// This file Copyright © Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #pragma once #include #include // int64_t #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RpcClient.h" #include "RpcQueue.h" #include "Torrent.h" #include "Typedefs.h" class AddData; class Prefs; extern "C" { struct tr_variant; } class Session : public QObject { Q_OBJECT TR_DISABLE_COPY_MOVE(Session) public: Session(QString config_dir, Prefs& prefs); ~Session() override; void stop(); void restart(); [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& getRemoteUrl() const noexcept { return rpc_.url(); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& getStats() const noexcept { return stats_; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& getCumulativeStats() const noexcept { return cumulative_stats_; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto const& sessionVersion() const noexcept { return session_version_; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto blocklistSize() const noexcept { return blocklist_size_; } enum PortTestIpProtocol : uint8_t { PORT_TEST_IPV4, PORT_TEST_IPV6, NUM_PORT_TEST_IP_PROTOCOL }; void setBlocklistSize(int64_t i); void updateBlocklist(); void portTest(PortTestIpProtocol ip_protocol); void copyMagnetLinkToClipboard(int torrent_id); bool portTestPending(PortTestIpProtocol ip_protocol) const noexcept; /** returns true if the transmission session is being run inside this client */ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto isServer() const noexcept { return session_ != nullptr; } /** returns true if isServer() is true or if the remote address is the localhost */ [[nodiscard]] auto isLocal() const noexcept { return !session_id_.isEmpty() ? is_definitely_local_session_ : rpc_.isLocal(); } RpcResponseFuture exec(tr_quark method, tr_variant* args); RpcResponseFuture exec(std::string_view method, tr_variant* args); using Tag = RpcQueue::Tag; Tag torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, tr_quark const key, bool val); Tag torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, tr_quark const key, int val); Tag torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, tr_quark const key, double val); Tag torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, tr_quark const key, QString const& val); Tag torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, tr_quark const key, std::vector const& val); Tag torrentSet(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, tr_quark const key, QStringList const& val); void torrentSetLocation(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, QString const& path, bool do_move); void torrentRenamePath(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, QString const& oldpath, QString const& newname); void addTorrent(AddData add_me, tr_variant* args_dict); void initTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids = {}); void pauseTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids = {}); void startTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids = {}); void startTorrentsNow(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids = {}); void refreshDetailInfo(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids); void refreshActiveTorrents(); void refreshAllTorrents(); void addNewlyCreatedTorrent(QString const& filename, QString const& local_path); void verifyTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids); void reannounceTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids); void refreshExtraStats(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids); enum class TorrentProperties { MainInfo, MainStats, MainAll, DetailInfo, DetailStat, Rename }; public slots: void addTorrent(AddData add_me); void launchWebInterface() const; void queueMoveBottom(torrent_ids_t const& torrentIds = {}); void queueMoveDown(torrent_ids_t const& torrentIds = {}); void queueMoveTop(torrent_ids_t const& torrentIds = {}); void queueMoveUp(torrent_ids_t const& torrentIds = {}); void refreshSessionInfo(); void refreshSessionStats(); void removeTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids, bool delete_files = false); void updatePref(int key); signals: void sourceChanged(); void portTested(std::optional status, PortTestIpProtocol ip_protocol); void statsUpdated(); void sessionUpdated(); void blocklistUpdated(int); void torrentsUpdated(tr_variant* torrent_list, bool complete_list); void torrentsRemoved(tr_variant* torrent_list); void sessionCalled(Tag); void dataReadProgress(); void dataSendProgress(); void networkResponse(QNetworkReply::NetworkError code, QString const& message); void httpAuthenticationRequired(); private slots: void onDuplicatesTimer(); private: void start(); void updateStats(tr_variant* args_dict); void updateInfo(tr_variant* args_dict); Tag torrentSetImpl(tr_variant* args); void sessionSet(tr_quark const key, QVariant const& value); void pumpRequests(); void sendTorrentRequest(std::string_view request, torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids); void refreshTorrents(torrent_ids_t const& ids, TorrentProperties props); std::vector const& getKeyNames(TorrentProperties props); static void updateStats(tr_variant* args_dict, tr_session_stats* stats); void addOptionalIds(tr_variant* args_dict, torrent_ids_t const& torrent_ids) const; QString const config_dir_; Prefs& prefs_; std::map> names_; int64_t blocklist_size_ = -1; std::array port_test_pending_ = {}; tr_session* session_ = {}; QStringList idle_json_; tr_session_stats stats_ = EmptyStats; tr_session_stats cumulative_stats_ = EmptyStats; QString session_version_; QString session_id_; bool is_definitely_local_session_ = true; RpcClient rpc_; torrent_ids_t const RecentlyActiveIDs = { -1 }; std::map duplicates_; QTimer duplicates_timer_; static auto constexpr EmptyStats = tr_session_stats{ TR_RATIO_NA, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; };