/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * * $Id$ */ #include #include "RelocateDialog.h" #include "Session.h" #include "Torrent.h" #include "TorrentModel.h" bool RelocateDialog::myMoveFlag = true; void RelocateDialog::onSetLocation () { mySession.torrentSetLocation (myIds, newLocation (), myMoveFlag); close (); } void RelocateDialog::onMoveToggled (bool b) { myMoveFlag = b; } RelocateDialog::RelocateDialog (Session & session, const TorrentModel & model, const QSet & ids, QWidget * parent): QDialog (parent), mySession (session), myIds (ids) { ui.setupUi (this); QString path; for (const int id: myIds) { const Torrent * tor = model.getTorrentFromId (id); if (path.isEmpty ()) { path = tor->getPath (); } else if (path != tor->getPath ()) { if (mySession.isServer ()) path = QDir::homePath (); else path = QDir::rootPath (); break; } } if (mySession.isServer ()) { ui.newLocationStack->setCurrentWidget (ui.newLocationButton); ui.newLocationButton->setMode (PathButton::DirectoryMode); ui.newLocationButton->setTitle (tr ("Select Location")); ui.newLocationButton->setPath (path); } else { ui.newLocationStack->setCurrentWidget (ui.newLocationEdit); ui.newLocationEdit->setText (path); ui.newLocationEdit->selectAll (); } ui.newLocationStack->setFixedHeight (ui.newLocationStack->currentWidget ()->sizeHint ().height ()); ui.newLocationLabel->setBuddy (ui.newLocationStack->currentWidget ()); if (myMoveFlag) ui.moveDataRadio->setChecked (true); else ui.findDataRadio->setChecked (true); connect (ui.moveDataRadio, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onMoveToggled (bool))); connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (rejected ()), this, SLOT (close ())); connect (ui.dialogButtons, SIGNAL (accepted ()), this, SLOT (onSetLocation ())); } QString RelocateDialog::newLocation () const { return ui.newLocationStack->currentWidget () == ui.newLocationButton ? ui.newLocationButton->path () : ui.newLocationEdit->text (); }