/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "about.h" #include "add-data.h" #include "app.h" #include "details.h" #include "filterbar.h" #include "filters.h" #include "formatter.h" #include "hig.h" #include "mainwin.h" #include "make-dialog.h" #include "options.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "prefs-dialog.h" #include "relocate.h" #include "session.h" #include "session-dialog.h" #include "speed.h" #include "stats-dialog.h" #include "torrent-delegate.h" #include "torrent-delegate-min.h" #include "torrent-filter.h" #include "torrent-model.h" #include "triconpushbutton.h" #include "ui_mainwin.h" #define PREFS_KEY "prefs-key"; /** * This is a proxy-style for that forces it to be always disabled. * We use this to make our torrent list view behave consistently on * both GTK and Qt implementations. */ class ListViewProxyStyle: public QProxyStyle { public: int styleHint (StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption * option = 0, const QWidget * widget = 0, QStyleHintReturn * returnData = 0) const { if (hint == QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick) return 0; return QProxyStyle::styleHint (hint, option, widget, returnData); } }; QIcon TrMainWindow :: getStockIcon (const QString& name, int fallback) { QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme (name); if (icon.isNull () && (fallback >= 0)) icon = style ()->standardIcon (QStyle::StandardPixmap (fallback), 0, this); return icon; } namespace { QSize calculateTextButtonSizeHint (QPushButton * button) { QStyleOptionButton opt; opt.initFrom (button); QString s (button->text ()); if (s.isEmpty ()) s = QString::fromLatin1 ("XXXX"); QFontMetrics fm = button->fontMetrics (); QSize sz = fm.size (Qt::TextShowMnemonic, s); return button->style ()->sizeFromContents (QStyle::CT_PushButton, &opt, sz, button).expandedTo (QApplication::globalStrut ()); } } TrMainWindow :: TrMainWindow (Session& session, Prefs& prefs, TorrentModel& model, bool minimized): myLastFullUpdateTime (0), mySessionDialog (new SessionDialog (session, prefs, this)), myPrefsDialog (0), myAboutDialog (new AboutDialog (this)), myStatsDialog (new StatsDialog (session, this)), myDetailsDialog (0), myFileDialogOptionsCheck (0), myFilterModel (prefs), myTorrentDelegate (new TorrentDelegate (this)), myTorrentDelegateMin (new TorrentDelegateMin (this)), mySession (session), myPrefs (prefs), myModel (model), mySpeedModeOffIcon (":/icons/alt-limit-off.png"), mySpeedModeOnIcon (":/icons/alt-limit-on.png"), myLastSendTime (0), myLastReadTime (0), myNetworkTimer (this), myRefreshTrayIconTimer (this), myRefreshActionSensitivityTimer (this) { setAcceptDrops (true); QAction * sep = new QAction (this); sep->setSeparator (true); ui.setupUi (this); QStyle * style = this->style (); int i = style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize, 0, this); const QSize smallIconSize (i, i); ui.listView->setStyle (new ListViewProxyStyle); // icons ui.action_OpenFile->setIcon (getStockIcon ("folder-open", QStyle::SP_DialogOpenButton)); ui.action_New->setIcon (getStockIcon ("document-new", QStyle::SP_DesktopIcon)); ui.action_Properties->setIcon (getStockIcon ("document-properties", QStyle::SP_DesktopIcon)); ui.action_OpenFolder->setIcon (getStockIcon ("folder-open", QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon)); ui.action_Start->setIcon (getStockIcon ("media-playback-start", QStyle::SP_MediaPlay)); ui.action_StartNow->setIcon (getStockIcon ("media-playback-start", QStyle::SP_MediaPlay)); ui.action_Announce->setIcon (getStockIcon ("network-transmit-receive")); ui.action_Pause->setIcon (getStockIcon ("media-playback-pause", QStyle::SP_MediaPause)); ui.action_Remove->setIcon (getStockIcon ("list-remove", QStyle::SP_TrashIcon)); ui.action_Delete->setIcon (getStockIcon ("edit-delete", QStyle::SP_TrashIcon)); ui.action_StartAll->setIcon (getStockIcon ("media-playback-start", QStyle::SP_MediaPlay)); ui.action_PauseAll->setIcon (getStockIcon ("media-playback-pause", QStyle::SP_MediaPause)); ui.action_Quit->setIcon (getStockIcon ("application-exit")); ui.action_SelectAll->setIcon (getStockIcon ("edit-select-all")); ui.action_ReverseSortOrder->setIcon (getStockIcon ("view-sort-ascending", QStyle::SP_ArrowDown)); ui.action_Preferences->setIcon (getStockIcon ("preferences-system")); ui.action_Contents->setIcon (getStockIcon ("help-contents", QStyle::SP_DialogHelpButton)); ui.action_About->setIcon (getStockIcon ("help-about")); ui.action_QueueMoveTop->setIcon (getStockIcon ("go-top")); ui.action_QueueMoveUp->setIcon (getStockIcon ("go-up", QStyle::SP_ArrowUp)); ui.action_QueueMoveDown->setIcon (getStockIcon ("go-down", QStyle::SP_ArrowDown)); ui.action_QueueMoveBottom->setIcon (getStockIcon ("go-bottom")); // ui signals connect (ui.action_Toolbar, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setToolbarVisible (bool))); connect (ui.action_Filterbar, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setFilterbarVisible (bool))); connect (ui.action_Statusbar, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setStatusbarVisible (bool))); connect (ui.action_CompactView, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setCompactView (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByActivity, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByActivityToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByAge, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByAgeToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByETA, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByETAToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByName, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByNameToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByProgress, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByProgressToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByQueue, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByQueueToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByRatio, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByRatioToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortBySize, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortBySizeToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_SortByState, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByStateToggled (bool))); connect (ui.action_ReverseSortOrder, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setSortAscendingPref (bool))); connect (ui.action_Start, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (startSelected ())); connect (ui.action_QueueMoveTop, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (queueMoveTop ())); connect (ui.action_QueueMoveUp, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (queueMoveUp ())); connect (ui.action_QueueMoveDown, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (queueMoveDown ())); connect (ui.action_QueueMoveBottom, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (queueMoveBottom ())); connect (ui.action_StartNow, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (startSelectedNow ())); connect (ui.action_Pause, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (pauseSelected ())); connect (ui.action_Remove, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (removeSelected ())); connect (ui.action_Delete, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (deleteSelected ())); connect (ui.action_Verify, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (verifySelected ())); connect (ui.action_Announce, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (reannounceSelected ())); connect (ui.action_StartAll, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (startAll ())); connect (ui.action_PauseAll, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (pauseAll ())); connect (ui.action_OpenFile, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openTorrent ())); connect (ui.action_AddURL, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openURL ())); connect (ui.action_New, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (newTorrent ())); connect (ui.action_Preferences, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openPreferences ())); connect (ui.action_Statistics, SIGNAL (triggered ()), myStatsDialog, SLOT (show ())); connect (ui.action_Donate, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openDonate ())); connect (ui.action_About, SIGNAL (triggered ()), myAboutDialog, SLOT (show ())); connect (ui.action_Contents, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openHelp ())); connect (ui.action_OpenFolder, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openFolder ())); connect (ui.action_CopyMagnetToClipboard, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (copyMagnetLinkToClipboard ())); connect (ui.action_SetLocation, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (setLocation ())); connect (ui.action_Properties, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (openProperties ())); connect (ui.action_SessionDialog, SIGNAL (triggered ()), mySessionDialog, SLOT (show ())); connect (ui.listView, SIGNAL (activated (const QModelIndex&)), ui.action_Properties, SLOT (trigger ())); // signals connect (ui.action_SelectAll, SIGNAL (triggered ()), ui.listView, SLOT (selectAll ())); connect (ui.action_DeselectAll, SIGNAL (triggered ()), ui.listView, SLOT (clearSelection ())); connect (&myFilterModel, SIGNAL (rowsInserted (const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT (refreshActionSensitivitySoon ())); connect (&myFilterModel, SIGNAL (rowsRemoved (const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT (refreshActionSensitivitySoon ())); connect (ui.action_Quit, SIGNAL (triggered ()), QCoreApplication::instance (), SLOT (quit ())); // torrent view myFilterModel.setSourceModel (&myModel); connect (&myModel, SIGNAL (modelReset ()), this, SLOT (onModelReset ())); connect (&myModel, SIGNAL (rowsRemoved (const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT (onModelReset ())); connect (&myModel, SIGNAL (rowsInserted (const QModelIndex&,int,int)), this, SLOT (onModelReset ())); connect (&myModel, SIGNAL (dataChanged (const QModelIndex&,const QModelIndex&)), this, SLOT (refreshTrayIconSoon ())); ui.listView->setModel (&myFilterModel); connect (ui.listView->selectionModel (), SIGNAL (selectionChanged (const QItemSelection&,const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT (refreshActionSensitivitySoon ())); QActionGroup * actionGroup = new QActionGroup (this); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByActivity); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByAge); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByETA); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByName); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByProgress); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByQueue); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByRatio); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortBySize); actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByState); myAltSpeedAction = new QAction (tr ("Speed Limits"), this); myAltSpeedAction->setIcon (myPrefs.get (Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED) ? mySpeedModeOnIcon : mySpeedModeOffIcon); connect (myAltSpeedAction, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (toggleSpeedMode ())); QMenu * menu = new QMenu (this); menu->addAction (ui.action_OpenFile); menu->addAction (ui.action_AddURL); menu->addSeparator (); menu->addAction (ui.action_ShowMainWindow); menu->addAction (ui.action_ShowMessageLog); menu->addAction (ui.action_About); menu->addSeparator (); menu->addAction (ui.action_StartAll); menu->addAction (ui.action_PauseAll); menu->addAction (myAltSpeedAction); menu->addSeparator (); menu->addAction (ui.action_Quit); myTrayIcon.setContextMenu (menu); myTrayIcon.setIcon (QApplication::windowIcon ()); connect (&myPrefs, SIGNAL (changed (int)), this, SLOT (refreshPref (int))); connect (ui.action_ShowMainWindow, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (toggleWindows (bool))); connect (&myTrayIcon, SIGNAL (activated (QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason)), this, SLOT (trayActivated (QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason))); toggleWindows (!minimized); ui.action_TrayIcon->setChecked (minimized || prefs.getBool (Prefs::SHOW_TRAY_ICON)); ui.verticalLayout->addWidget (createStatusBar ()); ui.verticalLayout->insertWidget (0, myFilterBar = new FilterBar (myPrefs, myModel, myFilterModel)); QList initKeys; initKeys << Prefs :: MAIN_WINDOW_X << Prefs :: SHOW_TRAY_ICON << Prefs :: SORT_REVERSED << Prefs :: SORT_MODE << Prefs :: FILTERBAR << Prefs :: STATUSBAR << Prefs :: STATUSBAR_STATS << Prefs :: TOOLBAR << Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED << Prefs :: COMPACT_VIEW << Prefs :: DSPEED << Prefs :: DSPEED_ENABLED << Prefs :: USPEED << Prefs :: USPEED_ENABLED << Prefs :: RATIO << Prefs :: RATIO_ENABLED; foreach (int key, initKeys) refreshPref (key); connect (&mySession, SIGNAL (sourceChanged ()), this, SLOT (onSessionSourceChanged ())); connect (&mySession, SIGNAL (statsUpdated ()), this, SLOT (refreshStatusBar ())); connect (&mySession, SIGNAL (dataReadProgress ()), this, SLOT (dataReadProgress ())); connect (&mySession, SIGNAL (dataSendProgress ()), this, SLOT (dataSendProgress ())); connect (&mySession, SIGNAL (httpAuthenticationRequired ()), this, SLOT (wrongAuthentication ())); if (mySession.isServer ()) { myNetworkLabel->hide (); } else { connect (&myNetworkTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (onNetworkTimer ())); myNetworkTimer.start (1000); } connect (&myRefreshTrayIconTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (refreshTrayIcon ())); connect (&myRefreshActionSensitivityTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (refreshActionSensitivity ())); refreshActionSensitivitySoon (); refreshTrayIconSoon (); refreshStatusBar (); refreshTitle (); } TrMainWindow :: ~TrMainWindow () { } /**** ***** ****/ void TrMainWindow :: onSessionSourceChanged () { myModel.clear (); } void TrMainWindow :: onModelReset () { refreshTitle (); refreshActionSensitivitySoon (); refreshStatusBar (); refreshTrayIconSoon (); } /**** ***** ****/ #define PREF_VARIANTS_KEY "pref-variants-list" void TrMainWindow :: onSetPrefs () { const QVariantList p = sender ()->property (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY).toList (); assert ( (p.size () % 2) == 0); for (int i=0, n=p.size (); ipixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize, 0, this); const QSize smallIconSize (i, i); QWidget * top = myStatusBar = new QWidget; h = new QHBoxLayout (top); h->setContentsMargins (HIG::PAD_SMALL, HIG::PAD_SMALL, HIG::PAD_SMALL, HIG::PAD_SMALL); h->setSpacing (HIG::PAD_SMALL); p = myOptionsButton = new TrIconPushButton (this); p->setIcon (QIcon (":/icons/utilities.png")); p->setIconSize (QPixmap (":/icons/utilities.png").size ()); p->setFlat (true); p->setMenu (createOptionsMenu ()); h->addWidget (p); p = myAltSpeedButton = new QPushButton (this); p->setIcon (myPrefs.get (Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED) ? mySpeedModeOnIcon : mySpeedModeOffIcon); p->setIconSize (QPixmap (":/icons/alt-limit-on.png").size ()); p->setCheckable (true); p->setFixedWidth (p->height ()); p->setFlat (true); h->addWidget (p); connect (p, SIGNAL (clicked ()), this, SLOT (toggleSpeedMode ())); l = myNetworkLabel = new QLabel; h->addWidget (l); h->addStretch (1); l = myDownloadSpeedLabel = new QLabel (this); const int minimumSpeedWidth = l->fontMetrics ().width (Formatter::uploadSpeedToString (Speed::fromKBps (999.99))); l->setMinimumWidth (minimumSpeedWidth); l->setAlignment (Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); h->addWidget (l); h->addSpacing (HIG::PAD); l = myUploadSpeedLabel = new QLabel; l->setMinimumWidth (minimumSpeedWidth); l->setAlignment (Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignVCenter); h->addWidget (l); h->addSpacing (HIG::PAD); l = myStatsLabel = new QLabel (this); h->addWidget (l); a = new QActionGroup (this); a->addAction (ui.action_TotalRatio); a->addAction (ui.action_TotalTransfer); a->addAction (ui.action_SessionRatio); a->addAction (ui.action_SessionTransfer); m = new QMenu (this); m->addAction (ui.action_TotalRatio); m->addAction (ui.action_TotalTransfer); m->addAction (ui.action_SessionRatio); m->addAction (ui.action_SessionTransfer); connect (ui.action_TotalRatio, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showTotalRatio ())); connect (ui.action_TotalTransfer, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showTotalTransfer ())); connect (ui.action_SessionRatio, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showSessionRatio ())); connect (ui.action_SessionTransfer, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showSessionTransfer ())); p = myStatsModeButton = new TrIconPushButton (this); p->setIcon (QIcon (":/icons/ratio.png")); p->setIconSize (QPixmap (":/icons/ratio.png").size ()); p->setFlat (true); p->setMenu (m); h->addWidget (p); return top; } QMenu * TrMainWindow :: createOptionsMenu () { QMenu * menu; QMenu * sub; QAction * a; QActionGroup * g; QList stockSpeeds; stockSpeeds << 5 << 10 << 20 << 30 << 40 << 50 << 75 << 100 << 150 << 200 << 250 << 500 << 750; QList stockRatios; stockRatios << 0.25 << 0.50 << 0.75 << 1 << 1.5 << 2 << 3; menu = new QMenu (this); sub = menu->addMenu (tr ("Limit Download Speed")); int currentVal = myPrefs.get (Prefs::DSPEED); g = new QActionGroup (this); a = myDlimitOffAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Unlimited")); a->setCheckable (true); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED << false); g->addAction (a); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool))); a = myDlimitOnAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (currentVal)))); a->setCheckable (true); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::DSPEED << currentVal << Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED << true); g->addAction (a); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool))); sub->addSeparator (); foreach (int i, stockSpeeds) { a = sub->addAction (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (i))); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::DSPEED << i << Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED << true); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ())); } sub = menu->addMenu (tr ("Limit Upload Speed")); currentVal = myPrefs.get (Prefs::USPEED); g = new QActionGroup (this); a = myUlimitOffAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Unlimited")); a->setCheckable (true); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED << false); g->addAction (a); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool))); a = myUlimitOnAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (currentVal)))); a->setCheckable (true); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::USPEED << currentVal << Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED << true); g->addAction (a); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool))); sub->addSeparator (); foreach (int i, stockSpeeds) { a = sub->addAction (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (i))); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::USPEED << i << Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED << true); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ())); } menu->addSeparator (); sub = menu->addMenu (tr ("Stop Seeding at Ratio")); double d = myPrefs.get (Prefs::RATIO); g = new QActionGroup (this); a = myRatioOffAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Seed Forever")); a->setCheckable (true); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED << false); g->addAction (a); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool))); a = myRatioOnAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Stop at Ratio (%1)").arg (Formatter::ratioToString (d))); a->setCheckable (true); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::RATIO << d << Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED << true); g->addAction (a); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool))); sub->addSeparator (); foreach (double i, stockRatios) { a = sub->addAction (Formatter::ratioToString (i)); a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::RATIO << i << Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED << true); connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ())); } return menu; } /**** ***** ****/ void TrMainWindow :: setSortPref (int i) { myPrefs.set (Prefs::SORT_MODE, SortMode (i)); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByActivityToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_ACTIVITY); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByAgeToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_AGE); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByETAToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_ETA); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByNameToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_NAME); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByProgressToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_PROGRESS); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByQueueToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_QUEUE); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByRatioToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_RATIO); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortBySizeToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_SIZE); } void TrMainWindow :: onSortByStateToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_STATE); } void TrMainWindow :: setSortAscendingPref (bool b) { myPrefs.set (Prefs::SORT_REVERSED, b); } /**** ***** ****/ void TrMainWindow :: showEvent (QShowEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); ui.action_ShowMainWindow->setChecked (true); } /**** ***** ****/ void TrMainWindow :: hideEvent (QHideEvent * event) { Q_UNUSED (event); if (!isVisible ()) ui.action_ShowMainWindow->setChecked (false); } /**** ***** ****/ void TrMainWindow :: onPrefsDestroyed () { myPrefsDialog = 0; } void TrMainWindow :: openPreferences () { if (myPrefsDialog == 0) { myPrefsDialog = new PrefsDialog (mySession, myPrefs, this); connect (myPrefsDialog, SIGNAL (destroyed (QObject*)), this, SLOT (onPrefsDestroyed ())); } myPrefsDialog->show (); } void TrMainWindow :: onDetailsDestroyed () { myDetailsDialog = 0; } void TrMainWindow :: openProperties () { if (myDetailsDialog == 0) { myDetailsDialog = new Details (mySession, myPrefs, myModel, this); connect (myDetailsDialog, SIGNAL (destroyed (QObject*)), this, SLOT (onDetailsDestroyed ())); } myDetailsDialog->setIds (getSelectedTorrents ()); myDetailsDialog->show (); } void TrMainWindow :: setLocation () { QDialog * d = new RelocateDialog (mySession, myModel, getSelectedTorrents (), this); d->show (); } // Open Folder & select torrent's file or top folder #undef HAVE_OPEN_SELECT #if defined (Q_OS_WIN) # define HAVE_OPEN_SELECT static void openSelect (const QString& path) { const QString explorer = "explorer"; QString param; if (!QFileInfo (path).isDir ()) param = QLatin1String ("/select,"); param += QDir::toNativeSeparators (path); QProcess::startDetached (explorer, QStringList (param)); } #elif defined (Q_OS_MAC) # define HAVE_OPEN_SELECT static void openSelect (const QString& path) { QStringList scriptArgs; scriptArgs << QLatin1String ("-e") << QString::fromLatin1 ("tell application \"Finder\" to reveal POSIX file \"%1\"").arg (path); QProcess::execute (QLatin1String ("/usr/bin/osascript"), scriptArgs); scriptArgs.clear (); scriptArgs << QLatin1String ("-e") << QLatin1String ("tell application \"Finder\" to activate"); QProcess::execute ("/usr/bin/osascript", scriptArgs); } #endif void TrMainWindow :: openFolder () { const int torrentId (*getSelectedTorrents ().begin ()); const Torrent * tor (myModel.getTorrentFromId (torrentId)); QString path (tor->getPath ()); const FileList files = tor->files (); const QString firstfile = files.at (0).filename; int slashIndex = firstfile.indexOf ('/'); if (slashIndex > -1) { path = path + "/" + firstfile.left (slashIndex); } #ifdef HAVE_OPEN_SELECT else { openSelect (path + "/" + firstfile); return; } #endif QDesktopServices :: openUrl (QUrl::fromLocalFile (path)); } void TrMainWindow :: copyMagnetLinkToClipboard () { const int id (*getSelectedTorrents ().begin ()); mySession.copyMagnetLinkToClipboard (id); } void TrMainWindow :: openDonate () { QDesktopServices :: openUrl (QUrl ("http://www.transmissionbt.com/donate.php")); } void TrMainWindow :: openHelp () { const char * fmt = "http://www.transmissionbt.com/help/gtk/%d.%dx"; int major, minor; sscanf (SHORT_VERSION_STRING, "%d.%d", &major, &minor); char url[128]; tr_snprintf (url, sizeof (url), fmt, major, minor/10); QDesktopServices :: openUrl (QUrl (url)); } void TrMainWindow :: refreshTitle () { QString title ("Transmission"); const QUrl url (mySession.getRemoteUrl ()); if (!url.isEmpty ()) title += tr (" - %1:%2").arg (url.host ()).arg (url.port ()); setWindowTitle (title); } void TrMainWindow :: refreshTrayIconSoon () { if (!myRefreshTrayIconTimer.isActive ()) { myRefreshTrayIconTimer.setSingleShot (true); myRefreshTrayIconTimer.start (100); } } void TrMainWindow :: refreshTrayIcon () { Speed upSpeed, downSpeed; size_t upCount, downCount; QString tip; myModel.getTransferSpeed (upSpeed, upCount, downSpeed, downCount); if (!upCount && !downCount) { tip = tr ("Idle"); } else if (downCount) { tip = tr( "%1 %2" ).arg(Formatter::downloadSpeedToString(downSpeed)) .arg(Formatter::uploadSpeedToString(upSpeed)); } else if (upCount) { tip = Formatter::uploadSpeedToString(upSpeed); } myTrayIcon.setToolTip (tip); } void TrMainWindow :: refreshStatusBar () { Speed upSpeed, downSpeed; size_t upCount, downCount; myModel.getTransferSpeed (upSpeed, upCount, downSpeed, downCount); myUploadSpeedLabel->setText (Formatter::uploadSpeedToString(upSpeed)); myUploadSpeedLabel->setVisible (downCount || upCount); myDownloadSpeedLabel->setText (Formatter::downloadSpeedToString(downSpeed)); myDownloadSpeedLabel->setVisible (downCount); myNetworkLabel->setVisible (!mySession.isServer ()); const QString mode (myPrefs.getString (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS)); QString str; if (mode == "session-ratio") { str = tr ("Ratio: %1").arg (Formatter:: ratioToString (mySession.getStats ().ratio)); } else if (mode == "session-transfer") { const tr_session_stats& stats (mySession.getStats ()); str = tr ("Down: %1, Up: %2").arg (Formatter:: sizeToString (stats.downloadedBytes)) .arg (Formatter:: sizeToString (stats.uploadedBytes)); } else if (mode == "total-transfer") { const tr_session_stats& stats (mySession.getCumulativeStats ()); str = tr ("Down: %1, Up: %2").arg (Formatter:: sizeToString (stats.downloadedBytes)) .arg (Formatter:: sizeToString (stats.uploadedBytes)); } else // default is "total-ratio" { str = tr ("Ratio: %1").arg (Formatter:: ratioToString (mySession.getCumulativeStats ().ratio)); } myStatsLabel->setText (str); } void TrMainWindow :: refreshActionSensitivitySoon () { if (!myRefreshActionSensitivityTimer.isActive ()) { myRefreshActionSensitivityTimer.setSingleShot (true); myRefreshActionSensitivityTimer.start (100); } } void TrMainWindow :: refreshActionSensitivity () { int selected (0); int paused (0); int queued (0); int selectedAndPaused (0); int selectedAndQueued (0); int canAnnounce (0); const QAbstractItemModel * model (ui.listView->model ()); const QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel (ui.listView->selectionModel ()); const int rowCount (model->rowCount ()); // count how many torrents are selected, paused, etc for (int row=0; rowindex (row, 0)); assert (model == modelIndex.model ()); const Torrent * tor (model->data (modelIndex, TorrentModel::TorrentRole).value ()); if (tor) { const bool isSelected (selectionModel->isSelected (modelIndex)); const bool isPaused (tor->isPaused ()); const bool isQueued (tor->isQueued ()); if (isSelected) ++selected; if (isQueued) ++queued; if (isPaused) ++ paused; if (isSelected && isPaused) ++selectedAndPaused; if (isSelected && isQueued) ++selectedAndQueued; if (tor->canManualAnnounce ()) ++canAnnounce; } } const bool haveSelection (selected > 0); ui.action_Verify->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_Remove->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_Delete->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_Properties->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_DeselectAll->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_SetLocation->setEnabled (haveSelection); const bool oneSelection (selected == 1); ui.action_OpenFolder->setEnabled (oneSelection && mySession.isLocal ()); ui.action_CopyMagnetToClipboard->setEnabled (oneSelection); ui.action_SelectAll->setEnabled (selected < rowCount); ui.action_StartAll->setEnabled (paused > 0); ui.action_PauseAll->setEnabled (paused < rowCount); ui.action_Start->setEnabled (selectedAndPaused > 0); ui.action_StartNow->setEnabled (selectedAndPaused + selectedAndQueued > 0); ui.action_Pause->setEnabled (selectedAndPaused < selected); ui.action_Announce->setEnabled (selected > 0 && (canAnnounce == selected)); ui.action_QueueMoveTop->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_QueueMoveUp->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_QueueMoveDown->setEnabled (haveSelection); ui.action_QueueMoveBottom->setEnabled (haveSelection); if (myDetailsDialog) myDetailsDialog->setIds (getSelectedTorrents ()); } /** *** **/ void TrMainWindow :: clearSelection () { ui.action_DeselectAll->trigger (); } QSet TrMainWindow :: getSelectedTorrents () const { QSet ids; foreach (QModelIndex index, ui.listView->selectionModel ()->selectedRows ()) { const Torrent * tor (index.data (TorrentModel::TorrentRole).value ()); ids.insert (tor->id ()); } return ids; } void TrMainWindow :: startSelected () { mySession.startTorrents (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: startSelectedNow () { mySession.startTorrentsNow (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: pauseSelected () { mySession.pauseTorrents (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: queueMoveTop () { mySession.queueMoveTop (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: queueMoveUp () { mySession.queueMoveUp (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: queueMoveDown () { mySession.queueMoveDown (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: queueMoveBottom () { mySession.queueMoveBottom (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: startAll () { mySession.startTorrents (); } void TrMainWindow :: pauseAll () { mySession.pauseTorrents (); } void TrMainWindow :: removeSelected () { removeTorrents (false); } void TrMainWindow :: deleteSelected () { removeTorrents (true); } void TrMainWindow :: verifySelected () { mySession.verifyTorrents (getSelectedTorrents ()); } void TrMainWindow :: reannounceSelected () { mySession.reannounceTorrents (getSelectedTorrents ()); } /** *** **/ void TrMainWindow :: showTotalRatio () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "total-ratio"); } void TrMainWindow :: showTotalTransfer () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "total-transfer"); } void TrMainWindow :: showSessionRatio () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "session-ratio"); } void TrMainWindow :: showSessionTransfer () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, "session-transfer"); } /** *** **/ void TrMainWindow :: setCompactView (bool visible) { myPrefs.set (Prefs :: COMPACT_VIEW, visible); } void TrMainWindow :: toggleSpeedMode () { myPrefs.toggleBool (Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED); const bool mode = myPrefs.get (Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED); myAltSpeedAction->setIcon (mode ? mySpeedModeOnIcon : mySpeedModeOffIcon); } void TrMainWindow :: setToolbarVisible (bool visible) { myPrefs.set (Prefs::TOOLBAR, visible); } void TrMainWindow :: setFilterbarVisible (bool visible) { myPrefs.set (Prefs::FILTERBAR, visible); } void TrMainWindow :: setStatusbarVisible (bool visible) { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR, visible); } /** *** **/ void TrMainWindow :: toggleWindows (bool doShow) { if (!doShow) { hide (); } else { if (!isVisible ()) show (); if (isMinimized ()) showNormal (); //activateWindow (); raise (); QApplication::setActiveWindow (this); } } void TrMainWindow :: trayActivated (QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason reason) { if (reason == QSystemTrayIcon::Trigger) { if (isMinimized ()) toggleWindows (true); else toggleWindows (!isVisible ()); } } void TrMainWindow :: refreshPref (int key) { bool b; int i; QString str; switch (key) { case Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS: str = myPrefs.getString (key); ui.action_TotalRatio->setChecked (str == "total-ratio"); ui.action_TotalTransfer->setChecked (str == "total-transfer"); ui.action_SessionRatio->setChecked (str == "session-ratio"); ui.action_SessionTransfer->setChecked (str == "session-transfer"); refreshStatusBar (); break; case Prefs::SORT_REVERSED: ui.action_ReverseSortOrder->setChecked (myPrefs.getBool (key)); break; case Prefs::SORT_MODE: i = myPrefs.get (key).mode (); ui.action_SortByActivity->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_ACTIVITY); ui.action_SortByAge->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_AGE); ui.action_SortByETA->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_ETA); ui.action_SortByName->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_NAME); ui.action_SortByProgress->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_PROGRESS); ui.action_SortByQueue->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_QUEUE); ui.action_SortByRatio->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_RATIO); ui.action_SortBySize->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_SIZE); ui.action_SortByState->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_STATE); break; case Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED: (myPrefs.get (key) ? myDlimitOnAction : myDlimitOffAction)->setChecked (true); break; case Prefs::DSPEED: myDlimitOnAction->setText (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (myPrefs.get (key))))); break; case Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED: (myPrefs.get (key) ? myUlimitOnAction : myUlimitOffAction)->setChecked (true); break; case Prefs::USPEED: myUlimitOnAction->setText (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (myPrefs.get (key))))); break; case Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED: (myPrefs.get (key) ? myRatioOnAction : myRatioOffAction)->setChecked (true); break; case Prefs::RATIO: myRatioOnAction->setText (tr ("Stop at Ratio (%1)").arg (Formatter::ratioToString (myPrefs.get (key)))); break; case Prefs::FILTERBAR: b = myPrefs.getBool (key); myFilterBar->setVisible (b); ui.action_Filterbar->setChecked (b); break; case Prefs::STATUSBAR: b = myPrefs.getBool (key); myStatusBar->setVisible (b); ui.action_Statusbar->setChecked (b); break; case Prefs::TOOLBAR: b = myPrefs.getBool (key); ui.toolBar->setVisible (b); ui.action_Toolbar->setChecked (b); break; case Prefs::SHOW_TRAY_ICON: b = myPrefs.getBool (key); ui.action_TrayIcon->setChecked (b); myTrayIcon.setVisible (b); dynamic_cast (QCoreApplication::instance ())->setQuitOnLastWindowClosed (!b); refreshTrayIconSoon (); break; case Prefs::COMPACT_VIEW: { QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel (ui.listView->selectionModel ()); const QItemSelection selection (selectionModel->selection ()); const QModelIndex currentIndex (selectionModel->currentIndex ()); b = myPrefs.getBool (key); ui.action_CompactView->setChecked (b); ui.listView->setItemDelegate (b ? myTorrentDelegateMin : myTorrentDelegate); selectionModel->clear (); ui.listView->reset (); // force the rows to resize selectionModel->select (selection, QItemSelectionModel::Select); selectionModel->setCurrentIndex (currentIndex, QItemSelectionModel::NoUpdate); break; } case Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_X: case Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_Y: case Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH: case Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT: setGeometry (myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_X), myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_Y), myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_WIDTH), myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::MAIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT)); break; case Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED: case Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP: case Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN: { b = myPrefs.getBool (Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED); myAltSpeedButton->setChecked (b); myAltSpeedButton->setIcon (b ? mySpeedModeOnIcon : mySpeedModeOffIcon); const QString fmt = b ? tr ("Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits\n (%1 down, %2 up)") : tr ("Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits\n (%1 down, %2 up)"); const Speed d = Speed::fromKBps (myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN)); const Speed u = Speed::fromKBps (myPrefs.getInt (Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP)); myAltSpeedButton->setToolTip (fmt.arg (Formatter::speedToString (d)) .arg (Formatter::speedToString (u))); break; } default: break; } } /*** **** ***/ void TrMainWindow :: newTorrent () { MakeDialog * dialog = new MakeDialog (mySession, this); dialog->show (); } void TrMainWindow :: openTorrent () { QFileDialog * myFileDialog; myFileDialog = new QFileDialog (this, tr ("Open Torrent"), myPrefs.getString (Prefs::OPEN_DIALOG_FOLDER), tr ("Torrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)")); myFileDialog->setFileMode (QFileDialog::ExistingFiles); myFileDialog->setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); QCheckBox * button = new QCheckBox (tr ("Show &options dialog")); button->setChecked (myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::OPTIONS_PROMPT)); QGridLayout * layout = dynamic_cast (myFileDialog->layout ()); layout->addWidget (button, layout->rowCount (), 0, 1, -1, Qt::AlignLeft); myFileDialogOptionsCheck = button; connect (myFileDialog, SIGNAL (filesSelected (const QStringList&)), this, SLOT (addTorrents (const QStringList&))); myFileDialog->show (); } void TrMainWindow :: openURL () { QString str = QApplication::clipboard ()->text (QClipboard::Selection); if (!AddData::isSupported (str)) str = QApplication::clipboard ()->text (QClipboard::Clipboard); if (!AddData::isSupported (str)) str.clear (); addTorrent (str); } void TrMainWindow :: addTorrents (const QStringList& filenames) { foreach (const QString& filename, filenames) addTorrent (filename); } void TrMainWindow :: addTorrent (const AddData& addMe) { bool show_options_dialog; if (myFileDialogOptionsCheck) show_options_dialog = myFileDialogOptionsCheck->isChecked (); else show_options_dialog = myPrefs.getBool (Prefs::OPTIONS_PROMPT); if (show_options_dialog) { Options * o = new Options (mySession, myPrefs, addMe, this); o->show (); QApplication :: alert (o); } else { mySession.addTorrent (addMe); QApplication :: alert (this); } } void TrMainWindow :: removeTorrents (const bool deleteFiles) { QSet ids; QMessageBox msgBox (this); QString primary_text, secondary_text; int incomplete = 0; int connected = 0; int count; foreach (QModelIndex index, ui.listView->selectionModel ()->selectedRows ()) { const Torrent * tor (index.data (TorrentModel::TorrentRole).value ()); ids.insert (tor->id ()); if (tor->connectedPeers ()) ++connected; if (!tor->isDone ()) ++incomplete; } if (ids.isEmpty ()) return; count = ids.size (); if (!deleteFiles) { primary_text = (count == 1) ? tr ("Remove torrent?") : tr ("Remove %1 torrents?").arg (count); } else { primary_text = (count == 1) ? tr ("Delete this torrent's downloaded files?") : tr ("Delete these %1 torrents' downloaded files?").arg (count); } if (!incomplete && !connected) { secondary_text = (count == 1) ? tr ("Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file or magnet link.") : tr ("Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files or magnet links."); } else if (count == incomplete) { secondary_text = (count == 1) ? tr ("This torrent has not finished downloading.") : tr ("These torrents have not finished downloading."); } else if (count == connected) { secondary_text = (count == 1) ? tr ("This torrent is connected to peers.") : tr ("These torrents are connected to peers."); } else { if (connected) { secondary_text = (connected == 1) ? tr ("One of these torrents is connected to peers.") : tr ("Some of these torrents are connected to peers."); } if (connected && incomplete) { secondary_text += "\n"; } if (incomplete) { secondary_text += (incomplete == 1) ? tr ("One of these torrents has not finished downloading.") : tr ("Some of these torrents have not finished downloading."); } } msgBox.setWindowTitle (QString (" ")); msgBox.setText (QString ("%1").arg (primary_text)); msgBox.setInformativeText (secondary_text); msgBox.setStandardButtons (QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.setDefaultButton (QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.setIcon (QMessageBox::Question); /* hack needed to keep the dialog from being too narrow */ QGridLayout* layout = (QGridLayout*)msgBox.layout (); QSpacerItem* spacer = new QSpacerItem (450, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding); layout->addItem (spacer, layout->rowCount (), 0, 1, layout->columnCount ()); if (msgBox.exec () == QMessageBox::Ok) { ui.listView->selectionModel ()->clear (); mySession.removeTorrents (ids, deleteFiles); } } /*** **** ***/ void TrMainWindow :: updateNetworkIcon () { const time_t now = time (NULL); const int period = 3; const time_t secondsSinceLastSend = now - myLastSendTime; const time_t secondsSinceLastRead = now - myLastReadTime; const bool isSending = secondsSinceLastSend <= period; const bool isReading = secondsSinceLastRead <= period; const char * key; if (isSending && isReading) key = "network-transmit-receive"; else if (isSending) key = "network-transmit"; else if (isReading) key = "network-receive"; else key = "network-idle"; const QIcon icon = getStockIcon (key, QStyle::SP_DriveNetIcon); const QPixmap pixmap = icon.pixmap (16, 16); QString tip; const QString url = mySession.getRemoteUrl ().host (); if (!myLastReadTime) tip = tr ("%1 has not responded yet").arg (url); else if (secondsSinceLastRead < 60) tip = tr ("%1 is responding").arg (url); else if (secondsSinceLastRead < (60*10)) tip = tr ("%1 last responded %2 ago").arg (url).arg (Formatter::timeToString (secondsSinceLastRead)); else tip = tr ("%1 is not responding").arg (url); myNetworkLabel->setPixmap (pixmap); myNetworkLabel->setToolTip (tip); } void TrMainWindow :: onNetworkTimer () { updateNetworkIcon (); } void TrMainWindow :: dataReadProgress () { myLastReadTime = time (NULL); updateNetworkIcon (); } void TrMainWindow :: dataSendProgress () { myLastSendTime = time (NULL); updateNetworkIcon (); } void TrMainWindow :: wrongAuthentication () { mySession.stop (); mySessionDialog->show (); } /*** **** ***/ void TrMainWindow :: dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent * event) { const QMimeData * mime = event->mimeData (); if (mime->hasFormat ("application/x-bittorrent") || mime->hasUrls() || mime->text ().trimmed ().endsWith (".torrent", Qt::CaseInsensitive) || mime->text ().startsWith ("magnet:", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) event->acceptProposedAction (); } void TrMainWindow :: dropEvent (QDropEvent * event) { QStringList list; if (event->mimeData()->hasText()) { list = event->mimeData()->text().trimmed().split('\n'); } else if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { foreach (QUrl url, event->mimeData()->urls()) list.append(url.toLocalFile()); } foreach (QString entry, list) { QString key = entry.trimmed(); if (!key.isEmpty()) { const QUrl url (key); if (url.scheme () == "file") key = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding (url.path().toUtf8()); dynamic_cast (QApplication::instance ())->addTorrent (key); } } } /*** **** ***/ void TrMainWindow :: contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent * event) { QMenu * menu = new QMenu (this); menu->addAction (ui.action_Properties); menu->addAction (ui.action_OpenFolder); QAction * sep = new QAction (menu); sep->setSeparator (true); menu->addAction (sep); menu->addAction (ui.action_Start); menu->addAction (ui.action_StartNow); menu->addAction (ui.action_Announce); QMenu * queueMenu = menu->addMenu (tr ("Queue")); queueMenu->addAction (ui.action_QueueMoveTop); queueMenu->addAction (ui.action_QueueMoveUp); queueMenu->addAction (ui.action_QueueMoveDown); queueMenu->addAction (ui.action_QueueMoveBottom); menu->addAction (ui.action_Pause); sep = new QAction (menu); sep->setSeparator (true); menu->addAction (sep); menu->addAction (ui.action_Verify); menu->addAction (ui.action_SetLocation); menu->addAction (ui.action_CopyMagnetToClipboard); sep = new QAction (menu); sep->setSeparator (true); menu->addAction (sep); menu->addAction (ui.action_Remove); menu->addAction (ui.action_Delete); menu->popup (event->globalPos ()); }