// This file Copyright © 2012-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AddData.h" #include "Utils.h" namespace { QString getNameFromMetainfo(QByteArray const& benc) { auto metainfo = tr_torrent_metainfo{}; if (!metainfo.parseBenc({ benc.constData(), size_t(benc.size()) })) { return {}; } return QString::fromStdString(metainfo.name()); } } // namespace int AddData::set(QString const& key) { if (auto const key_std = key.toStdString(); tr_urlIsValid(key_std)) { this->url = key; type = URL; } else if (QFile(key).exists()) { this->filename = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(key); type = FILENAME; auto file = QFile{ key }; file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); this->metainfo = file.readAll(); file.close(); } else if (tr_magnet_metainfo{}.parseMagnet(key_std)) { this->magnet = key; this->type = MAGNET; } else if (auto const raw = QByteArray::fromBase64(key.toUtf8()); !raw.isEmpty()) { this->metainfo.append(raw); this->type = METAINFO; } else { this->type = NONE; } return type; } QByteArray AddData::toBase64() const { return metainfo.toBase64(); } QString AddData::readableName() const { switch (type) { case FILENAME: return filename; case MAGNET: return magnet; case URL: return url.toString(); case METAINFO: return getNameFromMetainfo(metainfo); default: // NONE return {}; } } QString AddData::readableShortName() const { switch (type) { case FILENAME: return QFileInfo(filename).baseName(); case URL: return url.path().split(QLatin1Char('/')).last(); default: return readableName(); } }