/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Speed.h" #include "Torrent.h" #include "TorrentDelegate.h" #include "TorrentModel.h" #include "VariantHelpers.h" using ::trqt::variant_helpers::getValue; /*** **** ***/ namespace { struct TorrentIdLessThan { bool operator ()(Torrent* left, Torrent* right) const { return left->id() < right->id(); } bool operator ()(int left_id, Torrent* right) const { return left_id < right->id(); } bool operator ()(Torrent* left, int right_id) const { return left->id() < right_id; } }; template auto getIds(Iter it, Iter end) { torrent_ids_t ids; for ( ; it != end; ++it) { ids.insert((*it)->id()); } return ids; } } // namespace /*** **** ***/ TorrentModel::TorrentModel(Prefs const& prefs) : prefs_(prefs) { } TorrentModel::~TorrentModel() { clear(); } void TorrentModel::clear() { beginResetModel(); qDeleteAll(torrents_); torrents_.clear(); endResetModel(); } int TorrentModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return torrents_.size(); } QVariant TorrentModel::data(QModelIndex const& index, int role) const { Torrent const* t = torrents_.value(index.row(), nullptr); if (t != nullptr) { switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: return t->name(); break; case Qt::DecorationRole: return t->getMimeTypeIcon(); break; case TorrentRole: return QVariant::fromValue(t); break; default: // std::cerr << "Unhandled role: " << role << std::endl; break; } } return {}; } /*** **** ***/ void TorrentModel::removeTorrents(tr_variant* list) { torrents_t torrents; torrents.reserve(tr_variantListSize(list)); int i = 0; tr_variant* child; while ((child = tr_variantListChild(list, i++)) != nullptr) { auto const id = getValue(child); if (id) { auto* torrent = getTorrentFromId(*id); if (torrent != nullptr) { torrents.push_back(torrent); } } } if (!torrents.empty()) { rowsRemove(torrents); } } void TorrentModel::updateTorrents(tr_variant* torrents, bool is_complete_list) { auto const old = is_complete_list ? torrents_ : torrents_t{}; auto added = torrent_ids_t{}; auto changed = torrent_ids_t{}; auto completed = torrent_ids_t{}; auto edited = torrent_ids_t{}; auto instantiated = torrents_t{}; auto needinfo = torrent_ids_t{}; auto processed = torrents_t{}; auto changed_fields = Torrent::fields_t{}; auto const now = time(nullptr); auto const recently_added = [now](auto const& tor) { static auto constexpr MaxAge = 60; auto const date = tor->dateAdded(); return (date != 0) && (difftime(now, date) < MaxAge); }; // build a list of the property keys tr_variant* const first_child = tr_variantListChild(torrents, 0); bool const table = tr_variantIsList(first_child); std::vector keys; if (table) { // In 'table' format, the first entry in 'torrents' is an array of keys. // All the other entries are an array of the values for one torrent. char const* str; size_t len; size_t i = 0; keys.reserve(tr_variantListSize(first_child)); while (tr_variantGetStr(tr_variantListChild(first_child, i++), &str, &len)) { keys.push_back(tr_quark_new(str, len)); } } else { // In 'object' format, every entry is an object with the same set of properties size_t i = 0; tr_quark key; tr_variant* value; while (first_child && tr_variantDictChild(first_child, i++, &key, &value)) { keys.push_back(key); } } // Find the position of TR_KEY_id so we can do torrent lookup auto const id_it = std::find(std::begin(keys), std::end(keys), TR_KEY_id); if (id_it == std::end(keys)) // no ids provided; we can't proceed { return; } auto const id_pos = std::distance(std::begin(keys), id_it); // Loop through the torrent records... std::vector values; values.reserve(keys.size()); size_t tor_index = table ? 1 : 0; tr_variant* v; processed.reserve(tr_variantListSize(torrents)); while ((v = tr_variantListChild(torrents, tor_index++))) { // Build an array of values values.clear(); if (table) { // In table mode, v is already a list of values size_t i = 0; tr_variant* val; while ((val = tr_variantListChild(v, i++))) { values.push_back(val); } } else { // In object mode, v is an object of torrent property key/vals size_t i = 0; tr_quark key; tr_variant* value; while (tr_variantDictChild(v, i++, &key, &value)) { values.push_back(value); } } // Find the torrent id auto const id = getValue(values[id_pos]); if (!id) { continue; } Torrent* tor = getTorrentFromId(*id); bool is_new = false; if (tor == nullptr) { tor = new Torrent(prefs_, *id); instantiated.push_back(tor); is_new = true; } auto const fields = tor->update(keys.data(), values.data(), keys.size()); if (fields.any()) { changed_fields |= fields; changed.insert(*id); } if (fields.test(Torrent::EDIT_DATE)) { edited.insert(*id); } if (is_new && !tor->hasName()) { needinfo.insert(*id); } if (recently_added(tor) && tor->hasName() && !already_added_.count(*id)) { added.insert(*id); already_added_.insert(*id); } if (fields.test(Torrent::LEFT_UNTIL_DONE) && (tor->leftUntilDone() == 0) && (tor->downloadedEver() > 0)) { completed.insert(*id); } processed.push_back(tor); } // model upkeep if (!instantiated.empty()) { rowsAdd(instantiated); } if (!edited.empty()) { emit torrentsEdited(edited); } if (!changed.empty()) { rowsEmitChanged(changed); } // emit signals if (!added.empty()) { emit torrentsAdded(added); } if (!needinfo.empty()) { emit torrentsNeedInfo(needinfo); } if (!changed.empty()) { emit torrentsChanged(changed, changed_fields); } if (!completed.empty()) { emit torrentsCompleted(completed); } // model upkeep if (is_complete_list) { std::sort(processed.begin(), processed.end(), TorrentIdLessThan()); torrents_t removed; removed.reserve(old.size()); std::set_difference(old.begin(), old.end(), processed.begin(), processed.end(), std::back_inserter(removed)); rowsRemove(removed); } } /*** **** ***/ std::optional TorrentModel::getRow(int id) const { std::optional row; auto const it = std::equal_range(torrents_.begin(), torrents_.end(), id, TorrentIdLessThan()); if (it.first != it.second) { row = std::distance(torrents_.begin(), it.first); assert(torrents_[*row]->id() == id); } return row; } Torrent* TorrentModel::getTorrentFromId(int id) { auto const row = getRow(id); return row ? torrents_[*row] : nullptr; } Torrent const* TorrentModel::getTorrentFromId(int id) const { auto const row = getRow(id); return row ? torrents_[*row] : nullptr; } /*** **** ***/ std::vector TorrentModel::getSpans(torrent_ids_t const& ids) const { // ids -> rows std::vector rows; rows.reserve(ids.size()); for (auto const& id : ids) { auto const row = getRow(id); if (row) { rows.push_back(*row); } } std::sort(rows.begin(), rows.end()); // rows -> spans std::vector spans; spans.reserve(rows.size()); span_t span; bool in_span = false; for (auto const& row : rows) { if (in_span) { if (span.second + 1 == row) { span.second = row; } else { spans.push_back(span); in_span = false; } } if (!in_span) { span.first = span.second = row; in_span = true; } } if (in_span) { spans.push_back(span); } return spans; } /*** **** ***/ void TorrentModel::rowsEmitChanged(torrent_ids_t const& ids) { for (auto const& span : getSpans(ids)) { emit dataChanged(index(span.first), index(span.second)); } } void TorrentModel::rowsAdd(torrents_t const& torrents) { auto const compare = TorrentIdLessThan(); if (torrents_.empty()) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, torrents.size() - 1); torrents_ = torrents; std::sort(torrents_.begin(), torrents_.end(), TorrentIdLessThan()); endInsertRows(); } else { for (auto const& tor : torrents) { auto* const it = std::lower_bound(torrents_.begin(), torrents_.end(), tor, compare); auto const row = std::distance(torrents_.begin(), it); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), row, row); torrents_.insert(it, tor); endInsertRows(); } } } void TorrentModel::rowsRemove(torrents_t const& torrents) { // must walk in reverse to avoid invalidating row numbers auto const& spans = getSpans(getIds(torrents.begin(), torrents.end())); for (auto it = spans.rbegin(), end = spans.rend(); it != end; ++it) { auto const& span = *it; beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), span.first, span.second); auto const n = span.second + 1 - span.first; torrents_.remove(span.first, n); endRemoveRows(); } qDeleteAll(torrents); } /*** **** ***/ bool TorrentModel::hasTorrent(TorrentHash const& hash) const { auto test = [hash](auto const& tor) { return tor->hash() == hash; }; return std::any_of(torrents_.cbegin(), torrents_.cend(), test); }