/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include "transmission.h" #include "xml.h" /* http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/ */ #define WS( cc ) \ ( ' ' == (cc) || '\t' == (cc) || '\n' == (cc) || '\r' == (cc) ) #define TAGBEGIN '<' #define TAGEND '>' #define TAGCLOSE '/' #define NAMESPACESEP ':' #define SQUOTEC '\'' #define DQUOTEC '"' #define SQUOTES "'" #define DQUOTES "\"" #define COMMENTBEGIN "" #define PROCINSTBEGIN "" #define CDATABEGIN "" #define BANGBEGIN "" #define CHECKNULL( bb, ee, rr ) \ { if( NULL == (bb) || (ee) <= (bb) ) return (rr); } #define justskip( bb, ee, ap, ot, ct ) \ ( skipthingy( (bb), (ee), (ap), (ot), (ct), NULL, NULL ) ) static char * catrange( char * str, const char * begin, const char * end ); static int skipall( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** afterpos ); static int nexttag( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** tagpos ); static int overtag( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** overpos ); static int tagname( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** tagstart, const char ** namestart, int * namelen ); static int skipthingy( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** afterpos, const char * openthingy, const char * closethingy, const char ** databegin, const char ** dataend ); /* XXX check document charset, in http headers and/or tag */ const char * tr_xmlFindTag( const char * begin, const char * end, const char * tag ) { const char * name; int len; CHECKNULL( begin, end, NULL ); while( tagname( begin, end, &begin, &name, &len ) ) { assert( NULL != begin && NULL != name && 0 < len ); if( 0 == tr_strncasecmp( tag, name, len ) ) { return begin; } begin = tr_xmlSkipTag( begin, end ); } return NULL; } const char * tr_xmlTagName( const char * begin, const char * end, int * len ) { CHECKNULL( begin, end, NULL ); if( tagname( begin, end, NULL, &begin, len ) ) { return begin; } return NULL; } const char * tr_xmlTagContents( const char * begin, const char * end ) { CHECKNULL( begin, end, NULL ); if( nexttag( begin, end, &begin ) && overtag( begin, end, &begin ) ) { begin = NULL; } return begin; } int tr_xmlVerifyContents( const char * begin, const char * end, const char * data, int ignorecase ) { int len; CHECKNULL( begin, end, 1 ); len = strlen( data ); while( end > begin && WS( *begin ) ) { begin++; } if( end - begin > len ) { if( ignorecase ) { return ( 0 != tr_strncasecmp( begin, data, len ) ); } else { return ( 0 != memcmp( begin, data, len ) ); } } return 1; } const char * tr_xmlSkipTag( const char * begin, const char * end ) { CHECKNULL( begin, end, NULL ); if( nexttag( begin, end, &begin ) ) { if( overtag( begin, end, &begin ) ) { return begin; } while( NULL != begin ) { if( nexttag( begin, end, &begin ) ) { begin = tr_xmlSkipTag( begin, end ); } else { CHECKNULL( begin, end, NULL ); overtag( begin, end, &begin ); return begin; } } } return NULL; } char * tr_xmlDupContents( const char * begin, const char * end ) { const char * ii, * cbegin, * cend; char * ret; int len; CHECKNULL( begin, end, NULL ); ret = NULL; len = strlen( CDATABEGIN ); while( end > begin ) { ii = memchr( begin, TAGBEGIN, end - begin ); if( NULL == ii ) { free( ret ); return NULL; } /* XXX expand entity references and such here */ ret = catrange( ret, begin, ii ); if( NULL == ret ) { return NULL; } if( !skipthingy( ii, end, &begin, CDATABEGIN, CDATAEND, &cbegin, &cend ) ) { ret = catrange( ret, cbegin, cend ); if( NULL == ret ) { return NULL; } } else if( skipall( ii, end, &begin ) ) { if( end > ii + 1 && TAGCLOSE == ii[1] ) { return ret; } begin = tr_xmlSkipTag( ii, end ); } } free( ret ); return NULL; } static char * catrange( char * str, const char * begin, const char * end ) { int len; char * ret; if( NULL == str ) { return tr_strndup( begin, end - begin ); } len = strlen( str ); ret = realloc( str, len + end - begin + 1 ); if( NULL == ret ) { free( str ); return NULL; } memcpy( ret + len, begin, end - begin ); ret[len + end - begin] = '\0'; return ret; } static int skipall( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** afterpos ) { return ( justskip( begin, end, afterpos, COMMENTBEGIN, COMMENTEND ) && justskip( begin, end, afterpos, CDATABEGIN, CDATAEND ) && justskip( begin, end, afterpos, PROCINSTBEGIN, PROCINSTEND ) && justskip( begin, end, afterpos, BANGBEGIN, BANGEND ) ); } /* returns true if a tag was found and it's a start or empty element tag */ static int nexttag( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** tagpos ) { *tagpos = NULL; CHECKNULL( begin, end, 0 ); while( end > begin ) { begin = memchr( begin, TAGBEGIN, end - begin ); CHECKNULL( begin, end, 0 ); if( justskip( begin, end, &begin, COMMENTBEGIN, COMMENTEND ) && justskip( begin, end, &begin, CDATABEGIN, CDATAEND ) && justskip( begin, end, &begin, PROCINSTBEGIN, PROCINSTEND ) && justskip( begin, end, &begin, BANGBEGIN, BANGEND ) ) { *tagpos = begin; begin++; return ( end > begin && TAGCLOSE != *begin ); } } return 0; } /* returns true if the tag is an empty element such as */ static int overtag( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** overpos ) { const char * ii; assert( NULL != begin && end > begin && TAGBEGIN == *begin ); ii = begin + 1; while( end > ii ) { switch( *ii ) { case DQUOTEC: justskip( ii, end, &ii, DQUOTES, DQUOTES ); break; case SQUOTEC: justskip( ii, end, &ii, SQUOTES, SQUOTES ); break; case TAGEND: *overpos = ii + 1; for( ii--; begin < ii; ii-- ) { if( TAGCLOSE == *ii ) { return 1; } if( !WS( *ii ) ) { break; } } return 0; default: ii++; break; } } *overpos = NULL; return 0; } static int tagname( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** tagstart, const char ** namestart, int * namelen ) { const char * name, * ii; CHECKNULL( begin, end, 0 ); if( nexttag( begin, end, &begin ) ) { assert( NULL != begin && TAGBEGIN == *begin ); ii = begin + 1; while( end > ii && WS( *ii ) ) { ii++; } name = ii; while( end > ii && TAGEND != *ii && !WS( *ii ) ) { if( NAMESPACESEP == *ii ) { name = ii + 1; } ii++; } if( end > ii && ii > name ) { if( NULL != tagstart ) { *tagstart = begin; } if( NULL != namestart ) { *namestart = name; } if( NULL != namelen ) { *namelen = ii - name; } return 1; } } return 0; } static int skipthingy( const char * begin, const char * end, const char ** afterpos, const char * openthingy, const char * closethingy, const char ** databegin, const char ** dataend ) { int len; CHECKNULL( begin, end, 1 ); len = strlen( openthingy ); if( 0 != memcmp( begin, openthingy, MIN( end - begin, len ) ) ) { return 1; } if( NULL != afterpos ) { *afterpos = NULL; } if( NULL != databegin ) { *databegin = NULL; } if( NULL != dataend ) { *dataend = NULL; } if( end - begin <= len ) { return 0; } begin += len; if( NULL != databegin ) { *databegin = begin; } len = strlen( closethingy ); begin = tr_memmem( begin, end - begin, closethingy, len ); if( NULL != dataend ) { *dataend = begin; } if( NULL != afterpos && NULL != begin ) { *afterpos = ( begin + len >= end ? NULL : begin + len ); } return 0; }