AboutDialogAbout TransmissionTransmission 1.60A fast and easy BitTorrent clientCopyright 2005-2009 by the Transmission Project<a href="http://www.transmissionbt.com">http://www.transmissionbt.com/</a>DetailsActivityPeersTrackerFilesOptions%1 PropertiesInformation%1 (%2 verified in %L3 pieces)None%L1 Pieces @ %2Private to this tracker -- PEX disabledPublic torrentTransferState:Progress:Have:Downloaded:Uploaded:Failed DL:Ratio:Swarm Rate:Error:DatesSpeed LimitsHonor global &limitsLimit &download speed (KB/s)Limit &upload speed (KB/s)Seed-Until RatioUse &global settingSeed ®ardless of ratio&Stop seeding when a torrent's ratio reachesPeer Connections&Maximum PeersDetailsPieces:Hash:Privacy:Comment:OriginsCreator:Date:Destination folder:Torrent file:ScrapeLast scrape at:Tracker responded:Next scrape in:AnnounceTracker:Last announce at:Next announce in:Manual announce allowed in:NeverUnknownOptimistic unchokeDownloading from this peerWe would download from this peer if they would let usUploading to peerWe would upload to this peer if they askedPeer has unchoked us, but we're not interestedWe unchoked this peer, but they're not interestedEncrypted connectionPeer was discovered through Peer Exchange (PEX)Peer is an incoming connectionAdded on:Last activity on:UpDown%StatusAddressClientFileTreeItemLowHighNormalMixedFileTreeModelFileProgressDownloadPriorityMainWindowTransmissionShow all torrentsA&llShow active torrents&ActiveShow torrents being downloaded&DownloadingShow torrents being seeded&SeedingShow paused torrents&PausedSet text filter modeShow torrents matching this textClear the filter textTextLabelOverall download speedOverall upload speed&Torrent&Edit&Help&ViewtoolBar&Add...Add a torrentCtrl+D&New...Create a new torrentCtrl+N&PropertiesShow torrent propertiesAlt+Enter&Open FolderOpen the torrent's folderCtrl+O&StartStart torrentCtrl+SAsk Tracker for &More PeersAsk tracker for more peers&PausePause torrentCtrl+P&Verify Local DataVerify local data&RemoveRemove torrentDel&Delete Files and RemoveRemove torrent and delete its filesShift+Del&Start All&Pause All&QuitCtrl+Q&Select AllCtrl+A&Deselect AllCtrl+Shift+A&Preferences&Minimal ViewAlt+M&Toolbar&Filterbar&StatusbarSort by &ActivitySort by A&geSort by &ETASort by &NameSort by &ProgressSort by &RatioSort by Si&zeSort by &StateSort by &TrackerMessage &Log&Main Window&Statistics&Contents&About&Reverse Sort Order&Name&Files&TrackerTotal RatioSession RatioTotal TransferSession TransferTray &IconMakeDialogNew TorrentSource<i>No source selected</i>F&older&FileTrackersSeparate tiers with an empty lineOptionsCommen&t:Progress&New Torrent&Close%1.torrent created!Error: Invalid URLTorrent creation cancelledError: Couldn't read "%1": %2Error: Couldn't create "%1": %2Creating %1.torrent<i>No source selected<i><i>No tracker announce URLs listed</i>%1 in %2; %3 @ %4&Stop%Ln File(s)%Ln File%Ln Files%Ln Piece(s)%Ln Piece%Ln PiecesOptionsAdd Torrent&Torrent file:&Destination folder:&Verify Local Data&Start when added&Move source file to TrashTorrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)Select DestinationPrefsDialogTracker ProxyConnect to tracker via a pro&xyProxy &server:Proxy &port:Require &authentication&Username:Pass&word:Web Interface&Open web interface&Enable web interfaceListening &port:&Require usernameOnly allow the following IP &addresses to connect:Addresses:LimitsLimit &download speed (KB/s):Limit d&ownload speed (KB/s):Limit u&pload speed (KB/s):Incoming PeersUse UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my routerBlocklistEnable &blocklist (contains %Ln rule(s))Enable &blocklist (contains 1 rule)Enable &blocklist (contains %Ln rules)Not supported by remote sessions&Update blocklist&On days:Every DayWeekdaysWeekendsSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayPort is <b>open</b>Port is <b>closed</b>Testing...&Test PortStatus unknown&Port for incoming connections:Randomize the port every launch<b>Update succeeded!</b><p>Blocklist now has %Ln rules.<b>Update Blocklist</b><p>Getting new blocklist...Enable &automatic updatesMaximum peers &overall:Maximum peers per &torrent:Plaintext PreferredEncryption PreferredEncryption RequiredPrivacyEncryption &mode:Use peer e&xchangeSelect Watch DirectorySelect DestinationAdding TorrentsAutomatically &add torrents from:Display &options dialog&Start when addedMo&ve source files to Trash&Destination folder:Transmission PreferencesTorrentsPeersNetworkWebEnable &blocklist (%Ln rules)Enable &blocklist (%Ln rule)Enable &blocklist (%Ln rules)Global Bandwidth LimitsSpeed Limit ModeUse Speed Limit Mode &between&Stop seeding torrents at ratio:SpeedLimit &upload speed (KB/s):Enable &blocklist (%Ln entries)Enable &blocklist (1 entry)Enable &blocklist (%Ln entries)QObjecttransmission %1Invalid optionGot opt %1SessionAdd TorrentStatsDialogStatisticsCurrent SessionUploaded:Downloaded:Ratio:Duration:TotalStarted %n time(s)Started one timeStarted %n timesTorrentWaiting to verify local dataVerifying local dataDownloadingSeedingPausedTorrentDelegate%1 of %2 (%3%)%1 of %2 (%3%), uploaded %4 (Ratio: %5)%1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3 Goal %4)%1, uploaded %2 (Ratio: %3) - %1 leftRemaining time unknownDown: %1, Up: %2Down: %1Up: %1IdlePausedWaiting to verify local dataVerifying local data (%1% tested)Downloading from %1 of %n connected peer(s)Downloading from %1 peerDownloading from %1 of %n connected peersSeeding to %1 of %n connected peer(s)Seeding to %1 peerSeeding to %1 of %n connected peersRatio: %1, TrMainWindow - %1%Ln Torrent(s)%Ln Torrent%Ln Torrents%1 of %n Torrent(s)%1 Torrent%1 of %n Torrents%L1 of %Ln Torrent(s)%L1 of %Ln Torrent%L1 of %Ln TorrentsRatio: %1Down: %1, Up: %2Add TorrentTorrent Files (*.torrent);;All Files (*.*)Display &options dialogTransmission server is respondingLast response from server was %1 agoClick to disable Speed Limit ModeClick to enable Speed Limit ModeUtilsNone%Ln byte(s)%Ln byte%Ln bytes%L1 KB%L1 MB%L1 GB%Ln day(s)%Ln day%Ln days%Ln hour(s)%Ln hour%Ln hours%Ln minute(s)%Ln minute%Ln minutes%Ln seconds(s)%Ln second%Ln seconds%1, %2%L1 KB/s%L1 MB/s%L1 GB/s