/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include "transmission.h" #include "bencode.h" #include "bitset.h" #include "utils.h" const tr_bitset TR_BITSET_INIT = { FALSE, FALSE, { NULL, 0, 0 } }; void tr_bitsetConstruct( tr_bitset * b, size_t bitCount ) { *b = TR_BITSET_INIT; b->bitfield.bitCount = bitCount; } void tr_bitsetDestruct( tr_bitset * b ) { tr_free( b->bitfield.bits ); *b = TR_BITSET_INIT; } static void tr_bitsetClear( tr_bitset * b ) { tr_free( b->bitfield.bits ); b->bitfield.bits = NULL; b->haveAll = FALSE; b->haveNone = FALSE; } void tr_bitsetSetHaveAll( tr_bitset * b ) { tr_bitsetClear( b ); b->haveAll = TRUE; } void tr_bitsetSetHaveNone( tr_bitset * b ) { tr_bitsetClear( b ); b->haveNone = TRUE; } void tr_bitsetSetBitfield( tr_bitset * b, const tr_bitfield * bitfield ) { const size_t n = tr_bitfieldCountTrueBits( bitfield ); if( n == 0 ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveNone( b ); } else if( n == bitfield->bitCount ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveAll( b ); } else { tr_bitsetDestruct( b ); b->bitfield.bits = tr_memdup( bitfield->bits, bitfield->byteCount ); b->bitfield.bitCount = bitfield->bitCount; b->bitfield.byteCount = bitfield->byteCount; } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_bitsetAdd( tr_bitset * b, size_t i ) { tr_bitfield * bf = &b->bitfield; if( b->haveAll ) return; b->haveNone = FALSE; /* do we need to resize the bitfield to accomodate this bit? */ if( !bf->bits || ( bf->bitCount < i+1 ) ) { const size_t oldByteCount = bf->byteCount; if( bf->bitCount < i + 1 ) bf->bitCount = i + 1; bf->byteCount = ( bf->bitCount + 7u ) / 8u; bf->bits = tr_renew( uint8_t, bf->bits, bf->byteCount ); if( bf->byteCount > oldByteCount ) memset( bf->bits + oldByteCount, 0, bf->byteCount - oldByteCount ); } tr_bitfieldAdd( bf, i ); } void tr_bitsetRem( tr_bitset * b, size_t i ) { if( b->haveNone ) return; b->haveAll = FALSE; if( !b->bitfield.bits ) { tr_bitfieldConstruct( &b->bitfield, b->bitfield.bitCount ); tr_bitfieldAddRange( &b->bitfield, 0, b->bitfield.bitCount ); } tr_bitfieldRem( &b->bitfield, i ); } void tr_bitsetRemRange( tr_bitset * b, size_t begin, size_t end ) { if( b->haveNone ) return; b->haveAll = FALSE; if( !b->bitfield.bits ) { tr_bitfieldConstruct( &b->bitfield, b->bitfield.bitCount ); tr_bitfieldAddRange( &b->bitfield, 0, b->bitfield.bitCount ); } tr_bitfieldRemRange( &b->bitfield, begin, end ); } /*** **** ***/ tr_bool tr_bitsetHas( const tr_bitset * b, const size_t nth ) { if( b->haveAll ) return TRUE; if( b->haveNone ) return FALSE; if( nth >= b->bitfield.bitCount ) return FALSE; return tr_bitfieldHas( &b->bitfield, nth ); } size_t tr_bitsetCountRange( const tr_bitset * b, const size_t begin, const size_t end ) { if( b->haveAll ) return end - begin; if( b->haveNone ) return 0; return tr_bitfieldCountRange( &b->bitfield, begin, end ); } double tr_bitsetPercent( const tr_bitset * b ) { if( b->haveAll ) return 1.0; if( b->haveNone ) return 0.0; if( b->bitfield.bitCount == 0 ) return 0.0; return tr_bitfieldCountTrueBits( &b->bitfield ) / (double)b->bitfield.bitCount; } void tr_bitsetOr( tr_bitfield * a, const tr_bitset * b ) { if( b->haveAll ) tr_bitfieldAddRange( a, 0, a->bitCount ); else if( !b->haveNone ) tr_bitfieldOr( a, &b->bitfield ); } /*** **** ***/ tr_bool tr_bitsetFromBenc( tr_bitset * b, tr_benc * benc ) { size_t buflen; const uint8_t * buf; tr_bool handled = FALSE; if( tr_bencGetRaw( benc, &buf, &buflen ) ) { if( ( buflen == 3 ) && !memcmp( buf, "all", 3 ) ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveAll( b ); handled = TRUE; } else if( ( buflen == 4 ) && !memcmp( buf, "none", 4 ) ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveNone( b ); handled = TRUE; } else { b->haveAll = FALSE; b->haveNone = FALSE; tr_free( b->bitfield.bits ); b->bitfield.bits = tr_memdup( buf, buflen ); b->bitfield.byteCount = buflen; b->bitfield.bitCount = buflen * 8; handled = TRUE; } } return handled; } void tr_bitsetToBenc( const tr_bitset * b, tr_benc * benc ) { if( b->haveAll ) { tr_bencInitStr( benc, "all", 3 ); } else if( b->haveNone ) { tr_bencInitStr( benc, "none", 4 ); } else { const tr_bitfield * bf = &b->bitfield; const size_t n = tr_bitfieldCountTrueBits( bf ); if( n == bf->bitCount ) { tr_bencInitStr( benc, "all", 3 ); } else if( n == 0 ) { tr_bencInitStr( benc, "none", 4 ); } else { tr_bencInitRaw( benc, bf->bits, bf->byteCount ); } } }