/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include // std::unique_ptr #include #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "cache.h" #include "completion.h" #include "file.h" #include "log.h" #include "peer-io.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "peer-msgs.h" #include "session.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "torrent-magnet.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "tr-dht.h" #include "utils.h" #include "variant.h" #include "version.h" #ifndef EBADMSG #define EBADMSG EINVAL #endif /** *** **/ // these values are hardcoded by various BEPs as noted enum BitTorrentMessages { // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0003.html#peer-messages BtChoke = 0, BtUnchoke = 1, BtInterested = 2, BtNotInterested = 3, BtHave = 4, BtBitfield = 5, BtRequest = 6, BtPiece = 7, BtCancel = 8, BtPort = 9, // https://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0006.html BtFextSuggest = 13, BtFextHaveAll = 14, BtFextHaveNone = 15, BtFextReject = 16, BtFextAllowedFast = 17, // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html // see also LtepMessageIds below BtLtep = 20 }; enum LtepMessages { LTEP_HANDSHAKE = 0, }; // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html // Client-defined extension message IDs that we tell peers about // in the LTEP handshake and will respond to when sent in an LTEP // message. enum LtepMessageIds { // we support peer exchange (bep 11) UT_PEX_ID = 1, // we support sending metadata files (bep 9) // see also MetadataMsgType below UT_METADATA_ID = 3, }; // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html enum MetadataMsgType { METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REQUEST = 0, METADATA_MSG_TYPE_DATA = 1, METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REJECT = 2 }; // seconds between sendPex() calls static auto constexpr PexIntervalSecs = int{ 90 }; static auto constexpr MinChokePeriodSec = int{ 10 }; // idle seconds before we send a keepalive static auto constexpr KeepaliveIntervalSecs = int{ 100 }; static auto constexpr MetadataReqQ = int{ 64 }; static auto constexpr ReqQ = int{ 512 }; // used in lowering the outMessages queue period static auto constexpr ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs = int{ 0 }; static auto constexpr HighPriorityIntervalSecs = int{ 2 }; static auto constexpr LowPriorityIntervalSecs = int{ 10 }; // how many blocks to keep prefetched per peer static auto constexpr PrefetchSize = int{ 18 }; // when we're making requests from another peer, // batch them together to send enough requests to // meet our bandwidth goals for the next N seconds static auto constexpr RequestBufSecs = int{ 10 }; namespace { constexpr int MAX_PEX_PEER_COUNT = 50; } // unnamed namespace enum { AwaitingBtLength, AwaitingBtId, AwaitingBtMessage, AwaitingBtPiece }; enum encryption_preference_t { ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_UNKNOWN, ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_YES, ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_NO }; /** *** **/ struct peer_request { uint32_t index; uint32_t offset; uint32_t length; }; static peer_request blockToReq(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_block_index_t block) { auto ret = peer_request{}; tr_torrentGetBlockLocation(tor, block, &ret.index, &ret.offset, &ret.length); return ret; } /** *** **/ /* this is raw, unchanged data from the peer regarding * the current message that it's sending us. */ struct tr_incoming { uint8_t id = 0; uint32_t length = 0; /* includes the +1 for id length */ struct peer_request blockReq = {}; /* metadata for incoming blocks */ struct evbuffer* block = nullptr; /* piece data for incoming blocks */ }; class tr_peerMsgsImpl; // TODO: make these to be member functions static ReadState canRead(tr_peerIo* io, void* vmsgs, size_t* piece); static void cancelAllRequestsToClient(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs); static void didWrite(tr_peerIo* io, size_t bytesWritten, bool wasPieceData, void* vmsgs); static void gotError(tr_peerIo* io, short what, void* vmsgs); static void peerPulse(void* vmsgs); static void pexPulse(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void* vmsgs); static void protocolSendCancel(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct peer_request const& req); static void protocolSendChoke(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, bool choke); static void protocolSendHave(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, tr_piece_index_t index); static void protocolSendPort(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, uint16_t port); static void sendInterest(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, bool b); static void sendLtepHandshake(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs); static void tellPeerWhatWeHave(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs); static void updateDesiredRequestCount(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs); //zzz struct EventDeleter { void operator()(struct event* ev) const { event_free(ev); } }; using UniqueTimer = std::unique_ptr; /** * Low-level communication state information about a connected peer. * * This structure remembers the low-level protocol states that we're * in with this peer, such as active requests, pex messages, and so on. * Its fields are all private to peer-msgs.c. * * Data not directly involved with sending & receiving messages is * stored in tr_peer, where it can be accessed by both peermsgs and * the peer manager. * * @see struct peer_atom * @see tr_peer */ class tr_peerMsgsImpl : public tr_peerMsgs { public: tr_peerMsgsImpl(tr_torrent* torrent_in, peer_atom* atom_in, tr_peerIo* io_in, tr_peer_callback callback, void* callbackData) : tr_peerMsgs{ torrent_in, atom_in } , outMessagesBatchPeriod{ LowPriorityIntervalSecs } , torrent{ torrent_in } , outMessages{ evbuffer_new() } , io{ io_in } , callback_{ callback } , callbackData_{ callbackData } { if (tr_torrentAllowsPex(torrent)) { pex_timer.reset(evtimer_new(torrent->session->event_base, pexPulse, this)); tr_timerAdd(pex_timer.get(), PexIntervalSecs, 0); } if (tr_peerIoSupportsUTP(io)) { tr_address const* addr = tr_peerIoGetAddress(io, nullptr); tr_peerMgrSetUtpSupported(torrent, addr); tr_peerMgrSetUtpFailed(torrent, addr, false); } if (tr_peerIoSupportsLTEP(io)) { sendLtepHandshake(this); } tellPeerWhatWeHave(this); if (tr_dhtEnabled(torrent->session) && tr_peerIoSupportsDHT(io)) { /* Only send PORT over IPv6 when the IPv6 DHT is running (BEP-32). */ struct tr_address const* addr = tr_peerIoGetAddress(io, nullptr); if (addr->type == TR_AF_INET || tr_globalIPv6() != nullptr) { protocolSendPort(this, tr_dhtPort(torrent->session)); } } tr_peerIoSetIOFuncs(io, canRead, didWrite, gotError, this); updateDesiredRequestCount(this); } ~tr_peerMsgsImpl() override { set_active(TR_UP, false); set_active(TR_DOWN, false); if (this->incoming.block != nullptr) { evbuffer_free(this->incoming.block); } if (this->io != nullptr) { tr_peerIoClear(this->io); tr_peerIoUnref(this->io); /* balanced by the ref in handshakeDoneCB() */ } evbuffer_free(this->outMessages); tr_free(this->pex6); tr_free(this->pex); } bool is_transferring_pieces(uint64_t now, tr_direction direction, unsigned int* setme_Bps) const override { auto const Bps = tr_peerIoGetPieceSpeed_Bps(io, now, direction); if (setme_Bps != nullptr) { *setme_Bps = Bps; } return Bps > 0; } bool is_peer_choked() const override { return peer_is_choked_; } bool is_peer_interested() const override { return peer_is_interested_; } bool is_client_choked() const override { return client_is_choked_; } bool is_client_interested() const override { return client_is_interested_; } bool is_utp_connection() const override { return io->socket.type == TR_PEER_SOCKET_TYPE_UTP; } bool is_encrypted() const override { return tr_peerIoIsEncrypted(io); } bool is_incoming_connection() const override { return tr_peerIoIsIncoming(io); } bool is_active(tr_direction direction) const override { TR_ASSERT(tr_isDirection(direction)); auto const active = is_active_[direction]; TR_ASSERT(active == calculate_active(direction)); return active; } void update_active(tr_direction direction) override { TR_ASSERT(tr_isDirection(direction)); set_active(direction, calculate_active(direction)); } time_t get_connection_age() const override { return tr_peerIoGetAge(io); } bool is_reading_block(tr_block_index_t block) const override { return state == AwaitingBtPiece && block == _tr_block(torrent, incoming.blockReq.index, incoming.blockReq.offset); } void cancel_block_request(tr_block_index_t block) override { protocolSendCancel(this, blockToReq(torrent, block)); } void set_choke(bool peer_is_choked) override { time_t const now = tr_time(); time_t const fibrillationTime = now - MinChokePeriodSec; if (chokeChangedAt > fibrillationTime) { // TODO dbgmsg(msgs, "Not changing choke to %d to avoid fibrillation", peer_is_choked); } else if (peer_is_choked_ != peer_is_choked) { peer_is_choked_ = peer_is_choked; if (peer_is_choked_) { cancelAllRequestsToClient(this); } protocolSendChoke(this, peer_is_choked_); chokeChangedAt = now; update_active(TR_CLIENT_TO_PEER); } } void pulse() override { peerPulse(this); } void on_piece_completed(tr_piece_index_t piece) override { protocolSendHave(this, piece); // since we have more pieces now, we might not be interested in this peer update_interest(); } void set_interested(bool interested) override { if (client_is_interested_ != interested) { client_is_interested_ = interested; sendInterest(this, interested); update_active(TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT); } } void update_interest() { // TODO -- might need to poke the mgr on startup } // publishing events void publishError(int err) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_ERROR; e.err = err; publish(e); } void publishGotBlock(struct peer_request const* req) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_BLOCK; e.pieceIndex = req->index; e.offset = req->offset; e.length = req->length; publish(e); } void publishGotRej(struct peer_request const* req) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_REJ; e.pieceIndex = req->index; e.offset = req->offset; e.length = req->length; publish(e); } void publishGotChoke() { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_CHOKE; publish(e); } void publishClientGotHaveAll() { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_HAVE_ALL; publish(e); } void publishClientGotHaveNone() { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_HAVE_NONE; publish(e); } void publishClientGotPieceData(uint32_t length) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.length = length; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_PIECE_DATA; publish(e); } void publishPeerGotPieceData(uint32_t length) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.length = length; e.eventType = TR_PEER_PEER_GOT_PIECE_DATA; publish(e); } void publishClientGotSuggest(tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_SUGGEST; e.pieceIndex = pieceIndex; publish(e); } void publishClientGotPort(tr_port port) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_PORT; e.port = port; publish(e); } void publishClientGotAllowedFast(tr_piece_index_t pieceIndex) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_ALLOWED_FAST; e.pieceIndex = pieceIndex; publish(e); } void publishClientGotBitfield(tr_bitfield* bitfield) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_BITFIELD; e.bitfield = bitfield; publish(e); } void publishClientGotHave(tr_piece_index_t index) { auto e = tr_peer_event{}; e.eventType = TR_PEER_CLIENT_GOT_HAVE; e.pieceIndex = index; publish(e); } private: bool calculate_active(tr_direction direction) const { if (direction == TR_CLIENT_TO_PEER) { return is_peer_interested() && !is_peer_choked(); } // TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT if (!tr_torrentHasMetadata(torrent)) { return true; } auto const active = is_client_interested() && !is_client_choked(); TR_ASSERT(!active || !tr_torrentIsSeed(torrent)); return active; } void set_active(tr_direction direction, bool active) { // TODO dbgmsg(msgs, "direction [%d] is_active [%d]", (int)direction, (int)is_active); auto& val = is_active_[direction]; if (val != active) { val = active; tr_swarmIncrementActivePeers(torrent->swarm, direction, active); } } void publish(tr_peer_event const& e) { if (callback_ != nullptr) { (*callback_)(this, &e, callbackData_); } } public: /* Whether or not we've choked this peer. */ bool peer_is_choked_ = true; /* whether or not the peer has indicated it will download from us. */ bool peer_is_interested_ = false; /* whether or not the peer is choking us. */ bool client_is_choked_ = true; /* whether or not we've indicated to the peer that we would download from them if unchoked. */ bool client_is_interested_ = false; bool peerSupportsPex = false; bool peerSupportsMetadataXfer = false; bool clientSentLtepHandshake = false; bool peerSentLtepHandshake = false; int desiredRequestCount = 0; int prefetchCount = 0; /* how long the outMessages batch should be allowed to grow before * it's flushed -- some messages (like requests >:) should be sent * very quickly; others aren't as urgent. */ int8_t outMessagesBatchPeriod; uint8_t state = AwaitingBtLength; uint8_t ut_pex_id = 0; uint8_t ut_metadata_id = 0; uint16_t pexCount = 0; uint16_t pexCount6 = 0; tr_port dht_port = 0; encryption_preference_t encryption_preference = ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_UNKNOWN; size_t metadata_size_hint = 0; #if 0 /* number of pieces we'll allow in our fast set */ static auto constexpr MAX_FAST_SET_SIZE = int{ 3 }; size_t fastsetSize; tr_piece_index_t fastset[MAX_FAST_SET_SIZE]; #endif tr_torrent* const torrent; evbuffer* const outMessages; /* all the non-piece messages */ struct peer_request peerAskedFor[ReqQ] = {}; int peerAskedForMetadata[MetadataReqQ] = {}; int peerAskedForMetadataCount = 0; tr_pex* pex = nullptr; tr_pex* pex6 = nullptr; time_t clientSentAnythingAt = 0; time_t chokeChangedAt = 0; /* when we started batching the outMessages */ time_t outMessagesBatchedAt = 0; struct tr_incoming incoming = {}; /* if the peer supports the Extension Protocol in BEP 10 and supplied a reqq argument, it's stored here. Otherwise, the value is zero and should be ignored. */ int64_t reqq = 0; UniqueTimer pex_timer; tr_peerIo* io = nullptr; private: bool is_active_[2] = { false, false }; tr_peer_callback const callback_; void* const callbackData_; }; tr_peerMsgs* tr_peerMsgsNew(tr_torrent* torrent, peer_atom* atom, tr_peerIo* io, tr_peer_callback callback, void* callbackData) { return new tr_peerMsgsImpl(torrent, atom, io, callback, callbackData); } /** *** **/ static void myDebug(char const* file, int line, tr_peerMsgsImpl const* msgs, char const* fmt, ...) TR_GNUC_PRINTF(4, 5); static void myDebug(char const* file, int line, tr_peerMsgsImpl const* msgs, char const* fmt, ...) { tr_sys_file_t const fp = tr_logGetFile(); if (fp != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { va_list args; char timestr[64]; char addrstr[TR_ADDRSTRLEN]; struct evbuffer* buf = evbuffer_new(); char* base = tr_sys_path_basename(file, nullptr); evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "[%s] %s - %s [%s]: ", tr_logGetTimeStr(timestr, sizeof(timestr)), tr_torrentName(msgs->torrent), tr_peerIoGetAddrStr(msgs->io, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr)), tr_quark_get_string(msgs->client)); va_start(args, fmt); evbuffer_add_vprintf(buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, " (%s:%d)", base, line); char* const message = evbuffer_free_to_str(buf, nullptr); tr_sys_file_write_line(fp, message, nullptr); tr_free(base); tr_free(message); } } #define dbgmsg(msgs, ...) \ do \ { \ if (tr_logGetDeepEnabled()) \ { \ myDebug(__FILE__, __LINE__, msgs, __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } while (0) /** *** **/ static void pokeBatchPeriod(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, int interval) { if (msgs->outMessagesBatchPeriod > interval) { msgs->outMessagesBatchPeriod = interval; dbgmsg(msgs, "lowering batch interval to %d seconds", interval); } } static void dbgOutMessageLen(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { dbgmsg(msgs, "outMessage size is now %zu", evbuffer_get_length(msgs->outMessages)); } static void protocolSendReject(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct peer_request const* req) { TR_ASSERT(tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io)); struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t) + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtFextReject); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req->index); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req->offset); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req->length); dbgmsg(msgs, "rejecting %u:%u->%u...", req->index, req->offset, req->length); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); } static void protocolSendRequest(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct peer_request const& req) { struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t) + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtRequest); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.index); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.offset); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.length); dbgmsg(msgs, "requesting %u:%u->%u...", req.index, req.offset, req.length); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } static void protocolSendCancel(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, peer_request const& req) { struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t) + 3 * sizeof(uint32_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtCancel); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.index); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.offset); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.length); dbgmsg(msgs, "cancelling %u:%u->%u...", req.index, req.offset, req.length); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } static void protocolSendPort(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, uint16_t port) { struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; dbgmsg(msgs, "sending Port %u", port); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 3); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtPort); evbuffer_add_uint16(out, port); } static void protocolSendHave(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, tr_piece_index_t index) { struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint32_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtHave); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, index); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending Have %u", index); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, LowPriorityIntervalSecs); } #if 0 static void protocolSendAllowedFast(tr_peerMsgs* msgs, uint32_t pieceIndex) { TR_ASSERT(tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io)); tr_peerIo* io = msgs->io; struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(io, out, sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint32_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(io, out, BtFextAllowedFast); evbuffer_add_uint32(io, out, pieceIndex); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending Allowed Fast %u...", pieceIndex); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); } #endif static void protocolSendChoke(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, bool choke) { struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, choke ? BtChoke : BtUnchoke); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending %s...", choke ? "Choke" : "Unchoke"); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } static void protocolSendHaveAll(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { TR_ASSERT(tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io)); struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtFextHaveAll); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending HAVE_ALL..."); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } static void protocolSendHaveNone(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { TR_ASSERT(tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io)); struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtFextHaveNone); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending HAVE_NONE..."); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } /** *** ALLOWED FAST SET *** For explanation, see http://www.bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0006.html **/ #if 0 size_t tr_generateAllowedSet(tr_piece_index_t* setmePieces, size_t desiredSetSize, size_t pieceCount, uint8_t const* infohash, tr_address const* addr) { TR_ASSERT(setmePieces != nullptr); TR_ASSERT(desiredSetSize <= pieceCount); TR_ASSERT(desiredSetSize != 0); TR_ASSERT(pieceCount != 0); TR_ASSERT(infohash != nullptr); TR_ASSERT(addr != nullptr); size_t setSize = 0; if (addr->type == TR_AF_INET) { uint8_t w[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH + 4]; uint8_t* walk = w; uint8_t x[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; uint32_t ui32 = ntohl(htonl(addr->addr.addr4.s_addr) & 0xffffff00); /* (1) */ memcpy(w, &ui32, sizeof(uint32_t)); walk += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(walk, infohash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); /* (2) */ walk += SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; tr_sha1(x, w, walk - w, nullptr); /* (3) */ TR_ASSERT(sizeof(w) == walk - w); while (setSize < desiredSetSize) { for (int i = 0; i < 5 && setSize < desiredSetSize; ++i) /* (4) */ { uint32_t j = i * 4; /* (5) */ uint32_t y = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(x + j)); /* (6) */ uint32_t index = y % pieceCount; /* (7) */ bool found = false; for (size_t k = 0; !found && k < setSize; ++k) /* (8) */ { found = setmePieces[k] == index; } if (!found) { setmePieces[setSize++] = index; /* (9) */ } } tr_sha1(x, x, sizeof(x), nullptr); /* (3) */ } } return setSize; } static void updateFastSet(tr_peerMsgs*) { bool const fext = tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io); bool const peerIsNeedy = msgs->peer->progress < 0.10; if (fext && peerIsNeedy && !msgs->haveFastSet) { struct tr_address const* addr = tr_peerIoGetAddress(msgs->io, nullptr); tr_info const* inf = &msgs->torrent->info; size_t const numwant = std::min(MAX_FAST_SET_SIZE, inf->pieceCount); /* build the fast set */ msgs->fastsetSize = tr_generateAllowedSet(msgs->fastset, numwant, inf->pieceCount, inf->hash, addr); msgs->haveFastSet = true; /* send it to the peer */ for (size_t i = 0; i < msgs->fastsetSize; ++i) { protocolSendAllowedFast(msgs, msgs->fastset[i]); } } } #endif /** *** INTEREST **/ static void sendInterest(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, bool b) { TR_ASSERT(msgs != nullptr); struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; dbgmsg(msgs, "Sending %s", b ? "Interested" : "Not Interested"); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, b ? BtInterested : BtNotInterested); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, HighPriorityIntervalSecs); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); } static bool popNextMetadataRequest(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, int* piece) { if (msgs->peerAskedForMetadataCount == 0) { return false; } *piece = msgs->peerAskedForMetadata[0]; tr_removeElementFromArray(msgs->peerAskedForMetadata, 0, sizeof(int), msgs->peerAskedForMetadataCount); --msgs->peerAskedForMetadataCount; return true; } static bool popNextRequest(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct peer_request* setme) { if (msgs->pendingReqsToClient == 0) { return false; } *setme = msgs->peerAskedFor[0]; tr_removeElementFromArray(msgs->peerAskedFor, 0, sizeof(struct peer_request), msgs->pendingReqsToClient); --msgs->pendingReqsToClient; return true; } static void cancelAllRequestsToClient(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { struct peer_request req; bool const mustSendCancel = tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io); while (popNextRequest(msgs, &req)) { if (mustSendCancel) { protocolSendReject(msgs, &req); } } } /** *** **/ static bool reqIsValid(tr_peerMsgsImpl const* peer, uint32_t index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length) { return tr_torrentReqIsValid(peer->torrent, index, offset, length); } static bool requestIsValid(tr_peerMsgsImpl const* msgs, struct peer_request const* req) { return reqIsValid(msgs, req->index, req->offset, req->length); } /** *** **/ static void sendLtepHandshake(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { evbuffer* const out = msgs->outMessages; unsigned char const* ipv6 = tr_globalIPv6(); static tr_quark version_quark = 0; if (msgs->clientSentLtepHandshake) { return; } if (version_quark == 0) { version_quark = tr_quark_new(TR_NAME " " USERAGENT_PREFIX); } dbgmsg(msgs, "sending an ltep handshake"); msgs->clientSentLtepHandshake = true; /* decide if we want to advertise metadata xfer support (BEP 9) */ bool const allow_metadata_xfer = !tr_torrentIsPrivate(msgs->torrent); /* decide if we want to advertise pex support */ auto allow_pex = bool{}; if (!tr_torrentAllowsPex(msgs->torrent)) { allow_pex = false; } else if (msgs->peerSentLtepHandshake) { allow_pex = msgs->peerSupportsPex; } else { allow_pex = true; } auto val = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&val, 8); tr_variantDictAddBool(&val, TR_KEY_e, msgs->session->encryptionMode != TR_CLEAR_PREFERRED); if (ipv6 != nullptr) { tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_ipv6, ipv6, 16); } // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0009.html // It also adds "metadata_size" to the handshake message (not the // "m" dictionary) specifying an integer value of the number of // bytes of the metadata. if (allow_metadata_xfer && tr_torrentHasMetadata(msgs->torrent) && msgs->torrent->infoDictLength > 0) { tr_variantDictAddInt(&val, TR_KEY_metadata_size, msgs->torrent->infoDictLength); } // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html // Local TCP listen port. Allows each side to learn about the TCP // port number of the other side. Note that there is no need for the // receiving side of the connection to send this extension message, // since its port number is already known. tr_variantDictAddInt(&val, TR_KEY_p, tr_sessionGetPublicPeerPort(msgs->session)); // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html // An integer, the number of outstanding request messages this // client supports without dropping any. The default in in // libtorrent is 250. tr_variantDictAddInt(&val, TR_KEY_reqq, ReqQ); // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0010.html // Client name and version (as a utf-8 string). This is a much more // reliable way of identifying the client than relying on the // peer id encoding. tr_variantDictAddQuark(&val, TR_KEY_v, version_quark); // http://bittorrent.org/beps/bep_0021.html // A peer that is a partial seed SHOULD include an extra header in // the extension handshake 'upload_only'. Setting the value of this // key to 1 indicates that this peer is not interested in downloading // anything. tr_variantDictAddBool(&val, TR_KEY_upload_only, tr_torrentIsSeed(msgs->torrent)); if (allow_metadata_xfer || allow_pex) { tr_variant* m = tr_variantDictAddDict(&val, TR_KEY_m, 2); if (allow_metadata_xfer) { tr_variantDictAddInt(m, TR_KEY_ut_metadata, UT_METADATA_ID); } if (allow_pex) { tr_variantDictAddInt(m, TR_KEY_ut_pex, UT_PEX_ID); } } auto* const payload = tr_variantToBuf(&val, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t) + evbuffer_get_length(payload)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtLtep); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, LTEP_HANDSHAKE); evbuffer_add_buffer(out, payload); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); /* cleanup */ evbuffer_free(payload); tr_variantFree(&val); } static void parseLtepHandshake(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, uint32_t len, struct evbuffer* inbuf) { uint8_t* const tmp = tr_new(uint8_t, len); tr_peerIoReadBytes(msgs->io, inbuf, tmp, len); msgs->peerSentLtepHandshake = true; auto val = tr_variant{}; if (tr_variantFromBenc(&val, tmp, len) != 0 || !tr_variantIsDict(&val)) { dbgmsg(msgs, "GET extended-handshake, couldn't get dictionary"); tr_free(tmp); return; } /* arbitrary limit, should be more than enough */ if (len <= 4096) { dbgmsg(msgs, "here is the handshake: [%*.*s]", TR_ARG_TUPLE((int)len, (int)len, tmp)); } else { dbgmsg(msgs, "handshake length is too big (%" PRIu32 "), printing skipped", len); } /* does the peer prefer encrypted connections? */ auto i = int64_t{}; auto pex = tr_pex{}; if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&val, TR_KEY_e, &i)) { msgs->encryption_preference = i != 0 ? ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_YES : ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_NO; if (i != 0) { pex.flags |= ADDED_F_ENCRYPTION_FLAG; } } /* check supported messages for utorrent pex */ msgs->peerSupportsPex = false; msgs->peerSupportsMetadataXfer = false; tr_variant* sub = nullptr; if (tr_variantDictFindDict(&val, TR_KEY_m, &sub)) { if (tr_variantDictFindInt(sub, TR_KEY_ut_pex, &i)) { msgs->peerSupportsPex = i != 0; msgs->ut_pex_id = (uint8_t)i; dbgmsg(msgs, "msgs->ut_pex is %d", (int)msgs->ut_pex_id); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(sub, TR_KEY_ut_metadata, &i)) { msgs->peerSupportsMetadataXfer = i != 0; msgs->ut_metadata_id = (uint8_t)i; dbgmsg(msgs, "msgs->ut_metadata_id is %d", (int)msgs->ut_metadata_id); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(sub, TR_KEY_ut_holepunch, &i)) { /* Mysterious µTorrent extension that we don't grok. However, it implies support for µTP, so use it to indicate that. */ tr_peerMgrSetUtpFailed(msgs->torrent, tr_peerIoGetAddress(msgs->io, nullptr), false); } } /* look for metainfo size (BEP 9) */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&val, TR_KEY_metadata_size, &i) && tr_torrentSetMetadataSizeHint(msgs->torrent, i)) { msgs->metadata_size_hint = (size_t)i; } /* look for upload_only (BEP 21) */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&val, TR_KEY_upload_only, &i)) { pex.flags |= ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG; } /* get peer's listening port */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&val, TR_KEY_p, &i)) { pex.port = htons((uint16_t)i); msgs->publishClientGotPort(pex.port); dbgmsg(msgs, "peer's port is now %d", (int)i); } uint8_t const* addr = nullptr; auto addr_len = size_t{}; if (tr_peerIoIsIncoming(msgs->io) && tr_variantDictFindRaw(&val, TR_KEY_ipv4, &addr, &addr_len) && addr_len == 4) { pex.addr.type = TR_AF_INET; memcpy(&pex.addr.addr.addr4, addr, 4); tr_peerMgrAddPex(msgs->torrent, TR_PEER_FROM_LTEP, &pex, 1); } if (tr_peerIoIsIncoming(msgs->io) && tr_variantDictFindRaw(&val, TR_KEY_ipv6, &addr, &addr_len) && addr_len == 16) { pex.addr.type = TR_AF_INET6; memcpy(&pex.addr.addr.addr6, addr, 16); tr_peerMgrAddPex(msgs->torrent, TR_PEER_FROM_LTEP, &pex, 1); } /* get peer's maximum request queue size */ if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&val, TR_KEY_reqq, &i)) { msgs->reqq = i; } tr_variantFree(&val); tr_free(tmp); } static void parseUtMetadata(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, uint32_t msglen, struct evbuffer* inbuf) { int64_t msg_type = -1; int64_t piece = -1; int64_t total_size = 0; uint8_t* const tmp = tr_new(uint8_t, msglen); tr_peerIoReadBytes(msgs->io, inbuf, tmp, msglen); char const* const msg_end = (char const*)tmp + msglen; auto dict = tr_variant{}; char const* benc_end = nullptr; if (tr_variantFromBencFull(&dict, tmp, msglen, nullptr, &benc_end) == 0) { (void)tr_variantDictFindInt(&dict, TR_KEY_msg_type, &msg_type); (void)tr_variantDictFindInt(&dict, TR_KEY_piece, &piece); (void)tr_variantDictFindInt(&dict, TR_KEY_total_size, &total_size); tr_variantFree(&dict); } dbgmsg(msgs, "got ut_metadata msg: type %d, piece %d, total_size %d", (int)msg_type, (int)piece, (int)total_size); if (msg_type == METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REJECT) { /* NOOP */ } if (msg_type == METADATA_MSG_TYPE_DATA && !tr_torrentHasMetadata(msgs->torrent) && msg_end - benc_end <= METADATA_PIECE_SIZE && piece * METADATA_PIECE_SIZE + (msg_end - benc_end) <= total_size) { int const pieceLen = msg_end - benc_end; tr_torrentSetMetadataPiece(msgs->torrent, piece, benc_end, pieceLen); } if (msg_type == METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REQUEST) { if (piece >= 0 && tr_torrentHasMetadata(msgs->torrent) && !tr_torrentIsPrivate(msgs->torrent) && msgs->peerAskedForMetadataCount < MetadataReqQ) { msgs->peerAskedForMetadata[msgs->peerAskedForMetadataCount++] = piece; } else { evbuffer* const out = msgs->outMessages; /* build the rejection message */ auto v = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&v, 2); tr_variantDictAddInt(&v, TR_KEY_msg_type, METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REJECT); tr_variantDictAddInt(&v, TR_KEY_piece, piece); evbuffer* const payload = tr_variantToBuf(&v, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC); /* write it out as a LTEP message to our outMessages buffer */ evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t) + evbuffer_get_length(payload)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtLtep); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, msgs->ut_metadata_id); evbuffer_add_buffer(out, payload); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, HighPriorityIntervalSecs); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); /* cleanup */ evbuffer_free(payload); tr_variantFree(&v); } } tr_free(tmp); } static void parseUtPex(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, uint32_t msglen, struct evbuffer* inbuf) { tr_torrent* tor = msgs->torrent; if (!tr_torrentAllowsPex(tor)) { return; } uint8_t* tmp = tr_new(uint8_t, msglen); tr_peerIoReadBytes(msgs->io, inbuf, tmp, msglen); tr_variant val; bool const loaded = tr_variantFromBenc(&val, tmp, msglen) == 0; tr_free(tmp); if (!loaded) { return; } uint8_t const* added = nullptr; auto added_len = size_t{}; if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added, &added, &added_len)) { uint8_t const* added_f = nullptr; auto added_f_len = size_t{}; if (!tr_variantDictFindRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added_f, &added_f, &added_f_len)) { added_f_len = 0; added_f = nullptr; } auto n = size_t{}; tr_pex* const pex = tr_peerMgrCompactToPex(added, added_len, added_f, added_f_len, &n); n = std::min(n, size_t{ MAX_PEX_PEER_COUNT }); tr_peerMgrAddPex(tor, TR_PEER_FROM_PEX, pex, n); tr_free(pex); } if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added6, &added, &added_len)) { uint8_t const* added_f = nullptr; auto added_f_len = size_t{}; if (!tr_variantDictFindRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added6_f, &added_f, &added_f_len)) { added_f_len = 0; added_f = nullptr; } auto n = size_t{}; tr_pex* const pex = tr_peerMgrCompact6ToPex(added, added_len, added_f, added_f_len, &n); n = std::min(n, size_t{ MAX_PEX_PEER_COUNT }); tr_peerMgrAddPex(tor, TR_PEER_FROM_PEX, pex, n); tr_free(pex); } tr_variantFree(&val); } static void sendPex(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs); static void parseLtep(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, uint32_t msglen, struct evbuffer* inbuf) { TR_ASSERT(msglen > 0); auto ltep_msgid = uint8_t{}; tr_peerIoReadUint8(msgs->io, inbuf, <ep_msgid); msglen--; if (ltep_msgid == LTEP_HANDSHAKE) { dbgmsg(msgs, "got ltep handshake"); parseLtepHandshake(msgs, msglen, inbuf); if (tr_peerIoSupportsLTEP(msgs->io)) { sendLtepHandshake(msgs); sendPex(msgs); } } else if (ltep_msgid == UT_PEX_ID) { dbgmsg(msgs, "got ut pex"); msgs->peerSupportsPex = true; parseUtPex(msgs, msglen, inbuf); } else if (ltep_msgid == UT_METADATA_ID) { dbgmsg(msgs, "got ut metadata"); msgs->peerSupportsMetadataXfer = true; parseUtMetadata(msgs, msglen, inbuf); } else { dbgmsg(msgs, "skipping unknown ltep message (%d)", (int)ltep_msgid); evbuffer_drain(inbuf, msglen); } } static ReadState readBtLength(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct evbuffer* inbuf, size_t inlen) { auto len = uint32_t{}; if (inlen < sizeof(len)) { return READ_LATER; } tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &len); if (len == 0) /* peer sent us a keepalive message */ { dbgmsg(msgs, "got KeepAlive"); } else { msgs->incoming.length = len; msgs->state = AwaitingBtId; } return READ_NOW; } static ReadState readBtMessage(tr_peerMsgsImpl*, struct evbuffer*, size_t); static ReadState readBtId(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct evbuffer* inbuf, size_t inlen) { if (inlen < sizeof(uint8_t)) { return READ_LATER; } auto id = uint8_t{}; tr_peerIoReadUint8(msgs->io, inbuf, &id); msgs->incoming.id = id; dbgmsg(msgs, "msgs->incoming.id is now %d; msgs->incoming.length is %zu", id, (size_t)msgs->incoming.length); if (id == BtPiece) { msgs->state = AwaitingBtPiece; return READ_NOW; } if (msgs->incoming.length != 1) { msgs->state = AwaitingBtMessage; return READ_NOW; } return readBtMessage(msgs, inbuf, inlen - 1); } static void updatePeerProgress(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { tr_peerUpdateProgress(msgs->torrent, msgs); msgs->update_interest(); } static void prefetchPieces(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { if (!msgs->session->isPrefetchEnabled) { return; } for (int i = msgs->prefetchCount; i < msgs->pendingReqsToClient && i < PrefetchSize; ++i) { struct peer_request const* req = msgs->peerAskedFor + i; if (requestIsValid(msgs, req)) { tr_cachePrefetchBlock(msgs->session->cache, msgs->torrent, req->index, req->offset, req->length); ++msgs->prefetchCount; } } } static void peerMadeRequest(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct peer_request const* req) { bool const fext = tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io); bool const reqIsValid = requestIsValid(msgs, req); bool const clientHasPiece = reqIsValid && tr_torrentPieceIsComplete(msgs->torrent, req->index); bool const peerIsChoked = msgs->peer_is_choked_; bool allow = false; if (!reqIsValid) { dbgmsg(msgs, "rejecting an invalid request."); } else if (!clientHasPiece) { dbgmsg(msgs, "rejecting request for a piece we don't have."); } else if (peerIsChoked) { dbgmsg(msgs, "rejecting request from choked peer"); } else if (msgs->pendingReqsToClient + 1 >= ReqQ) { dbgmsg(msgs, "rejecting request ... reqq is full"); } else { allow = true; } if (allow) { msgs->peerAskedFor[msgs->pendingReqsToClient++] = *req; prefetchPieces(msgs); } else if (fext) { protocolSendReject(msgs, req); } } static bool messageLengthIsCorrect(tr_peerMsgsImpl const* msg, uint8_t id, uint32_t len) { switch (id) { case BtChoke: case BtUnchoke: case BtInterested: case BtNotInterested: case BtFextHaveAll: case BtFextHaveNone: return len == 1; case BtHave: case BtFextSuggest: case BtFextAllowedFast: return len == 5; case BtBitfield: if (tr_torrentHasMetadata(msg->torrent)) { return len == (msg->torrent->info.pieceCount >> 3) + ((msg->torrent->info.pieceCount & 7) != 0 ? 1 : 0) + 1U; } /* we don't know the piece count yet, so we can only guess whether to send true or false */ if (msg->metadata_size_hint > 0) { return len <= msg->metadata_size_hint; } return true; case BtRequest: case BtCancel: case BtFextReject: return len == 13; case BtPiece: return len > 9 && len <= 16393; case BtPort: return len == 3; case BtLtep: return len >= 2; default: return false; } } static int clientGotBlock(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct evbuffer* block, struct peer_request const* req); static ReadState readBtPiece(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct evbuffer* inbuf, size_t inlen, size_t* setme_piece_bytes_read) { TR_ASSERT(evbuffer_get_length(inbuf) >= inlen); dbgmsg(msgs, "In readBtPiece"); struct peer_request* req = &msgs->incoming.blockReq; if (req->length == 0) { if (inlen < 8) { return READ_LATER; } tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &req->index); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &req->offset); req->length = msgs->incoming.length - 9; dbgmsg(msgs, "got incoming block header %u:%u->%u", req->index, req->offset, req->length); return READ_NOW; } if (msgs->incoming.block == nullptr) { msgs->incoming.block = evbuffer_new(); } struct evbuffer* const block_buffer = msgs->incoming.block; /* read in another chunk of data */ size_t const nLeft = req->length - evbuffer_get_length(block_buffer); size_t const n = std::min(nLeft, inlen); tr_peerIoReadBytesToBuf(msgs->io, inbuf, block_buffer, n); msgs->publishClientGotPieceData(n); *setme_piece_bytes_read += n; dbgmsg( msgs, "got %zu bytes for block %u:%u->%u ... %d remain", n, req->index, req->offset, req->length, (int)(req->length - evbuffer_get_length(block_buffer))); if (evbuffer_get_length(block_buffer) < req->length) { return READ_LATER; } /* pass the block along... */ int const err = clientGotBlock(msgs, block_buffer, req); evbuffer_drain(block_buffer, evbuffer_get_length(block_buffer)); /* cleanup */ req->length = 0; msgs->state = AwaitingBtLength; return err != 0 ? READ_ERR : READ_NOW; } static ReadState readBtMessage(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct evbuffer* inbuf, size_t inlen) { uint8_t const id = msgs->incoming.id; #ifdef TR_ENABLE_ASSERTS size_t const startBufLen = evbuffer_get_length(inbuf); #endif bool const fext = tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io); auto ui32 = uint32_t{}; auto msglen = uint32_t{ msgs->incoming.length }; TR_ASSERT(msglen > 0); --msglen; /* id length */ dbgmsg(msgs, "got BT id %d, len %d, buffer size is %zu", (int)id, (int)msglen, inlen); if (inlen < msglen) { return READ_LATER; } if (!messageLengthIsCorrect(msgs, id, msglen + 1)) { dbgmsg(msgs, "bad packet - BT message #%d with a length of %d", (int)id, (int)msglen); msgs->publishError(EMSGSIZE); return READ_ERR; } switch (id) { case BtChoke: dbgmsg(msgs, "got Choke"); msgs->client_is_choked_ = true; if (!fext) { msgs->publishGotChoke(); } msgs->update_active(TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT); break; case BtUnchoke: dbgmsg(msgs, "got Unchoke"); msgs->client_is_choked_ = false; msgs->update_active(TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT); updateDesiredRequestCount(msgs); break; case BtInterested: dbgmsg(msgs, "got Interested"); msgs->peer_is_interested_ = true; msgs->update_active(TR_CLIENT_TO_PEER); break; case BtNotInterested: dbgmsg(msgs, "got Not Interested"); msgs->peer_is_interested_ = false; msgs->update_active(TR_CLIENT_TO_PEER); break; case BtHave: tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &ui32); dbgmsg(msgs, "got Have: %u", ui32); if (tr_torrentHasMetadata(msgs->torrent) && ui32 >= msgs->torrent->info.pieceCount) { msgs->publishError(ERANGE); return READ_ERR; } /* a peer can send the same HAVE message twice... */ if (!msgs->have.test(ui32)) { msgs->have.set(ui32); msgs->publishClientGotHave(ui32); } updatePeerProgress(msgs); break; case BtBitfield: { uint8_t* tmp = tr_new(uint8_t, msglen); dbgmsg(msgs, "got a bitfield"); tr_peerIoReadBytes(msgs->io, inbuf, tmp, msglen); msgs->have.setRaw(tmp, msglen, tr_torrentHasMetadata(msgs->torrent)); msgs->publishClientGotBitfield(&msgs->have); updatePeerProgress(msgs); tr_free(tmp); break; } case BtRequest: { struct peer_request r; tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.index); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.offset); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.length); dbgmsg(msgs, "got Request: %u:%u->%u", r.index, r.offset, r.length); peerMadeRequest(msgs, &r); break; } case BtCancel: { struct peer_request r; tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.index); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.offset); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.length); msgs->cancelsSentToClient.add(tr_time(), 1); dbgmsg(msgs, "got a Cancel %u:%u->%u", r.index, r.offset, r.length); for (int i = 0; i < msgs->pendingReqsToClient; ++i) { struct peer_request const* req = msgs->peerAskedFor + i; if (req->index == r.index && req->offset == r.offset && req->length == r.length) { tr_removeElementFromArray(msgs->peerAskedFor, i, sizeof(struct peer_request), msgs->pendingReqsToClient); --msgs->pendingReqsToClient; break; } } break; } case BtPiece: TR_ASSERT(false); /* handled elsewhere! */ break; case BtPort: dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtPort"); tr_peerIoReadUint16(msgs->io, inbuf, &msgs->dht_port); if (msgs->dht_port > 0) { tr_dhtAddNode(msgs->session, tr_peerAddress(msgs), msgs->dht_port, false); } break; case BtFextSuggest: dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtFextSuggest"); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &ui32); if (fext) { msgs->publishClientGotSuggest(ui32); } else { msgs->publishError(EMSGSIZE); return READ_ERR; } break; case BtFextAllowedFast: dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtFextAllowedFast"); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &ui32); if (fext) { msgs->publishClientGotAllowedFast(ui32); } else { msgs->publishError(EMSGSIZE); return READ_ERR; } break; case BtFextHaveAll: dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtFextHaveAll"); if (fext) { msgs->have.setHasAll(); msgs->publishClientGotHaveAll(); updatePeerProgress(msgs); } else { msgs->publishError(EMSGSIZE); return READ_ERR; } break; case BtFextHaveNone: dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtFextHaveNone"); if (fext) { msgs->have.setHasNone(); msgs->publishClientGotHaveNone(); updatePeerProgress(msgs); } else { msgs->publishError(EMSGSIZE); return READ_ERR; } break; case BtFextReject: { struct peer_request r; dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtFextReject"); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.index); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.offset); tr_peerIoReadUint32(msgs->io, inbuf, &r.length); if (fext) { msgs->publishGotRej(&r); } else { msgs->publishError(EMSGSIZE); return READ_ERR; } break; } case BtLtep: dbgmsg(msgs, "Got a BtLtep"); parseLtep(msgs, msglen, inbuf); break; default: dbgmsg(msgs, "peer sent us an UNKNOWN: %d", (int)id); tr_peerIoDrain(msgs->io, inbuf, msglen); break; } TR_ASSERT(msglen + 1 == msgs->incoming.length); TR_ASSERT(evbuffer_get_length(inbuf) == startBufLen - msglen); msgs->state = AwaitingBtLength; return READ_NOW; } /* returns 0 on success, or an errno on failure */ static int clientGotBlock(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, struct evbuffer* data, struct peer_request const* req) { TR_ASSERT(msgs != nullptr); TR_ASSERT(req != nullptr); tr_torrent* tor = msgs->torrent; tr_block_index_t const block = _tr_block(tor, req->index, req->offset); if (!requestIsValid(msgs, req)) { dbgmsg(msgs, "dropping invalid block %u:%u->%u", req->index, req->offset, req->length); return EBADMSG; } if (req->length != tr_torBlockCountBytes(msgs->torrent, block)) { dbgmsg(msgs, "wrong block size -- expected %u, got %d", tr_torBlockCountBytes(msgs->torrent, block), req->length); return EMSGSIZE; } dbgmsg(msgs, "got block %u:%u->%u", req->index, req->offset, req->length); if (!tr_peerMgrDidPeerRequest(msgs->torrent, msgs, block)) { dbgmsg(msgs, "we didn't ask for this message..."); return 0; } if (tr_torrentPieceIsComplete(msgs->torrent, req->index)) { dbgmsg(msgs, "we did ask for this message, but the piece is already complete..."); return 0; } /** *** Save the block **/ int const err = tr_cacheWriteBlock(msgs->session->cache, tor, req->index, req->offset, req->length, data); if (err != 0) { return err; } msgs->blame.set(req->index); msgs->publishGotBlock(req); return 0; } static void didWrite(tr_peerIo* io, size_t bytesWritten, bool wasPieceData, void* vmsgs) { auto* msgs = static_cast(vmsgs); if (wasPieceData) { msgs->publishPeerGotPieceData(bytesWritten); } if (tr_isPeerIo(io) && io->userData != nullptr) { peerPulse(msgs); } } static ReadState canRead(tr_peerIo* io, void* vmsgs, size_t* piece) { auto* msgs = static_cast(vmsgs); struct evbuffer* in = tr_peerIoGetReadBuffer(io); size_t const inlen = evbuffer_get_length(in); dbgmsg(msgs, "canRead: inlen is %zu, msgs->state is %d", inlen, msgs->state); auto ret = ReadState{}; if (inlen == 0) { ret = READ_LATER; } else if (msgs->state == AwaitingBtPiece) { ret = readBtPiece(msgs, in, inlen, piece); } else { switch (msgs->state) { case AwaitingBtLength: ret = readBtLength(msgs, in, inlen); break; case AwaitingBtId: ret = readBtId(msgs, in, inlen); break; case AwaitingBtMessage: ret = readBtMessage(msgs, in, inlen); break; default: #ifdef TR_ENABLE_ASSERTS TR_ASSERT_MSG(false, "unhandled peer messages state %d", (int)msgs->state); #else ret = READ_ERR; break; #endif } } dbgmsg(msgs, "canRead: ret is %d", (int)ret); return ret; } /** *** **/ static void updateDesiredRequestCount(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { tr_torrent const* const torrent = msgs->torrent; /* there are lots of reasons we might not want to request any blocks... */ if (tr_torrentIsSeed(torrent) || !tr_torrentHasMetadata(torrent) || msgs->client_is_choked_ || !msgs->client_is_interested_) { msgs->desiredRequestCount = 0; } else { int const floor = 4; int const seconds = RequestBufSecs; uint64_t const now = tr_time_msec(); /* Get the rate limit we should use. * FIXME: this needs to consider all the other peers as well... */ auto rate_Bps = tr_peerGetPieceSpeed_Bps(msgs, now, TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT); if (tr_torrentUsesSpeedLimit(torrent, TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT)) { rate_Bps = std::min(rate_Bps, tr_torrentGetSpeedLimit_Bps(torrent, TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT)); } /* honor the session limits, if enabled */ auto irate_Bps = unsigned{}; if (tr_torrentUsesSessionLimits(torrent) && tr_sessionGetActiveSpeedLimit_Bps(torrent->session, TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT, &irate_Bps)) { rate_Bps = std::min(rate_Bps, irate_Bps); } /* use this desired rate to figure out how * many requests we should send to this peer */ int const estimatedBlocksInPeriod = (rate_Bps * seconds) / torrent->blockSize; msgs->desiredRequestCount = std::max(floor, estimatedBlocksInPeriod); /* honor the peer's maximum request count, if specified */ if ((msgs->reqq > 0) && (msgs->desiredRequestCount > msgs->reqq)) { msgs->desiredRequestCount = msgs->reqq; } } } static void updateMetadataRequests(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, time_t now) { auto piece = int{}; if (msgs->peerSupportsMetadataXfer && tr_torrentGetNextMetadataRequest(msgs->torrent, now, &piece)) { evbuffer* const out = msgs->outMessages; /* build the data message */ auto tmp = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&tmp, 3); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_msg_type, METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REQUEST); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_piece, piece); auto* const payload = tr_variantToBuf(&tmp, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC); dbgmsg(msgs, "requesting metadata piece #%d", piece); /* write it out as a LTEP message to our outMessages buffer */ evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t) + evbuffer_get_length(payload)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtLtep); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, msgs->ut_metadata_id); evbuffer_add_buffer(out, payload); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, HighPriorityIntervalSecs); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); /* cleanup */ evbuffer_free(payload); tr_variantFree(&tmp); } } static void updateBlockRequests(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { if (tr_torrentIsPieceTransferAllowed(msgs->torrent, TR_PEER_TO_CLIENT) && msgs->desiredRequestCount > 0 && msgs->pendingReqsToPeer <= msgs->desiredRequestCount * 0.66) { TR_ASSERT(msgs->is_client_interested()); TR_ASSERT(!msgs->is_client_choked()); int const numwant = msgs->desiredRequestCount - msgs->pendingReqsToPeer; auto* const blocks = tr_new(tr_block_index_t, numwant); auto n = int{}; tr_peerMgrGetNextRequests(msgs->torrent, msgs, numwant, blocks, &n, false); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { protocolSendRequest(msgs, blockToReq(msgs->torrent, blocks[i])); } tr_free(blocks); } } static size_t fillOutputBuffer(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs, time_t now) { size_t bytesWritten = 0; struct peer_request req; bool const haveMessages = evbuffer_get_length(msgs->outMessages) != 0; bool const fext = tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io); /** *** Protocol messages **/ if (haveMessages && msgs->outMessagesBatchedAt == 0) /* fresh batch */ { dbgmsg(msgs, "started an outMessages batch (length is %zu)", evbuffer_get_length(msgs->outMessages)); msgs->outMessagesBatchedAt = now; } else if (haveMessages && now - msgs->outMessagesBatchedAt >= msgs->outMessagesBatchPeriod) { size_t const len = evbuffer_get_length(msgs->outMessages); /* flush the protocol messages */ dbgmsg(msgs, "flushing outMessages... to %p (length is %zu)", (void*)msgs->io, len); tr_peerIoWriteBuf(msgs->io, msgs->outMessages, false); msgs->clientSentAnythingAt = now; msgs->outMessagesBatchedAt = 0; msgs->outMessagesBatchPeriod = LowPriorityIntervalSecs; bytesWritten += len; } /** *** Metadata Pieces **/ auto piece = int{}; if (tr_peerIoGetWriteBufferSpace(msgs->io, now) >= METADATA_PIECE_SIZE && popNextMetadataRequest(msgs, &piece)) { auto ok = bool{ false }; auto dataLen = size_t{}; auto* data = static_cast(tr_torrentGetMetadataPiece(msgs->torrent, piece, &dataLen)); if (data != nullptr) { evbuffer* const out = msgs->outMessages; /* build the data message */ auto tmp = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&tmp, 3); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_msg_type, METADATA_MSG_TYPE_DATA); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_piece, piece); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_total_size, msgs->torrent->infoDictLength); evbuffer* const payload = tr_variantToBuf(&tmp, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC); /* write it out as a LTEP message to our outMessages buffer */ evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t) + evbuffer_get_length(payload) + dataLen); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtLtep); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, msgs->ut_metadata_id); evbuffer_add_buffer(out, payload); evbuffer_add(out, data, dataLen); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, HighPriorityIntervalSecs); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); evbuffer_free(payload); tr_variantFree(&tmp); tr_free(data); ok = true; } if (!ok) /* send a rejection message */ { evbuffer* const out = msgs->outMessages; /* build the rejection message */ auto tmp = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&tmp, 2); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_msg_type, METADATA_MSG_TYPE_REJECT); tr_variantDictAddInt(&tmp, TR_KEY_piece, piece); evbuffer* const payload = tr_variantToBuf(&tmp, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC); /* write it out as a LTEP message to our outMessages buffer */ evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t) + evbuffer_get_length(payload)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtLtep); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, msgs->ut_metadata_id); evbuffer_add_buffer(out, payload); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, HighPriorityIntervalSecs); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); evbuffer_free(payload); tr_variantFree(&tmp); } } /** *** Data Blocks **/ if (tr_peerIoGetWriteBufferSpace(msgs->io, now) >= msgs->torrent->blockSize && popNextRequest(msgs, &req)) { --msgs->prefetchCount; if (requestIsValid(msgs, &req) && tr_torrentPieceIsComplete(msgs->torrent, req.index)) { uint32_t const msglen = 4 + 1 + 4 + 4 + req.length; struct evbuffer_iovec iovec[1]; auto* const out = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_expand(out, msglen); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t) + 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) + req.length); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtPiece); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.index); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, req.offset); evbuffer_reserve_space(out, req.length, iovec, 1); bool err = tr_cacheReadBlock( msgs->session->cache, msgs->torrent, req.index, req.offset, req.length, static_cast(iovec[0].iov_base)) != 0; iovec[0].iov_len = req.length; evbuffer_commit_space(out, iovec, 1); /* check the piece if it needs checking... */ if (!err) { err = !msgs->torrent->ensurePieceIsChecked(req.index); if (err) { tr_torrentSetLocalError( msgs->torrent, _("Please Verify Local Data! Piece #%zu is corrupt."), (size_t)req.index); } } if (err) { if (fext) { protocolSendReject(msgs, &req); } } else { size_t const n = evbuffer_get_length(out); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending block %u:%u->%u", req.index, req.offset, req.length); TR_ASSERT(n == msglen); tr_peerIoWriteBuf(msgs->io, out, true); bytesWritten += n; msgs->clientSentAnythingAt = now; msgs->blocksSentToPeer.add(tr_time(), 1); } evbuffer_free(out); if (err) { bytesWritten = 0; msgs = nullptr; } } else if (fext) /* peer needs a reject message */ { protocolSendReject(msgs, &req); } if (msgs != nullptr) { prefetchPieces(msgs); } } /** *** Keepalive **/ if (msgs != nullptr && msgs->clientSentAnythingAt != 0 && now - msgs->clientSentAnythingAt > KeepaliveIntervalSecs) { dbgmsg(msgs, "sending a keepalive message"); evbuffer_add_uint32(msgs->outMessages, 0); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } return bytesWritten; } static void peerPulse(void* vmsgs) { auto* msgs = static_cast(vmsgs); time_t const now = tr_time(); if (tr_isPeerIo(msgs->io)) { updateDesiredRequestCount(msgs); updateBlockRequests(msgs); updateMetadataRequests(msgs, now); } for (;;) { if (fillOutputBuffer(msgs, now) < 1) { break; } } } static void gotError(tr_peerIo* /*io*/, short what, void* vmsgs) { auto* msgs = static_cast(vmsgs); if ((what & BEV_EVENT_TIMEOUT) != 0) { dbgmsg(msgs, "libevent got a timeout, what=%hd", what); } if ((what & (BEV_EVENT_EOF | BEV_EVENT_ERROR)) != 0) { dbgmsg(msgs, "libevent got an error! what=%hd, errno=%d (%s)", what, errno, tr_strerror(errno)); } msgs->publishError(ENOTCONN); } static void sendBitfield(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { TR_ASSERT(tr_torrentHasMetadata(msgs->torrent)); struct evbuffer* out = msgs->outMessages; auto bytes = tr_torrentCreatePieceBitfield(msgs->torrent); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, sizeof(uint8_t) + bytes.size()); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtBitfield); evbuffer_add(out, bytes.data(), std::size(bytes)); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending bitfield... outMessage size is now %zu", evbuffer_get_length(out)); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, ImmediatePriorityIntervalSecs); } static void tellPeerWhatWeHave(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { bool const fext = tr_peerIoSupportsFEXT(msgs->io); if (fext && tr_torrentHasAll(msgs->torrent)) { protocolSendHaveAll(msgs); } else if (fext && tr_torrentHasNone(msgs->torrent)) { protocolSendHaveNone(msgs); } else if (!tr_torrentHasNone(msgs->torrent)) { sendBitfield(msgs); } } /** *** **/ /* some peers give us error messages if we send more than this many peers in a single pex message http://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentPeerExchangeConventions */ #define MAX_PEX_ADDED 50 #define MAX_PEX_DROPPED 50 struct PexDiffs { tr_pex* added; tr_pex* dropped; tr_pex* elements; int addedCount; int droppedCount; int elementCount; }; static void pexAddedCb(void const* vpex, void* userData) { auto* diffs = static_cast(userData); auto const* pex = static_cast(vpex); if (diffs->addedCount < MAX_PEX_ADDED) { diffs->added[diffs->addedCount++] = *pex; diffs->elements[diffs->elementCount++] = *pex; } } static constexpr void pexDroppedCb(void const* vpex, void* userData) { auto* diffs = static_cast(userData); auto const* pex = static_cast(vpex); if (diffs->droppedCount < MAX_PEX_DROPPED) { diffs->dropped[diffs->droppedCount++] = *pex; } } static constexpr void pexElementCb(void const* vpex, void* userData) { auto* diffs = static_cast(userData); auto const* pex = static_cast(vpex); diffs->elements[diffs->elementCount++] = *pex; } using tr_set_func = void (*)(void const* element, void* userData); /** * @brief find the differences and commonalities in two sorted sets * @param a the first set * @param aCount the number of elements in the set 'a' * @param b the second set * @param bCount the number of elements in the set 'b' * @param compare the sorting method for both sets * @param elementSize the sizeof the element in the two sorted sets * @param in_a called for items in set 'a' but not set 'b' * @param in_b called for items in set 'b' but not set 'a' * @param in_both called for items that are in both sets * @param userData user data passed along to in_a, in_b, and in_both */ static void tr_set_compare( void const* va, size_t aCount, void const* vb, size_t bCount, tr_voidptr_compare_func compare, size_t elementSize, tr_set_func in_a_cb, tr_set_func in_b_cb, tr_set_func in_both_cb, void* userData) { auto* a = static_cast(va); auto* b = static_cast(vb); uint8_t const* aend = a + elementSize * aCount; uint8_t const* bend = b + elementSize * bCount; while (a != aend || b != bend) { if (a == aend) { (*in_b_cb)(b, userData); b += elementSize; } else if (b == bend) { (*in_a_cb)(a, userData); a += elementSize; } else { int const val = (*compare)(a, b); if (val == 0) { (*in_both_cb)(a, userData); a += elementSize; b += elementSize; } else if (val < 0) { (*in_a_cb)(a, userData); a += elementSize; } else if (val > 0) { (*in_b_cb)(b, userData); b += elementSize; } } } } static void sendPex(tr_peerMsgsImpl* msgs) { if (msgs->peerSupportsPex && tr_torrentAllowsPex(msgs->torrent)) { PexDiffs diffs; PexDiffs diffs6; tr_pex* newPex = nullptr; tr_pex* newPex6 = nullptr; int const newCount = tr_peerMgrGetPeers(msgs->torrent, &newPex, TR_AF_INET, TR_PEERS_CONNECTED, MAX_PEX_PEER_COUNT); int const newCount6 = tr_peerMgrGetPeers(msgs->torrent, &newPex6, TR_AF_INET6, TR_PEERS_CONNECTED, MAX_PEX_PEER_COUNT); /* build the diffs */ diffs.added = tr_new(tr_pex, newCount); diffs.addedCount = 0; diffs.dropped = tr_new(tr_pex, msgs->pexCount); diffs.droppedCount = 0; diffs.elements = tr_new(tr_pex, newCount + msgs->pexCount); diffs.elementCount = 0; tr_set_compare( msgs->pex, msgs->pexCount, newPex, newCount, tr_pexCompare, sizeof(tr_pex), pexDroppedCb, pexAddedCb, pexElementCb, &diffs); diffs6.added = tr_new(tr_pex, newCount6); diffs6.addedCount = 0; diffs6.dropped = tr_new(tr_pex, msgs->pexCount6); diffs6.droppedCount = 0; diffs6.elements = tr_new(tr_pex, newCount6 + msgs->pexCount6); diffs6.elementCount = 0; tr_set_compare( msgs->pex6, msgs->pexCount6, newPex6, newCount6, tr_pexCompare, sizeof(tr_pex), pexDroppedCb, pexAddedCb, pexElementCb, &diffs6); dbgmsg( msgs, "pex: old peer count %d+%d, new peer count %d+%d, added %d+%d, removed %d+%d", msgs->pexCount, msgs->pexCount6, newCount, newCount6, diffs.addedCount, diffs6.addedCount, diffs.droppedCount, diffs6.droppedCount); if (diffs.addedCount == 0 && diffs.droppedCount == 0 && diffs6.addedCount == 0 && diffs6.droppedCount == 0) { tr_free(diffs.elements); tr_free(diffs6.elements); } else { uint8_t* tmp = nullptr; uint8_t* walk = nullptr; evbuffer* const out = msgs->outMessages; /* update peer */ tr_free(msgs->pex); msgs->pex = diffs.elements; msgs->pexCount = diffs.elementCount; tr_free(msgs->pex6); msgs->pex6 = diffs6.elements; msgs->pexCount6 = diffs6.elementCount; /* build the pex payload */ auto val = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&val, 3); /* ipv6 support: left as 3: speed vs. likelihood? */ if (diffs.addedCount > 0) { /* "added" */ tmp = walk = tr_new(uint8_t, diffs.addedCount * 6); for (int i = 0; i < diffs.addedCount; ++i) { memcpy(walk, &diffs.added[i].addr.addr, 4); walk += 4; memcpy(walk, &diffs.added[i].port, 2); walk += 2; } TR_ASSERT(walk - tmp == diffs.addedCount * 6); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added, tmp, walk - tmp); tr_free(tmp); /* "added.f" * unset each holepunch flag because we don't support it. */ tmp = walk = tr_new(uint8_t, diffs.addedCount); for (int i = 0; i < diffs.addedCount; ++i) { *walk++ = diffs.added[i].flags & ~ADDED_F_HOLEPUNCH; } TR_ASSERT(walk - tmp == diffs.addedCount); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added_f, tmp, walk - tmp); tr_free(tmp); } if (diffs.droppedCount > 0) { /* "dropped" */ tmp = walk = tr_new(uint8_t, diffs.droppedCount * 6); for (int i = 0; i < diffs.droppedCount; ++i) { memcpy(walk, &diffs.dropped[i].addr.addr, 4); walk += 4; memcpy(walk, &diffs.dropped[i].port, 2); walk += 2; } TR_ASSERT(walk - tmp == diffs.droppedCount * 6); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_dropped, tmp, walk - tmp); tr_free(tmp); } if (diffs6.addedCount > 0) { /* "added6" */ tmp = walk = tr_new(uint8_t, diffs6.addedCount * 18); for (int i = 0; i < diffs6.addedCount; ++i) { memcpy(walk, &diffs6.added[i].addr.addr.addr6.s6_addr, 16); walk += 16; memcpy(walk, &diffs6.added[i].port, 2); walk += 2; } TR_ASSERT(walk - tmp == diffs6.addedCount * 18); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added6, tmp, walk - tmp); tr_free(tmp); /* "added6.f" * unset each holepunch flag because we don't support it. */ tmp = walk = tr_new(uint8_t, diffs6.addedCount); for (int i = 0; i < diffs6.addedCount; ++i) { *walk++ = diffs6.added[i].flags & ~ADDED_F_HOLEPUNCH; } TR_ASSERT(walk - tmp == diffs6.addedCount); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_added6_f, tmp, walk - tmp); tr_free(tmp); } if (diffs6.droppedCount > 0) { /* "dropped6" */ tmp = walk = tr_new(uint8_t, diffs6.droppedCount * 18); for (int i = 0; i < diffs6.droppedCount; ++i) { memcpy(walk, &diffs6.dropped[i].addr.addr.addr6.s6_addr, 16); walk += 16; memcpy(walk, &diffs6.dropped[i].port, 2); walk += 2; } TR_ASSERT(walk - tmp == diffs6.droppedCount * 18); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&val, TR_KEY_dropped6, tmp, walk - tmp); tr_free(tmp); } /* write the pex message */ auto* const payload = tr_variantToBuf(&val, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC); evbuffer_add_uint32(out, 2 * sizeof(uint8_t) + evbuffer_get_length(payload)); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, BtLtep); evbuffer_add_uint8(out, msgs->ut_pex_id); evbuffer_add_buffer(out, payload); pokeBatchPeriod(msgs, HighPriorityIntervalSecs); dbgmsg(msgs, "sending a pex message; outMessage size is now %zu", evbuffer_get_length(out)); dbgOutMessageLen(msgs); evbuffer_free(payload); tr_variantFree(&val); } /* cleanup */ tr_free(diffs.added); tr_free(diffs.dropped); tr_free(newPex); tr_free(diffs6.added); tr_free(diffs6.dropped); tr_free(newPex6); } } static void pexPulse(evutil_socket_t /*fd*/, short /*what*/, void* vmsgs) { auto* msgs = static_cast(vmsgs); sendPex(msgs); TR_ASSERT(msgs->pex_timer); tr_timerAdd(msgs->pex_timer.get(), PexIntervalSecs, 0); }