/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #import #import #import @class FileListNode; @interface Torrent : NSObject { tr_torrent * fHandle; const tr_info * fInfo; const tr_stat * fStat; NSUserDefaults * fDefaults; NSImage * fIcon; NSString * fHashString; tr_file_stat * fFileStat; NSArray * fFileList, * fFlatFileList; NSIndexSet * fPreviousFinishedIndexes; NSDate * fPreviousFinishedIndexesDate; NSInteger fGroupValue; BOOL fResumeOnWake; NSString * fTimeMachineExclude; } - (id) initWithPath: (NSString *) path location: (NSString *) location deleteTorrentFile: (BOOL) torrentDelete lib: (tr_session *) lib; - (id) initWithTorrentStruct: (tr_torrent *) torrentStruct location: (NSString *) location lib: (tr_session *) lib; - (id) initWithMagnetAddress: (NSString *) address location: (NSString *) location lib: (tr_session *) lib; - (id) initWithHistory: (NSDictionary *) history lib: (tr_session *) lib forcePause: (BOOL) pause; - (NSDictionary *) history; - (void) closeRemoveTorrent: (BOOL) trashFiles; - (void) changeDownloadFolderBeforeUsing: (NSString *) folder; - (NSString *) currentDirectory; - (void) getAvailability: (int8_t *) tab size: (NSInteger) size; - (void) getAmountFinished: (float *) tab size: (NSInteger) size; - (NSIndexSet *) previousFinishedPieces; - (void) setPreviousFinishedPieces: (NSIndexSet *) indexes; - (void) update; - (void) startTransferIgnoringQueue: (BOOL) ignoreQueue; - (void) startTransferNoQueue; - (void) startTransfer; - (void) stopTransfer; - (void) sleep; - (void) wakeUp; - (NSInteger) queuePosition; - (void) setQueuePosition: (NSUInteger) index; - (void) manualAnnounce; - (BOOL) canManualAnnounce; - (void) resetCache; - (BOOL) isMagnet; - (NSString *) magnetLink; - (CGFloat) ratio; - (tr_ratiolimit) ratioSetting; - (void) setRatioSetting: (tr_ratiolimit) setting; - (CGFloat) ratioLimit; - (void) setRatioLimit: (CGFloat) limit; - (CGFloat) progressStopRatio; - (tr_idlelimit) idleSetting; - (void) setIdleSetting: (tr_idlelimit) setting; - (NSUInteger) idleLimitMinutes; - (void) setIdleLimitMinutes: (NSUInteger) limit; - (BOOL) usesSpeedLimit: (BOOL) upload; - (void) setUseSpeedLimit: (BOOL) use upload: (BOOL) upload; - (NSInteger) speedLimit: (BOOL) upload; - (void) setSpeedLimit: (NSInteger) limit upload: (BOOL) upload; - (BOOL) usesGlobalSpeedLimit; - (void) setUseGlobalSpeedLimit: (BOOL) use; - (void) setMaxPeerConnect: (uint16_t) count; - (uint16_t) maxPeerConnect; - (BOOL) waitingToStart; - (tr_priority_t) priority; - (void) setPriority: (tr_priority_t) priority; + (void) trashFile: (NSURL *) fileURL; - (void) moveTorrentDataFileTo: (NSString *) folder; - (void) copyTorrentFileTo: (NSString *) path; - (BOOL) alertForRemainingDiskSpace; - (NSImage *) icon; - (NSString *) name; - (BOOL) isFolder; - (uint64_t) size; - (uint64_t) sizeLeft; - (NSMutableArray *) allTrackerStats; - (NSArray *) allTrackersFlat; //used by GroupRules - (BOOL) addTrackerToNewTier: (NSString *) tracker; - (void) removeTrackers: (NSSet *) trackers; - (NSString *) comment; - (NSString *) creator; - (NSDate *) dateCreated; - (NSInteger) pieceSize; - (NSInteger) pieceCount; - (NSString *) hashString; - (BOOL) privateTorrent; - (NSString *) torrentLocation; - (NSString *) dataLocation; - (NSString *) fileLocation: (FileListNode *) node; - (CGFloat) progress; - (CGFloat) progressDone; - (CGFloat) progressLeft; - (CGFloat) checkingProgress; - (CGFloat) availableDesired; - (BOOL) isActive; - (BOOL) isSeeding; - (BOOL) isChecking; - (BOOL) isCheckingWaiting; - (BOOL) allDownloaded; - (BOOL) isComplete; - (BOOL) isFinishedSeeding; - (BOOL) isError; - (BOOL) isAnyErrorOrWarning; - (NSString *) errorMessage; - (NSArray *) peers; - (NSUInteger) webSeedCount; - (NSArray *) webSeeds; - (NSString *) progressString; - (NSString *) statusString; - (NSString *) shortStatusString; - (NSString *) remainingTimeString; - (NSString *) stateString; - (NSInteger) totalPeersConnected; - (NSInteger) totalPeersTracker; - (NSInteger) totalPeersIncoming; - (NSInteger) totalPeersCache; - (NSInteger) totalPeersPex; - (NSInteger) totalPeersDHT; - (NSInteger) totalPeersLocal; - (NSInteger) totalPeersLTEP; - (NSInteger) peersSendingToUs; - (NSInteger) peersGettingFromUs; - (CGFloat) downloadRate; - (CGFloat) uploadRate; - (CGFloat) totalRate; - (uint64_t) haveVerified; - (uint64_t) haveTotal; - (uint64_t) totalSizeSelected; - (uint64_t) downloadedTotal; - (uint64_t) uploadedTotal; - (uint64_t) failedHash; - (NSInteger) groupValue; - (void) setGroupValue: (NSInteger) groupValue; - (NSInteger) groupOrderValue; - (void) checkGroupValueForRemoval: (NSNotification *) notification; - (NSArray *) fileList; - (NSArray *) flatFileList; - (NSInteger) fileCount; - (void) updateFileStat; //methods require fileStats to have been updated recently to be accurate - (CGFloat) fileProgress: (FileListNode *) node; - (BOOL) canChangeDownloadCheckForFile: (NSUInteger) index; - (BOOL) canChangeDownloadCheckForFiles: (NSIndexSet *) indexSet; - (NSInteger) checkForFiles: (NSIndexSet *) indexSet; - (void) setFileCheckState: (NSInteger) state forIndexes: (NSIndexSet *) indexSet; - (void) setFilePriority: (tr_priority_t) priority forIndexes: (NSIndexSet *) indexSet; - (BOOL) hasFilePriority: (tr_priority_t) priority forIndexes: (NSIndexSet *) indexSet; - (NSSet *) filePrioritiesForIndexes: (NSIndexSet *) indexSet; - (NSDate *) dateAdded; - (NSDate *) dateCompleted; - (NSDate *) dateActivity; - (NSDate *) dateActivityOrAdd; - (NSInteger) secondsDownloading; - (NSInteger) secondsSeeding; - (NSInteger) stalledMinutes; - (BOOL) isStalled; - (void) updateTimeMachineExclude; - (NSInteger) stateSortKey; - (NSString *) trackerSortKey; - (tr_torrent *) torrentStruct; @end