/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include // std::sort() #include #include "Application.h" // Application #include "TorrentModel.h" #include "TrackerModel.h" int TrackerModel::rowCount(QModelIndex const& parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent) return parent.isValid() ? 0 : rows_.size(); } QVariant TrackerModel::data(QModelIndex const& index, int role) const { QVariant var; int const row = index.row(); if (0 <= row && row < rows_.size()) { TrackerInfo const& tracker_info = rows_.at(row); switch (role) { case Qt::DisplayRole: var = tracker_info.st.announce; break; case Qt::DecorationRole: var = QIcon(tracker_info.st.getFavicon()); break; case TrackerRole: var = QVariant::fromValue(tracker_info); break; default: break; } } return var; } /*** **** ***/ struct CompareTrackers { bool operator()(TrackerInfo const& a, TrackerInfo const& b) const { if (a.torrent_id != b.torrent_id) { return a.torrent_id < b.torrent_id; } if (a.st.tier != b.st.tier) { return a.st.tier < b.st.tier; } if (a.st.is_backup != b.st.is_backup) { return !a.st.is_backup; } return a.st.announce < b.st.announce; } }; void TrackerModel::refresh(TorrentModel const& torrent_model, torrent_ids_t const& ids) { // build a list of the TrackerInfos QVector trackers; for (int const id : ids) { Torrent const* tor = torrent_model.getTorrentFromId(id); if (tor != nullptr) { TrackerStatsList const tracker_list = tor->trackerStats(); for (TrackerStat const& st : tracker_list) { TrackerInfo tracker_info; tracker_info.st = st; tracker_info.torrent_id = id; trackers.append(tracker_info); } } } // sort 'em CompareTrackers comp; std::sort(trackers.begin(), trackers.end(), comp); // merge 'em with the existing list int old_index = 0; int new_index = 0; while (old_index < rows_.size() || new_index < trackers.size()) { bool const is_end_of_old = old_index == rows_.size(); bool const is_end_of_new = new_index == trackers.size(); if (is_end_of_old || (!is_end_of_new && comp(trackers.at(new_index), rows_.at(old_index)))) { // add this new row beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), old_index, old_index); rows_.insert(old_index, trackers.at(new_index)); endInsertRows(); ++old_index; ++new_index; } else if (is_end_of_new || (!is_end_of_old && comp(rows_.at(old_index), trackers.at(new_index)))) { // remove this old row beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), old_index, old_index); rows_.remove(old_index); endRemoveRows(); } else // update existing row { rows_[old_index].st = trackers.at(new_index).st; emit dataChanged(index(old_index, 0), index(old_index, 0)); ++old_index; ++new_index; } } } int TrackerModel::find(int torrent_id, QString const& url) const { for (int i = 0, n = rows_.size(); i < n; ++i) { TrackerInfo const& inf = rows_.at(i); if (inf.torrent_id == torrent_id && url == inf.st.announce) { return i; } } return -1; }