/****************************************************************************** * $Id:$ * * Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** * Fast resume *********************************************************************** * The format of the resume file is a 4 byte format version (currently 1), * followed by several variable-sized blocks of data. Each block is * preceded by a 1 byte ID and a 4 byte length. The currently recognized * IDs are defined below by the FR_ID_* macros. The length does not include * the 5 bytes for the ID and length. * * The name of the resume file is "resume.-", although * older files with a name of "resume." will be recognized if * the former doesn't exist. * * All values are stored in the native endianness. Moving a * libtransmission resume file from an architecture to another will not * work, although it will not hurt either (the version will be wrong, * so the resume file will not be read). **********************************************************************/ #include "transmission.h" #include "fastresume.h" /* time_t can be 32 or 64 bits... for consistency we'll hardwire 64 */ typedef uint64_t tr_time_t; /* deprecated */ #define FR_ID_PROGRESS_SLOTS 0x01 /* number of bytes downloaded */ #define FR_ID_DOWNLOADED 0x02 /* number of bytes uploaded */ #define FR_ID_UPLOADED 0x03 /* IPs and ports of connectable peers */ #define FR_ID_PEERS 0x04 /* progress data: * - 4 bytes * number of files: mtimes of files * - 1 bit * number of blocks: whether we have the block or not */ #define FR_ID_PROGRESS 0x05 /* macros for the length of various pieces of the progress data */ #define FR_MTIME_LEN( t ) \ ( sizeof(tr_time_t) * (t)->info.fileCount ) #define FR_BLOCK_BITFIELD_LEN( t ) \ ( ( (t)->blockCount + 7 ) / 8 ) #define FR_PROGRESS_LEN( t ) \ ( FR_MTIME_LEN( t ) + FR_BLOCK_BITFIELD_LEN( t ) ) static void fastResumeFileName( char * buf, size_t buflen, const tr_torrent_t * tor, int tag ) { const char * cacheDir = tr_getCacheDirectory (); const char * hash = tor->info.hashString; if( !tag ) { tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, cacheDir, hash, NULL ); } else { char base[1024]; snprintf( base, sizeof(base), "%s-%s", hash, tor->handle->tag ); tr_buildPath( buf, buflen, cacheDir, base, NULL ); } } static tr_time_t* getMTimes( const tr_torrent_t * tor, int * setme_n ) { int i; const int n = tor->info.fileCount; tr_time_t * m = calloc( n, sizeof(tr_time_t) ); for( i=0; idestination, tor->info.files[i].name, NULL ); if ( !stat( fname, &sb ) && S_ISREG( sb.st_mode ) ) { #ifdef SYS_DARWIN m[i] = sb.st_mtimespec.tv_sec; #else m[i] = sb.st_mtime; #endif } } *setme_n = n; return m; } static inline void fastResumeWriteData( uint8_t id, void * data, uint32_t size, uint32_t count, FILE * file ) { uint32_t datalen = size * count; fwrite( &id, 1, 1, file ); fwrite( &datalen, 4, 1, file ); fwrite( data, size, count, file ); } void fastResumeSave( const tr_torrent_t * tor ) { char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; FILE * file; const int version = 1; uint64_t total; fastResumeFileName( path, sizeof path, tor, 1 ); file = fopen( path, "w" ); if( NULL == file ) { tr_err( "Couldn't open '%s' for writing", path ); return; } /* Write format version */ fwrite( &version, 4, 1, file ); /* Write progress data */ if (1) { int n; tr_time_t * mtimes; uint8_t * buf = malloc( FR_PROGRESS_LEN( tor ) ); uint8_t * walk = buf; const tr_bitfield_t * bitfield; /* mtimes */ mtimes = getMTimes( tor, &n ); memcpy( walk, mtimes, n*sizeof(tr_time_t) ); walk += n * sizeof(tr_time_t); /* completion bitfield */ bitfield = tr_cpBlockBitfield( tor->completion ); assert( (unsigned)FR_BLOCK_BITFIELD_LEN( tor ) == bitfield->len ); memcpy( walk, bitfield->bits, bitfield->len ); walk += bitfield->len; /* write it */ assert( walk-buf == (int)FR_PROGRESS_LEN( tor ) ); fastResumeWriteData( FR_ID_PROGRESS, buf, 1, walk-buf, file ); /* cleanup */ free( mtimes ); free( buf ); } /* Write download and upload totals */ total = tor->downloadedCur + tor->downloadedPrev; fastResumeWriteData( FR_ID_DOWNLOADED, &total, 8, 1, file ); total = tor->uploadedCur + tor->uploadedPrev; fastResumeWriteData( FR_ID_UPLOADED, &total, 8, 1, file ); if( !( TR_FLAG_PRIVATE & tor->info.flags ) ) { /* Write IPs and ports of connectable peers, if any */ int size; uint8_t * buf = NULL; if( ( size = tr_peerGetConnectable( tor, &buf ) ) > 0 ) { fastResumeWriteData( FR_ID_PEERS, buf, size, 1, file ); free( buf ); } } fclose( file ); tr_dbg( "Resume file '%s' written", path ); } static int fastResumeLoadProgress( const tr_torrent_t * tor, tr_bitfield_t * uncheckedPieces, FILE * file ) { const size_t len = FR_PROGRESS_LEN( tor ); uint8_t * buf = calloc( len, 1 ); uint8_t * walk = buf; if( len != fread( buf, 1, len, file ) ) { tr_inf( "Couldn't read from resume file" ); free( buf ); return TR_ERROR_IO_OTHER; } /* compare file mtimes */ if (1) { int i, n; tr_time_t * curMTimes = getMTimes( tor, &n ); const tr_time_t * oldMTimes = (const tr_time_t *) walk; for( i=0; iinfo.files[i]; tr_dbg( "File '%s' mtimes differ-- flagging pieces [%d..%d] for recheck", file->name, file->firstPiece, file->lastPiece); tr_bitfieldAddRange( uncheckedPieces, file->firstPiece, file->lastPiece ); } } free( curMTimes ); walk += n * sizeof(tr_time_t); } /* get the completion bitfield */ if (1) { tr_bitfield_t bitfield; memset( &bitfield, 0, sizeof bitfield ); bitfield.len = FR_BLOCK_BITFIELD_LEN( tor ); bitfield.bits = walk; tr_cpBlockBitfieldSet( tor->completion, &bitfield ); } free( buf ); return TR_OK; } static int fastResumeLoadOld( tr_torrent_t * tor, tr_bitfield_t * uncheckedPieces, FILE * file ) { /* Check the size */ const int size = 4 + FR_PROGRESS_LEN( tor ); fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END ); if( ftell( file ) != size ) { tr_inf( "Wrong size for resume file (%d bytes, %d expected)", (int)ftell( file ), size ); fclose( file ); return 1; } /* load progress information */ fseek( file, 4, SEEK_SET ); if( fastResumeLoadProgress( tor, uncheckedPieces, file ) ) { fclose( file ); return 1; } fclose( file ); tr_inf( "Fast resuming successful (version 0)" ); return 0; } int fastResumeLoad( tr_torrent_t * tor, tr_bitfield_t * uncheckedPieces ) { char path[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; FILE * file; int version = 0; uint8_t id; uint32_t len; int ret; assert( tor != NULL ); assert( uncheckedPieces != NULL ); /* Open resume file */ fastResumeFileName( path, sizeof path, tor, 1 ); file = fopen( path, "r" ); if( NULL == file ) { if( ENOENT == errno ) { fastResumeFileName( path, sizeof path, tor, 0 ); file = fopen( path, "r" ); if( NULL != file ) { goto good; } fastResumeFileName( path, sizeof path, tor, 1 ); } tr_inf( "Could not open '%s' for reading", path ); return 1; } good: tr_dbg( "Resume file '%s' loaded", path ); /* Check format version */ fread( &version, 4, 1, file ); if( 0 == version ) { return fastResumeLoadOld( tor, uncheckedPieces, file ); } if( 1 != version ) { tr_inf( "Resume file has version %d, not supported", version ); fclose( file ); return 1; } ret = 1; /* read each block of data */ while( 1 == fread( &id, 1, 1, file ) && 1 == fread( &len, 4, 1, file ) ) { switch( id ) { case FR_ID_PROGRESS: /* read progress data */ if( (uint32_t)FR_PROGRESS_LEN( tor ) == len ) { if( fastResumeLoadProgress( tor, uncheckedPieces, file ) ) { if( feof( file ) || ferror( file ) ) { fclose( file ); return 1; } } else { ret = 0; } continue; } break; case FR_ID_DOWNLOADED: /* read download total */ if( 8 == len) { if( 1 != fread( &tor->downloadedPrev, 8, 1, file ) ) { fclose( file ); return 1; } continue; } break; case FR_ID_UPLOADED: /* read upload total */ if( 8 == len) { if( 1 != fread( &tor->uploadedPrev, 8, 1, file ) ) { fclose( file ); return 1; } continue; } break; case FR_ID_PEERS: if( !( TR_FLAG_PRIVATE & tor->info.flags ) ) { int used; uint8_t * buf = malloc( len ); if( 1 != fread( buf, len, 1, file ) ) { free( buf ); fclose( file ); return 1; } used = tr_torrentAddCompact( tor, TR_PEER_FROM_CACHE, buf, len / 6 ); tr_dbg( "found %i peers in resume file, used %i", len / 6, used ); free( buf ); } continue; default: break; } /* if we didn't read the data, seek past it */ tr_inf( "Skipping resume data type %02x, %u bytes", id, len ); fseek( file, len, SEEK_CUR ); } fclose( file ); if( !ret ) { tr_inf( "Fast resuming successful" ); } return ret; }