/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007 Charles Kerr * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include #include /* isalnum */ #include /* INT_MAX */ #include /* snprintf */ #include #include /* strcmp, strchr */ #include /* for evhttp */ #include /* for evhttp */ #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "bencode.h" #include "completion.h" #include "net.h" #include "ptrarray.h" #include "publish.h" #include "timer.h" #include "tracker.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "utils.h" #define MINUTES_TO_MSEC(N) ((N) * 60 * 1000) /* manual announces via "update tracker" are allowed this frequently */ #define MANUAL_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_MSEC (MINUTES_TO_MSEC(10)) /* unless the tracker tells us otherwise, rescrape this frequently */ #define DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_MSEC (MINUTES_TO_MSEC(15)) /* unless the tracker tells us otherwise, reannounce this frequently */ #define DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_MSEC (MINUTES_TO_MSEC(20)) /* this is how long we'll leave a scrape request hanging before timeout */ #define SCRAPE_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC 60 /* this is how long we'll leave a tracker request hanging before timeout */ #define REQ_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC 60 /* the number of peers that is our goal */ #define NUMWANT 75 /* the length of the 'key' argument passed in tracker requests */ #define TR_KEY_LEN 10 /** *** **/ typedef struct { tr_handle_t * handle; tr_ptrArray_t * torrents; tr_ptrArray_t * scraping; tr_ptrArray_t * scrapeQueue; /* these are set from the latest scrape or tracker response */ int announceIntervalMsec; int minAnnounceIntervalMsec; int scrapeIntervalMsec; /* calculated when we get fewer scrapes back than we asked for */ int multiscrapeMax; tr_tracker_info_t * redirect; tr_tracker_info_t * addresses; int addressIndex; int addressCount; int * tierFronts; char * primaryAddress; /* sent as the "key" argument in tracker requests to verify us if our IP address changes. This is immutable for the life of the tracker object. */ char key_param[TR_KEY_LEN+1]; tr_timer_tag scrapeTag; } Tracker; /* this is the Torrent struct, but since it's the pointer passed around in the public API of this tracker module, its *public* name is tr_tracker_s... wheee */ typedef struct tr_tracker_s { tr_publisher_t * publisher; /* torrent hash string */ uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH]; char escaped[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 3 + 1]; /* corresponds to the peer_id sent as a tracker request parameter. OiNK's op TooMuchTime says: "When the same torrent is opened and closed and opened again without quitting Transmission ... change the peerid. It would help sometimes if a stopped event was missed to ensure that we didn't think someone was cheating. */ char peer_id[TR_ID_LEN + 1]; /* these are set from the latest scrape or tracker response... -1 means 'unknown' */ int timesDownloaded; int seeders; int leechers; char * trackerID; /* the last tracker request we sent. (started, stopped, etc.) automatic announces are an empty string; NULL means no message has ever been sent */ char * lastRequest; uint64_t manualAnnounceAllowedAt; Tracker * tracker; tr_timer_tag scrapeTag; tr_timer_tag reannounceTag; struct evhttp_request * httpReq; tr_torrent_t * torrent; } Torrent; static int trackerCompare( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const Tracker * a = ( const Tracker * ) va; const Tracker * b = ( const Tracker * ) vb; return strcmp( a->primaryAddress, b->primaryAddress ); } static int torrentCompare( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const Torrent * a = (const Torrent*) va; const Torrent * b = (const Torrent*) vb; return memcmp( a->hash, b->hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); } /*** **** ***/ typedef struct { char * address; int port; struct evhttp_connection * evconn; } connection_key_t; static int connectionCompare( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const connection_key_t * a = (const connection_key_t *) va; const connection_key_t * b = (const connection_key_t *) vb; int ret = strcmp( a->address, b->address ); if( ret ) return ret; return a->port - b->port; } static struct evhttp_connection* getConnection( const char * address, int port ) { connection_key_t *val, tmp; static tr_ptrArray_t * connections = NULL; if( !connections ) connections = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); tmp.address = (char*) address; tmp.port = port; val = tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( connections, &tmp, connectionCompare ); if( !val ) { val = tr_new( connection_key_t, 1 ); val->address = tr_strdup( address ); val->port = port; val->evconn = evhttp_connection_new( address, port ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( connections, val, connectionCompare ); } return val->evconn; } /*** **** PUBLISH ***/ static const tr_tracker_event_t emptyEvent = { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }; static void publishMessage( Torrent * tor, const char * msg, int type ) { tr_tracker_event_t event = emptyEvent; event.hash = tor->hash; event.messageType = type; event.text = msg; tr_publisherPublish( tor->publisher, tor, &event ); } static void publishErrorMessage( Torrent * tor, const char * msg ) { publishMessage( tor, msg, TR_TRACKER_ERROR ); } static void publishWarningMessage( Torrent * tor, const char * msg ) { publishMessage( tor, msg, TR_TRACKER_WARNING ); } static void publishNewPeers( Torrent * tor, int count, uint8_t * peers ) { tr_tracker_event_t event = emptyEvent; event.hash = tor->hash; event.messageType = TR_TRACKER_PEERS; event.peerCount = count; event.peerCompact = peers; tr_inf( "torrent %s got %d new peers", tor->torrent->info.name, count ); tr_publisherPublish( tor->publisher, tor, &event ); } static void publishStopped( Torrent * tor ) { tr_tracker_event_t event = emptyEvent; event.hash = tor->hash; event.messageType = TR_TRACKER_STOPPED; tr_publisherPublish( tor->publisher, tor, &event ); } /*** **** LIFE CYCLE ***/ static tr_ptrArray_t * getTrackerLookupTable( void ) { static tr_ptrArray_t * myTrackers = NULL; if( !myTrackers ) myTrackers = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); return myTrackers; } static void generateKeyParam( char * msg, int len ) { int i; const char * pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for( i=0; iscraping ) ) return; if( !t->scrapeTag ) t->scrapeTag = tr_timerNew( t->handle, onTrackerScrapeNow, t, NULL, 1000 ); } static Tracker* tr_trackerGet( const tr_torrent_t * tor ) { const tr_info_t * info = &tor->info; tr_ptrArray_t * trackers = getTrackerLookupTable( ); Tracker *t, tmp; assert( info != NULL ); assert( info->primaryAddress && *info->primaryAddress ); tmp.primaryAddress = info->primaryAddress; t = tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( trackers, &tmp, trackerCompare ); assert( t==NULL || !strcmp(t->primaryAddress,info->primaryAddress) ); if( t == NULL ) /* no such tracker.... create one */ { int i, j, sum, *iwalk; tr_tracker_info_t * nwalk; tr_dbg( "making a new tracker for \"%s\"", info->primaryAddress ); t = tr_new0( Tracker, 1 ); t->handle = tor->handle; t->primaryAddress = tr_strdup( info->primaryAddress ); t->scrapeIntervalMsec = DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_MSEC; t->announceIntervalMsec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_MSEC; t->minAnnounceIntervalMsec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_MSEC; t->multiscrapeMax = INT_MAX; t->torrents = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); t->scraping = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); t->scrapeQueue = tr_ptrArrayNew( ); generateKeyParam( t->key_param, TR_KEY_LEN ); for( sum=i=0; itrackerTiers; ++i ) sum += info->trackerList[i].count; t->addresses = nwalk = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info_t, sum ); t->addressIndex = 0; t->addressCount = sum; t->tierFronts = iwalk = tr_new0( int, sum ); for( i=0; itrackerTiers; ++i ) { const int tierFront = nwalk - t->addresses; for( j=0; jtrackerList[i].count; ++j ) { const tr_tracker_info_t * src = &info->trackerList[i].list[j]; nwalk->address = tr_strdup( src->address ); nwalk->port = src->port; nwalk->announce = tr_strdup( src->announce ); nwalk->scrape = tr_strdup( src->scrape ); ++nwalk; *iwalk++ = tierFront; } } assert( nwalk - t->addresses == sum ); assert( iwalk - t->tierFronts == sum ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( trackers, t, trackerCompare ); } return t; } static Torrent * getExistingTorrent( Tracker * t, const uint8_t hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH] ) { Torrent tmp; memcpy( tmp.hash, hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); return tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( t->torrents, &tmp, torrentCompare ); } static void escape( char * out, const uint8_t * in, int in_len ) { const uint8_t *end = in + in_len; while( in != end ) if( isalnum(*in) ) *out++ = (char) *in++; else out += snprintf( out, 4, "%%%02X", (unsigned int)*in++ ); *out = '\0'; } void tr_trackerFree( Torrent * tor ) { Tracker * t = tor->tracker; tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( t->torrents, tor, torrentCompare ); tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( t->scrapeQueue, tor, torrentCompare ); tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( t->scraping, tor, torrentCompare ); tr_timerFree( &tor->scrapeTag ); tr_timerFree( &tor->reannounceTag ); tr_publisherFree( tor->publisher ); tr_free( tor->trackerID ); tr_free( tor->lastRequest ); tr_free( tor ); if( tr_ptrArrayEmpty( t->torrents ) ) /* last one.. free the tracker too */ { int i; tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( getTrackerLookupTable( ), t, trackerCompare ); tr_ptrArrayFree( t->torrents ); tr_ptrArrayFree( t->scrapeQueue ); tr_ptrArrayFree( t->scraping ); for( i=0; iaddressCount; ++i ) tr_trackerInfoClear( &t->addresses[i] ); if( t->redirect ) { tr_trackerInfoClear( t->redirect ); tr_free( t->redirect ); } tr_timerFree( &t->scrapeTag ); tr_free( t->primaryAddress ); tr_free( t->addresses ); tr_free( t->tierFronts ); tr_free( t ); } } Torrent* tr_trackerNew( tr_torrent_t * torrent ) { Torrent * tor; Tracker * t = tr_trackerGet( torrent ); assert( getExistingTorrent( t, torrent->info.hash ) == NULL ); /* create a new Torrent and queue it for scraping */ tor = tr_new0( Torrent, 1 ); tor->publisher = tr_publisherNew( ); tor->tracker = t; tor->torrent = torrent; tor->timesDownloaded = -1; tor->seeders = -1; tor->leechers = -1; tor->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~0; memcpy( tor->hash, torrent->info.hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); escape( tor->escaped, torrent->info.hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( t->torrents, tor, torrentCompare ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( t->scrapeQueue, tor, torrentCompare ); tr_trackerScrapeSoon( t ); return tor; } /*** **** UTIL ***/ static int parseBencResponse( struct evhttp_request * req, benc_val_t * setme ) { const unsigned char * body = EVBUFFER_DATA( req->input_buffer ); const int bodylen = EVBUFFER_LENGTH( req->input_buffer ); int ret = 1; int i; for( i=0; ret && iaddresses[t->addressIndex].announce ); tr_inf( ret ); moveToNextAddress = TRUE; } else if( req->response_code == HTTP_OK ) { if( t->redirect != NULL ) { /* multitracker spec: "if a connection with a tracker is successful, it will be moved to the front of the tier." */ const int i = t->addressIndex; const int j = t->tierFronts[i]; if( i != j ) { tr_tracker_info_t swap = t->addresses[i]; t->addresses[i] = t->addresses[j]; t->addresses[j] = swap; } } } else if( ( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVEPERM ) || ( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVETEMP ) ) { const char * loc = evhttp_find_header( req->input_headers, "Location" ); tr_tracker_info_t tmp; if( tr_trackerInfoInit( &tmp, loc, -1 ) ) /* a bad redirect? */ { moveToNextAddress = TRUE; } else if( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVEPERM ) { tr_tracker_info_t * cur = &t->addresses[t->addressIndex]; tr_trackerInfoClear( cur ); *cur = tmp; } else if( req->response_code == HTTP_MOVETEMP ) { if( t->redirect == NULL ) t->redirect = tr_new0( tr_tracker_info_t, 1 ); else tr_trackerInfoClear( t->redirect ); *t->redirect = tmp; } } else { tr_sprintf( &ret, &used, &max, "Error connecting: %s", t->addresses[t->addressIndex].announce, req->response_code_line ); moveToNextAddress = TRUE; } if( moveToNextAddress ) if ( ++t->addressIndex >= t->addressCount ) t->addressIndex = 0; return ret; } static tr_tracker_info_t * getCurrentAddress( const Tracker * t ) { assert( t->addresses != NULL ); assert( t->addressIndex >= 0 ); assert( t->addressIndex < t->addressCount ); return &t->addresses[t->addressIndex]; } static void addCommonHeaders( const Tracker * t, struct evhttp_request * req ) { char buf[1024]; tr_tracker_info_t * address = getCurrentAddress( t ); snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s:%d", address->address, address->port ); evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "Host", buf ); evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "Connection", "close" ); evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "Content-Length", "0" ); evhttp_add_header( req->output_headers, "User-Agent", TR_NAME "/" LONG_VERSION_STRING ); } /*** **** **** SCRAPE **** ***/ static int onTorrentScrapeNow( void * vtor ) { Torrent * tor = (Torrent *) vtor; tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( tor->tracker->scrapeQueue, tor, torrentCompare ); tr_trackerScrapeSoon( tor->tracker ); tor->scrapeTag = NULL; return FALSE; } static void onScrapeResponse( struct evhttp_request * req, void * vt ) { char * errmsg; Tracker * t = (Tracker*) vt; tr_inf( "scrape response from '%s': %s", t->primaryAddress, (req ? req->response_code_line : "(null)") ); if( req && ( req->response_code == HTTP_OK ) ) { int numResponses = 0; benc_val_t benc, *files; int n_scraping = tr_ptrArraySize( t->scraping ); const int bencLoaded = !parseBencResponse( req, &benc ); if( bencLoaded && (( files = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "files" ) )) && ( files->type == TYPE_DICT ) ) { int i; for( i=0; ival.l.count; i+=2 ) { const uint8_t* hash = (const uint8_t*) files->val.l.vals[i].val.s.s; benc_val_t *tmp, *flags; benc_val_t *tordict = &files->val.l.vals[i+1]; Torrent * tor = getExistingTorrent( t, hash ); ++numResponses; if( !tor ) { tr_err( "Got an unrequested scrape response!" ); continue; } if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "complete" ))) tor->seeders = tmp->val.i; if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "incomplete" ))) tor->leechers = tmp->val.i; if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "downloaded" ))) tor->timesDownloaded = tmp->val.i; if(( flags = tr_bencDictFind( tordict, "flags" ))) if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( flags, "min_request_interval"))) t->scrapeIntervalMsec = tmp->val.i * 1000; assert( tr_ptrArrayFindSorted(t->scraping,tor,torrentCompare) ); tr_ptrArrayRemoveSorted( t->scraping, tor, torrentCompare ); assert( !tor->scrapeTag ); tor->scrapeTag = tr_timerNew( t->handle, onTorrentScrapeNow, tor, NULL, t->scrapeIntervalMsec ); tr_dbg( "torrent '%s' scraped. re-scraping in %d seconds", tor->torrent->info.name, t->scrapeIntervalMsec/1000 ); } if( !files->val.l.count ) { /* got an empty files dictionary! This probably means the torrents we're scraping have expired from the tracker, so make sure they're stopped. It also means any previous changes to multiscrapeMax are suspect, so reset that. */ int n; Torrent ** torrents = (Torrent**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->scraping, &n ); for( i=0; iscraping ); n_scraping = 0; t->multiscrapeMax = INT_MAX; } } if( bencLoaded ) tr_bencFree( &benc ); /* if the tracker gave us back fewer torrents than we thought we should get, maybe our multiscrape string is too big... limit it based on how many we got back */ if( ( 0 < numResponses ) && ( numResponses < n_scraping ) ) t->multiscrapeMax = numResponses; } else if( !req ) { int i, n; Torrent ** torrents = (Torrent**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->scraping, &n ); for( i=0; iscrapeTag = tr_timerNew( t->handle, onTorrentScrapeNow, torrents[i], NULL, t->scrapeIntervalMsec ); tr_ptrArrayClear( t->scraping ); t->multiscrapeMax = INT_MAX; } if (( errmsg = updateAddresses( t, req ) )) { tr_err( errmsg ); tr_free( errmsg ); } if( !tr_ptrArrayEmpty( t->scraping ) ) { int i, n; Torrent ** torrents = (Torrent**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->scraping, &n ); for( i=0; iscraping ); } if( !tr_ptrArrayEmpty( t->scrapeQueue ) ) tr_trackerScrapeSoon( t ); } static int onTrackerScrapeNow( void * vt ) { Tracker * t = (Tracker*) vt; assert( tr_ptrArrayEmpty( t->scraping ) ); if( !tr_ptrArrayEmpty( t->scrapeQueue ) ) { int i, n, len, addr_len, ask_n; char *march, *uri; Torrent ** torrents = (Torrent**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( t->scrapeQueue, &n ); struct evhttp_connection *evcon = NULL; struct evhttp_request *req = NULL; const tr_tracker_info_t * address = getCurrentAddress( t ); ask_n = n; if( ask_n > t->multiscrapeMax ) ask_n = t->multiscrapeMax; /** *** Build the scrape request **/ len = addr_len = strlen( address->scrape ); for( i=0; iescaped); ++len; /* for nul */ uri = march = tr_new( char, len ); memcpy( march, address->scrape, addr_len ); march += addr_len; for( i=0; iescaped ); *march++ = i?'&':'?'; memcpy( march, "info_hash=", 10); march += 10; memcpy( march, torrents[i]->escaped, elen ); march += elen; } *march++ = '\0'; assert( march - uri == len ); /* move the first n_ask torrents from scrapeQueue to scraping */ for( i=0; iscraping, torrents[i], torrentCompare ); tr_ptrArrayErase( t->scrapeQueue, 0, ask_n ); /* don't scrape again until we have some response from the tracker */ tr_timerFree( &t->scrapeTag ); /* ping the tracker */ tr_inf( "scrape to %s:%d: %s", address->address, address->port, uri ); evcon = getConnection( address->address, address->port ); assert( evcon != NULL ); evhttp_connection_set_timeout( evcon, SCRAPE_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC ); req = evhttp_request_new( onScrapeResponse, t ); assert( req ); addCommonHeaders( t, req ); tr_evhttp_make_request( t->handle, evcon, req, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, uri ); } return FALSE; } /*** **** **** TRACKER REQUESTS **** ***/ static int torrentIsRunning( Torrent * tor ) { return tor->lastRequest && strcmp( tor->lastRequest, "stopped" ); } static char* buildTrackerRequestURI( const Torrent * tor, const char * eventName ) { const tr_torrent_t * torrent = tor->torrent; const int stopping = !strcmp( eventName, "stopped" ); const int numwant = stopping ? 0 : NUMWANT; char buf[4096]; snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s" "?info_hash=%s" "&peer_id=%s" "&port=%d" "&uploaded=%"PRIu64 "&downloaded=%"PRIu64 "&left=%"PRIu64 "&compact=1" "&numwant=%d" "&key=%s" "%s%s" "%s%s", getCurrentAddress(tor->tracker)->announce, tor->escaped, tor->peer_id, torrent->publicPort, torrent->uploadedCur, torrent->downloadedCur, tr_cpLeftUntilComplete( torrent->completion ), numwant, tor->tracker->key_param, ( ( eventName && *eventName ) ? "&event=" : "" ), ( ( eventName && *eventName ) ? eventName : "" ), ( ( tor->trackerID && *tor->trackerID ) ? "&trackerid=" : "" ), ( ( tor->trackerID && *tor->trackerID ) ? tor->trackerID : "" ) ); return tr_strdup( buf ); } /* Convert to compact form */ static uint8_t * parseOldPeers( benc_val_t * bePeers, int * peerCount ) { int i, count; uint8_t * compact; assert( bePeers->type == TYPE_LIST ); compact = tr_new( uint8_t, 6 * bePeers->val.l.count ); for( i=count=0; ival.l.count; ++i ) { struct in_addr addr; tr_port_t port; benc_val_t * val; benc_val_t * peer = &bePeers->val.l.vals[i]; val = tr_bencDictFind( peer, "ip" ); if( !val || val->type!=TYPE_STR || tr_netResolve(val->val.s.s, &addr) ) continue; memcpy( &compact[6 * count], &addr, 4 ); val = tr_bencDictFind( peer, "port" ); if( !val || val->type!=TYPE_INT || val->val.i<0 || val->val.i>0xffff ) continue; port = htons( val->val.i ); memcpy( &compact[6 * count + 4], &port, 2 ); ++count; } *peerCount = count; return compact; } static int onReannounceNow( void * vtor ); /* handle braindead trackers whose minimums is higher than the interval. */ static void setAnnounceInterval( Tracker * t, int minimum, int interval ) { assert( t != NULL ); if( minimum > 0 ) t->minAnnounceIntervalMsec = minimum; if( interval > 0 ) t->announceIntervalMsec = interval; if( t->announceIntervalMsec < t->minAnnounceIntervalMsec ) t->announceIntervalMsec = t->minAnnounceIntervalMsec; } static void onTrackerResponse( struct evhttp_request * req, void * vtor ) { char * errmsg; Torrent * tor = (Torrent *) vtor; const int isStopped = !torrentIsRunning( tor ); int reannounceInterval; tr_inf( "torrent \"%s\" tracker response: %s", tor->torrent->info.name, ( req ? req->response_code_line : "(null)") ); if( req && ( req->response_code == HTTP_OK ) ) { benc_val_t benc; const int bencLoaded = !parseBencResponse( req, &benc ); if( bencLoaded && benc.type==TYPE_DICT ) { benc_val_t * tmp; if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "failure reason" ))) publishErrorMessage( tor, tmp->val.s.s ); if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "warning message" ))) publishWarningMessage( tor, tmp->val.s.s ); if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "interval" ))) setAnnounceInterval( tor->tracker, -1, tmp->val.i * 1000 ); if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "min interval" ))) setAnnounceInterval( tor->tracker, tmp->val.i * 1000, -1 ); if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "tracker id" ))) tor->trackerID = tr_strndup( tmp->val.s.s, tmp->val.s.i ); if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "complete" ))) tor->seeders = tmp->val.i; if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "incomplete" ))) tor->leechers = tmp->val.i; if(( tmp = tr_bencDictFind( &benc, "peers" ))) { int peerCount = 0; uint8_t * peerCompact = NULL; if( tmp->type == TYPE_LIST ) /* original protocol */ { if( tmp->val.l.count > 0 ) peerCompact = parseOldPeers( tmp, &peerCount ); } else if( tmp->type == TYPE_STR ) /* "compact" extension */ { if( tmp->val.s.i >= 6 ) { peerCount = tmp->val.s.i / 6; peerCompact = tr_new( uint8_t, tmp->val.s.i ); memcpy( peerCompact, tmp->val.s.s, tmp->val.s.i ); } } publishNewPeers( tor, peerCount, peerCompact ); tr_free( peerCompact ); } } reannounceInterval = isStopped ? -1 : tor->tracker->announceIntervalMsec; if( bencLoaded ) tr_bencFree( &benc ); } else { tr_inf( "Bad response from tracker '%s' on request '%s' " "for torrent '%s'... trying again in 30 seconds", tor->tracker->primaryAddress, tor->lastRequest, tor->torrent->info.name ); reannounceInterval = 30 * 1000; } if (( errmsg = updateAddresses( tor->tracker, req ) )) { publishErrorMessage( tor, errmsg ); tr_err( errmsg ); tr_free( errmsg ); } tor->httpReq = NULL; if( isStopped ) publishStopped( tor ); else if( reannounceInterval > 0 ) { tr_dbg( "torrent '%s' reannouncing in %d seconds", tor->torrent->info.name, (reannounceInterval/1000) ); tor->reannounceTag = tr_timerNew( tor->tracker->handle, onReannounceNow, tor, NULL, reannounceInterval ); tor->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = tr_date() + MANUAL_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_MSEC; } } static int sendTrackerRequest( void * vtor, const char * eventName ) { Torrent * tor = (Torrent *) vtor; const tr_tracker_info_t * address = getCurrentAddress( tor->tracker ); char * uri = buildTrackerRequestURI( tor, eventName ); struct evhttp_connection * evcon = NULL; tr_inf( "tracker request to %s:%d: %s", address->address, address->port, uri ); /* kill any pending requests */ tr_timerFree( &tor->reannounceTag ); evcon = getConnection( address->address, address->port ); if ( !evcon ) { tr_err( "Can't make a connection to %s:%d", address->address, address->port ); tr_free( uri ); } else { tr_free( tor->lastRequest ); tor->lastRequest = tr_strdup( eventName ); evhttp_connection_set_timeout( evcon, REQ_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL_SEC ); tor->httpReq = evhttp_request_new( onTrackerResponse, tor ); addCommonHeaders( tor->tracker, tor->httpReq ); tr_evhttp_make_request( tor->tracker->handle, evcon, tor->httpReq, EVHTTP_REQ_GET, uri ); } return FALSE; } static int onReannounceNow( void * vtor ) { sendTrackerRequest( (Torrent*)vtor, "" ); return FALSE; } /*** **** PUBLIC ***/ tr_publisher_tag tr_trackerSubscribe( Torrent * tor, tr_delivery_func func, void * user_data ) { return tr_publisherSubscribe( tor->publisher, func, user_data ); } void tr_trackerUnsubscribe( Torrent * tor, tr_publisher_tag tag ) { tr_publisherUnsubscribe( tor->publisher, tag ); } const tr_tracker_info_t * tr_trackerGetAddress( const Torrent * tor ) { return getCurrentAddress( tor->tracker ); } int tr_trackerCanManualAnnounce ( const Torrent * tor ) { /* return true if this torrent's currently running and it's been long enough since the last announce */ return ( tor != NULL ) && ( tor->reannounceTag != NULL ) && ( tr_date() >= tor->manualAnnounceAllowedAt ); } void tr_trackerGetCounts( const Torrent * tor, int * setme_completedCount, int * setme_leecherCount, int * setme_seederCount ) { if( setme_completedCount) *setme_completedCount = tor->timesDownloaded; if( setme_leecherCount) *setme_leecherCount = tor->leechers; if( setme_seederCount) *setme_seederCount = tor->seeders; } void tr_trackerStart( Torrent * tor ) { tr_peerIdNew( tor->peer_id, sizeof(tor->peer_id) ); if( !tor->reannounceTag && !tor->httpReq ) sendTrackerRequest( tor, "started" ); } void tr_trackerReannounce( Torrent * tor ) { sendTrackerRequest( tor, "started" ); } void tr_trackerCompleted( Torrent * tor ) { sendTrackerRequest( tor, "completed" ); } void tr_trackerStop( Torrent * tor ) { sendTrackerRequest( tor, "stopped" ); } void tr_trackerChangeMyPort( Torrent * tor ) { if( torrentIsRunning( tor ) ) tr_trackerReannounce( tor ); }