -download-dir Ar directory Use .Ar directory as the default location for newly added torrents to download files to. .It Fl x Enable peer exchange (PEX). .It Fl X Disable peer exchange (PEX). .El .Sh EXAMPLES Show all torrents, their ID numbers, and their status: .Pp .Dl transmission-remote -l .Pp Pause torrent #12: .Pp .Dl transmission-remote -S 12 .Pp Set download and upload limits to 100 KiB/sec and 20 KiB/sec: .Pp .Dl transmission-remote -d 100 -u 20 .Pp Add two torrents: .Pp .Dl transmission-remote -a foo.torrent -a bar.torrent .Sh AUTHORS .An -nosplit .An Charles Kerr , .An Josh Elsasser , .An Eric Petit , and .An Mitchell Livingston . .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr transmissioncli 1 , .Xr transmission-daemon 1 , .Xr transmission 1 .Pp http://www.transmissionbt.com/