AboutDialog About Transmission Tentang Transmission <b style='font-size:x-large'>Transmission %1</b> <b style='font-size:x-large'>Transmission %1</b> A fast and easy BitTorrent client Sebuah klien BitTorrent cepat dan mudah Copyright (c) The Transmission Project Hak Cipta (c) Proyek Transmission C&redits K&redit &License &Lisensi Credits Kredit Application <b>Transmission is a file sharing program.</b> <b>Transmission adalah sebuah program untuk berbagi berkas.</b> When you run a torrent, its data will be made available to others by means of upload. Any content you share is your sole responsibility. Ketika Anda menjalankan suatu torrent, datanya akan menjadi tersedia bagi orang lain dengan cara diunggah. Sebarang isi yang Anda bagikan adalah sepenuhnya tanggung jawab Anda. I &Agree S&aya Setuju Torrent Completed Torrent Selesai Torrent Added Torrent Ditambahkan DetailsDialog None Tidak ada Mixed Campuran Unknown Tidak diketahui Finished Selesai Paused Diistirahatkan Active now Aktif sekarang %1 ago %1 lalu %1 (%Ln pieces @ %2) %1 (%Ln bagian @ %2) %1 (%Ln pieces) %1 (%Ln bagian) Private to this tracker -- DHT and PEX disabled Pribadi ke pelacak ini -- DHT dan PEX dinonaktifkan Public torrent Torrent publik Created by %1 Dibuat oleh %1 Created on %1 Dibuat pada %1 Created by %1 on %2 Dibuat oleh %1 pada %2 Encrypted connection Sambungan terenkripsi Optimistic unchoke Buka pengetatan optimis Downloading from this peer Mengunduh dari rekan ini We would download from this peer if they would let us Kami akan mengunduh dari rekan ini jika mereka mengizinkan kami Uploading to peer Mengunggah ke rekan We would upload to this peer if they asked Kami akan mengunggah ke rekan ini jika mereka bertanya Peer has unchoked us, but we're not interested Rekan membuka pengetatan untuk kita, tapi kita tidak tertarik We unchoked this peer, but they're not interested Kita membuka pengetatan untuk rekan ini, tapi mereka tidak tertarik Peer was discovered through DHT Rekan ditemukan melalui DHT Peer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX) Rekan ditemukan melalui Pertukaran Rekan (PEX) Peer is an incoming connection Rekan adalah sambungan yang masuk minute(s) Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) menit Error Galat Tracker already exists. Pelacak telah ada. %1 (100%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data %1 (100%) %1 of %2 (%3%) Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded and verified data, %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100) %1 dari %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), %4 Unverified Text following the "Have:" label in torrent properties dialog; %1 is amount of downloaded data (both verified and unverified), %2 is overall size of torrent data, %3 is percentage (%1/%2*100), %4 is amount of downloaded but not yet verified data %1 dari %2 (%3%), %4 Belum diverifikasi %1 (%2 corrupt) %1 (%2 korup) %1 (Ratio: %2) %1 (Rasio: %2) N/A N/A Peer is connected over uTP Rekan tersambung melalui uTP Add URL Tambah URL Add tracker announce URL: Tambah URL pengumuman pelacak: Invalid URL "%1" URL Tidak sah "%1" Edit URL Sunting URL Edit tracker announce URL: Sunting URL pengumuman pelacak: High Tinggi Normal Normal Low Rendah Use Global Settings Gunakan Pengaturan Global Seed regardless of ratio Membenih tak peduli rasio Stop seeding at ratio: Berhenti membenih pada rasio: Seed regardless of activity Kirim terlepas dari rasio Stop seeding if idle for: Berhenti membenih bila menganggur selama: Up Naik Down Turun % % Status Status Address Alamat Client Klien Torrent Properties Properti Torrent Information Informasi Activity Aktivitas Have: Memiliki: Availability: Ketersediaan: Uploaded: Diunggah: Downloaded: Diunduh: State: Keadaan: Running time: Waktu berjalan: Remaining time: Sisa waktu: Last activity: Aktivitas terakhir: Error: Galat: Details Rincian Size: Ukuran: Location: Lokasi: Hash: Hash: Privacy: Privasi: Origin: Asal Usul: Comment: Komentar: Peers Rekan Tracker Pelacak Add Tracker Tambah Pelacak Edit Tracker Sunting Pelacak Remove Trackers Hapus Pelacak Show &more details Tampilan &rincian lebih Show &backup trackers Tampilan &pelacak cadangan Files Berkas Options Opsi Speed Kecepatan Honor global &limits Patuhi batas g&lobal Limit &download speed: Batas &kecepatan unduh: Limit &upload speed: Batas &kecepatan unggah: Torrent &priority: Prioritas &Torrent: Seeding Limits Batas Kirim &Ratio: &Rasio &Idle: Mengan&ggur: Peer Connections Sambungan Rekan &Maximum peers: Rekan &maksimum: FileTreeItem Low Rendah High Tinggi Normal Normal Mixed Campuran FileTreeModel File Berkas Size Ukuran Progress Kemajuan Download Unduh Priority Prioritas FileTreeView Check Selected Centang Yang Dipilih Uncheck Selected Hapus Centang Yang Dipilih Only Check Selected Hanya Centang Yang Dipilih Priority Prioritas Open Buka Rename... Ubah Nama... FilterBar All Semua Active Aktif Downloading Mengunduh Seeding Mengirim Paused Berhenti Sejenak Finished Selesai Verifying Memeriksa Error Galat Show: Tampilkan: Search... Cari... Formatter B/s B/s kB/s kB/s MB/s MB/s GB/s GB/s TB/s TB/s B B kB kB MB MB GB GB TB TB KiB KiB MiB MiB GiB GiB TiB TiB Unknown Tidak diketahui None Tidak ada %1 %2 %1 %2 %Ln day(s) %Ln hari %Ln hour(s) %Ln jam %Ln minute(s) %Ln menit %Ln second(s) %Ln detik %1, %2 %1, %2 FreeSpaceLabel <i>Calculating Free Space...</i> <i>Menghitung Ruang Bebas...</i> %1 free %1 bebas LicenseDialog License Lisensi MainWindow Transmission Transmission &Torrent &Torrent &Edit &Sunting &Help &Bantuan &View &Tampilan &File &Berkas &New... &Baru... Create a new torrent Buat sebuah torrent baru &Properties &Properti Show torrent properties Tampilkan properti torrent Open the torrent's folder Buka folder torrent Queue Antrian &Open... &Buka... Open Buka Open a torrent Buka sebuah torrent Open Fold&er Buka Fold&er &Start &Mulai Start torrent Mulai torrent Ask Tracker for &More Peers Tanya Pelacak untuk &Rekan Lebih Banyak Ask tracker for more peers Tanya pelacak untuk rekan lebih banyak &Pause &Berhenti Sejenak Pause torrent Hentikan sejenak torrent &Verify Local Data &Verifikasi Data Lokal Verify local data Verifikasi Data Lokal &Remove &Hapus Remove torrent Hilangkan torrent &Delete Files and Remove Hapus File dan Hilangkan Remove torrent and delete its files Hilangkan torrent dan hapus berkasnya &Start All &Mulai Semua &Pause All &Hentikan Sejenak Semua &Quit &Keluar &Select All &Pilih Semua &Deselect All &Batalkan Pilih Semua &Preferences &Preferensi &Compact View &Tampilan Padat Compact View Tampilan Padata &Toolbar &Bilah Alat &Filterbar &Bilah Penyaring &Statusbar &Bilah Status Sort by &Activity Urutkan dengan &Aktivitas Sort by A&ge Urutkan dengan U&mur Sort by Time &Left Urutkan dengan Waktu &Tersisa Sort by &Name Urutkan dengan &Nama Sort by &Progress Urutkan dengan &Kemajuan Sort by Rati&o Urutkan dengan Rasi&o Sort by Si&ze Urutkan dengan Uku&ran Sort by Stat&e Urutkan dengan Kead&aan Sort by T&racker Urutkan dengan P&elacak Message &Log Catatan &Pesan &Statistics &Statistik &Contents &Konten &About &Tentang Re&verse Sort Order Ur&utan Sortis Terbalik &Name &Nama &Files &Berkas &Tracker &Pelacak Total Ratio Total Rasio Session Ratio Sesi Rasio Total Transfer Total Rasio Session Transfer Sesi Transfer &Main Window &Jendela Utama Tray &Icon Ikon &Baki &Change Session... &Ubah Sesi... Choose Session Start a local session or connect to a running session Pilih Sesi Set &Location... Tetapkan &Lokasi... &Copy Magnet Link to Clipboard &Salin Tautan Magnet ke Papan Klip Open &URL... Buka &URL... &Donate &Menyumbang Start &Now Mulai &Sekarang Bypass the queue and start now Lewati antrian dan jalankan sekarang Move to &Top Pindah ke &Atas Move &Up Pindah ke &Atas Move &Down Pindah ke &Bawah Move to &Bottom Pindah ke Paling &Bawah Sort by &Queue Urutkan dengan &Antrian Limit Download Speed Batas Kecepatan Unduh Unlimited Tidak terbatas Limited at %1 Dibatasi pada %1 Limit Upload Speed Batas Kecepatan Unngah Stop Seeding at Ratio Berhenti Kirim pada Rasio Seed Forever Kirim Selamanya Stop at Ratio (%1) Berhenti pada Rasio (%1) - %1:%2 Second (optional) part of main window title "Transmission - host:port" (added when connected to remote session); notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1:%2 Idle Menganggur Ratio: %1 Rasio: %1 Down: %1, Up: %2 Bawah: %1, Atas: %2 Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Berkas Torrent (*.torrent);;Semua Berkas (*.*) Show &options dialog Tampilkan &dialog pengaturan Open Torrent Buka Torrent Speed Limits Batas Kecepatan Network Error Galat Jaringan Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) Klik untuk menonaktifkan sementara Batas Kecepatan (%1 unduh, %2 unggah) Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits (%1 down, %2 up) Klik untuk mengaktifkan sementara Batas Kecepatan (%1 unduh, %2 unggah) Remove torrent? Hilangkan torrent? Delete this torrent's downloaded files? Hapus berkas yang diunduh torrent ini? Remove %Ln torrent(s)? Hilangkan %Ln torrent? Showing %L1 of %Ln torrent(s) Menampilkan %L1 dari %Ln torrent Delete these %Ln torrent(s)' downloaded files? Hapus berkas %Ln yang diunduh torrent ini? Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link. Sekali dihilangkan, melanjutkan transfer akan membutuhkan berkas torrent atau tautan magnet. Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links. Sekali dihilangkan, melanjutkan transfer akan membutuhkan berkas torrent atau tautan magnet. This torrent has not finished downloading. Torrent ini belum selesai diunduh. These torrents have not finished downloading. Torrent ini belum selesai diunduh. This torrent is connected to peers. Torrent ini tersambung dengan rekan - rekan. These torrents are connected to peers. Torrent ini tersambung dengan rekan - rekan. One of these torrents is connected to peers. Salah satu torrent ini tersambung ke rekan-rekan. Some of these torrents are connected to peers. Beberapa torrent ini tersambung dengan rekan-rekan. One of these torrents has not finished downloading. Salah satu torrent ini belum selesai diunduh. Some of these torrents have not finished downloading. Beberapa torrent ini belum selesai diunduh. %1 has not responded yet %1 masih belum menanggapi juga %1 is responding %1 menanggapi %1 last responded %2 ago %1 terakhir menanggapi %2 lalu %1 is not responding %1 tidak menanggapi MakeDialog New Torrent Torrent Baru <i>No source selected</i> <i>Tidak ada sumber yang dipilih</i> %Ln File(s) %Ln Berkas %Ln Piece(s) %Ln Bagian %1 in %2; %3 @ %4 %1 dalam %2; %3 @ %4 Files Berkas Sa&ve to: Si&mpan ke: Source f&older: Folder s&umber: Source &file: Berkas s&umber: Properties Properti &Trackers: &Pelacak: To add a backup URL, add it on the line after the primary URL. To add another primary URL, add it after a blank line. Untuk menambahkan URL cadangan, tambahkan pada baris setelah URL utama. Untuk menambahkan URL utama, tambahkan setelah baris kosong. Co&mment: Ko&mentar: &Private torrent &Torrent pribadi MakeProgressDialog New Torrent Torrent Baru Creating "%1" Membuat "%1" Created "%1"! Dibuat "%1"! Error: invalid announce URL "%1" Galat: URL pengumuman tidak sah "%1" Cancelled Dibatalkan Error reading "%1": %2 Galat membaca "%1": %2 Error writing "%1": %2 Galat menulis "%1": %2 OptionsDialog Open Torrent Buka Torrent Open Torrent from File Buka Torrent dari Berkas Open Torrent from URL or Magnet Link Buka Torrent dari URL atau Tautan Magnet &Source: &Sumber: &Destination folder: &Folder Tujuan: High Tinggi Normal Normal Low Rendah &Priority: &Prioritas: S&tart when added M&ulai ketika ditambahkan &Verify Local Data &Verifikasi Data Lokal Mo&ve .torrent file to the trash Pi&ndahkan berkas .torrent ke tempat sampah Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*) Berkas Torrent (*.torrent);;Semua Berkas (*.*) Select Destination Pilih Tujuan PathButton (None) (Tidak ada) Select Folder Pilih Folder Select File Pilih Berkas PrefsDialog Use &authentication Gunakan &otentikasi &Username: &Nama Pengguna: Pass&word: Kata& Sandi: &Open web client &Buka klien web Addresses: Alamat: Speed Limits Batas Kecepatan <small>Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times</small> <small>Override batas kecepatan normal secara manual atau pada waktu yang dijadwalkan</small> &Scheduled times: &Waktu dijadwalkan: &On days: &Pada hari: Every Day Setiap Hari Weekdays Hari kerja Weekends Akhir pekan Sunday Minggu Monday Senin Tuesday Selasa Wednesday Rabu Thursday Kamis Friday Jumat Saturday Sabtu Port is <b>open</b> Port <b>terbuka</b> Port is <b>closed</b> Port <b>tertutup</b> Incoming Peers Rekan Masuk Status unknown Status tidak diketahui &Port for incoming connections: &Port untuk sambungan masuk: Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my router Gunakan penerusan port UPnP atau NAT-PMP dari router saya Options Opsi Enable &uTP for peer connections Aktifkan &uTP untuk sambungan rekan uTP is a tool for reducing network congestion. uTP adalah alat untuk mengurangi kemacetan jaringan. minute(s) Spin box suffix, "Stop seeding if idle for: [ 5 minutes ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) menit minute(s) ago Spin box suffix, "Download is inactive if data sharing stopped: [ 5 minutes ago ]" (includes leading space after the number, if needed) menit yang lalu Automatically add .torrent files &from: Otomatis menambahkan berkas .torrent &dari: Show the Torrent Options &dialog Tampilkan dialog Pilihan &Torrent &Start added torrents &Mulai torrent yang ditambahkan Mo&ve the .torrent file to the trash Pi&ndah berkas .torrent ke tempat sampah Download Queue Antrian Unduh Ma&ximum active downloads: Maksimum unduh yang aktif: Incomplete Tidak selesai Seeding Mengirim Remote Remote <i>Blocklist contains %Ln rule(s)</i> <i>Daftar blokir memuat %Ln aturan</i> Pick a &random port every time Transmission is started Pilih sebuah &port acak setiap kali Transmission dijalankan Limits Batas Maximum peers per &torrent: Maksimum rekan per &torrent: Maximum peers &overall: Maksimum rekan &keseluruhan <b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rule(s). <b>Pembaruan sukses!</b><p>Daftar blok sekarang memiliki %Ln aturan. <b>Update Blocklist</b><p>Getting new blocklist... <b>Memperbarui Daftar Blok</b><p>Mendapatkan daftar blok baru... Blocklist Daftar blok Enable &automatic updates Mengaktifkan &pembaruan otomatis Allow encryption Mengizinkan enkripsi Prefer encryption Lebih memilih enkripsi Require encryption Membutuhkan enkripsi Privacy Privasi &to &to Desktop Desktop Show Transmission icon in the &notification area Tampilkan ikon Transmission di &area notifikasi Te&st Port Po&rt Uji Enable &blocklist: Aktifkan &daftarblok: &Update &Perbarui &Encryption mode: &Mode enkripsi: Remote Control Kendali Remote Allow &remote access Izinkan &akses remote HTTP &port: Port &HTTP: Only allow these IP a&ddresses: Hanya mengizinkan Alamat IP ini: &Upload: &Unggah: &Download: &Unduh: Alternative Speed Limits Batas Kecepatan Alternatif U&pload: U&nggah: Do&wnload: Und&uh Start &minimized in notification area Mulai &minimalkan di area notifikasi Notification Notifikasi Show a notification when torrents are a&dded Tampilkan notifikasi ketika torrent &ditambahkan Show a notification when torrents &finish Tampilkan notifikasi ketika torrent &selesai Play a &sound when torrents finish Jalankan sebuah &suara ketika torrent selesai Testing TCP Port... Menguji Port TCP... Peer Limits Batas Rekan Use PE&X to find more peers Gunakan PE&X untuk mencari lebih banyak rekan PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to. PEX adalah alat untuk menukar daftar rekan dengan rekan yang tersambung denganmu. Use &DHT to find more peers Gunakan &DHT untuk mencari lebih banyak rekan DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker. DHT adalah alat untuk mencari rekan tanpa sebuah pelacak. Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peers Gunakan &Penemuan Rekan Lokal untuk mencari lebih banyak rekan LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network. LPD adalah alat untuk mencari rekan pada jaringan lokalmu. Encryption Enkripsi Select "Torrent Done" Script Pilih Skrip "Torrent Selesai" Select Incomplete Directory Pilih Direktori Tidak Selesai Select Watch Directory Pilih Direktori Pantau Select Destination Pilih Tujuan Adding Menambahkan Download is i&nactive if data sharing stopped: Please keep this phrase as short as possible, it's curently the longest and influences dialog width Unduh tidak &aktif jika berbagi data dihentikan: Downloading Mengunduh Append ".&part" to incomplete files' names Tambahkan ".&part" pada nama berkas yang tidak selesai Keep &incomplete files in: S&impan berkas belum lengkap di: Save to &Location: Simpan ke &Lokasi: Call scrip&t when torrent is completed: Simpan skri&p ketika torrent selesai: Stop seeding at &ratio: Berhenti kirim pada &rasio: Stop seedi&ng if idle for: Berhenti membibit bila me&nganggur selama: Transmission Preferences Preferensi Transmission Speed Kecepatan Network Jaringan Not supported by remote sessions Tidak didukung oleh sesi remote QObject Invalid option Opsi Tidak sah RelocateDialog Select Location Pilih Lokasi Set Torrent Location Tetapkan Lokasi Torrent Set Location Tetapkan Lokasi New &location: Lokasi &Baru: &Move from the current folder &Pindah dari folder saat ini Local data is &already there Data lokal &telah ada di sana Session Error Renaming Path Galat Penggantian Jalur <p><b>Unable to rename "%1" as "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Please correct the errors and try again.</p> <p><b>Tidak dapat mengubah nama "%1" sebagai "%2": %3.</b></p><p>Silakan perbaiki galat dan coba lagi.</p> Error Adding Torrent Galat Saat Menambah Torrent Add Torrent Tambah Torrent <p><b>Unable to add "%1".</b></p><p>It is a duplicate of "%2" which is already added.</p> <p><b>Tidak bisa menambah "%1".</b></p><p>Itu duplikat dari "%2" yang telah ditambahkan.</p> SessionDialog Change Session Ubah Sesi Source Sumber Start &Local Session Mulai &Lokal Sesi Connect to &Remote Session Menyambung ke Sesi &Remote &Host: &Host: &Port: &Port: &Authentication required &Otentifikasi dibutuhkan &Username: &Nama Pengguna: Pass&word: Kata &Sandi: StatsDialog Statistics Statistik Current Session Sesi Saat INi Uploaded: Diunggah: Downloaded: Diunduh: Ratio: Rasio: Duration: Durasi: Total Total Started %Ln time(s) Dimulai %Ln kali Torrent Verifying local data Memeriksa data lokal Downloading Mengunduh Seeding Mengirim Finished Selesai Paused Berhenti Sejenak Queued for verification Antri untuk pemeriksaan Queued for download Antri untuk mengunduh Queued for seeding Antri untuk mengirim Tracker gave a warning: %1 Pelacak memberi sebuah peringatan: %1 Tracker gave an error: %1 Pelacak memberi sebuah galat: %1 Error: %1 Galat: %1 TorrentDelegate Magnetized transfer - retrieving metadata (%1%) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the percentage of torrent metadata downloaded Transfer termagnetisasi - mengambil metadata (%1%) %1 of %2 (%3%) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is how much we'll have when done, %3 is a percentage of the two %1 dari %2 (%3%) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5 Goal: %6) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio, %6 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading %1 ddari %2 (%3%), diunggah %4 (Rasion: %5 Tujuan: %6) %1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is how much we've got, %2 is the torrent's total size, %3 is a percentage of the two, %4 is how much we've uploaded, %5 is our upload-to-download ratio %1 dari %2 (%3%), diunggah %4 (Rasio: %5) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3 Goal: %4) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio, %4 is the ratio we want to reach before we stop uploading %1, diunggah %2 (Rasio: %3 Tujuan: %4) %1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3) First part of torrent progress string; %1 is the torrent's total size, %2 is how much we've uploaded, %3 is our upload-to-download ratio %1, diunggah %2 (Rasio: %3) - %1 left Second (optional) part of torrent progress string; %1 is duration; notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - %1 tersisa - Remaining time unknown Second (optional) part of torrent progress string; notice that leading space (before the dash) is included here - Sisa waktu tidak diketahui Ratio: %1 Rasio: %1 Downloading from %Ln peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" Mengunduh dari %Ln rekan Seeding to %Ln peer(s) Mengirim ke %Ln rekan - - Downloading metadata from %Ln peer(s) (%1% done) Mengunduh metadata dari %Ln rekan (%1% selesai) Downloading from %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) First part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)" Mengunduh dari %1 dari %Ln rekan yang tersambung and %Ln web seed(s) Second (optional) part of phrase "Downloading from ... of ... connected peer(s) and ... web seed(s)"; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here dan %Ln kirim web Seeding to %1 of %Ln connected peer(s) Mengirim ke %1 dari %Ln rekan tersambung Error Galat Verifying local data (%1% tested) Memeriksa lokal data (%1% diuji) TrackerDelegate Got a list of%1 %Ln peer(s)%2 %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Telah mendapatkan daftar dari%1 %Ln rekan%2 %3 lalu Peer list request %1timed out%2 %3 ago; will retry %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Meminta daftar rekan %1kehabisan waktu%2 %3 lalu; akan mencoba lagi Got an error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration Mendapat sebuah galat %1"%2"%3 %4 lalu No updates scheduled Tidak ada pembaruan terjadwal Asking for more peers in %1 %1 is duration Menanyakan untuk rekan lebih banyak di %1 Queued to ask for more peers Antri untuk meminta lebih banyak rekan-rekan Asking for more peers now... <small>%1</small> %1 is duration Meminta lebih banya rekan sekarang... <small>%1</small> Tracker had%1 %Ln seeder(s)%2 First part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago"; %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup Pelacak memiliki%1 %Ln pengirim%2 and%1 %Ln leecher(s)%2 %3 ago Second part of phrase "Tracker had ... seeder(s) and ... leecher(s) ... ago"; %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration; notice that leading space (before "and") is included here dan%1 %Ln penerima%2 %3 lalu Tracker had %1no information%2 on peer counts %3 ago %1 and %2 are replaced with HTML markup, %3 is duration Pelacak tidak memiliki %1informasi%2 pada jumlah rekan %3 lalu Got a scrape error %1"%2"%3 %4 ago %1 and %3 are replaced with HTML markup, %2 is error message, %4 is duration Mendapat kesalahan gesekan %1"%2"%3 %4 lalu Asking for peer counts in %1 %1 is duration Meminta untuk jumlah rekan di %1 Queued to ask for peer counts Antri untuk meminta jumlah rekan Asking for peer counts now... <small>%1</small> %1 is duration Meminta jumlah rekan sekarang.. <small>%1</small>