/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * $Id$ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #define CURL_DISABLE_TYPECHECK /* otherwise -Wunreachable-code goes insane */ #include <curl/curl.h> #include <event2/buffer.h> #include <libtransmission/transmission.h> #include <libtransmission/bencode.h> #include <libtransmission/tr-getopt.h> #include <libtransmission/utils.h> #include <libtransmission/web.h> /* tr_webGetResponseStr() */ #include <libtransmission/version.h> #define MY_NAME "transmission-show" #define TIMEOUT_SECS 30 #define MEM_K 1024 #define MEM_K_STR "KiB" #define MEM_M_STR "MiB" #define MEM_G_STR "GiB" #define MEM_T_STR "TiB" #define DISK_K 1024 #define DISK_B_STR "B" #define DISK_K_STR "KiB" #define DISK_M_STR "MiB" #define DISK_G_STR "GiB" #define DISK_T_STR "TiB" #define SPEED_K 1024 #define SPEED_B_STR "B/s" #define SPEED_K_STR "KiB/s" #define SPEED_M_STR "MiB/s" #define SPEED_G_STR "GiB/s" #define SPEED_T_STR "TiB/s" static tr_option options[] = { { 's', "scrape", "Ask the torrent's trackers how many peers are in the torrent's swarm", "s", 0, NULL }, { 'V', "version", "Show version number and exit", "V", 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL } }; static const char * getUsage( void ) { return "Usage: " MY_NAME " [options] <.torrent file>"; } static tr_bool scrapeFlag = FALSE; static tr_bool showVersion = FALSE; const char * filename = NULL; static int parseCommandLine( int argc, const char ** argv ) { int c; const char * optarg; while(( c = tr_getopt( getUsage( ), argc, argv, options, &optarg ))) { switch( c ) { case 's': scrapeFlag = TRUE; break; case 'V': showVersion = TRUE; break; case TR_OPT_UNK: filename = optarg; break; default: return 1; } } return 0; } static int compare_files_by_name( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const tr_file * a = *(const tr_file**)va; const tr_file * b = *(const tr_file**)vb; return strcmp( a->name, b->name ); } static void showInfo( const tr_info * inf ) { int i; char buf[128]; tr_file ** files; int prevTier = -1; /** *** General Info **/ printf( "GENERAL\n\n" ); printf( " Name: %s\n", inf->name ); printf( " Hash: %s\n", inf->hashString ); printf( " Created by: %s\n", inf->creator ? inf->creator : "Unknown" ); if( !inf->dateCreated ) printf( " Created on: Unknown\n" ); else { struct tm tm = *localtime( &inf->dateCreated ); printf( " Created on: %s", asctime( &tm ) ); } if( inf->comment && *inf->comment ) printf( " Comment: %s\n", inf->comment ); printf( " Piece Count: %d\n", inf->pieceCount ); printf( " Piece Size: %s\n", tr_formatter_mem_B( buf, inf->pieceSize, sizeof( buf ) ) ); printf( " Total Size: %s\n", tr_formatter_size_B( buf, inf->totalSize, sizeof( buf ) ) ); printf( " Privacy: %s\n", inf->isPrivate ? "Private torrent" : "Public torrent" ); /** *** Trackers **/ printf( "\nTRACKERS\n" ); for( i=0; i<inf->trackerCount; ++i ) { if( prevTier != inf->trackers[i].tier ) { prevTier = inf->trackers[i].tier; printf( "\n Tier #%d\n", prevTier + 1 ); } printf( " %s\n", inf->trackers[i].announce ); } /** *** **/ if( inf->webseedCount > 0 ) { printf( "\nWEBSEEDS\n\n" ); for( i=0; i<inf->webseedCount; ++i ) printf( " %s\n", inf->webseeds[i] ); } /** *** Files **/ printf( "\nFILES\n\n" ); files = tr_new( tr_file*, inf->fileCount ); for( i=0; i<(int)inf->fileCount; ++i ) files[i] = &inf->files[i]; qsort( files, inf->fileCount, sizeof(tr_file*), compare_files_by_name ); for( i=0; i<(int)inf->fileCount; ++i ) printf( " %s (%s)\n", files[i]->name, tr_formatter_size_B( buf, files[i]->length, sizeof( buf ) ) ); tr_free( files ); } static size_t writeFunc( void * ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void * buf ) { const size_t byteCount = size * nmemb; evbuffer_add( buf, ptr, byteCount ); return byteCount; } static CURL* tr_curl_easy_init( struct evbuffer * writebuf ) { CURL * curl = curl_easy_init( ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, MY_NAME "/" LONG_VERSION_STRING ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, writeFunc ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, writebuf ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, getenv( "TR_CURL_VERBOSE" ) != NULL ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "" ); return curl; } static void doScrape( const tr_info * inf ) { int i; for( i=0; i<inf->trackerCount; ++i ) { CURL * curl; CURLcode res; struct evbuffer * buf; const char * scrape = inf->trackers[i].scrape; char * url; if( scrape == NULL ) continue; url = tr_strdup_printf( "%s%cinfo_hash=%s", scrape, strchr( scrape, '?' ) ? '&' : '?', inf->hashEscaped ); printf( "%s ... ", url ); fflush( stdout ); buf = evbuffer_new( ); curl = tr_curl_easy_init( buf ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_URL, url ); curl_easy_setopt( curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT_SECS ); if(( res = curl_easy_perform( curl ))) { printf( "error: %s\n", curl_easy_strerror( res ) ); } else { long response; curl_easy_getinfo( curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response ); if( response != 200 ) { printf( "error: unexpected response %ld \"%s\"\n", response, tr_webGetResponseStr( response ) ); } else /* HTTP OK */ { tr_benc top; tr_benc * files; tr_bool matched = FALSE; const char * begin = (const char*) evbuffer_pullup( buf, -1 ); const char * end = begin + evbuffer_get_length( buf ); if( !tr_bencParse( begin, end, &top, NULL ) ) { if( tr_bencDictFindDict( &top, "files", &files ) ) { int i = 0; tr_benc * val; const char * key; while( tr_bencDictChild( files, i++, &key, &val )) { if( !memcmp( inf->hash, key, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ) { int64_t seeders = -1; int64_t leechers = -1; tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "complete", &seeders ); tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "incomplete", &leechers ); printf( "%d seeders, %d leechers\n", (int)seeders, (int)leechers ); matched = TRUE; } } } tr_bencFree( &top ); } if( !matched ) printf( "no match\n" ); } } curl_easy_cleanup( curl ); evbuffer_free( buf ); tr_free( url ); } } int main( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int err; tr_info inf; tr_ctor * ctor; tr_setMessageLevel( TR_MSG_ERR ); tr_formatter_mem_init ( MEM_K, MEM_K_STR, MEM_M_STR, MEM_G_STR, MEM_T_STR ); tr_formatter_size_init ( DISK_K, DISK_K_STR, DISK_M_STR, DISK_G_STR, DISK_T_STR ); tr_formatter_speed_init ( SPEED_K, SPEED_K_STR, SPEED_M_STR, SPEED_G_STR, SPEED_T_STR ); if( parseCommandLine( argc, (const char**)argv ) ) return EXIT_FAILURE; if( showVersion ) { fprintf( stderr, MY_NAME" "LONG_VERSION_STRING"\n" ); return 0; } /* make sure the user specified a filename */ if( !filename ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: No .torrent file specified.\n" ); tr_getopt_usage( MY_NAME, getUsage( ), options ); fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* try to parse the .torrent file */ ctor = tr_ctorNew( NULL ); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename ); err = tr_torrentParse( ctor, &inf ); tr_ctorFree( ctor ); if( err ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error parsing .torrent file \"%s\"\n", filename ); return 1; } printf( "Name: %s\n", inf.name ); printf( "File: %s\n", filename ); printf( "\n" ); fflush( stdout ); if( scrapeFlag ) doScrape( &inf ); else showInfo( &inf ); /* cleanup */ putc( '\n', stdout ); tr_metainfoFree( &inf ); return 0; }