/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2005 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include "transmission.h" #include "completion.h" struct tr_completion_s { tr_torrent_t * tor; /* number of peers from whom we've requested this block */ uint8_t * blockDownloaders; /* do we have this block? */ tr_bitfield_t * blockBitfield; /* do we have this piece? */ tr_bitfield_t * pieceBitfield; /* a block is complete if and only if we have it */ int * completeBlocks; }; tr_completion_t * tr_cpInit( tr_torrent_t * tor ) { tr_completion_t * cp; cp = tr_new( tr_completion_t, 1 ); cp->tor = tor; cp->blockBitfield = tr_bitfieldNew( tor->blockCount ); cp->blockDownloaders = tr_new( uint8_t, tor->blockCount ); cp->pieceBitfield = tr_bitfieldNew( tor->info.pieceCount ); cp->completeBlocks = tr_new( int, tor->info.pieceCount ); tr_cpReset( cp ); return cp; } void tr_cpClose( tr_completion_t * cp ) { tr_free( cp->completeBlocks ); tr_bitfieldFree( cp->pieceBitfield ); tr_free( cp->blockDownloaders ); tr_bitfieldFree( cp->blockBitfield ); tr_free( cp ); } void tr_cpReset( tr_completion_t * cp ) { tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; int i; tr_bitfieldClear( cp->blockBitfield ); memset( cp->blockDownloaders, 0, tor->blockCount ); tr_bitfieldClear( cp->pieceBitfield ); for( i = 0; i < tor->info.pieceCount; ++i ) cp->completeBlocks[i] = 0; } int tr_cpPieceHasAllBlocks( const tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { return tr_cpPieceIsComplete( cp, piece ); } int tr_cpPieceIsComplete( const tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { return cp->completeBlocks[piece] >= TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(cp->tor,piece); } const tr_bitfield_t * tr_cpPieceBitfield( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { return cp->pieceBitfield; } void tr_cpPieceAdd( tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { const tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; const int n_blocks = TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,piece); const int startBlock = TOR_PIECE_FIRST_BLOCK(tor,piece); const int endBlock = startBlock + n_blocks; cp->completeBlocks[piece] = n_blocks; tr_bitfieldAddRange( cp->blockBitfield, startBlock, endBlock ); tr_bitfieldAdd( cp->pieceBitfield, piece ); } void tr_cpPieceRem( tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { const tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; const int n_blocks = TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,piece); const int startBlock = TOR_PIECE_FIRST_BLOCK(tor,piece); const int endBlock = startBlock + n_blocks; assert( cp != NULL ); assert( 0 <= piece ); assert( piece < tor->info.pieceCount ); assert( 0 <= startBlock ); assert( startBlock < tor->blockCount ); assert( startBlock <= endBlock ); assert( endBlock <= tor->blockCount ); cp->completeBlocks[piece] = 0; tr_bitfieldRemRange ( cp->blockBitfield, startBlock, endBlock ); tr_bitfieldRem( cp->pieceBitfield, piece ); } /* Blocks */ void tr_cpDownloaderAdd( tr_completion_t * cp, int block ) { ++cp->blockDownloaders[block]; } void tr_cpDownloaderRem( tr_completion_t * cp, int block ) { --cp->blockDownloaders[block]; } int tr_cpBlockIsComplete( const tr_completion_t * cp, int block ) { return tr_bitfieldHas( cp->blockBitfield, block ); } void tr_cpBlockAdd( tr_completion_t * cp, int block ) { const tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; if( !tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, block ) ) { const int piece = TOR_BLOCK_PIECE(tor, block); ++cp->completeBlocks[piece]; if( cp->completeBlocks[piece] == TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,piece) ) tr_bitfieldAdd( cp->pieceBitfield, piece ); tr_bitfieldAdd( cp->blockBitfield, block ); } } const tr_bitfield_t * tr_cpBlockBitfield( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { assert( cp != NULL ); return cp->blockBitfield; } void tr_cpBlockBitfieldSet( tr_completion_t * cp, tr_bitfield_t * bitfield ) { int i; assert( cp != NULL ); assert( bitfield != NULL ); tr_cpReset( cp ); for( i=0; i < cp->tor->blockCount; ++i ) if( tr_bitfieldHas( bitfield, i ) ) tr_cpBlockAdd( cp, i ); } float tr_cpPercentBlocksInPiece( const tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { assert( cp != NULL ); return cp->completeBlocks[piece] / (double)TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(cp->tor,piece); } int tr_cpMissingBlocksForPiece( const tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { int i; int n; const tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; const int start = TOR_PIECE_FIRST_BLOCK(tor,piece); const int end = start + TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,piece); n = 0; for( i = start; i < end; ++i ) if( !tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, i ) && !cp->blockDownloaders[i] ) ++n; return n; } int tr_cpMissingBlockInPiece( const tr_completion_t * cp, int piece ) { int i; const tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; const int start = TOR_PIECE_FIRST_BLOCK(tor,piece); const int end = start + TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,piece); for( i = start; i < end; ++i ) if( !tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, i ) && !cp->blockDownloaders[i] ) return i; return -1; } /*** **** ***/ cp_status_t tr_cpGetStatus ( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { int i; int ret = TR_CP_COMPLETE; const tr_info_t * info; assert( cp != NULL ); assert( cp->tor != NULL ); info = &cp->tor->info; for( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) { if( tr_cpPieceIsComplete( cp, i ) ) continue; if( !info->pieces[i].dnd ) return TR_CP_INCOMPLETE; ret = TR_CP_DONE; } return ret; } uint64_t tr_cpLeftUntilComplete ( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { int i; uint64_t b=0; const tr_torrent_t * tor; const tr_info_t * info; assert( cp != NULL ); assert( cp->tor != NULL ); tor = cp->tor; info = &tor->info; for( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) if( !tr_cpPieceIsComplete( cp, i ) ) b += ( TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,i) - cp->completeBlocks[ i ] ); b *= tor->blockSize; if( tor->blockCount && !tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, tor->blockCount - 1 ) ) b -= (tor->blockSize - (tor->info.totalSize % tor->blockSize)); return b; } uint64_t tr_cpLeftUntilDone ( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { int i; uint64_t b=0; const tr_torrent_t * tor; const tr_info_t * info; assert( cp != NULL ); assert( cp->tor != NULL ); tor = cp->tor; info = &tor->info; for( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) if( !tr_cpPieceIsComplete( cp, i ) && !info->pieces[i].dnd ) b += ( TR_BLOCKS_IN_PIECE(tor,i) - cp->completeBlocks[ i ] ); b *= tor->blockSize; if( tor->blockCount && !tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, tor->blockCount-1 ) && !info->pieces[info->pieceCount-1].dnd ) b -= (tor->blockSize - (tor->info.totalSize % tor->blockSize)); return b; } float tr_cpPercentComplete ( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { const uint64_t tilComplete = tr_cpLeftUntilComplete( cp ); const uint64_t total = cp->tor->info.totalSize; const float f = 1.0 - (double)tilComplete / total; return MAX(0.0, f); } float tr_cpPercentDone( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { const uint64_t tilDone = tr_cpLeftUntilDone( cp ); const uint64_t total = cp->tor->info.totalSize; const float f = 1.0 - (double)tilDone / total; return MAX(0.0, f); } uint64_t tr_cpDownloadedValid( const tr_completion_t * cp ) { const tr_torrent_t * tor = cp->tor; uint64_t b = tr_bitfieldCountTrueBits( cp->blockBitfield ) * tor->blockSize; if( tor->blockCount && tr_bitfieldHas( cp->blockBitfield, tor->blockCount - 1 ) ) b -= (tor->blockSize - (tor->info.totalSize % tor->blockSize)); return b; }