/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include /* memcpy() */ #include "transmission.h" #include "completion.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "utils.h" /*** **** ***/ static void tr_cpReset( tr_completion * cp ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveNone( &cp->blockBitset ); tr_free( cp->completeBlocks ); cp->completeBlocks = NULL; cp->sizeNow = 0; cp->sizeWhenDoneIsDirty = true; cp->blocksWantedIsDirty = true; cp->haveValidIsDirty = true; } tr_completion * tr_cpConstruct( tr_completion * cp, tr_torrent * tor ) { cp->tor = tor; cp->completeBlocks = NULL; tr_bitsetConstruct( &cp->blockBitset, tor->blockCount ); tr_cpReset( cp ); return cp; } tr_completion* tr_cpDestruct( tr_completion * cp ) { tr_free( cp->completeBlocks ); tr_bitsetDestruct( &cp->blockBitset ); return cp; } /*** **** ***/ static inline bool isSeed( const tr_completion * cp ) { return cp->blockBitset.haveAll; } tr_completeness tr_cpGetStatus( const tr_completion * cp ) { if( !tr_torrentHasMetadata( cp->tor ) ) return TR_LEECH; if( cp->sizeNow == cp->tor->info.totalSize ) return TR_SEED; if( cp->sizeNow == tr_cpSizeWhenDone( cp ) ) return TR_PARTIAL_SEED; return TR_LEECH; } /* how many blocks are in this piece? */ static inline uint16_t countBlocksInPiece( const tr_torrent * tor, const tr_piece_index_t piece ) { return piece + 1 == tor->info.pieceCount ? tor->blockCountInLastPiece : tor->blockCountInPiece; } static uint16_t * getCompleteBlocks( const tr_completion * ccp ) { if( ccp->completeBlocks == NULL ) { tr_completion * cp = (tr_completion*) ccp; cp->completeBlocks = tr_new0( uint16_t, ccp->tor->info.pieceCount ); } return ccp->completeBlocks; } void tr_cpInvalidateDND( tr_completion * cp ) { cp->sizeWhenDoneIsDirty = true; cp->blocksWantedIsDirty = true; } tr_block_index_t tr_cpBlocksMissing( const tr_completion * ccp ) { if( isSeed( ccp ) ) return 0; if( ccp->blocksWantedIsDirty ) { tr_piece_index_t i; tr_block_index_t wanted = 0; tr_block_index_t complete = 0; tr_completion * cp = (tr_completion *) ccp; /* mutable */ const uint16_t * complete_blocks = getCompleteBlocks( cp ); const tr_torrent * tor = ccp->tor; const tr_info * info = &tor->info; for( i = 0; i < info->pieceCount; ++i ) { if( !info->pieces[i].dnd ) { wanted += countBlocksInPiece( tor, i ); complete += complete_blocks[i]; } } cp->blocksWantedLazy = wanted; cp->blocksWantedCompleteLazy = complete; cp->blocksWantedIsDirty = false; } return ccp->blocksWantedLazy - ccp->blocksWantedCompleteLazy; } void tr_cpPieceRem( tr_completion * cp, tr_piece_index_t piece ) { tr_block_index_t i; tr_block_index_t first; tr_block_index_t last; const tr_torrent * tor = cp->tor; uint16_t * complete_blocks = getCompleteBlocks( cp ); tr_torGetPieceBlockRange( cp->tor, piece, &first, &last ); for( i=first; i<=last; ++i ) if( tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, i ) ) cp->sizeNow -= tr_torBlockCountBytes( tor, i ); if( !tor->info.pieces[piece].dnd ) cp->blocksWantedCompleteLazy -= complete_blocks[piece]; cp->sizeWhenDoneIsDirty = true; cp->haveValidIsDirty = true; complete_blocks[piece] = 0; tr_bitsetRemRange( &cp->blockBitset, first, last+1 ); } void tr_cpPieceAdd( tr_completion * cp, tr_piece_index_t piece ) { tr_block_index_t i; tr_block_index_t first; tr_block_index_t last; tr_torGetPieceBlockRange( cp->tor, piece, &first, &last ); for( i=first; i<=last; ++i ) tr_cpBlockAdd( cp, i ); } void tr_cpBlockAdd( tr_completion * cp, tr_block_index_t block ) { const tr_torrent * tor = cp->tor; if( !tr_cpBlockIsComplete( cp, block ) ) { const tr_piece_index_t piece = tr_torBlockPiece( tor, block ); const int blockSize = tr_torBlockCountBytes( tor, block ); getCompleteBlocks(cp)[piece]++; tr_bitsetAdd( &cp->blockBitset, block ); cp->sizeNow += blockSize; if( !tor->info.pieces[piece].dnd ) cp->blocksWantedCompleteLazy++; cp->sizeWhenDoneIsDirty = true; cp->haveValidIsDirty = true; } } bool tr_cpBlockBitsetInit( tr_completion * cp, const tr_bitset * blocks ) { bool success = false; tr_torrent * tor = cp->tor; /* start cp with a state where it thinks we have nothing */ tr_cpReset( cp ); if( blocks->haveAll ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveAll( &cp->blockBitset ); cp->sizeNow = tor->info.totalSize; success = true; } else if( blocks->haveNone ) { /* already reset... */ success = true; } else { const tr_bitfield * src = &blocks->bitfield; tr_bitfield * tgt = &cp->blockBitset.bitfield; tr_bitfieldConstruct( tgt, tor->blockCount ); /* The bitfield of block flags is typically loaded from a resume file. Test the bitfield's length in case the resume file is corrupt */ if(( success = src->byteCount == tgt->byteCount )) { size_t i = 0; uint16_t * complete_blocks_in_piece = getCompleteBlocks( cp ); /* init our block bitfield from the one passed in */ memcpy( tgt->bits, src->bits, src->byteCount ); /* update cp.sizeNow and the cp.blockBitset flags */ i = tr_bitfieldCountTrueBits( tgt ); if( i == tor->blockCount ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveAll( &cp->blockBitset ); cp->sizeNow = cp->tor->info.totalSize; } else if( !i ) { tr_bitsetSetHaveNone( &cp->blockBitset ); cp->sizeNow = 0; } else { cp->blockBitset.haveAll = cp->blockBitset.haveNone = false; cp->sizeNow = tr_bitfieldCountRange( tgt, 0, tor->blockCount-1 ); cp->sizeNow *= tor->blockSize; if( tr_bitfieldHas( tgt, tor->blockCount-1 ) ) cp->sizeNow += tr_torBlockCountBytes( tor, tor->blockCount-1 ); } /* update complete_blocks_in_piece */ for( i=0; iinfo.pieceCount; ++i ) { tr_block_index_t first, last; tr_torGetPieceBlockRange( tor, i, &first, &last ); complete_blocks_in_piece[i] = tr_bitfieldCountRange( src, first, last+1 ); } } } return success; } /*** **** ***/ uint64_t tr_cpHaveValid( const tr_completion * ccp ) { if( ccp->haveValidIsDirty ) { tr_piece_index_t i; uint64_t size = 0; tr_completion * cp = (tr_completion *) ccp; /* mutable */ const tr_torrent * tor = ccp->tor; const tr_info * info = &tor->info; for( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) if( tr_cpPieceIsComplete( ccp, i ) ) size += tr_torPieceCountBytes( tor, i ); cp->haveValidIsDirty = false; cp->haveValidLazy = size; } return ccp->haveValidLazy; } uint64_t tr_cpSizeWhenDone( const tr_completion * ccp ) { if( ccp->sizeWhenDoneIsDirty ) { tr_piece_index_t i; uint64_t size = 0; tr_completion * cp = (tr_completion *) ccp; /* mutable */ const tr_torrent * tor = ccp->tor; const tr_info * info = &tor->info; for( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) if( !info->pieces[i].dnd || tr_cpPieceIsComplete( cp, i ) ) size += tr_torPieceCountBytes( tor, i ); cp->sizeWhenDoneIsDirty = false; cp->sizeWhenDoneLazy = size; } return ccp->sizeWhenDoneLazy; } void tr_cpGetAmountDone( const tr_completion * cp, float * tab, int tabCount ) { int i; const float interval = cp->tor->info.pieceCount / (float)tabCount; const bool seed = isSeed( cp ); for( i=0; itor, piece ); } } } int tr_cpMissingBlocksInPiece( const tr_completion * cp, tr_piece_index_t i ) { if( isSeed( cp ) ) return 0; return countBlocksInPiece( cp->tor, i ) - getCompleteBlocks(cp)[i]; } bool tr_cpFileIsComplete( const tr_completion * cp, tr_file_index_t i ) { tr_block_index_t f, l; if( cp->tor->info.files[i].length == 0 ) return true; tr_torGetFileBlockRange( cp->tor, i, &f, &l ); return tr_bitsetCountRange( &cp->blockBitset, f, l+1 ) == (l+1-f); } tr_bitfield * tr_cpCreatePieceBitfield( const tr_completion * cp ) { tr_piece_index_t i; const tr_piece_index_t n = cp->tor->info.pieceCount; tr_bitfield * bf = tr_bitfieldNew( n ); for( i=0; i