// This file Copyright (C) 2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include // size_t, std::byte #include // time(), time_t #include #include // std::back_inserter #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include // addrinfo, freeaddrinfo #include // AF_INET, AF_INET6, AF_UN... #endif #include // dht_callback_t #include #include #include #include // tr_rand_obj #include #include #include #include // for tr_evthread_init(); #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // tr_variantDictAddRaw #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "test-fixtures.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #undef gai_strerror #define gai_strerror gai_strerrorA #endif using namespace std::literals; namespace libtransmission::test { bool waitFor(struct event_base* event_base, std::chrono::milliseconds msec) { return waitFor( event_base, []() { return false; }, msec); } namespace { auto constexpr IdLength = size_t{ 20U }; auto constexpr MockTimerInterval = 40ms; } // namespace class DhtTest : public SandboxedTest { protected: // Helper for creating a mock dht.dat state file struct MockStateFile { // Fake data to be written to the test state file std::array const id_ = tr_rand_obj>(); std::vector> ipv4_nodes_ = { std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string(""), tr_port::fromHost(128)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string(""), tr_port::fromHost(129)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string(""), tr_port::fromHost(130)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string(""), tr_port::fromHost(131)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string(""), tr_port::fromHost(132)) }; std::vector> ipv6_nodes_ = { std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string("1002:1035:4527:3546:7854:1237:3247:3217"), tr_port::fromHost(6881)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string("1002:1035:4527:3546:7854:1237:3247:3218"), tr_port::fromHost(6882)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string("1002:1035:4527:3546:7854:1237:3247:3219"), tr_port::fromHost(6883)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string("1002:1035:4527:3546:7854:1237:3247:3220"), tr_port::fromHost(6884)), std::make_pair(*tr_address::from_string("1002:1035:4527:3546:7854:1237:3247:3221"), tr_port::fromHost(6885)) }; [[nodiscard]] auto nodesString() const { auto str = std::string{}; for (auto const& [addr, port] : ipv4_nodes_) { str += addr.display_name(port); str += ','; } for (auto const& [addr, port] : ipv6_nodes_) { str += addr.display_name(port); str += ','; } return str; } [[nodiscard]] static auto filename(std::string_view dirname) { return std::string{ dirname } + "/dht.dat"; } void save(std::string_view path) const { auto const dat_file = MockStateFile::filename(path); auto dict = tr_variant{}; tr_variantInitDict(&dict, 3U); tr_variantDictAddRaw(&dict, TR_KEY_id, std::data(id_), std::size(id_)); auto compact = std::vector{}; for (auto const& [addr, port] : ipv4_nodes_) { addr.to_compact_ipv4(std::back_inserter(compact), port); } tr_variantDictAddRaw(&dict, TR_KEY_nodes, std::data(compact), std::size(compact)); compact.clear(); for (auto const& [addr, port] : ipv6_nodes_) { addr.to_compact_ipv6(std::back_inserter(compact), port); } tr_variantDictAddRaw(&dict, TR_KEY_nodes6, std::data(compact), std::size(compact)); tr_variantToFile(&dict, TR_VARIANT_FMT_BENC, dat_file); tr_variantClear(&dict); } }; // A fake libdht for the tests to call class MockDht final : public tr_dht::API { public: int get_nodes(struct sockaddr_in* /*sin*/, int* /*max*/, struct sockaddr_in6* /*sin6*/, int* /*max6*/) override { return 0; } int nodes(int /*af*/, int* good, int* dubious, int* cached, int* incoming) override { if (good != nullptr) { *good = good_; } if (dubious != nullptr) { *dubious = dubious_; } if (cached != nullptr) { *cached = cached_; } if (incoming != nullptr) { *incoming = incoming_; } return 0; } int periodic( void const* /*buf*/, size_t /*buflen*/, sockaddr const /*from*/*, int /*fromlen*/, time_t* /*tosleep*/, dht_callback_t /*callback*/, void* /*closure*/) override { ++n_periodic_calls_; return 0; } int ping_node(struct sockaddr const* sa, int /*salen*/) override { auto addrport = tr_address::from_sockaddr(sa); assert(addrport); auto const [addr, port] = *addrport; pinged_.push_back(Pinged{ addr, port, tr_time() }); return 0; } int search(unsigned char const* id, int port, int af, dht_callback_t /*callback*/, void* /*closure*/) override { auto info_hash = tr_sha1_digest_t{}; std::copy_n(reinterpret_cast(id), std::size(info_hash), std::data(info_hash)); searched_.push_back(Searched{ info_hash, tr_port::fromHost(port), af }); return 0; } int init(int dht_socket, int dht_socket6, unsigned const char* id, unsigned const char* /*v*/) override { inited_ = true; dht_socket_ = dht_socket; dht_socket6_ = dht_socket6; std::copy_n(id, std::size(id_), std::begin(id_)); return 0; } int uninit() override { inited_ = false; return 0; } constexpr void setHealthySwarm() { good_ = 50; incoming_ = 10; } constexpr void setFirewalledSwarm() { good_ = 50; incoming_ = 0; } constexpr void setPoorSwarm() { good_ = 10; incoming_ = 1; } struct Searched { tr_sha1_digest_t info_hash; tr_port port; int af; }; struct Pinged { tr_address address; tr_port port; time_t timestamp; }; int good_ = 0; int dubious_ = 0; int cached_ = 0; int incoming_ = 0; size_t n_periodic_calls_ = 0; bool inited_ = false; std::vector pinged_; std::vector searched_; std::array id_ = {}; tr_socket_t dht_socket_ = TR_BAD_SOCKET; tr_socket_t dht_socket6_ = TR_BAD_SOCKET; }; // Creates real timers, but with shortened intervals so that tests can run faster class MockTimer final : public libtransmission::Timer { public: explicit MockTimer(std::unique_ptr real_timer) : real_timer_{ std::move(real_timer) } { } void stop() override { real_timer_->stop(); } void set_callback(std::function callback) override { real_timer_->set_callback(std::move(callback)); } void set_repeating(bool repeating = true) override { real_timer_->set_repeating(repeating); } void set_interval(std::chrono::milliseconds /*interval*/) override { real_timer_->set_interval(MockTimerInterval); } void start() override { real_timer_->start(); } [[nodiscard]] std::chrono::milliseconds interval() const noexcept override { return real_timer_->interval(); } [[nodiscard]] bool is_repeating() const noexcept override { return real_timer_->is_repeating(); } private: std::unique_ptr const real_timer_; }; // Creates MockTimers class MockTimerMaker final : public libtransmission::TimerMaker { public: explicit MockTimerMaker(struct event_base* evb) : real_timer_maker_{ evb } { } [[nodiscard]] std::unique_ptr create() override { return std::make_unique(real_timer_maker_.create()); } EvTimerMaker real_timer_maker_; }; class MockMediator final : public tr_dht::Mediator { public: explicit MockMediator(struct event_base* event_base) : mock_timer_maker_{ event_base } { } [[nodiscard]] std::vector torrents_allowing_dht() const override { return torrents_allowing_dht_; } [[nodiscard]] tr_sha1_digest_t torrent_info_hash(tr_torrent_id_t id) const override { if (auto const iter = info_hashes_.find(id); iter != std::end(info_hashes_)) { return iter->second; } return {}; } [[nodiscard]] std::string_view config_dir() const override { return config_dir_; } [[nodiscard]] libtransmission::TimerMaker& timer_maker() override { return mock_timer_maker_; } [[nodiscard]] tr_dht::API& api() override { return mock_dht_; } void add_pex(tr_sha1_digest_t const& /*info_hash*/, tr_pex const* /*pex*/, size_t /*n_pex*/) override { } std::string config_dir_; std::vector torrents_allowing_dht_; std::map info_hashes_; MockDht mock_dht_; MockTimerMaker mock_timer_maker_; }; [[nodiscard]] static tr_socket_address getSockaddr(std::string_view name, tr_port port) { auto hints = addrinfo{}; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; auto const szname = tr_urlbuf{ name }; auto const port_str = std::to_string(port.host()); addrinfo* info = nullptr; if (int const rc = getaddrinfo(szname.c_str(), std::data(port_str), &hints, &info); rc != 0) { tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format( _("Couldn't look up '{address}:{port}': {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("address", name), fmt::arg("port", port.host()), fmt::arg("error", gai_strerror(rc)), fmt::arg("error_code", rc))); return {}; } auto opt = tr_address::from_sockaddr(info->ai_addr); freeaddrinfo(info); if (opt) { return *opt; } return {}; } void SetUp() override { SandboxedTest::SetUp(); init_mgr_ = tr_lib_init(); tr_session_thread::tr_evthread_init(); event_base_ = event_base_new(); } void TearDown() override { event_base_free(event_base_); event_base_ = nullptr; SandboxedTest::TearDown(); } struct event_base* event_base_ = nullptr; std::unique_ptr init_mgr_; // Arbitrary values. Several tests requires socket/port values // to be provided but they aren't central to the tests, so they're // declared here with "Arbitrary" in the name to make that clear. static auto constexpr ArbitrarySock4 = tr_socket_t{ 404 }; static auto constexpr ArbitrarySock6 = tr_socket_t{ 418 }; static auto constexpr ArbitraryPeerPort = tr_port::fromHost(909); }; TEST_F(DhtTest, initsWithCorrectSockets) { static auto constexpr Sock4 = tr_socket_t{ 1000 }; static auto constexpr Sock6 = tr_socket_t{ 2000 }; // Make the DHT auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, Sock4, Sock6); // Confirm that dht_init() was called with the right sockets EXPECT_EQ(Sock4, mediator.mock_dht_.dht_socket_); EXPECT_EQ(Sock6, mediator.mock_dht_.dht_socket6_); } TEST_F(DhtTest, callsUninitOnDestruct) { auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); EXPECT_FALSE(mediator.mock_dht_.inited_); { auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); EXPECT_TRUE(mediator.mock_dht_.inited_); // dht goes out-of-scope here } EXPECT_FALSE(mediator.mock_dht_.inited_); } TEST_F(DhtTest, loadsStateFromStateFile) { auto const state_file = MockStateFile{}; state_file.save(sandboxDir()); // Make the DHT auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); // Wait for all the state nodes to be pinged auto& pinged = mediator.mock_dht_.pinged_; auto const n_expected_nodes = std::size(state_file.ipv4_nodes_) + std::size(state_file.ipv6_nodes_); waitFor(event_base_, [&pinged, n_expected_nodes]() { return std::size(pinged) >= n_expected_nodes; }); auto actual_nodes_str = std::string{}; for (auto const& [addr, port, timestamp] : pinged) { actual_nodes_str += addr.display_name(port); actual_nodes_str += ','; } /// Confirm that the state was loaded // dht_init() should have been called with the state file's id EXPECT_EQ(state_file.id_, mediator.mock_dht_.id_); // dht_ping_nodedht_init() should have been called with state file's nodes EXPECT_EQ(state_file.nodesString(), actual_nodes_str); } TEST_F(DhtTest, stopsBootstrappingWhenSwarmHealthIsGoodEnough) { auto const state_file = MockStateFile{}; state_file.save(sandboxDir()); // Make the DHT auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); // Wait for N pings to occur... auto& mock_dht = mediator.mock_dht_; static auto constexpr TurnGoodAfterNthPing = size_t{ 3 }; waitFor(event_base_, [&mock_dht]() { return std::size(mock_dht.pinged_) == TurnGoodAfterNthPing; }); EXPECT_EQ(TurnGoodAfterNthPing, std::size(mock_dht.pinged_)); // Now fake that libdht says the swarm is healthy. // This should cause bootstrapping to end. mock_dht.setHealthySwarm(); // Now test to see if bootstrapping is done. // There's not public API for `isBootstrapping()`, // so to test this we just a moment to confirm that no more bootstrap nodes are pinged. waitFor(event_base_, MockTimerInterval * 10); // Confirm that the number of nodes pinged is unchanged, // indicating that bootstrapping is done EXPECT_EQ(TurnGoodAfterNthPing, std::size(mock_dht.pinged_)); } TEST_F(DhtTest, savesStateIfSwarmIsGood) { auto const state_file = MockStateFile{}; auto const dat_file = MockStateFile::filename(sandboxDir()); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_path_exists(dat_file.c_str())); { auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); mediator.mock_dht_.setHealthySwarm(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); // as dht goes out of scope, // it should save its state if the swarm is healthy EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_path_exists(dat_file.c_str())); } EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_path_exists(dat_file.c_str())); } TEST_F(DhtTest, doesNotSaveStateIfSwarmIsBad) { auto const state_file = MockStateFile{}; auto const dat_file = MockStateFile::filename(sandboxDir()); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_path_exists(dat_file.c_str())); { auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); mediator.mock_dht_.setPoorSwarm(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); // as dht goes out of scope, // it should save its state if the swarm is healthy EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_path_exists(dat_file.c_str())); } EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_path_exists(dat_file.c_str())); } TEST_F(DhtTest, usesBootstrapFile) { // Make the 'dht.bootstrap' file. // This a file with each line holding `${host} ${port}` // which tr-dht will try to ping as nodes static auto constexpr BootstrapNodeName = "example.com"sv; static auto constexpr BootstrapNodePort = tr_port::fromHost(8080); if (auto ofs = std::ofstream{ tr_pathbuf{ sandboxDir(), "/dht.bootstrap" } }; ofs) { ofs << BootstrapNodeName << ' ' << BootstrapNodePort.host() << std::endl; ofs.close(); } // Make the DHT auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); // We didn't create a 'dht.dat' file to load state from, // so 'dht.bootstrap' should be the first nodes in the bootstrap list. // Confirm that BootstrapNodeName gets pinged first. auto const expected = getSockaddr(BootstrapNodeName, BootstrapNodePort); auto& pinged = mediator.mock_dht_.pinged_; waitFor( event_base_, [&pinged]() { return !std::empty(pinged); }, 5s); ASSERT_EQ(1U, std::size(pinged)); auto const actual = pinged.front(); EXPECT_EQ(expected.address(), actual.address); EXPECT_EQ(expected.port(), actual.port); EXPECT_EQ(expected.display_name(), actual.address.display_name(actual.port)); } TEST_F(DhtTest, pingsAddedNodes) { auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); EXPECT_EQ(0U, std::size(mediator.mock_dht_.pinged_)); auto const addr = tr_address::from_string(""); EXPECT_TRUE(addr.has_value()); assert(addr.has_value()); auto constexpr Port = tr_port::fromHost(128); dht->add_node(*addr, Port); ASSERT_EQ(1U, std::size(mediator.mock_dht_.pinged_)); EXPECT_EQ(addr, mediator.mock_dht_.pinged_.front().address); EXPECT_EQ(Port, mediator.mock_dht_.pinged_.front().port); } TEST_F(DhtTest, announcesTorrents) { auto constexpr Id = tr_torrent_id_t{ 1 }; auto constexpr PeerPort = tr_port::fromHost(999); auto const info_hash = tr_rand_obj(); tr_timeUpdate(time(nullptr)); auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.info_hashes_[Id] = info_hash; mediator.torrents_allowing_dht_ = { Id }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); // Since we're mocking a swarm that's magically healthy out-of-the-box, // the DHT object we create can skip bootstrapping and proceed straight // to announces auto& mock_dht = mediator.mock_dht_; mock_dht.setHealthySwarm(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, PeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); waitFor(event_base_, MockTimerInterval * 10); ASSERT_EQ(2U, std::size(mock_dht.searched_)); EXPECT_EQ(info_hash, mock_dht.searched_[0].info_hash); EXPECT_EQ(PeerPort, mock_dht.searched_[0].port); EXPECT_EQ(AF_INET, mock_dht.searched_[0].af); EXPECT_EQ(info_hash, mock_dht.searched_[1].info_hash); EXPECT_EQ(PeerPort, mock_dht.searched_[1].port); EXPECT_EQ(AF_INET6, mock_dht.searched_[1].af); } TEST_F(DhtTest, callsPeriodicPeriodically) { auto mediator = MockMediator{ event_base_ }; mediator.config_dir_ = sandboxDir(); auto dht = tr_dht::create(mediator, ArbitraryPeerPort, ArbitrarySock4, ArbitrarySock6); auto& mock_dht = mediator.mock_dht_; auto const baseline = mock_dht.n_periodic_calls_; static auto constexpr Periods = 10; waitFor(event_base_, std::chrono::duration_cast(MockTimerInterval * Periods)); EXPECT_NEAR(mock_dht.n_periodic_calls_, baseline + Periods, Periods / 2.0); } } // namespace libtransmission::test