/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef __TRANSMISSION__ #error only libtransmission should #include this header. #endif #ifndef TR_PLATFORM_H #define TR_PLATFORM_H #if defined( WIN32 ) #define TR_PATH_DELIMITER '\\' #define TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "\\" #else #define TR_PATH_DELIMITER '/' #define TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "/" #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #define MAX_PATH_LENGTH MAX_PATH #else #define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 4096 #endif /** * @addtogroup tr_session Session * @{ */ /** * @brief invoked by tr_sessionInit() to set up the locations of the resume, torrent, and clutch directories. * @see tr_getResumeDir() * @see tr_getTorrentDir() * @see tr_getWebClientDir() */ void tr_setConfigDir( tr_session * session, const char * configDir ); /** @brief return the directory where .resume files are stored */ const char * tr_getResumeDir( const tr_session * ); /** @brief return the directory where .torrent files are stored */ const char * tr_getTorrentDir( const tr_session * ); /** @brief return the directory where the Web Client's web ui files are kept */ const char * tr_getWebClientDir( const tr_session * ); /** @} */ /** * @addtogroup utils Utilities * @{ */ typedef struct tr_thread tr_thread; /** @brief Instantiate a new process thread */ tr_thread* tr_threadNew( void ( *func )(void *), void * arg ); /** @brief Return nonzero if this function is being called from `thread' @param thread the thread being tested */ int tr_amInThread( const tr_thread * ); /*** **** ***/ typedef struct tr_lock tr_lock; /** @brief Create a new thread mutex object */ tr_lock * tr_lockNew( void ); /** @brief Destroy a thread mutex object */ void tr_lockFree( tr_lock * ); /** @brief Attempt to lock a thread mutex object */ void tr_lockLock( tr_lock * ); /** @brief Unlock a thread mutex object */ void tr_lockUnlock( tr_lock * ); /** @brief return nonzero if the specified lock is locked */ int tr_lockHave( const tr_lock * ); #ifdef WIN32 void * mmap( void *ptr, long size, long prot, long type, long handle, long arg ); long munmap( void *ptr, long size ); #endif /* @} */ #endif