#include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "platform.h" /* TR_PATH_DELIMETER */ #include "torrent.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "libtransmission-test.h" bool verbose = false; int current_test = 0; bool should_print (bool pass) { if (!pass) return true; if (verbose) return true; return false; #ifdef VERBOSE return true; #else return false; #endif } bool check_condition_impl (const char * file, int line, bool condition) { const bool pass = condition; if (should_print (pass)) fprintf (stderr, "%s %s:%d\n", pass?"PASS":"FAIL", file, line); return pass; } bool check_streq_impl (const char * file, int line, const char * expected, const char * actual) { const bool pass = !tr_strcmp0 (expected, actual); if (should_print (pass)) { if (pass) fprintf (stderr, "PASS %s:%d\n", file, line); else fprintf (stderr, "FAIL %s:%d, expected \"%s\", got \"%s\"\n", file, line, expected?expected:" (null)", actual?actual:" (null)"); } return pass; } bool check_int_eq_impl (const char * file, int line, int64_t expected, int64_t actual) { const bool pass = expected == actual; if (should_print (pass)) { if (pass) fprintf (stderr, "PASS %s:%d\n", file, line); else fprintf (stderr, "FAIL %s:%d, expected \"%"PRId64"\", got \"%"PRId64"\"\n", file, line, expected, actual); } return pass; } bool check_ptr_eq_impl (const char * file, int line, const void * expected, const void * actual) { const bool pass = expected == actual; if (should_print (pass)) { if (pass) fprintf (stderr, "PASS %s:%d\n", file, line); else fprintf (stderr, "FAIL %s:%d, expected \"%p\", got \"%p\"\n", file, line, expected, actual); } return pass; } int runTests (const testFunc * const tests, int numTests) { int i; int ret; (void) current_test; /* Use test even if we don't have any tests to run */ for (i=0; i /* stat(), opendir() */ #include /* stat() */ #include /* opendir() */ #include /* getcwd() */ #include #include /* strcmp() */ #include "variant.h" tr_session * session = NULL; char * sandbox = NULL; char * downloadDir = NULL; char * blocklistDir = NULL; static char* tr_getcwd (void) { char * result; char buf[2048]; #ifdef WIN32 result = _getcwd (buf, sizeof (buf)); #else result = getcwd (buf, sizeof (buf)); #endif if (result == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "getcwd error: \"%s\"", tr_strerror (errno)); *buf = '\0'; } return tr_strdup (buf); } static void rm_rf (const char * killme) { struct stat sb; if (!stat (killme, &sb)) { DIR * odir; if (S_ISDIR (sb.st_mode) && ((odir = opendir (killme)))) { struct dirent *d; for (d = readdir(odir); d != NULL; d=readdir(odir)) { if (d->d_name && strcmp(d->d_name,".") && strcmp(d->d_name,"..")) { char * tmp = tr_buildPath (killme, d->d_name, NULL); rm_rf (tmp); tr_free (tmp); } } closedir (odir); } if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "cleanup: removing %s\n", killme); tr_remove (killme); } } #define MEM_K 1024 #define MEM_B_STR "B" #define MEM_K_STR "KiB" #define MEM_M_STR "MiB" #define MEM_G_STR "GiB" #define MEM_T_STR "TiB" #define DISK_K 1000 #define DISK_B_STR "B" #define DISK_K_STR "kB" #define DISK_M_STR "MB" #define DISK_G_STR "GB" #define DISK_T_STR "TB" #define SPEED_K 1000 #define SPEED_B_STR "B/s" #define SPEED_K_STR "kB/s" #define SPEED_M_STR "MB/s" #define SPEED_G_STR "GB/s" #define SPEED_T_STR "TB/s" tr_session * libttest_session_init (tr_variant * settings) { size_t len; const char * str; char * sandbox; char * path; tr_quark q; static bool formatters_inited = false; tr_session * session; tr_variant local_settings; tr_variantInitDict (&local_settings, 10); if (settings == NULL) settings = &local_settings; path = tr_getcwd (); sandbox = tr_buildPath (path, "sandbox-XXXXXX", NULL); tr_mkdtemp (sandbox); tr_free (path); if (!formatters_inited) { formatters_inited = true; tr_formatter_mem_init (MEM_K, MEM_K_STR, MEM_M_STR, MEM_G_STR, MEM_T_STR); tr_formatter_size_init (DISK_K,DISK_K_STR, DISK_M_STR, DISK_G_STR, DISK_T_STR); tr_formatter_speed_init (SPEED_K, SPEED_K_STR, SPEED_M_STR, SPEED_G_STR, SPEED_T_STR); } /* download dir */ q = TR_KEY_download_dir; if (tr_variantDictFindStr (settings, q, &str, &len)) path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s/%*.*s", sandbox, (int)len, (int)len, str); else path = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "Downloads", NULL); tr_mkdirp (path, 0700); tr_variantDictAddStr (settings, q, path); tr_free (path); /* incomplete dir */ q = TR_KEY_incomplete_dir; if (tr_variantDictFindStr (settings, q, &str, &len)) path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s/%*.*s", sandbox, (int)len, (int)len, str); else path = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "Incomplete", NULL); tr_variantDictAddStr (settings, q, path); tr_free (path); path = tr_buildPath (sandbox, "blocklists", NULL); tr_mkdirp (path, 0700); tr_free (path); q = TR_KEY_port_forwarding_enabled; if (!tr_variantDictFind (settings, q)) tr_variantDictAddBool (settings, q, false); q = TR_KEY_dht_enabled; if (!tr_variantDictFind (settings, q)) tr_variantDictAddBool (settings, q, false); q = TR_KEY_message_level; if (!tr_variantDictFind (settings, q)) tr_variantDictAddInt (settings, q, verbose ? TR_LOG_DEBUG : TR_LOG_ERROR); session = tr_sessionInit ("libtransmission-test", sandbox, !verbose, settings); tr_free (sandbox); tr_variantFree (&local_settings); return session; } void libttest_session_close (tr_session * session) { char * path; path = tr_strdup (tr_sessionGetConfigDir (session)); tr_sessionClose (session); tr_logFreeQueue (tr_logGetQueue ()); session = NULL; rm_rf (path); tr_free (path); } /*** **** ***/ tr_torrent * libttest_zero_torrent_init (tr_session * session) { int err; int metainfo_len; char * metainfo; const char * metainfo_base64; tr_torrent * tor; tr_ctor * ctor; /* 1048576 files-filled-with-zeroes/1048576 4096 files-filled-with-zeroes/4096 512 files-filled-with-zeroes/512 */ metainfo_base64 = "ZDg6YW5ub3VuY2UzMTpodHRwOi8vd3d3LmV4YW1wbGUuY29tL2Fubm91bmNlMTA6Y3JlYXRlZCBi" "eTI1OlRyYW5zbWlzc2lvbi8yLjYxICgxMzQwNykxMzpjcmVhdGlvbiBkYXRlaTEzNTg3MDQwNzVl" "ODplbmNvZGluZzU6VVRGLTg0OmluZm9kNTpmaWxlc2xkNjpsZW5ndGhpMTA0ODU3NmU0OnBhdGhs" "NzoxMDQ4NTc2ZWVkNjpsZW5ndGhpNDA5NmU0OnBhdGhsNDo0MDk2ZWVkNjpsZW5ndGhpNTEyZTQ6" "cGF0aGwzOjUxMmVlZTQ6bmFtZTI0OmZpbGVzLWZpbGxlZC13aXRoLXplcm9lczEyOnBpZWNlIGxl" "bmd0aGkzMjc2OGU2OnBpZWNlczY2MDpRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj" "/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv17" "26aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGEx" "Uv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJ" "tGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GI" "QxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZC" "S1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9umo/8K" "T9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9e9um" "o/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRhMVL9" "e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMYSbRh" "MVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLUYhDGEm0YTFS/XvbpqP/Ck/WQktRiEMY" "SbRhMVL9e9umo/8KT9ZCS1GIQxhJtGExUv1726aj/wpP1kJLOlf5A+Tz30nMBVuNM2hpV3wg/103" "OnByaXZhdGVpMGVlZQ=="; /* create the torrent ctor */ metainfo = tr_base64_decode (metainfo_base64, -1, &metainfo_len); assert (metainfo != NULL); assert (metainfo_len > 0); assert (session != NULL); ctor = tr_ctorNew (session); tr_ctorSetMetainfo (ctor, (uint8_t*)metainfo, metainfo_len); tr_ctorSetPaused (ctor, TR_FORCE, true); /* create the torrent */ err = 0; tor = tr_torrentNew (ctor, &err); assert (!err); /* cleanup */ tr_free (metainfo); tr_ctorFree (ctor); return tor; } void libttest_zero_torrent_populate (tr_torrent * tor, bool complete) { tr_file_index_t i; for (i=0; iinfo.fileCount; ++i) { int rv; uint64_t j; FILE * fp; char * path; char * dirname; const tr_file * file = &tor->info.files[i]; struct stat sb; if (!complete && (i==0)) path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s%c%s.part", tor->currentDir, TR_PATH_DELIMITER, file->name); else path = tr_strdup_printf ("%s%c%s", tor->currentDir, TR_PATH_DELIMITER, file->name); dirname = tr_dirname (path); tr_mkdirp (dirname, 0700); fp = fopen (path, "wb+"); for (j=0; jlength; ++j) fputc (((!complete) && (i==0) && (jinfo.pieceSize)) ? '\1' : '\0', fp); fclose (fp); tr_free (dirname); tr_free (path); path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, i); assert (path != NULL); rv = stat (path, &sb); assert (rv == 0); tr_free (path); } sync (); libttest_blockingTorrentVerify (tor); if (complete) assert (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == 0); else assert (tr_torrentStat(tor)->leftUntilDone == tor->info.pieceSize); } /*** **** ***/ static void onVerifyDone (tr_torrent * tor UNUSED, bool aborted UNUSED, void * done) { *(bool*)done = true; } void libttest_blockingTorrentVerify (tr_torrent * tor) { bool done = false; assert (tor->session != NULL); assert (!tr_amInEventThread (tor->session)); tr_torrentVerify (tor, onVerifyDone, &done); while (!done) tr_wait_msec (10); }