/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * * $Id$ */ #ifdef __APPLE__ /* OpenSSL "deprecated" as of OS X 10.7, but we still use it */ #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" #include "log.h" #include "utils.h" #define TR_CRYPTO_DH_SECRET_FALLBACK #include "crypto-utils-fallback.c" /*** **** ***/ #define MY_NAME "tr_crypto_utils" static void log_openssl_error (const char * file, int line) { const unsigned long error_code = ERR_get_error (); if (tr_logLevelIsActive (TR_LOG_ERROR)) { char buf[512]; #ifndef TR_LIGHTWEIGHT static bool strings_loaded = false; if (!strings_loaded) { ERR_load_crypto_strings (); strings_loaded = true; } #endif ERR_error_string_n (error_code, buf, sizeof (buf)); tr_logAddMessage (file, line, TR_LOG_ERROR, MY_NAME, "OpenSSL error: %s", buf); } } #define log_error() log_openssl_error(__FILE__, __LINE__) static bool check_openssl_result (int result, int expected_result, bool expected_equal, const char * file, int line) { const bool ret = (result == expected_result) == expected_equal; if (!ret) log_openssl_error (file, line); return ret; } #define check_result(result) check_openssl_result ((result), 1, true, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define check_result_eq(result, x_result) check_openssl_result ((result), (x_result), true, __FILE__, __LINE__) #define check_result_neq(result, x_result) check_openssl_result ((result), (x_result), false, __FILE__, __LINE__) static bool check_openssl_pointer (void * pointer, const char * file, int line) { const bool ret = pointer != NULL; if (!ret) log_openssl_error (file, line); return ret; } #define check_pointer(pointer) check_openssl_pointer ((pointer), __FILE__, __LINE__) /*** **** ***/ tr_sha1_ctx_t tr_sha1_init (void) { EVP_MD_CTX * handle = EVP_MD_CTX_create (); if (check_result (EVP_DigestInit_ex (handle, EVP_sha1 (), NULL))) return handle; EVP_MD_CTX_destroy (handle); return NULL; } bool tr_sha1_update (tr_sha1_ctx_t handle, const void * data, size_t data_length) { assert (handle != NULL); if (data_length == 0) return true; assert (data != NULL); return check_result (EVP_DigestUpdate (handle, data, data_length)); } bool tr_sha1_final (tr_sha1_ctx_t handle, uint8_t * hash) { bool ret = true; if (hash != NULL) { unsigned int hash_length; assert (handle != NULL); ret = check_result (EVP_DigestFinal_ex (handle, hash, &hash_length)); assert (!ret || hash_length == SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); } EVP_MD_CTX_destroy (handle); return ret; } /*** **** ***/ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x0090802fL static EVP_CIPHER_CTX * openssl_evp_cipher_context_new (void) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX * handle = tr_new (EVP_CIPHER_CTX, 1); if (handle != NULL) EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init (handle); return handle; } static void openssl_evp_cipher_context_free (EVP_CIPHER_CTX * handle) { if (handle == NULL) return; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup (handle); tr_free (handle); } #define EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new() openssl_evp_cipher_context_new () #define EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(x) openssl_evp_cipher_context_free ((x)) #endif tr_rc4_ctx_t tr_rc4_new (void) { EVP_CIPHER_CTX * handle = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new (); if (check_result (EVP_CipherInit_ex (handle, EVP_rc4 (), NULL, NULL, NULL, -1))) return handle; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free (handle); return NULL; } void tr_rc4_free (tr_rc4_ctx_t handle) { if (handle == NULL) return; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free (handle); } void tr_rc4_set_key (tr_rc4_ctx_t handle, const uint8_t * key, size_t key_length) { assert (handle != NULL); assert (key != NULL); if (!check_result (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length (handle, key_length))) return; check_result (EVP_CipherInit_ex (handle, NULL, NULL, key, NULL, -1)); } void tr_rc4_process (tr_rc4_ctx_t handle, const void * input, void * output, size_t length) { int output_length; assert (handle != NULL); if (length == 0) return; assert (input != NULL); assert (output != NULL); check_result (EVP_CipherUpdate (handle, output, &output_length, input, length)); } /*** **** ***/ tr_dh_ctx_t tr_dh_new (const uint8_t * prime_num, size_t prime_num_length, const uint8_t * generator_num, size_t generator_num_length) { DH * handle = DH_new (); assert (prime_num != NULL); assert (generator_num != NULL); if (!check_pointer (handle->p = BN_bin2bn (prime_num, prime_num_length, NULL)) || !check_pointer (handle->g = BN_bin2bn (generator_num, generator_num_length, NULL))) { DH_free (handle); handle = NULL; } return handle; } void tr_dh_free (tr_dh_ctx_t handle) { if (handle == NULL) return; DH_free (handle); } bool tr_dh_make_key (tr_dh_ctx_t raw_handle, size_t private_key_length, uint8_t * public_key, size_t * public_key_length) { DH * handle = raw_handle; int dh_size, my_public_key_length; assert (handle != NULL); assert (public_key != NULL); handle->length = private_key_length * 8; if (!check_result (DH_generate_key (handle))) return false; my_public_key_length = BN_bn2bin (handle->pub_key, public_key); dh_size = DH_size (handle); tr_dh_align_key (public_key, my_public_key_length, dh_size); if (public_key_length != NULL) *public_key_length = dh_size; return true; } tr_dh_secret_t tr_dh_agree (tr_dh_ctx_t handle, const uint8_t * other_public_key, size_t other_public_key_length) { struct tr_dh_secret * ret; int dh_size, secret_key_length; BIGNUM * other_key; assert (handle != NULL); assert (other_public_key != NULL); if (!check_pointer (other_key = BN_bin2bn (other_public_key, other_public_key_length, NULL))) return NULL; dh_size = DH_size (handle); ret = tr_dh_secret_new (dh_size); secret_key_length = DH_compute_key (ret->key, other_key, handle); if (check_result_neq (secret_key_length, -1)) { tr_dh_secret_align (ret, secret_key_length); } else { tr_dh_secret_free (ret); ret = NULL; } BN_free (other_key); return ret; } /*** **** ***/ bool tr_rand_buffer (void * buffer, size_t length) { assert (buffer != NULL); return check_result (RAND_bytes (buffer, (int) length)); }