/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007 Charles Kerr * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include #include /* memcpy, memcmp */ #include /* qsort */ #include /* printf */ #include /* INT_MAX */ #include "transmission.h" #include "clients.h" #include "completion.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "handshake.h" #include "net.h" #include "peer-io.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "peer-mgr-private.h" #include "peer-msgs.h" #include "platform.h" #include "ptrarray.h" #include "ratecontrol.h" #include "shared.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "utils.h" enum { /* how frequently to change which peers are choked */ RECHOKE_PERIOD_MSEC = (15 * 1000), /* how frequently to decide which peers live and die */ RECONNECT_PERIOD_MSEC = (5 * 1000), /* how frequently to refill peers' request lists */ REFILL_PERIOD_MSEC = 1000, /* how many peers to unchoke per-torrent. */ /* FIXME: make this user-configurable? */ NUM_UNCHOKED_PEERS_PER_TORRENT = 8, /* don't change a peer's choke status more often than this */ MIN_CHOKE_PERIOD_SEC = 10, /* how soon is `soon' in the rechokeSoon, reconnecSoon funcs */ SOON_MSEC = 1000, /* following the BT spec, we consider ourselves `snubbed' if * we're we don't get piece data from a peer in this long */ SNUBBED_SEC = 60, /* this is arbitrary and, hopefully, temporary until we come up * with a better idea for managing the connection limits */ MAX_CONNECTED_PEERS_PER_TORRENT = 60, /* another arbitrary number */ MAX_RECONNECTIONS_PER_MINUTE = 60, MAX_RECONNECTIONS_PER_PULSE = ((MAX_RECONNECTIONS_PER_MINUTE * RECONNECT_PERIOD_MSEC) / (60*1000)), /* corresponds to ut_pex's added.f flags */ ADDED_F_ENCRYPTION_FLAG = 1, /* corresponds to ut_pex's added.f flags */ ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG = 2 }; /** *** **/ /* We keep one of these for every peer we know about, whether * it's connected or not, so the struct must be small. * When our current connections underperform, we dip back * into this list for new ones. */ struct peer_atom { uint8_t from; uint8_t flags; /* these match the added_f flags */ uint16_t port; struct in_addr addr; time_t time; }; typedef struct { uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; tr_ptrArray * pool; /* struct peer_atom */ tr_ptrArray * peers; /* tr_peer */ tr_timer * reconnectTimer; tr_timer * rechokeTimer; tr_timer * rechokeSoonTimer; tr_timer * refillTimer; tr_torrent * tor; tr_bitfield * requested; unsigned int isRunning : 1; struct tr_peerMgr * manager; } Torrent; struct tr_peerMgr { tr_handle * handle; tr_ptrArray * torrents; /* Torrent */ int connectionCount; tr_ptrArray * handshakes; /* in-process */ }; /** *** **/ static void managerLock( struct tr_peerMgr * manager ) { tr_globalLock( manager->handle ); } static void managerUnlock( struct tr_peerMgr * manager ) { tr_globalUnlock( manager->handle ); } static void torrentLock( Torrent * torrent ) { managerLock( torrent->manager ); } static void torrentUnlock( Torrent * torrent ) { managerUnlock( torrent->manager ); } static int torrentIsLocked( const Torrent * t ) { return tr_globalIsLocked( t->manager->handle ); } /** *** **/ static int compareAddresses( const struct in_addr * a, const struct in_addr * b ) { return tr_compareUint32( a->s_addr, b->s_addr ); } static int handshakeCompareToAddr( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const tr_handshake * a = va; return compareAddresses( tr_handshakeGetAddr( a, NULL ), vb ); } static int handshakeCompare( const void * a, const void * b ) { return handshakeCompareToAddr( a, tr_handshakeGetAddr( b, NULL ) ); } static tr_handshake* getExistingHandshake( tr_peerMgr * mgr, const struct in_addr * in_addr ) { return tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( mgr->handshakes, in_addr, handshakeCompareToAddr ); } static int comparePeerAtomToAddress( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct peer_atom * a = va; return compareAddresses( &a->addr, vb ); } static int comparePeerAtoms( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct peer_atom * b = vb; return comparePeerAtomToAddress( va, &b->addr ); } /** *** **/ static int torrentCompare( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const Torrent * a = va; const Torrent * b = vb; return memcmp( a->hash, b->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); } static int torrentCompareToHash( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const Torrent * a = (const Torrent*) va; const uint8_t * b_hash = (const uint8_t*) vb; return memcmp( a->hash, b_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); } static Torrent* getExistingTorrent( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * hash ) { return (Torrent*) tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( manager->torrents, hash, torrentCompareToHash ); } static int peerCompare( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const tr_peer * a = (const tr_peer *) va; const tr_peer * b = (const tr_peer *) vb; return compareAddresses( &a->in_addr, &b->in_addr ); } static int peerCompareToAddr( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const tr_peer * a = (const tr_peer *) va; return compareAddresses( &a->in_addr, vb ); } static tr_peer* getExistingPeer( Torrent * torrent, const struct in_addr * in_addr ) { assert( torrentIsLocked( torrent ) ); assert( in_addr != NULL ); return (tr_peer*) tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( torrent->peers, in_addr, peerCompareToAddr ); } static struct peer_atom* getExistingAtom( const Torrent * t, const struct in_addr * addr ) { assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); return tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( t->pool, addr, comparePeerAtomToAddress ); } static int peerIsKnown( const Torrent * t, const struct in_addr * addr ) { return getExistingAtom( t, addr ) != NULL; } static int peerIsInUse( const Torrent * t, const struct in_addr * addr ) { assert( torrentIsLocked ( t ) ); return ( getExistingPeer( (Torrent*)t, addr ) != NULL ) || ( getExistingHandshake( ((Torrent*)t)->manager, addr ) != NULL ); } static tr_peer* getPeer( Torrent * torrent, const struct in_addr * in_addr ) { tr_peer * peer; assert( torrentIsLocked( torrent ) ); peer = getExistingPeer( torrent, in_addr ); if( peer == NULL ) { peer = tr_new0( tr_peer, 1 ); peer->rateToClient = tr_rcInit( ); peer->rateToPeer = tr_rcInit( ); memcpy( &peer->in_addr, in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr) ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( torrent->peers, peer, peerCompare ); } return peer; } static void disconnectPeer( tr_peer * peer ) { assert( peer != NULL ); tr_peerIoFree( peer->io ); peer->io = NULL; if( peer->msgs != NULL ) { tr_peerMsgsUnsubscribe( peer->msgs, peer->msgsTag ); tr_peerMsgsFree( peer->msgs ); peer->msgs = NULL; } tr_bitfieldFree( peer->have ); peer->have = NULL; tr_bitfieldFree( peer->blame ); peer->blame = NULL; tr_bitfieldFree( peer->banned ); peer->banned = NULL; } static void freePeer( tr_peer * peer ) { disconnectPeer( peer ); tr_rcClose( peer->rateToClient ); tr_rcClose( peer->rateToPeer ); tr_free( peer->client ); tr_free( peer ); } static void removePeer( Torrent * t, tr_peer * peer ) { tr_peer * removed; struct peer_atom * atom; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); atom = getExistingAtom( t, &peer->in_addr ); assert( atom != NULL ); atom->time = time( NULL ); removed = tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted ( t->peers, peer, peerCompare ); assert( removed == peer ); freePeer( removed ); } static void removeAllPeers( Torrent * t ) { while( !tr_ptrArrayEmpty( t->peers ) ) removePeer( t, tr_ptrArrayNth( t->peers, 0 ) ); } static void freeTorrent( tr_peerMgr * manager, Torrent * t ) { uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; assert( t != NULL ); assert( t->peers != NULL ); assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); assert( getExistingTorrent( manager, t->hash ) != NULL ); memcpy( hash, t->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); tr_timerFree( &t->reconnectTimer ); tr_timerFree( &t->rechokeTimer ); tr_timerFree( &t->rechokeSoonTimer ); tr_timerFree( &t->refillTimer ); tr_bitfieldFree( t->requested ); tr_ptrArrayFree( t->pool, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)tr_free ); tr_ptrArrayFree( t->peers, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)freePeer ); tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( manager->torrents, t, torrentCompare ); tr_free( t ); assert( getExistingTorrent( manager, hash ) == NULL ); } /** *** **/ struct tr_bitfield * tr_peerMgrGenerateAllowedSet( const uint32_t setCount, const uint32_t pieceCount, const uint8_t infohash[20], const struct in_addr * ip ) { /* This has been checked against the spec example implementation. Feeding it with : setCount = 9, pieceCount = 1313, infohash = Oxaa,0xaa,...0xaa, ip = generate : 1059, 431, 808, 1217, 287, 376, 1188, 353, 508 but since we're storing in a bitfield, it won't be in this order... */ /* TODO : We should translate link-local IPv4 adresses to external IP, * so that being on same local network gives us the same allowed pieces */ printf( "%d piece allowed fast set for torrent with %d pieces and hex infohash\n", setCount, pieceCount ); printf( "%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x for node with IP %s:\n", infohash[0], infohash[1], infohash[2], infohash[3], infohash[4], infohash[5], infohash[6], infohash[7], infohash[8], infohash[9], infohash[10], infohash[11], infohash[12], infohash[13], infohash[14], infohash[15], infohash[16], infohash[7], infohash[18], infohash[19], inet_ntoa( *ip ) ); uint8_t *seed = malloc(4 + SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); char buf[4]; uint32_t allowedPieceCount = 0; tr_bitfield_t * ret; ret = tr_bitfieldNew( pieceCount ); /* We need a seed based on most significant bytes of peer address concatenated with torrent's infohash */ *(uint32_t*)buf = ntohl( htonl(ip->s_addr) & 0xffffff00 ); memcpy( seed, &buf, 4 ); memcpy( seed + 4, infohash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); tr_sha1( seed, seed, 4 + SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, NULL ); while ( allowedPieceCount < setCount ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 && allowedPieceCount < setCount ; i++ ) { /* We generate indices from 4-byte chunks of the seed */ uint32_t j = i * 4; uint32_t y = ntohl( *(uint32_t*)(seed + j) ); uint32_t index = y % pieceCount; if ( !tr_bitfieldHas( ret, index ) ) { tr_bitfieldAdd( ret, index ); allowedPieceCount++; } } /* We randomize the seed, in case we need to iterate more */ tr_sha1( seed, seed, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, NULL ); } tr_free( seed ); return ret; } tr_peerMgr* tr_peerMgrNew( tr_handle * handle ) { tr_peerMgr * m = tr_new0( tr_peerMgr, 1 ); m->handle = handle; m->torrents = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); m->handshakes = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); return m; } void tr_peerMgrFree( tr_peerMgr * manager ) { managerLock( manager ); tr_ptrArrayFree( manager->handshakes, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)tr_handshakeAbort ); tr_ptrArrayFree( manager->torrents, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)freeTorrent ); managerUnlock( manager ); tr_free( manager ); } /*** **** Refill ***/ struct tr_refill_piece { tr_priority_t priority; uint32_t piece; uint32_t peerCount; uint32_t fastAllowed; uint8_t random; }; static int compareRefillPiece (const void * aIn, const void * bIn) { const struct tr_refill_piece * a = aIn; const struct tr_refill_piece * b = bIn; /* if one piece has a higher priority, it goes first */ if (a->priority != b->priority) return a->priority > b->priority ? -1 : 1; /* otherwise if one has fewer peers, it goes first */ if (a->peerCount != b->peerCount) return a->peerCount < b->peerCount ? -1 : 1; /* otherwise if one *might be* fastallowed to us */ if (a->fastAllowed != b->fastAllowed) return a->fastAllowed < b->fastAllowed ? -1 : 1; /* otherwise go with our random seed */ return tr_compareUint8( a->random, b->random ); } static int isPieceInteresting( const tr_torrent * tor, int piece ) { if( tor->info.pieces[piece].dnd ) /* we don't want it */ return 0; if( tr_cpPieceIsComplete( tor->completion, piece ) ) /* we already have it */ return 0; return 1; } static uint32_t* getPreferredPieces( Torrent * t, uint32_t * pieceCount ) { const tr_torrent * tor = t->tor; const tr_info * inf = &tor->info; int i; uint32_t poolSize = 0; uint32_t * pool = tr_new( uint32_t, inf->pieceCount ); int peerCount; tr_peer** peers; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &peerCount ); for( i=0; ipieceCount; ++i ) if( isPieceInteresting( tor, i ) ) pool[poolSize++] = i; /* sort the pool from most interesting to least... */ if( poolSize > 1 ) { uint32_t j; struct tr_refill_piece * p = tr_new( struct tr_refill_piece, poolSize ); for( j=0; jpiece = piece; setme->priority = inf->pieces[piece].priority; setme->peerCount = 0; setme->fastAllowed = 0; setme->random = tr_rand( UINT8_MAX ); /* FIXME */ // setme->fastAllowed = tr_bitfieldHas( t->tor->allowedList, i); for( k=0; kpeerIsInterested && !peer->clientIsChoked && tr_bitfieldHas( peer->have, piece ) ) ++setme->peerCount; } } qsort (p, poolSize, sizeof(struct tr_refill_piece), compareRefillPiece); for( j=0; jtor; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); pieces = getPreferredPieces( t, &pieceCount ); /*fprintf( stderr, "REFILL refillPulse for {%s} got %d of %d pieces\n", tor->info.name, (int)pieceCount, t->tor->info.pieceCount );*/ req = tr_new( uint64_t, pieceCount * tor->blockCountInPiece ); reqCount = 0; unreq = tr_new( uint64_t, pieceCount * tor->blockCountInPiece ); unreqCount = 0; for( i=0; icompletion, block ) ) continue; else if( tr_bitfieldHas( t->requested, block ) ) req[reqCount++] = block; else unreq[unreqCount++] = block; } /*fprintf( stderr, "REFILL refillPulse for {%s} reqCount is %d, unreqCount is %d\n", tor->info.name, (int)reqCount, (int)unreqCount );*/ ret = walk = tr_new( uint64_t, unreqCount + reqCount ); memcpy( walk, unreq, sizeof(uint64_t) * unreqCount ); walk += unreqCount; memcpy( walk, req, sizeof(uint64_t) * reqCount ); walk += reqCount; assert( ( walk - ret ) == ( unreqCount + reqCount ) ); *setmeCount = walk - ret; tr_free( req ); tr_free( unreq ); tr_free( pieces ); return ret; } static int refillPulse( void * vtorrent ) { Torrent * t = vtorrent; tr_torrent * tor = t->tor; uint32_t i; int peerCount; tr_peer ** peers; uint64_t blockCount; uint64_t * blocks; if( !t->isRunning ) return TRUE; if( tr_cpGetStatus( t->tor->completion ) != TR_CP_INCOMPLETE ) return TRUE; torrentLock( t ); blocks = getPreferredBlocks( t, &blockCount ); peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &peerCount ); /*fprintf( stderr, "REFILL refillPulse for {%s} got %d blocks\n", tor->info.name, (int)blockCount );*/ for( i=0; peerCount && iblockSize) - (index * tor->info.pieceSize); const uint32_t length = tr_torBlockCountBytes( tor, block ); int j; assert( _tr_block( tor, index, begin ) == block ); assert( begin < (uint32_t)tr_torPieceCountBytes( tor, (int)index ) ); assert( (begin + length) <= (uint32_t)tr_torPieceCountBytes( tor, (int)index ) ); /* find a peer who can ask for this block */ for( j=0; jmsgs, index, begin, length ); switch( val ) { case TR_ADDREQ_FULL: case TR_ADDREQ_CLIENT_CHOKED: memmove( peers+j, peers+j+1, sizeof(tr_peer*)*(--peerCount-j) ); break; case TR_ADDREQ_MISSING: ++j; break; case TR_ADDREQ_OK: tr_bitfieldAdd( t->requested, block ); j = peerCount; break; default: assert( 0 && "unhandled value" ); break; } } } /* cleanup */ tr_free( blocks ); t->refillTimer = NULL; torrentUnlock( t ); return FALSE; } static void broadcastClientHave( Torrent * t, uint32_t index ) { int i, size; tr_peer ** peers; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &size ); for( i=0; imsgs, index ); } static void broadcastGotBlock( Torrent * t, uint32_t index, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length ) { int i, size; tr_peer ** peers; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &size ); for( i=0; imsgs, index, offset, length ); } /** *** **/ static int reconnectPulse( void * vtorrent ); static void restartReconnectTimer( Torrent * t ) { tr_timerFree( &t->reconnectTimer ); if( t->isRunning ) t->reconnectTimer = tr_timerNew( t->manager->handle, reconnectPulse, t, RECONNECT_PERIOD_MSEC ); } /** *** **/ static int rechokePulse( void * vtorrent ); static void restartChokeTimer( Torrent * t ) { tr_timerFree( &t->rechokeTimer ); if( t->isRunning ) t->rechokeTimer = tr_timerNew( t->manager->handle, rechokePulse, t, RECHOKE_PERIOD_MSEC ); } static void rechokeNow( Torrent * t ) { rechokePulse( t ); restartChokeTimer( t ); } static int rechokeSoonCB( void * vt ) { Torrent * t = vt; rechokeNow( t ); t->rechokeSoonTimer = NULL; return FALSE; } static void rechokeSoon( Torrent * t ) { if( t->rechokeSoonTimer == NULL ) t->rechokeSoonTimer = tr_timerNew( t->manager->handle, rechokeSoonCB, t, SOON_MSEC ); } static void msgsCallbackFunc( void * vpeer, void * vevent, void * vt ) { tr_peer * peer = vpeer; Torrent * t = (Torrent *) vt; const tr_peermsgs_event * e = (const tr_peermsgs_event *) vevent; torrentLock( t ); switch( e->eventType ) { case TR_PEERMSG_NEED_REQ: if( t->refillTimer == NULL ) t->refillTimer = tr_timerNew( t->manager->handle, refillPulse, t, REFILL_PERIOD_MSEC ); break; case TR_PEERMSG_CLIENT_HAVE: broadcastClientHave( t, e->pieceIndex ); tr_torrentRecheckCompleteness( t->tor ); break; case TR_PEERMSG_PEER_PROGRESS: { struct peer_atom * atom = getExistingAtom( t, &peer->in_addr ); const int peerIsSeed = e->progress >= 1.0; if( peerIsSeed ) atom->flags |= ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG; else atom->flags &= ~ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG; break; } case TR_PEERMSG_CLIENT_BLOCK: broadcastGotBlock( t, e->pieceIndex, e->offset, e->length ); break; case TR_PEERMSG_GOT_ERROR: peer->doPurge = 1; break; default: assert(0); } torrentUnlock( t ); } static void ensureAtomExists( Torrent * t, const struct in_addr * addr, uint16_t port, uint8_t flags, uint8_t from ) { if( !peerIsKnown( t, addr ) ) { struct peer_atom * a = tr_new( struct peer_atom, 1 ); a->addr = *addr; a->port = port; a->flags = flags; a->from = from; a->time = 0; fprintf( stderr, "torrent [%s] getting a new atom: %s\n", t->tor->info.name, tr_peerIoAddrStr(&a->addr,a->port) ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( t->pool, a, comparePeerAtoms ); } } static void myHandshakeDoneCB( tr_handshake * handshake, tr_peerIo * io, int isConnected, const uint8_t * peer_id, void * vmanager ) { int ok = isConnected; uint16_t port; const struct in_addr * in_addr; tr_peerMgr * manager = (tr_peerMgr*) vmanager; const uint8_t * hash = NULL; Torrent * t; tr_handshake * ours; assert( io != NULL ); assert( isConnected==0 || isConnected==1 ); ours = tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( manager->handshakes, handshake, handshakeCompare ); assert( ours != NULL ); assert( ours == handshake ); in_addr = tr_peerIoGetAddress( io, &port ); if( !tr_peerIoHasTorrentHash( io ) ) /* incoming connection gone wrong? */ { tr_peerIoFree( io ); --manager->connectionCount; return; } hash = tr_peerIoGetTorrentHash( io ); t = getExistingTorrent( manager, hash ); if( t != NULL ) torrentLock( t ); if( !t || !t->isRunning ) { tr_peerIoFree( io ); --manager->connectionCount; } else if( !ok ) { /* if we couldn't connect or were snubbed, * the peer's probably not worth remembering. */ tr_peer * peer = getExistingPeer( t, in_addr ); tr_peerIoFree( io ); --manager->connectionCount; if( peer ) peer->doPurge = 1; } else /* looking good */ { tr_peer * peer = getPeer( t, in_addr ); uint16_t port; const struct in_addr * addr = tr_peerIoGetAddress( io, &port ); ensureAtomExists( t, addr, port, 0, TR_PEER_FROM_INCOMING ); if( peer->msgs != NULL ) { /* we already have this peer */ tr_peerIoFree( io ); --manager->connectionCount; } else { peer->port = port; peer->io = io; peer->msgs = tr_peerMsgsNew( t->tor, peer ); tr_free( peer->client ); peer->client = peer_id ? tr_clientForId( peer_id ) : NULL; peer->msgsTag = tr_peerMsgsSubscribe( peer->msgs, msgsCallbackFunc, t ); rechokeSoon( t ); } } if( t != NULL ) torrentUnlock( t ); } static void initiateHandshake( tr_peerMgr * manager, tr_peerIo * io ) { tr_handshake * handshake; assert( io != NULL ); handshake = tr_handshakeNew( io, manager->handle->encryptionMode, myHandshakeDoneCB, manager ); ++manager->connectionCount; tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( manager->handshakes, handshake, handshakeCompare ); } void tr_peerMgrAddIncoming( tr_peerMgr * manager, struct in_addr * addr, uint16_t port, int socket ) { managerLock( manager ); if( getExistingHandshake( manager, addr ) == NULL ) { tr_peerIo * io = tr_peerIoNewIncoming( manager->handle, addr, port, socket ); initiateHandshake( manager, io ); } managerUnlock( manager ); } void tr_peerMgrAddPex( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash, int from, const tr_pex * pex, int pexCount ) { Torrent * t; const tr_pex * end; managerLock( manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( manager, torrentHash ); for( end=pex+pexCount; pex!=end; ++pex ) ensureAtomExists( t, &pex->in_addr, pex->port, pex->flags, from ); managerUnlock( manager ); } void tr_peerMgrAddPeers( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash, int from, const uint8_t * peerCompact, int peerCount ) { int i; const uint8_t * walk = peerCompact; Torrent * t; managerLock( manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( manager, torrentHash ); for( i=0; t!=NULL && iin_addr, &b->in_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr) ); } static int peerPrefersCrypto( const tr_peer * peer ) { if( peer->encryption_preference == ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_YES ) return TRUE; if( peer->encryption_preference == ENCRYPTION_PREFERENCE_NO ) return FALSE; return tr_peerIoIsEncrypted( peer->io ); }; int tr_peerMgrGetPeers( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash, tr_pex ** setme_pex ) { const Torrent * t = getExistingTorrent( (tr_peerMgr*)manager, torrentHash ); int i, peerCount; const tr_peer ** peers; tr_pex * pex; tr_pex * walk; torrentLock( (Torrent*)t ); peers = (const tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &peerCount ); pex = walk = tr_new( tr_pex, peerCount ); for( i=0; iin_addr = peer->in_addr; walk->port = peer->port; walk->flags = 0; if( peerPrefersCrypto(peer) ) walk->flags |= ADDED_F_ENCRYPTION_FLAG; if( peer->progress >= 1.0 ) walk->flags |= ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG; } assert( ( walk - pex ) == peerCount ); qsort( pex, peerCount, sizeof(tr_pex), tr_pexCompare ); *setme_pex = pex; torrentUnlock( (Torrent*)t ); return peerCount; } void tr_peerMgrStartTorrent( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash ) { Torrent * t; managerLock( manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( manager, torrentHash ); t->isRunning = 1; restartChokeTimer( t ); restartReconnectTimer( t ); managerUnlock( manager ); } static void stopTorrent( Torrent * t ) { assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); t->isRunning = 0; tr_timerFree( &t->rechokeTimer ); tr_timerFree( &t->reconnectTimer ); removeAllPeers( t ); } void tr_peerMgrStopTorrent( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash) { managerLock( manager ); stopTorrent( getExistingTorrent( manager, torrentHash ) ); managerUnlock( manager ); } void tr_peerMgrAddTorrent( tr_peerMgr * manager, tr_torrent * tor ) { Torrent * t; managerLock( manager ); assert( tor != NULL ); assert( getExistingTorrent( manager, tor->info.hash ) == NULL ); t = tr_new0( Torrent, 1 ); t->manager = manager; t->tor = tor; t->pool = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); t->peers = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); t->requested = tr_bitfieldNew( tor->blockCount ); restartChokeTimer( t ); restartReconnectTimer( t ); memcpy( t->hash, tor->info.hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( manager->torrents, t, torrentCompare ); managerUnlock( manager ); } void tr_peerMgrRemoveTorrent( tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash ) { Torrent * t; managerLock( manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( manager, torrentHash ); assert( t != NULL ); stopTorrent( t ); freeTorrent( manager, t ); managerUnlock( manager ); } void tr_peerMgrTorrentAvailability( const tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash, int8_t * tab, int tabCount ) { int i; const Torrent * t; const tr_torrent * tor; float interval; managerLock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( (tr_peerMgr*)manager, torrentHash ); tor = t->tor; interval = tor->info.pieceCount / (float)tabCount; memset( tab, 0, tabCount ); for( i=0; icompletion, piece ) ) tab[i] = -1; else { int j, peerCount; const tr_peer ** peers = (const tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &peerCount ); for( j=0; jhave, i ) ) ++tab[i]; } } managerUnlock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); } /* Returns the pieces that we and/or a connected peer has */ tr_bitfield* tr_peerMgrGetAvailable( const tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash ) { int i, size; const Torrent * t; const tr_peer ** peers; tr_bitfield * pieces; managerLock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( (tr_peerMgr*)manager, torrentHash ); peers = (const tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &size ); pieces = tr_bitfieldDup( tr_cpPieceBitfield( t->tor->completion ) ); for( i=0; iio != NULL ) tr_bitfieldAnd( pieces, peers[i]->have ); managerUnlock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); return pieces; } void tr_peerMgrTorrentStats( const tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash, int * setmePeersKnown, int * setmePeersConnected, int * setmePeersSendingToUs, int * setmePeersGettingFromUs, int * setmePeersFrom ) { int i, size; const Torrent * t; const tr_peer ** peers; managerLock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( (tr_peerMgr*)manager, torrentHash ); peers = (const tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &size ); *setmePeersKnown = tr_ptrArraySize( t->pool ); *setmePeersConnected = 0; *setmePeersSendingToUs = 0; *setmePeersGettingFromUs = 0; for( i=0; iin_addr ); if( peer->io == NULL ) /* not connected */ continue; ++*setmePeersConnected; ++setmePeersFrom[atom->from]; if( tr_rcRate( peer->rateToPeer ) > 0.01 ) ++*setmePeersGettingFromUs; if( tr_rcRate( peer->rateToClient ) > 0.01 ) ++*setmePeersSendingToUs; } managerUnlock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); } struct tr_peer_stat * tr_peerMgrPeerStats( const tr_peerMgr * manager, const uint8_t * torrentHash, int * setmeCount UNUSED ) { int i, size; const Torrent * t; const tr_peer ** peers; tr_peer_stat * ret; assert( manager != NULL ); managerLock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); t = getExistingTorrent( (tr_peerMgr*)manager, torrentHash ); peers = (const tr_peer **) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &size ); ret = tr_new0( tr_peer_stat, size ); for( i=0; iin_addr ); tr_peer_stat * stat = ret + i; tr_netNtop( &peer->in_addr, stat->addr, sizeof(stat->addr) ); stat->port = peer->port; stat->from = atom->from; stat->client = peer->client; stat->progress = peer->progress; stat->isEncrypted = tr_peerIoIsEncrypted( peer->io ) ? 1 : 0; stat->uploadToRate = tr_rcRate( peer->rateToPeer ); stat->downloadFromRate = tr_rcRate( peer->rateToClient ); stat->isDownloading = stat->uploadToRate > 0.01; stat->isUploading = stat->downloadFromRate > 0.01; } *setmeCount = size; managerUnlock( (tr_peerMgr*)manager ); return ret; } /** *** **/ typedef struct { tr_peer * peer; float rate; int randomKey; int preferred; int doUnchoke; } ChokeData; static int compareChoke( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const ChokeData * a = va; const ChokeData * b = vb; if( a->preferred != b->preferred ) return a->preferred ? -1 : 1; if( a->preferred ) { if( a->rate > b->rate ) return -1; if( a->rate < b->rate ) return 1; return 0; } else { return a->randomKey - b->randomKey; } } static int clientIsSnubbedBy( const tr_peer * peer ) { assert( peer != NULL ); return peer->peerSentPieceDataAt < (time(NULL) - SNUBBED_SEC); } /** *** **/ static void rechokeLeech( Torrent * t ) { int i, peerCount, size=0, unchoked=0; const time_t ignorePeersNewerThan = time(NULL) - MIN_CHOKE_PERIOD_SEC; tr_peer ** peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &peerCount ); ChokeData * choke = tr_new0( ChokeData, peerCount ); assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); /* sort the peers by preference and rate */ for( i=0; ichokeChangedAt > ignorePeersNewerThan ) continue; node = &choke[size++]; node->peer = peer; node->preferred = peer->peerIsInterested && !clientIsSnubbedBy(peer); node->randomKey = tr_rand( INT_MAX ); node->rate = (3*tr_rcRate(peer->rateToPeer)) + (1*tr_rcRate(peer->rateToClient)); } qsort( choke, size, sizeof(ChokeData), compareChoke ); for( i=0; ipeerIsInterested ) break; } for( i=0; imsgs, !choke[i].doUnchoke ); /* cleanup */ tr_free( choke ); } static void rechokeSeed( Torrent * t ) { int i, size; tr_peer ** peers; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &size ); for( i=0; imsgs, FALSE ); } static int rechokePulse( void * vtorrent ) { Torrent * t = vtorrent; torrentLock( t ); const int done = tr_cpGetStatus( t->tor->completion ) != TR_CP_INCOMPLETE; if( done ) rechokeLeech( vtorrent ); else rechokeSeed( vtorrent ); torrentUnlock( t ); return TRUE; } /*** **** **** **** ***/ struct tr_connection { tr_peer * peer; double throughput; }; #define LAISSEZ_FAIRE_PERIOD_SECS 60 static int compareConnections( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct tr_connection * a = va; const struct tr_connection * b = vb; if( a->throughput < b->throughput ) return -1; if( a->throughput > b->throughput ) return 1; return 0; } static struct tr_connection * getWeakConnections( Torrent * t, int * setmeSize ) { int i, insize, outsize; tr_peer ** peers = (tr_peer**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->peers, &insize ); struct tr_connection * ret = tr_new( struct tr_connection, insize ); const int clientIsSeed = tr_cpGetStatus( t->tor->completion ) != TR_CP_INCOMPLETE; const time_t now = time( NULL ); assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); for( i=outsize=0; iprogress >= 1.0; const struct peer_atom * atom = getExistingAtom( t, &peer->in_addr ); const double throughput = (3*tr_rcRate(peer->rateToPeer)) + (1*tr_rcRate(peer->rateToClient)); assert( atom != NULL ); if( peer->doPurge ) isWeak = TRUE; if( peerIsSeed && clientIsSeed && (now-atom->time >= 20) ) /* pex time */ isWeak = TRUE; else if( ( now - atom->time ) < LAISSEZ_FAIRE_PERIOD_SECS ) isWeak = FALSE; else if( throughput >= 5 ) isWeak = FALSE; else isWeak = TRUE; if( isWeak ) { ret[outsize].peer = peer; ret[outsize].throughput = throughput; ++outsize; } } qsort( ret, outsize, sizeof(struct tr_connection), compareConnections ); *setmeSize = outsize; return ret; } static int compareAtomByTime( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct peer_atom * a = * (const struct peer_atom**) va; const struct peer_atom * b = * (const struct peer_atom**) vb; if( a->time < b->time ) return -1; if( a->time > b->time ) return 1; return 0; } static struct peer_atom ** getPeerCandidates( Torrent * t, int * setmeSize ) { int i, insize, outsize; struct peer_atom ** atoms; struct peer_atom ** ret; const time_t now = time( NULL ); const int seed = tr_cpGetStatus( t->tor->completion ) != TR_CP_INCOMPLETE; assert( torrentIsLocked( t ) ); atoms = (struct peer_atom**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->pool, &insize ); ret = tr_new( struct peer_atom*, insize ); for( i=outsize=0; iaddr ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "RECONNECT peer %d (%s) is in use...\n", i, tr_peerIoAddrStr(&atom->addr,atom->port) ); continue; } /* no need to connect if we're both seeds... */ if( seed && (atom->flags & ADDED_F_SEED_FLAG) ) { fprintf( stderr, "RECONNECT peer %d (%s) is a seed and so are we...\n", i, tr_peerIoAddrStr(&atom->addr,atom->port) ); continue; } /* if we used this peer recently, give someone else a turn */ if( ( now - atom->time ) < LAISSEZ_FAIRE_PERIOD_SECS ) { fprintf( stderr, "RECONNECT peer %d (%s) is in its grace period...\n", i, tr_peerIoAddrStr(&atom->addr,atom->port) ); continue; } ret[outsize++] = atom; } qsort( ret, outsize, sizeof(struct peer_atom*), compareAtomByTime ); *setmeSize = outsize; return ret; } static int reconnectPulse( void * vtorrent ) { Torrent * t = vtorrent; torrentLock( t ); if( !t->isRunning ) { removeAllPeers( t ); } else { int i, nCandidates, nConnections, nAdd; struct peer_atom ** candidates = getPeerCandidates( t, &nCandidates ); struct tr_connection * connections = getWeakConnections( t, &nConnections ); const int peerCount = tr_ptrArraySize( t->peers ); fprintf( stderr, "RECONNECT pulse for [%s]: %d weak connections, %d connection candidates, %d atoms, max per pulse is %d\n", t->tor->info.name, nConnections, nCandidates, tr_ptrArraySize(t->pool), (int)MAX_RECONNECTIONS_PER_PULSE ); for( i=0; iin_addr, connections[i].peer->port ), connections[i].throughput ); /* disconnect some peers */ for( i=0; iin_addr, peer->port), throughput ); removePeer( t, peer ); } /* add some new ones */ nAdd = MAX_CONNECTED_PEERS_PER_TORRENT - peerCount; for( i=0; imanager->handle, &atom->addr, atom->port, t->hash ); fprintf( stderr, "RECONNECT adding an outgoing connection...\n" ); initiateHandshake( t->manager, io ); atom->time = time( NULL ); } /* cleanup */ tr_free( connections ); tr_free( candidates ); } torrentUnlock( t ); return TRUE; }