/****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2005 Eric Petit * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include "transmission.h" struct tr_tracker_s { tr_torrent_t * tor; char * id; char started; char completed; char stopped; int interval; int seeders; int leechers; int hasManyPeers; uint64_t dateTry; uint64_t dateOk; #define TC_STATUS_IDLE 1 #define TC_STATUS_CONNECT 2 #define TC_STATUS_RECV 4 char status; int socket; uint8_t * buf; int size; int pos; int bindPort; int newPort; }; static void sendQuery ( tr_tracker_t * tc ); static void recvAnswer ( tr_tracker_t * tc ); tr_tracker_t * tr_trackerInit( tr_torrent_t * tor ) { tr_tracker_t * tc; tc = calloc( 1, sizeof( tr_tracker_t ) ); tc->tor = tor; tc->id = tor->id; tc->started = 1; tc->seeders = -1; tc->leechers = -1; tc->status = TC_STATUS_IDLE; tc->size = 1024; tc->buf = malloc( tc->size ); tc->bindPort = *(tor->bindPort); tc->newPort = -1; return tc; } static int shouldConnect( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { uint64_t now = tr_date(); /* In any case, always wait 5 seconds between two requests */ if( now < tc->dateTry + 5000 ) { return 0; } /* Do we need to send an event? */ if( tc->started || tc->completed || tc->stopped || 0 < tc->newPort ) { return 1; } /* Should we try and get more peers? */ if( now > tc->dateOk + 1000 * tc->interval ) { return 1; } /* If there is quite a lot of people on this torrent, stress the tracker a bit until we get a decent number of peers */ if( tc->hasManyPeers ) { if( tc->tor->peerCount < 5 && now > tc->dateOk + 10000 ) { return 1; } if( tc->tor->peerCount < 10 && now > tc->dateOk + 20000 ) { return 1; } if( tc->tor->peerCount < 15 && now > tc->dateOk + 30000 ) { return 1; } } return 0; } void tr_trackerChangePort( tr_tracker_t * tc, int port ) { tc->newPort = port; } int tr_trackerPulse( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { tr_torrent_t * tor = tc->tor; tr_info_t * inf = &tor->info; uint64_t now = tr_date(); if( ( tc->status & TC_STATUS_IDLE ) && shouldConnect( tc ) ) { struct in_addr addr; if( tr_fdSocketWillCreate( tor->fdlimit, 1 ) ) { return 0; } if( tr_netResolve( inf->trackerAddress, &addr ) ) { tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); return 0; } tc->socket = tr_netOpen( addr, htons( inf->trackerPort ) ); if( tc->socket < 0 ) { tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); return 0; } tr_inf( "Tracker: connecting to %s:%d (%s)", inf->trackerAddress, inf->trackerPort, tc->started ? "sending 'started'" : ( tc->completed ? "sending 'completed'" : ( tc->stopped ? "sending 'stopped'" : ( 0 < tc->newPort ? "sending 'stopped' to change port" : "getting peers" ) ) ) ); tc->status = TC_STATUS_CONNECT; tc->dateTry = tr_date(); } if( tc->status & TC_STATUS_CONNECT ) { /* We are connecting to the tracker. Try to send the query */ sendQuery( tc ); } if( tc->status & TC_STATUS_RECV ) { /* Try to get something */ recvAnswer( tc ); } if( tc->status > TC_STATUS_IDLE && now > tc->dateTry + 60000 ) { /* Give up if the request wasn't successful within 60 seconds */ tr_inf( "Tracker: timeout reached (60 s)" ); tr_netClose( tc->socket ); tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); tc->status = TC_STATUS_IDLE; tc->dateTry = tr_date(); } return 0; } void tr_trackerCompleted( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { tc->started = 0; tc->completed = 1; tc->stopped = 0; } void tr_trackerStopped( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { tr_torrent_t * tor = tc->tor; if( tc->status > TC_STATUS_CONNECT ) { /* If we are already sendy a query at the moment, we need to reconnect */ tr_netClose( tc->socket ); tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); tc->status = TC_STATUS_IDLE; } tc->started = 0; tc->completed = 0; tc->stopped = 1; /* Even if we have connected recently, reconnect right now */ if( tc->status & TC_STATUS_IDLE ) { tc->dateTry = 0; } } void tr_trackerClose( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { tr_torrent_t * tor = tc->tor; if( tc->status > TC_STATUS_IDLE ) { tr_netClose( tc->socket ); tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); } free( tc->buf ); free( tc ); } static void sendQuery( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { tr_torrent_t * tor = tc->tor; tr_info_t * inf = &tor->info; char * event; uint64_t left; int ret; if( tc->started && 0 < tc->newPort ) { tc->bindPort = tc->newPort; tc->newPort = -1; } if( tc->started ) event = "&event=started"; else if( tc->completed ) event = "&event=completed"; else if( tc->stopped || 0 < tc->newPort ) event = "&event=stopped"; else event = ""; left = tr_cpLeftBytes( tor->completion ); ret = snprintf( (char *) tc->buf, tc->size, "GET %s?" "info_hash=%s&" "peer_id=%s&" "port=%d&" "uploaded=%lld&" "downloaded=%lld&" "left=%lld&" "compact=1&" "numwant=50&" "key=%s" "%s " "HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "User-Agent: Transmission/%d.%d\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", inf->trackerAnnounce, tor->hashString, tc->id, tc->bindPort, tor->uploaded, tor->downloaded, left, tor->key, event, inf->trackerAddress, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR ); ret = tr_netSend( tc->socket, tc->buf, ret ); if( ret & TR_NET_CLOSE ) { tr_inf( "Tracker: connection failed" ); tr_netClose( tc->socket ); tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); tc->status = TC_STATUS_IDLE; tc->dateTry = tr_date(); } else if( !( ret & TR_NET_BLOCK ) ) { // printf( "Tracker: sent %s", tc->buf ); tc->status = TC_STATUS_RECV; tc->pos = 0; } } static void recvAnswer( tr_tracker_t * tc ) { tr_torrent_t * tor = tc->tor; int ret; int i; benc_val_t beAll; benc_val_t * bePeers, * beFoo; if( tc->pos == tc->size ) { tc->size *= 2; tc->buf = realloc( tc->buf, tc->size ); } ret = tr_netRecv( tc->socket, &tc->buf[tc->pos], tc->size - tc->pos ); if( ret & TR_NET_BLOCK ) { return; } if( !( ret & TR_NET_CLOSE ) ) { // printf( "got %d bytes\n", ret ); tc->pos += ret; return; } tr_netClose( tc->socket ); tr_fdSocketClosed( tor->fdlimit, 1 ); // printf( "connection closed, got total %d bytes\n", tc->pos ); tc->status = TC_STATUS_IDLE; tc->dateTry = tr_date(); if( tc->pos < 1 ) { /* We got nothing */ return; } /* Find the beginning of the dictionary */ for( i = 0; i < tc->pos - 18; i++ ) { /* Hem */ if( !memcmp( &tc->buf[i], "d8:interval", 11 ) || !memcmp( &tc->buf[i], "d8:complete", 11 ) || !memcmp( &tc->buf[i], "d14:failure reason", 18 ) ) { break; } } if( i >= tc->pos - 18 ) { tr_err( "Tracker: no dictionary in answer" ); // printf( "%s\n", tc->buf ); return; } if( tr_bencLoad( &tc->buf[i], &beAll, NULL ) ) { tr_err( "Tracker: error parsing bencoded data" ); return; } // tr_bencPrint( &beAll ); if( ( bePeers = tr_bencDictFind( &beAll, "failure reason" ) ) ) { tr_err( "Tracker: %s", bePeers->val.s.s ); tor->error |= TR_ETRACKER; snprintf( tor->trackerError, sizeof( tor->trackerError ), "%s", bePeers->val.s.s ); goto cleanup; } tor->error &= ~TR_ETRACKER; if( !tc->interval ) { /* Get the tracker interval, ignore it if it is not between 10 sec and 5 mins */ if( !( beFoo = tr_bencDictFind( &beAll, "interval" ) ) || !( beFoo->type & TYPE_INT ) ) { tr_err( "Tracker: no 'interval' field" ); goto cleanup; } tc->interval = beFoo->val.i; tc->interval = MIN( tc->interval, 300 ); tc->interval = MAX( 10, tc->interval ); tr_inf( "Tracker: interval = %d seconds", tc->interval ); } if( ( beFoo = tr_bencDictFind( &beAll, "complete" ) ) && ( beFoo->type & TYPE_INT ) ) { tc->seeders = beFoo->val.i; } if( ( beFoo = tr_bencDictFind( &beAll, "incomplete" ) ) && ( beFoo->type & TYPE_INT ) ) { tc->leechers = beFoo->val.i; } if( tc->seeders + tc->leechers >= 50 ) { tc->hasManyPeers = 1; } if( !( bePeers = tr_bencDictFind( &beAll, "peers" ) ) ) { tr_err( "Tracker: no \"peers\" field" ); goto cleanup; } if( bePeers->type & TYPE_LIST ) { char * ip; int port; /* Original protocol */ tr_inf( "Tracker: got %d peers", bePeers->val.l.count ); for( i = 0; i < bePeers->val.l.count; i++ ) { beFoo = tr_bencDictFind( &bePeers->val.l.vals[i], "ip" ); if( !beFoo ) continue; ip = beFoo->val.s.s; beFoo = tr_bencDictFind( &bePeers->val.l.vals[i], "port" ); if( !beFoo ) continue; port = beFoo->val.i; tr_peerAddOld( tor, ip, port ); } if( bePeers->val.l.count >= 50 ) { tc->hasManyPeers = 1; } } else if( bePeers->type & TYPE_STR ) { struct in_addr addr; in_port_t port; /* "Compact" extension */ if( bePeers->val.s.i % 6 ) { tr_err( "Tracker: \"peers\" of size %d", bePeers->val.s.i ); tr_lockUnlock( &tor->lock ); goto cleanup; } tr_inf( "Tracker: got %d peers", bePeers->val.s.i / 6 ); for( i = 0; i < bePeers->val.s.i / 6; i++ ) { memcpy( &addr, &bePeers->val.s.s[6*i], 4 ); memcpy( &port, &bePeers->val.s.s[6*i+4], 2 ); tr_peerAddCompact( tor, addr, port ); } if( bePeers->val.s.i / 6 >= 50 ) { tc->hasManyPeers = 1; } } /* Success */ tc->started = 0; tc->completed = 0; tc->dateOk = tr_date(); if( tc->stopped ) { tor->status = TR_STATUS_STOPPED; tc->stopped = 0; } else if( 0 < tc->newPort ) { tc->started = 1; } cleanup: tr_bencFree( &beAll ); } int tr_trackerScrape( tr_torrent_t * tor, int * seeders, int * leechers ) { tr_info_t * inf = &tor->info; int s, i, ret; uint8_t buf[1024]; benc_val_t scrape, * val1, * val2; struct in_addr addr; uint64_t date; int pos, len; if( !tor->scrape[0] ) { /* scrape not supported */ return 1; } if( tr_netResolve( inf->trackerAddress, &addr ) ) { return 0; } s = tr_netOpen( addr, htons( inf->trackerPort ) ); if( s < 0 ) { return 1; } len = snprintf( (char *) buf, sizeof( buf ), "GET %s?info_hash=%s HTTP/1.1\r\n" "Host: %s\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n", tor->scrape, tor->hashString, inf->trackerAddress ); for( date = tr_date();; ) { ret = tr_netSend( s, buf, len ); if( ret & TR_NET_CLOSE ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not connect to tracker\n" ); tr_netClose( s ); return 1; } else if( ret & TR_NET_BLOCK ) { if( tr_date() > date + 10000 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not connect to tracker\n" ); tr_netClose( s ); return 1; } } else { break; } tr_wait( 10 ); } pos = 0; for( date = tr_date();; ) { ret = tr_netRecv( s, &buf[pos], sizeof( buf ) - pos ); if( ret & TR_NET_CLOSE ) { break; } else if( ret & TR_NET_BLOCK ) { if( tr_date() > date + 10000 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not read from tracker\n" ); tr_netClose( s ); return 1; } } else { pos += ret; } tr_wait( 10 ); } if( pos < 1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not read from tracker\n" ); tr_netClose( s ); return 1; } for( i = 0; i < pos - 8; i++ ) { if( !memcmp( &buf[i], "d5:files", 8 ) ) { break; } } if( i >= pos - 8 ) { return 1; } if( tr_bencLoad( &buf[i], &scrape, NULL ) ) { return 1; } val1 = tr_bencDictFind( &scrape, "files" ); if( !val1 ) { return 1; } val1 = &val1->val.l.vals[1]; if( !val1 ) { return 1; } val2 = tr_bencDictFind( val1, "complete" ); if( !val2 ) { return 1; } *seeders = val2->val.i; val2 = tr_bencDictFind( val1, "incomplete" ); if( !val2 ) { return 1; } *leechers = val2->val.i; tr_bencFree( &scrape ); return 0; } int tr_trackerSeeders( tr_torrent_t * tor) { if (tor->status != TR_STATUS_PAUSE) { return (tor->tracker)->seeders; } return 0; } int tr_trackerLeechers( tr_torrent_t * tor) { if (tor->status != TR_STATUS_PAUSE) { return (tor->tracker)->leechers; } return 0; }