// This file Copyright © 2012-2023 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include // int64_t #include #include #include #include #include // std::back_inserter #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "units.h" using namespace std::literals; namespace { auto constexpr TimeoutSecs = std::chrono::seconds{ 30 }; char constexpr MyName[] = "transmission-show"; char constexpr Usage[] = "Usage: transmission-show [options] "; auto options = std::array{ { { 'd', "header", "Show only header section", "d", false, nullptr }, { 'i', "info", "Show only info section", "i", false, nullptr }, { 't', "trackers", "Show only trackers section", "t", false, nullptr }, { 'f', "files", "Show only file list", "f", false, nullptr }, { 'D', "no-header", "Do not show header section", "D", false, nullptr }, { 'I', "no-info", "Do not show info section", "I", false, nullptr }, { 'T', "no-trackers", "Do not show trackers section", "T", false, nullptr }, { 'F', "no-files", "Do not show files section", "F", false, nullptr }, { 'b', "bytes", "Show file sizes in bytes", "b", false, nullptr }, { 'm', "magnet", "Give a magnet link for the specified torrent", "m", false, nullptr }, { 's', "scrape", "Ask the torrent's trackers how many peers are in the torrent's swarm", "s", false, nullptr }, { 'u', "unsorted", "Do not sort files by name", "u", false, nullptr }, { 'V', "version", "Show version number and exit", "V", false, nullptr }, { 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, false, nullptr } } }; struct app_opts { std::string_view filename; bool scrape = false; bool show_magnet = false; bool show_version = false; bool unsorted = false; bool print_header = true; bool print_info = true; bool print_trackers = true; bool print_files = true; bool show_bytesize = false; }; int parseCommandLine(app_opts& opts, int argc, char const* const* argv) { int c; char const* optarg; while ((c = tr_getopt(Usage, argc, argv, std::data(options), &optarg)) != TR_OPT_DONE) { switch (c) { case 'b': opts.show_bytesize = true; break; case 'f': opts.print_header = false; opts.print_info = false; opts.print_trackers = false; opts.print_files = true; break; case 'd': opts.print_header = true; opts.print_info = false; opts.print_trackers = false; opts.print_files = false; break; case 'i': opts.print_header = false; opts.print_info = true; opts.print_trackers = false; opts.print_files = false; break; case 't': opts.print_header = false; opts.print_info = false; opts.print_trackers = true; opts.print_files = false; break; case 'D': opts.print_header = false; break; case 'I': opts.print_info = false; break; case 'T': opts.print_trackers = false; break; case 'F': opts.print_files = false; break; case 'm': opts.show_magnet = true; break; case 's': opts.scrape = true; break; case 'u': opts.unsorted = true; break; case 'V': opts.show_version = true; break; case TR_OPT_UNK: opts.filename = optarg; break; default: return 1; } } return 0; } [[nodiscard]] auto toString(time_t now) { return now == 0 ? "Unknown" : fmt::format("{:%a %b %d %T %Y}", fmt::localtime(now)); } bool compareSecondField(std::string_view l, std::string_view r) { auto const lpos = l.find(' '); if (lpos == std::string_view::npos) { return false; } auto const rpos = r.find(' '); if (rpos == std::string_view::npos) { return true; } return l.substr(lpos) <= r.substr(rpos); } void showInfo(app_opts const& opts, tr_torrent_metainfo const& metainfo) { /** *** General Info **/ if (opts.print_info) { fmt::print("GENERAL\n\n"); fmt::print(" Name: {:s}\n", metainfo.name()); if (metainfo.has_v1_metadata()) { fmt::print(" Hash v1: {:s}\n", metainfo.info_hash_string()); } if (metainfo.has_v2_metadata()) { fmt::print(" Hash v2: {:s}\n", metainfo.info_hash2_string()); } fmt::print(" Created by: {:s}\n", std::empty(metainfo.creator()) ? "Unknown" : metainfo.creator()); fmt::print(" Created on: {:s}\n\n", toString(metainfo.date_created())); if (!std::empty(metainfo.comment())) { fmt::print(" Comment: {:s}\n", metainfo.comment()); } if (!std::empty(metainfo.source())) { fmt::print(" Source: {:s}\n", metainfo.source()); } fmt::print(" Piece Count: {:d}\n", metainfo.piece_count()); fmt::print(" Piece Size: {:s}\n", tr_formatter_mem_B(metainfo.piece_size())); fmt::print(" Total Size: {:s}\n", tr_formatter_size_B(metainfo.total_size())); fmt::print(" Privacy: {:s}\n", metainfo.is_private() ? "Private torrent" : "Public torrent"); } /** *** Trackers **/ if (opts.print_trackers) { fmt::print("\nTRACKERS\n"); auto current_tier = std::optional{}; auto print_tier = size_t{ 1 }; for (auto const& tracker : metainfo.announce_list()) { if (!current_tier || current_tier != tracker.tier) { current_tier = tracker.tier; fmt::print("\n Tier #{:d}\n", print_tier); ++print_tier; } fmt::print(" {:s}\n", tracker.announce.sv()); } /** *** **/ if (auto const n_webseeds = metainfo.webseed_count(); n_webseeds > 0) { fmt::print("\nWEBSEEDS\n\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < n_webseeds; ++i) { fmt::print(" {:s}\n", metainfo.webseed(i)); } } } /** *** Files **/ if (opts.print_files) { if (!opts.show_bytesize) { fmt::print("\nFILES\n\n"); } auto filenames = std::vector{}; for (tr_file_index_t i = 0, n = metainfo.file_count(); i < n; ++i) { std::string filename; if (opts.show_bytesize) { filename = std::to_string(metainfo.file_size(i)); filename += " "; filename += metainfo.file_subpath(i); } else { filename = " "; filename += metainfo.file_subpath(i); filename += " ("; filename += tr_formatter_size_B(metainfo.file_size(i)); filename += ')'; } filenames.emplace_back(filename); } if (!opts.unsorted) { if (opts.show_bytesize) { std::sort(std::begin(filenames), std::end(filenames), compareSecondField); } else { std::sort(std::begin(filenames), std::end(filenames)); } } for (auto const& filename : filenames) { fmt::print("{:s}\n", filename); } } } void doScrape(tr_torrent_metainfo const& metainfo) { class Mediator final : public tr_web::Mediator { [[nodiscard]] time_t now() const override { return time(nullptr); } }; auto mediator = Mediator{}; auto web = tr_web::create(mediator); for (auto const& tracker : metainfo.announce_list()) { if (std::empty(tracker.scrape)) { continue; } // build the full scrape URL auto scrape_url = tr_urlbuf{ tracker.scrape.sv() }; auto delimiter = tr_strv_contains(scrape_url, '?') ? '&' : '?'; scrape_url.append(delimiter, "info_hash="); tr_urlPercentEncode(std::back_inserter(scrape_url), metainfo.info_hash()); fmt::print("{:s} ... ", scrape_url); fflush(stdout); // execute the http scrape auto response = tr_web::FetchResponse{}; auto response_mutex = std::mutex{}; auto response_cv = std::condition_variable{}; auto lock = std::unique_lock(response_mutex); web->fetch({ scrape_url, [&response, &response_cv](tr_web::FetchResponse const& resp) { response = resp; response_cv.notify_one(); }, nullptr, TimeoutSecs }); response_cv.wait(lock); // check the response code if (auto const code = response.status; code != 200 /*HTTP OK*/) { fmt::print("error: unexpected response {:d} '{:s}'\n", code, tr_webGetResponseStr(code)); continue; } // print it out auto top = tr_variant{}; if (!tr_variantFromBuf(&top, TR_VARIANT_PARSE_BENC | TR_VARIANT_PARSE_INPLACE, response.body)) { fmt::print("error parsing scrape response\n"); continue; } bool matched = false; if (tr_variant* files = nullptr; tr_variantDictFindDict(&top, TR_KEY_files, &files)) { size_t child_pos = 0; tr_quark key; tr_variant* val; auto hashsv = std::string_view{ reinterpret_cast(std::data(metainfo.info_hash())), std::size(metainfo.info_hash()) }; while (tr_variantDictChild(files, child_pos, &key, &val)) { if (hashsv == tr_quark_get_string_view(key)) { auto i = int64_t{}; auto const seeders = tr_variantDictFindInt(val, TR_KEY_complete, &i) ? int(i) : -1; auto const leechers = tr_variantDictFindInt(val, TR_KEY_incomplete, &i) ? int(i) : -1; fmt::print("{:d} seeders, {:d} leechers\n", seeders, leechers); matched = true; } ++child_pos; } } tr_variantClear(&top); if (!matched) { fmt::print("no match\n"); } } } } // namespace int tr_main(int argc, char* argv[]) { auto const init_mgr = tr_lib_init(); tr_locale_set_global(""); tr_logSetQueueEnabled(false); tr_logSetLevel(TR_LOG_ERROR); tr_formatter_mem_init(MemK, MemKStr, MemMStr, MemGStr, MemTStr); tr_formatter_size_init(DiskK, DiskKStr, DiskMStr, DiskGStr, DiskTStr); tr_formatter_speed_init(SpeedK, SpeedKStr, SpeedMStr, SpeedGStr, SpeedTStr); auto opts = app_opts{}; if (parseCommandLine(opts, argc, (char const* const*)argv) != 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (opts.show_version) { fmt::print(stderr, "{:s} {:s}\n", MyName, LONG_VERSION_STRING); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* make sure the user specified a filename */ if (std::empty(opts.filename)) { fmt::print(stderr, "ERROR: No torrent file specified.\n"); tr_getopt_usage(MyName, Usage, std::data(options)); fmt::print(stderr, "\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* try to parse the torrent file */ auto metainfo = tr_torrent_metainfo{}; tr_error* error = nullptr; auto const parsed = metainfo.parse_torrent_file(opts.filename, nullptr, &error); if (error != nullptr) { fmt::print(stderr, "Error parsing torrent file '{:s}': {:s} ({:d})\n", opts.filename, error->message, error->code); tr_error_clear(&error); } if (!parsed) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (opts.show_magnet) { fmt::print("{:s}", metainfo.magnet()); } else { if (opts.print_header) { fmt::print("Name: {:s}\n", metainfo.name()); fmt::print("File: {:s}\n", opts.filename); fmt::print("\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (opts.scrape) { doScrape(metainfo); } else { showInfo(opts, metainfo); } } /* cleanup */ putc('\n', stdout); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }