// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include "RpcClient.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // LONG_VERSION_STRING #include "VariantHelpers.h" using ::trqt::variant_helpers::dictAdd; using ::trqt::variant_helpers::dictFind; using ::trqt::variant_helpers::variantInit; namespace { char constexpr const* const RequestDataPropertyKey{ "requestData" }; char constexpr const* const RequestFutureinterfacePropertyKey{ "requestReplyFutureInterface" }; TrVariantPtr createVariant() { return std::make_shared(); } } // namespace RpcClient::RpcClient(QObject* parent) : QObject{ parent } { qRegisterMetaType("TrVariantPtr"); } void RpcClient::stop() { session_ = nullptr; session_id_.clear(); url_.clear(); request_.reset(); if (nam_ != nullptr) { nam_->deleteLater(); nam_ = nullptr; } } void RpcClient::start(tr_session* session) { session_ = session; } void RpcClient::start(QUrl const& url) { url_ = url; request_.reset(); } bool RpcClient::isLocal() const { if (session_ != nullptr) { return true; } if (QHostAddress{ url_.host() }.isLoopback()) { return true; } return false; } QUrl const& RpcClient::url() const { return url_; } RpcResponseFuture RpcClient::exec(tr_quark method, tr_variant* args) { return exec(tr_quark_get_string_view(method), args); } RpcResponseFuture RpcClient::exec(std::string_view method, tr_variant* args) { TrVariantPtr const json = createVariant(); tr_variantInitDict(json.get(), 3); dictAdd(json.get(), TR_KEY_method, method); if (args != nullptr) // if args were passed in, use them { auto* child = tr_variantDictFind(json.get(), TR_KEY_arguments); if (child == nullptr) { child = tr_variantDictAddDict(json.get(), TR_KEY_arguments, 0); } std::swap(*child, *args); } return sendRequest(json); } int64_t RpcClient::getNextTag() { return next_tag_++; } void RpcClient::sendNetworkRequest(TrVariantPtr req, QFutureInterface const& promise) { if (!request_) { QNetworkRequest request; request.setUrl(url_); request.setRawHeader( "User-Agent", (QApplication::applicationName() + QLatin1Char('/') + QString::fromUtf8(LONG_VERSION_STRING)).toUtf8()); request.setRawHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); if (!session_id_.isEmpty()) { request.setRawHeader(TR_RPC_SESSION_ID_HEADER, session_id_.toUtf8()); } request_ = request; } auto const json_data = QByteArray::fromStdString(tr_variant_serde::json().compact().to_string(*req)); QNetworkReply* reply = networkAccessManager()->post(*request_, json_data); reply->setProperty(RequestDataPropertyKey, QVariant::fromValue(req)); reply->setProperty(RequestFutureinterfacePropertyKey, QVariant::fromValue(promise)); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, this, &RpcClient::dataReadProgress); connect(reply, &QNetworkReply::uploadProgress, this, &RpcClient::dataSendProgress); if (verbose_) { qInfo() << "sending" << "POST" << qPrintable(url_.path()); for (QByteArray const& b : request_->rawHeaderList()) { qInfo() << b.constData() << ": " << request_->rawHeader(b).constData(); } qInfo() << "Body:"; qInfo() << json_data.constData(); } } void RpcClient::sendLocalRequest(TrVariantPtr req, QFutureInterface const& promise, int64_t tag) { if (verbose_) { fmt::print("{:s}:{:d} sending req:\n{:s}\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tr_variant_serde::json().to_string(*req)); } local_requests_.try_emplace(tag, promise); tr_rpc_request_exec( session_, *req, [this](tr_session* /*sesson*/, tr_variant&& response) { if (verbose_) { fmt::print("{:s}:{:d} got response:\n{:s}\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, tr_variant_serde::json().to_string(response)); } TrVariantPtr const resp = createVariant(); *resp = std::move(response); // this callback is invoked in the libtransmission thread, so we don't want // to process the response here... let's push it over to the Qt thread. QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "localRequestFinished", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(TrVariantPtr, resp)); }); } RpcResponseFuture RpcClient::sendRequest(TrVariantPtr json) { int64_t const tag = getNextTag(); dictAdd(json.get(), TR_KEY_tag, tag); QFutureInterface promise; promise.setExpectedResultCount(1); promise.setProgressRange(0, 1); promise.setProgressValue(0); promise.reportStarted(); if (session_ != nullptr) { sendLocalRequest(json, promise, tag); } else if (!url_.isEmpty()) { sendNetworkRequest(json, promise); } return promise.future(); } QNetworkAccessManager* RpcClient::networkAccessManager() { if (nam_ == nullptr) { nam_ = new QNetworkAccessManager{}; connect(nam_, &QNetworkAccessManager::finished, this, &RpcClient::networkRequestFinished); connect(nam_, &QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired, this, &RpcClient::httpAuthenticationRequired); } return nam_; } void RpcClient::networkRequestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) { reply->deleteLater(); auto promise = reply->property(RequestFutureinterfacePropertyKey).value>(); if (verbose_) { qInfo() << "http response header:"; for (QByteArray const& b : reply->rawHeaderList()) { qInfo() << b.constData() << ": " << reply->rawHeader(b).constData(); } qInfo() << "json:"; qInfo() << reply->peek(reply->bytesAvailable()).constData(); } if (reply->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt() == 409 && reply->hasRawHeader(TR_RPC_SESSION_ID_HEADER)) { // we got a 409 telling us our session id has expired. // update it and resubmit the request. session_id_ = QString::fromUtf8(reply->rawHeader(TR_RPC_SESSION_ID_HEADER)); request_.reset(); sendNetworkRequest(reply->property(RequestDataPropertyKey).value(), promise); return; } emit networkResponse(reply->error(), reply->errorString()); if (reply->error() != QNetworkReply::NoError) { RpcResponse result; result.networkError = reply->error(); promise.setProgressValueAndText(1, reply->errorString()); promise.reportFinished(&result); } else { auto const json_data = reply->readAll().trimmed().toStdString(); auto const json = createVariant(); auto result = RpcResponse{}; if (auto top = tr_variant_serde::json().parse(json_data); top) { std::swap(*json, *top); result = parseResponseData(*json); } promise.setProgressValue(1); promise.reportFinished(&result); } } void RpcClient::localRequestFinished(TrVariantPtr response) { if (auto node = local_requests_.extract(parseResponseTag(*response)); node) { auto const result = parseResponseData(*response); auto& promise = node.mapped(); promise.setProgressRange(0, 1); promise.setProgressValue(1); promise.reportFinished(&result); } } int64_t RpcClient::parseResponseTag(tr_variant& response) const { return dictFind(&response, TR_KEY_tag).value_or(-1); } RpcResponse RpcClient::parseResponseData(tr_variant& response) const { RpcResponse ret; if (auto const result = dictFind(&response, TR_KEY_result); result) { ret.result = *result; ret.success = *result == QStringLiteral("success"); } if (tr_variant* args = nullptr; tr_variantDictFindDict(&response, TR_KEY_arguments, &args)) { ret.args = createVariant(); std::swap(*ret.args, *args); variantInit(args, false); } return ret; }