// This file Copyright © 2005-2022 Transmission authors and contributors. // It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include "Dialogs.h" #include "GtkCompat.h" #include "Session.h" #include "Utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /*** **** ***/ void gtr_confirm_remove( Gtk::Window& parent, Glib::RefPtr const& core, std::vector const& torrent_ids, bool delete_files) { int connected = 0; int incomplete = 0; int const count = torrent_ids.size(); if (count == 0) { return; } for (auto const id : torrent_ids) { tr_torrent* tor = core->find_torrent(id); tr_stat const* stat = tr_torrentStat(tor); if (stat->leftUntilDone != 0) { ++incomplete; } if (stat->peersConnected != 0) { ++connected; } } auto const primary_text = fmt::format( !delete_files ? ngettext("Remove torrent?", "Remove {count:L} torrents?", count) : ngettext("Delete this torrent's downloaded files?", "Delete these {count:L} torrents' downloaded files?", count), fmt::arg("count", count)); Glib::ustring secondary_text; if (incomplete == 0 && connected == 0) { secondary_text = ngettext( "Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link.", "Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links.", count); } else if (count == incomplete) { secondary_text = ngettext( "This torrent has not finished downloading.", "These torrents have not finished downloading.", count); } else if (count == connected) { secondary_text = ngettext("This torrent is connected to peers.", "These torrents are connected to peers.", count); } else { if (connected != 0) { secondary_text += ngettext( "One of these torrents is connected to peers.", "Some of these torrents are connected to peers.", connected); } if (connected != 0 && incomplete != 0) { secondary_text += "\n"; } if (incomplete != 0) { secondary_text += ngettext( "One of these torrents has not finished downloading.", "Some of these torrents have not finished downloading.", incomplete); } } auto d = std::make_shared( parent, fmt::format("{}", primary_text), true /*use_markup*/, TR_GTK_MESSAGE_TYPE(WARNING), TR_GTK_BUTTONS_TYPE(NONE), true /*modal*/); if (!secondary_text.empty()) { d->set_secondary_text(secondary_text, true); } d->add_button(_("_Cancel"), TR_GTK_RESPONSE_TYPE(CANCEL)); d->add_button(delete_files ? _("_Delete") : _("_Remove"), TR_GTK_RESPONSE_TYPE(ACCEPT)); d->set_default_response(TR_GTK_RESPONSE_TYPE(CANCEL)); d->signal_response().connect( [d, core, torrent_ids, delete_files](int response) mutable { if (response == TR_GTK_RESPONSE_TYPE(ACCEPT)) { for (auto const id : torrent_ids) { core->remove_torrent(id, delete_files); } } d.reset(); }); d->show(); }